Fall Reaching Out - St. Aidan's United Church€¦ · Sylvias house. The Intercultural ......


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‘A place for Spiritual Learning and living’

We are an Affirming church

Core Values: Hospitality, Spiritual Growth, Inclusiveness, Reaching Out

Our Mission: Life-changing ministry through Jesus Christ

Reaching Out

St. Aidan’s United Church, Victoria, B.C.


St. Aidan’s engages….. “A NEW LEAF”

This page – logo designed

by Michael Emme


Worship Team

“Help Wanted”

ideas for giving




worship at St.


Thrift Shop



Chew on this;

climate strike

Happenings at


Victoria United


Pastoral Care

Happiness is…



Our Narrative Continues-

How will the story turn out?

We’ll have to turn over the pages

one by one….and maybe the

ending will be a nice surprise!




So the worship team is wondering: Could we organize our Sunday service teams by birthday months? Could we ask people to give the gift of service to St. Aidan’s Sunday service during our birthday month. For example, my birthday is in January. If there was a list of everyone who had January birthdays, we could talk to each other and say what service we could take which week. So, January birthday people support the Sunday services for the month of January in the areas of: hosting pre-service coffee, hosting post service coffee, greeting, and reading scripture. If, for some reason, no one with a January birthday could fill a slot we could ask if there were any volunteers from other months.

What do you think? Do you see possibilities for giving the gift of service in your birthday month as a witness to your gratitude for life? Let Janis Evans, or Maureen Koch know your thoughts!

Birthdays are a time to celebrate with friends and family—and they’re the perfect time to serve your church community. Especially if you follow the current trend of extending birthday celebrations all month long. Whatever you do, celebrate with service—and make it a special month of giving service.

Add Service to Your Birthday Celebration

Give the Gift of Good Hospitality by Cheryl Black

We need someone to read scripture in a way that brings the written words to life.

Early morning and after church coffee servers both deliver the actual coffee and tea as

well as host the coffee times in a way that means everyone is spoken to in a kindly

fashion. Just as we do when we serve coffee/tea in our own home.



At St. Aidan’s a Sunday service needs a number of folks to create the ambience of welcome and worship to which we are committed. Each week we need people with the gift of hospitality to welcome everyone and help newcomers find their way into a comfortable space for worship, sitting beside people we know will welcome them and help them find their way in the service.

Having a birthday?

Refugee Report by Carol Munro

This has been an exciting couple of months for those of us who have committed to bring a Palestinian

family – the father of whom lives in Thailand, while the mother and son live in Jordan – to Victoria. Nader

is the father, his wife is Kholoud, and his son, Ahmed. It’s a long story as to why they haven’t been able to

live together, but we hope to reunite the family here in Victoria.

There are ten of us – the so-called ‘Constituent Group’ (“CG”) – who have agreed to assume legal

responsibility for bringing them to Canada as a private sponsorship group. We are working closely with

the Inter-Cultural Association (“ICA”), which has been invaluable in advising us.

As of writing, with the help of many individuals from St. Aidan’s, Cadboro Bay, and American contacts of

Robin &GianPolastri, we have achieved our first goal of raising $25,000. We have also done a lot of work

on the Settlement Agreement, which outlines all the responsibilities that we will have to undertake once

the family arrives and for the first year of their Victoria life, and commits members of the “CG” to getting

the volunteers necessary. September 8th saw a group of interested individuals get together for delicious

food and interesting discussion on volunteering opportunities and possible fund raising activities. Watch

for more information on that later. Once the formal Application Form has been completed – which is an

incredibly intricate and demanding document – the process can begin in earnest. The objective is to have

this done by September 20th and then everything gets submitted, and we wait.

We encourage any of you who are interested in learning more, or wanting to volunteer or contribute to

get in touch with either Robin or Gian Polastri, or Carol Munro. We are still responsible for raising an

additional $25,000 by the time our family arrives, so please consider pledging a little a month on PAR, or

donating in some other way. Donation/Pledge Forms are available by the office or library. All donations

are gratefully appreciated.

Thank you for your interest and commitment to help Nader and his family.


It is a year since the Haboush family arrived in Victoria last October. They have settled in well with our

support and the support of their uncles and extended family.

Mohammed has been studying English at Camosun and his wife Aliya has been going to the Inter-Cultural

Association with their two little girls. Aliya is learning to drive with Mohammed’s help. The two boys are

attending school with the eldest advancing to middle school this September. Mohammed is working this

fall and continuing with learning English.

As we wind up our sponsorship of this delightful family, we wish them well. We feel sure that their

extended family will continue guiding them in their new life in Canada. Thank you to all those who

contributed financially, donated items, and donated time tutoring.


Summer theme:

The 8 points of



Colouring, conversation; 65 years of service

scouting award (Jim); barbecues (thanks to the

Smiths), Summer students (much appreciated by

all!); Colin retires (a job well done!)

This innovative style of

church service was

met with an

enthusiastic ‘thumbs

up’ from most of those


Just another

day at the

TS….can you

find Doreen?

