Fall Edition The Fall Bulletin - United Supreme Council...


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Fall Edition


Quick Look Inside This Issue

The S.G.C.’s Message Page #2

S.G.C.’s Curriculum Vitae and Inaugural Address Page #3-6

Message from the Office of the Secretary General, H.E., the Editor & Cathedral Secretary Page #7

Solomon Wallace Class 2016 Picture & Class list by name Page #8-9

Visitation to City Hall & Election Ceremony Pictures Page #10

Scottish Rite House & Tower (50) Combine Years Celebration Page #11

USC Summary of Activities Article from the Host Orient Of the USC Session S.G.I.G. George M. Calloway, 33º Deputy& Mentorship “Cradle to College” SGIG Horace Jackson & Message to Veterans Page #12-16

Pictorials • Veterans Affair Comm. Report • Meet & Greet • “Our History Should Not Be a

Mystery” • Committees • Friday & Saturday Night

Entertainment • Fellowship Breakfast • Morning Worship Service • SGC’s Luncheon • Reclassification, & Degree

Team • O.G.C. Annual Meeting • Worship Memorial Services

Page #17-25

USCBF Members Donations & SGIG Memorial Page Page #26-28

New USC Elected Officer’s Bios SGIGs S. Broadnax & R.K. Lee Page #29

Pictorial: USC Session, Banquet, USCBF Donations, Gold Medal of Achievement Award Page #30-31

SGC Basil L. Sands & Cabinet Back Page

The Fall Bulletin Official Organ of the United Supreme Council

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc.

The Bulletin Printed twice each year by The United Supreme Council Ancient and

Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. Inc.

Sovereign Grand Commander: Ill. Basil L. Sands, 33º

Editor: Ill. Edward M. Brooks II, 33º • Photographer: Ill. George T. Smith, Sr., 33º

Associate Editors: Ill. Melvin Bazemore, 33º • Ill. Lorenzo Cruger, 33º • Ill. Raynard W. Hughes, 33º

Issued from The Cathedral, 1514 Fitzwater Street, Philadelphia, Pa., 19146-2123

Fall Edition

Greetings, The baton has been passed, and I humbly accept it on my leg in our relay to further this noble organization of men (and women, too) who constitute our membership.

I give thanks to God for the rare opportunity to serve you, and also for the confidence and trust reposed in me for the next triennium. Firstly, I wish to acknowledge the splendid work of my predecessor, the late Dr. Solomon Wallace, who for ten (10) years, as Sovereign Grand Commander, labored unselfishly for this organization. His "New Day is Dawning" theme and the results of its vision will be a lasting testimony and legacy to a great Mason. My hope is that, with your support and encouragement, I will be able to continue what he has started. I represent to you that, with God's help, I.will .try. The support given me by members of my Cabinet, my Deputies of the Orients, the Administrative staff, and members of this great United Supreme Council, and those from the South and related Councils and Masonic bodies, has been overwhelming, to say the least: and I thank them wholeheartedly for their assistance. Over the next few months the Cabinet, with your input, will look at two of the goals which I enunciated in my remarks at the annual sessions in May. They are:

1. Membership expansion. 2. Financial sustainability.

It is unquestionable that we should direct our attention to the causes of our dwindling membership. This is an urgent matter and I enlist your input. Further, we must do whatever is necessary to maintain our finances on a firm footing. I invite your input. On another note, we must all be concerned with the problems facing our young black men in communities worldwide. I urge you to become more involved in assisting in resolving the challenges of crime, unemployment, and lack of parental guidance which is so prevalent today. This is an election year too, Register and vote! The race is on! We can ill afford to drop the baton before the race is over. Join me.

May God bless you all Fraternally, Ill. Basil L. Sands, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander


Sovereign Grand Commander’s

Message I like to express my deepest


Fall Edition

Basil Lascelles Sands, CMG, FCCA, was born in Clarence Town, Long Island, Bahamas, to the late Ronald George Sands and Nora Leonie Sands (née Major) on the 17th of August 1929; the second of seven children, he attended the Eastern Junior and Senior schools.

