Falstaff and Prince Henry in lively conversationFalstaff flirts with Mistress Quickly, the...


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Falstaff and Prince Henry in lively conversation

The Boar’s Head. Falstaff drinks with his companions!

Falstaff’s wit is so mercurial, he always keeps the upper hand!

Falstaff the con-man, Falstaff the teller of outrageous fibs!

In the countryside, Falstaff and his gang plan a robbery at night

Prince Henry attacks them and retrieves the cash, badly wounding Falstaff in the process

Falstaff flirts with Mistress Quickly, the innkeeper, and Dolly Tearsheet, his favorite harlot

Exhausted, Falstaff falls asleep; his snores fill the room

He dreams of years gone by, when he was a page-boy at court—young, elegant and slim!

He is sent to enlist soldiers for the army

All he manages to find is a motley, makeshift crew of misfits!

Leading his army, Falstaff enters the fray...

Exhausted by the battle, he escapes to the home of his friend in Gloucestershire—Justice Shallow

Interlude: In Shallow’s orchard

The news arrives: the King is dead! Long live King Henry V!

Falstaff rushes to London, confident of a new position at court; he witnesses the coronation

Outside Westminster Abbey, his old friend—now King Henry—abruptly

dismisses him and his followers

Falstaff, rejected and alone, his wits failing, dies