Chaotic….but the floors are sparkling clean.

Then the fun begins…there’s always ‘a new

leaf ‘ to be turned in the TS.



A picture

worth a



Thrift Shop ‘the friendly octopus’

We were sorry to hear

about the death of

Cindy, an original T.S.

customer and a weekly

visitor, helper, advice

giver. We miss her!

Summer starts with

a July lunch at

Fireside Grill &

Sylvia’s house.

The Intercultural Program kicked off with an Intercultural lunch on Sep 1. A

newcomer offered to prepare home made dumplings in Beijing style. Among the

20 participants of different backgrounds such as Korea, India, Bangladesh, China,

Iran, etc. we enjoyed a great afternoon preparing and cooking the dumplings,

while some were playing ping pong and having a conversation with one another.

The Intercultural pot luck lunch and workshop on Sept. 15 was amazing too. 30

participants enjoyed a fabulous intercultural lunch before we had an in-depth

conversation about the topic on "Birth". Participants shared birth stories of their

own and of their culture in the old times and in the current generation. A fabulous

way to expand our mindset and vision through an open-minded conversation and


We continue our regular English Conversation and Ping Pong session on Thursday

afternoons, and do see an increase number of newcomers joining the program.

We look forward to seeing more local participants volunteering their time while

having fun with us. Please contact Julie Ng-Leung for more information.




We are starting the new

season with “Soul Feast” by

Margaret J. Thompson. Drop

in any 1st or 3rd Wed. at 1:30.

We usually meet at the church

in 2 ab

Contact Janis - rjevans1@telus.net

Do you like stimulating conversation? The

Monday morning discussion group has

started a DVD series “Philosophy and

Religion”. Drop-ins are welcome. We start

at 10:30 a.m. in the Seminar Room.

Thanks to Jack and Donna Dayton for organizing this.

Opportunities for learning, expressing

your opinions, listening to others, turning

over new ideas….

Heard from the sidelines: You can’t even tell who is from which church!

On Oct. 2 seven members of the book club

reported their research on a woman in the

Bible. Stories about Deborah, Hagar, Abigail,

Tabitha, Ruth, Rahab and Mirium were told

with much enthusiasm for these spunky


Another ‘thumbs up’ Sunday! On Sept. 29 St. Aidan’s and Cadboro Bay people got

together for lunch. Lots of laughter, sharing, exchanging views, & mixing up.

Just an example of a typical United Church gathering

Our faith is rich in wisdom about God’s love for people living in poverty — and about our responsibility to help.

On October 20th, after our Worship service, a Chew On This! table will be set up near the exit door. We will hand out paper bags with the Chew On This! logo and stuffed with a postage-paid postcard, a magnet highlighting stats on food insecurity in Canada and an apple. The postcard asks the next federal government show their commitment to a poverty-free Canada, by choosing effective human rights policies & making poverty a budget priority within their first 90 days in office. Please take one bag and one for a friend or neighbour. Sign the postcard and pop it in the mailbox with your prayers for a just society and for the strength we will need to make it so.

Chew on this!

Global Climate Strike

Looking at the Earth and the universe from the standpoint of awe, wonder and

radical amazement at the grandeur and magnificent mystery of all being. That’s

what the new bottom line is all about.

-Rabbi Michael Lerner

St. Aidan’s United Church joined Cadboro Bay United to strike in solidarity with youth. We gathered with thousands, demanding an end to the age of fossil fuels. There were so many people crammed onto the government grounds, that it was hard to find room to snap a picture. But, we did.

By Maureen Koch

First steps….

Bazaar 2019, Saturday, November 2, has turned over a new leaf!

We have a new stall called the Green Zone. Noreen is working very

hard on this stall. She is busy collecting literature, products, posters,

information etc. on how we can “green” up our lives. Reuse, repurpose, recycle,

reclaim and buy local is the theme. Please check out this stall and see how YOU

can make a difference to the environment. Remember this is our legacy.

Every stall will also be part of the “greening” Please bring your own bag and

spread the word.

We still need helpers to sort, price, bake, sew, knit, set up and clean up, etc.

etc. Please contact Marilyn if you would like to be part of this fun event. Please

Like us on Facebook and hand out a poster. 250-479-5676

Anyone for pie?

Jewelry sorting…

…is party time!

There is always something new and

amazing going on with the Bazaar



Since the major restructuring of the United Church of Canada in 2017 there have been

many changes. Perhaps the one that affects us most immediately is the absence of

Presbytery. So here is a little digest of the gossip I know about what is happening in

Victoria area churches – just tidbits to remind us we are part of a connected and

connecting church.

Cadboro Bay and St. Aidan’s: are actively involved in Amalgamation talks and the vote on this will be held on Sunday,

Nov. 24 at both churches, separately and simultaneously.