His mother was a stay-at-home housewife; his father was a telegraphist with the Telecommunications Company.

Brother Sands has had a long and storied career in business, in many different areas, but most especially in the Financial Services sector.

He served in the Public Service as a Teacher and a Customs Officer. He joined The Nassau Guardian in 1952 as a reporter and journalist. In 1958, he joined the firm of Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons (Bahamas) Ltd., where he became their Accountant, after being admitted as a member of the Association of Certified and Chartered Accountants (ACCA) of the United Kingdom in 1965. He became a “fellow” (FCCA) in 1974.

A trailblazer, who has always exhibited strong leadership traits that would follow him throughout his professional, civic, and masonic career, he established his own accounting firm, Turner, Sands and Co., in 1970; an accounting firm which later became Pannell Fitzpatrick & Co., (and is now known as PKF Chartered Accountants). He still serves the firm as its Consulting Partner.

He was the founding President of the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants in 1971.

As a Chartered Accountant, he has served, and continues to serve, as a Director of various corporate and charitable Boards.

He served as a founding Director of the Central Bank of The Bahamas (1974–1976), and was also a Director of Barclays Finance Corporation Ltd and the Bahamas Electricity Corporation.

He served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bahamasair Holdings Limited from 2002 – 2007;

He served as Chairman of Bahamas Supermarkets Limited from 2007 – 2009;

He was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of BAF Financial and Insurance (Bahamas) in 2007, where he currently still serves as its Chairman. (2007-present);

An avid Anglican, and member of St George’s Parish, he served as Treasurer of the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas & Turks & Caicos Islands (The Anglican Diocese) from 1981, for more than two decades, and now serves as Treasurer Emeritus. He currently serves as Chairman of the Anglican Diocese’s Pension Board of Trustees.

In 2006, he was awarded the Companion of the Most Excellent Order of St Michael & St George (CMG) by her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for his dedicated service to the community.

He also serves as Treasurer of the Bahamas Council on Alcoholism, a position he has held for well over three decades.

The Central Animal Hospital (established in 1989) was dedicated to Brother Sands and his wife, Bobbie, in 1992. This veterinary clinic is owned and operated by his son Dr. Basil G. L. Sands.

He was appointed by the Japanese Government as Honorary Consul of Japan, to The Bahamas. He served in that position for 26 years. During his tenure he was awarded Japan’s “Order of the Sacred Treasure” in 1993.

Brother Sands married Roberta “Bobbie” Turnquest in February, 1953. They are the proud parents of 5 children: Robert (Sandy), Diane, Basil G.L., Renée, and Duane (Ernie). He is also the grandfather of 18, and great-grand father of 3.

Not only is he accomp-lished in the business world: he has more than made his mark in masonic circles as well.

Brother Sands, a 57-year member of Prince Hall masonry, is a Past Master of Royal Eagle Lodge #1 (the first Prince Hall Lodge in the Bahamas). He was accorded the title as Honorary Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the Bahamas in 1996.

Although now inactive, he was an early member of the Royal Arch and Knights Templar.

In 1962, he became a Frater of Bahamas Consistory #73 (the name was later changed to James E. Morley Consistory #73), the first consistorial body in the Bahama Islands. He served as its first Secretary and Keeper of the Seals and Archives.

Crossing the burning sands (no pun intended) of the desert, Brother Sands was Created a Noble of Nemesis Temple #75, Oasis of Nassau, Desert of the Bahamas in the early sixties. He was bestowed with Honorary Past Potentate honors in 2005

Brother Sands became Illustrious Sands when he was elevated to the rank of

Grand Inspector General with 24 others at the 87th Annual Session and 29th Triennium, held in Philadelphia as part of the A. Clarence Monroe Class of 1968. He is the last man standing of that group.

