Families on Sunday mornings Sunday evening at St. Peter s


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Sunday morning at St. Peter’s Church 9.15 & 11.00am

8.00am Holy Communion†

Sept 7th Deuteronomy 6:1-12 † HC (1) Family values

Sept 14th Deuteronomy 6:13-25 (2) Family responsibilities

Sept 21st Deuteronomy 8:1-20 † HC The good life and its perils

Sept 28th Harvest / Tearfund Sunday (followed by a Tearfund lunch at c. 12.45pm) Deuteronomy 7:1-26 & 10:12-26 The heart and soul of the good life

Oct 5th Back to Church Sunday † HC Deuteronomy 16:1-14 Holy days and holidays

Oct 12th Deuteronomy 15:1-11 & 26:1-15 (followed by a Newcomers’ lunch at c.12.45pm) Worship and prosperity

Oct 19th With Dale Ralph Davis † HC Deuteronomy 30:1-20 Choose life!

Oct 26th All-age services for half-term Revelation 2:1-7: Ephesus

Nov 2nd Suffering church Sunday (Holy Communion—not all age) Revelation 2:8-11: Smyrna

Nov 9th Remembrance Sunday with Brigadier Ian Dobbie 9.15am at St. Peter’s 10.50am at Harold Wood Memorial Hall 11.30am at St. Peter’s Psalm 103: Benefits

Nov 16th 20th anniversary of Christian Hope International (CHI) † HC with Bishop Stephen Cottrell Galatians 2:10: Eager . . . to remember the poor

Nov 23rd Revelation 2:12-17: Pergamum

Nov 30th ADVENT SUNDAY with Bishop John Ellison from AMiE also South American Missionary Society Sunday Revelation 3:1-6: Sardis

Choose life, the good life (Deuteronomy 30:19 & 32:47)

What Jesus says to the church

Sunday evening at St. Peter’s Church 6.30pm

Holy Communion†

Sept 7th Matthew 6:5-6 The secret friend

Sept 14th Matthew 6:7-15 The central prayer

Sept 21st Matthew 7:7-11 The generous giver

Sept 28th Luke 5:27-32 & 7:36-50 † HC The well-spring of mercy Oct 5th Luke 10:38-42 The one thing needful Oct 12th Luke 11:37-54 Insults or insights? Oct 19th With Dale Ralph Davis Luke 18:9-14 The house that Jesus built Oct 26th Luke 14:1-11 † HC Table talk and table manners Nov 2nd Special Evening Guest Service The Cross: Billy Graham’s final recorded message Nov 9th Remembrance Sunday Service of Thanksgiving for loved ones Luke 14:12-24 The great banquet

Nov 16th Micah 1:1-16 Message to the world Nov 23rd Micah 2:1-3 † HC Message to God’s people Nov 30th ADVENT SUNDAY Confirmation with Bishop John Ellison Micah 3:1-12 Message to the nation

School of Prayer with Jesus

Who is a God like you? (Studies in the Prophet Micah)

Table-talk with Jesus (in Luke’s gospel)

Families on Sunday mornings


for under 3s during the morning services (Contact Fiona Bennett—01708 342080)


for 3s and pre-school (Contact Brian King—01708 769424)

Sunday Livewires

for 4–11 year olds Activity-packed Bible teaching for children during Sunday morning services. Games, quizzes, songs

and stories to help children learn about Jesus: also mid-week on Tuesdays after school

—see over for details (Contact Matt Simper—01708 342080

or Fiona Bennett—01708 342080)


for 11-14 year olds Meet for Bible teaching during the morning services

also mid-week—see over for details (Contact Richard Scott—07919 891736)

Highlights for Autumn Sunday and midweek highlights and

special occasions are available online and on the new termly Advance News publication

(due out September 1st & January 1st)

NB a short leaflet for Sundays in Advent will be available at the end of November


There is a waiting list for some groups so please contact to ask for information before attending.

ABC: Adults, Babies & Children, 10.00am, Mondays & Fridays Fiona Bennett 01708 342080

DBC: Dads, Babies & Children, 10.00am monthly on first Saturday James Croucher 01708 342080

CAMEO: Women’s Bible Study, 9.30am, Tuesdays Joan Guyver 01708 373311

CYFA: 14-18 year olds, 7.30pm Wednesdays Matt Simper 01708 342080

Keep Fit in Retirement: 2.00pm, Mondays Welcome Desk 01708 342080

Livewires: for primary school age children, 5.15pm, Tuesdays Sarah Griffiths 01708 373356

Good Companions: for retired people, 12.00 noon, Wednesdays Welcome Desk 01708 342080

Men’s Breakfast: for all men, 8.00am, monthly on third Saturday Welcome Desk 01708 342080

18–30s Group: Sundays 8.00-9.00pm Ian & Rachel Jeffery (via Welcome Desk 01708 342080)

Men’s Lunch: for all men, 11.30am, monthly on 2nd Tuesday Julian Harris 01708 341323

Pathfinders: 11-14 year olds, 7.45pm, Wednesdays (also meet Sunday mornings - see over) Richard Scott 07919 891736

Small Groups: for all adults, usually fortnightly 8.00pm, Tuesday or Wednesday in homes around the area. Vicar 01708 376400

Student Group: for all students, usually Wednesday 8.00-9.15pm, during university holidays. Fiona Bennett 01708 342080

Tuesday at 2: Daytime Small Group for all adults, 2.00pm, Tuesdays Chris Knowles 01708 341116

Tuesday Together: The church family meet to pray together 8.00pm, at St. Peter’s, often the first Tuesday of each month, but NB see Small Group programme card for actual dates

Women’s Fellowship: for ladies, 2.30pm Thursdays Welcome Desk 01708 342080

WOW! for ladies, 7.45pm, usually third Thursday of each month Diane Gilderson 01277 211631, Carol Portch 01708 372883 or Jennifer Wybrew-Bond 01708 377090

CAMPAIGNERS (Uniformed Youth Groups)

Junos: 7-10 year olds, 6.15pm, Wednesdays Pam Tillett 01708 763044

CrossTrax: 10-13 year olds, 6.30pm, Thursdays Laurence & Julie Witchalls 01708 702026

Delta: 13-18 year olds, 7.15pm, Thursdays

Reach the lost with the gospel of God Tend the flock in the love of God Teach disciples from the Word of God Send workers out into the service of God

MINISTERS The whole congregation—every member ministry.


David Banting (Vicar) 01708 376400 david.banting@stpetersharoldwood.org

Rob Hudson (Associate Minister) 01708 342080 rob.hudson@stpetersharoldwood.org

James Croucher (Curate) 01708 342080 james.croucher@stpetersharoldwood.org

Other Staff

Emily Agnew (Church Centre Manager) Fiona Bennett (Youth Work Assistant) Lynn Marston (Office Administrator) George Sharpe (‘9:38’ Apprentice) Matt Simper (Associate Minister for Youth & Families)

Contact details 01708 342080 (the Church number) for the above firstname.surname@stpetersharoldwood.org


Chris Knowles Anthony Nicolle Mary Nicolle

Wardens Matthew Harrison Colin White

Contact the above via St. Peter’s Welcome Desk

Treasurer (Gary Clark) treasurer@stpetersharoldwood.org St. Peter’s Welcome Desk 01708 342080 | welcome.desk@stpetersharoldwood.org


“The God whose I am and whom I serve stood before me and said: ‘Do not be afraid. . . “ Acts 27:23-24

(see also 1 Kings 17:1 & 18:15, and 2 Peter 3:2)

St. Peter’s, Harold Wood


Sunday Programme

Autumn 2014