Cordova Bay: this is the home church of our summer student, Jesse, and things are running along at a steady pace

at Cordova Bay UC. They are getting ready for their fall rummage sale on October 19. Bill Cantelon is the lead minister

and Nancy Walker is full time children and youth and families.

Centennial United: with its most beautiful interior continues along apace. The Rev. Alanna Menu has moved from full to

part-time to assist the congregations budget.

Central Saanich: is the name of the former Brentwood Bay/Shady Creek pastoral charge and they are being served

by Allan and Megumi Saunders while they seek to call a new minister following the retirement of Rev. David Drake.

Esquimalt United, with its rainbow painted steps is getting ready for their new minister to arrive in October, Rev. Dr.

Laura Hermakin, from Invermere, B.C. They also have started a new charity to support single mothers in Nicaragua and

you can check it out at madredenicaragua.org

Fairfield UC: The building is being demolished this week and the property developers who purchased their site will

be able to move ahead. Fairfield is loving their worship experience in the community centre space in their


First Met UC: They are loving their ‘new’ minister, Shelagh MacKinnon and they are welcoming Allan and Megumi

Saunders back into their community as Minister Emeriti – a happy convergence for all. They are also in the early stages of

redeveloping their heritage property with the U.C. Regional Property Developers, led by Terry Harrison and Colliers.

Gordon United in Langford is getting ready for their Fall Ham Supper on Friday, October 4 at 5:30. The Rev. Heidi

Koschzeck is kept busy with Interfaith work and pastoral care.

James Bay UC: is perking along with their thrift shop and their community outreach led by Gordon Miller. Karen Dickie

continues to do a great job ministering there.

Oak Bay UC: Their development project is being guided by the U.C. Regional Property Developers now and a way

forward is being found. They have added to their ministry staff and now have Michelle Slater, full time lead minister,

Keith Howard part time worship leader and Board developer, Susanne Abbuhl in pastoral care and thrift shop.

St. John’s UC: On the north Peninsula is doing interesting environmental things with the leadership of Rev. Karen


St. Paul’s UC: in Sydney continues apace with the skillful leadership of Rev. Suzanna Bates.

Well this is just a bit of an update to help us remember we are not alone in our mission to be a progressive voice of

Christianity in the GVR – we are part of a web. So let’s stay in touch, and at the least, let’s pray for one another.

As we move from Summer into Fall, we may each be experiencing a variety of feelings:

• JOY - as parents watch their children finally return to school and reconnect with friends

• REGRETS - as young people realize that they must file away their wonderful memories of summer freedom, as they settle back into their new school year and routines

• SADNESS - as we close up the lake cottage, and leave it behind for a while

• RELIEF - as our lives begin to once again settle into somewhat more predictable routines

• FEAR - as we may be facing a few unknown and challenging personal paths ahead of us

• ANXIETY - related to demands and expectations that may be appearing on our horizon

• LAUGHTER - as we welcome with delight, the cooler autumn days, and those beautiful red maple leaves

• UNCERTAINTY - as our aging bodies seem to fall short of our expectations

• EXCITEMENT - as we begin to connect again with friends who were not always nearby during the recent summer months

• MORE LAUGHTER - as we cherish the giggling and spontaneity of people of all ages, who simply enjoy being together

• INSECURITY hand-in-hand with ANTICIPATION - as we face important decisions within our own individual families, as well as “finding our way” within our church family

And as we all experience some (or many) of these emotions, we are truly travelling on the path of “Pastoral Care” - a life ministry of living and loving that both nourishes us and nurtures us.

Pastoral Care is nothing more (or less) than the sheer magic of any family walking together into an as-yet-unknown-future, knowing that imperfect as we are, we are still so much more when we are “part of a family” than as a “single individual”.

Pastoral Care is one of our Living Ministries!

REJOICE and TRUST in this beautiful, loving and caring family -

and try to absorb (as well as add to) all the strength, wisdom, and compassion that is


Pastoral Care at St. Aidan’s by Helen Pinel

Team members: Val Bauld, Cheryl Black, Puddie Curtis, Betty Ann Dempsey, Diane Kendall,

Jean Margison, Helen Pinel, Carol Sidhu, Moira Wightman

Thank-you to all of our contributors!

Happiness is… CONTACT US

St. Aidan’s United Church

3703St. Aidan’s St.

Victoria, BC V8P 2V7 250 477-2089 office@staidansunited.com

Pick up our 2019-20

Program Guide at the

library or on our website:



Rev. Cheryl Black

Lead minister

Rev. Betty Anne Dempsey

Pastoral Care


Sylvia Campbell

Janis Evans


Kathryn Clinton

St. Aidan’s office

When the front

10 pews are full

on Sunday


When the

finance chair is

smiling at the

treasurer! And

vice versa.

When a board

member sees

someone reading the

bulletin board at the

back of the hall!

When the smell

of coffee greets

us on Sunday


When a Thrift

Shop sorter

opens a bag full

of clean, folded




knows your


When the minister’s

sermon is just what

you wanted to hear

When the doors

open on Bazaar


And close at the end!