Without a doubt, Illustrious Sands has enjoyed a stellar Scottish Rite career.

Illustrious Sands was crowned an Active member at the 98th Annual Session, in Toronto in 1979, and was appointed as the Deputy of the Orient of the Bahamas. In 1990, Illustrious Sands became a Gold Medal of Achievement awardee at the




Fall Edition 109th Annual Session held in Denver. He served his station of Deputy with distinction, until May 2004, when he was elected as Grand Minister of State at the 123rd Annual Session and 41st Triennium held in Philadelphia in the wake of the passing of Sovereign Grand Commander, Samuel Brogdon Jr. 33°.

He was elected Lt. Grand Commander in 2006 on the resignation of S.G.C Oldham. This spry octogenarian advanced to be the Sovereign Grand Commander in March 2016, on the passing of his predecessor, SGC Dr. Solomon Wallace 33º. At the 135th Annual

Session and 45th Triennium Illustrious Sands’ 54 years of dedication to Scottish Rite masonry was acknowledged and rewarded when he was elected to a full term and became the 19th Sovereign Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Prince Hall Affiliation, U.S.A., Inc.—our great and glorious organization. (Notably, he is the first non-American, and second foreign-born individual to be elected to the position. Sovereign Grand Commander, Russell S. Gideon 33° was the first foreign-born.) We look forward to enjoying the positive and forward-thinking progress his dynamic leadership is poised to provide. A common theme shared by most Sovereign Grand Commanders is the excellence they possess being exhibited in their predecessors and their progeny. Illustrious Sands’ father, Ronald George, was the longtime secretary for St. James Lodge #1; and his mother, Sister Nora Leonie, was the first Grand Worthy Matron of the Bahamas. As mentioned earlier, he has five children of whom he is very, very proud. All three (3) of his sons belong to the masonic order and are extremely accomplished in their chosen vocations.

SGIG Robert D.L. (Delano Lascelles) “Sandy” Sands 33°, (class of 88) is an Active member of the United Supreme Council and Administrative Assistant to his father. Illustrious Sandy Sands is a member of James E. Morley Consistory #73 and Royal Eagle Lodge #1. He is a hotelier with 45 years’ experience in the industry. He is currently the Senior Vice President of Administration and External Affairs

with the Baha-Mar Corporation. President of The Bahamas Hotel and Restaurants Employer's Association (BHEA), he was recently appointed Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Bahamas Hotel Industry Management Pension Trust Fund; he is also a Director of Commonwealth Bank (Bahamas) Limited. He served as President of the Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association for six (6) years and in subsequent years served as Chairman and Director of the Nassau Paradise Island Promotion Board.

He is now the Honorary Consul General to Japan, having succeeded his father in this position. He is a member of Delta Lambda Boule Fraternity. He is married to Michelle M. Pindling, a former Senator in the Bahamas, and the daughter of the late GIG Sir Lynden O. Pindling 33°, and the first Prime Minister of the Bahamas. G. (Gweneth) Diane Stewart (née Sands) is an Attorney-at-Law, and Partner with McKinney, Bancroft & Hughes, specializing in commercial and civil litigation, among other disciplines. She is a Director of First Caribbean International Bank Ltd., and briefly served as Acting Supreme Court Justice of The Bahamas. She is the Vice-Chancellor of the Anglican Diocese of The Bahamas, and choir-master of her church, St. Ambrose. She serves on other civic organizations and social committees as well.

Dr. Basil G. L. (George Lascelles) Sands is an accomplished veterinarian and the owner of the Central Animal Hospital. Brother Basil G.L. Sands is a member of Royal Eagle Lodge #1 and James E. Morley Consistory #73. He is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Pi Xi Chapter. In addition to his professional career, Dr. Sands is a self-made wellness/gym instructor, and small contractor.

Renée D. (Darlene) Lockhart (née Sands) is a Chartered Accountant, and is the Administration Partner in PKF Chartered Accountants, the firm started by her father. She is also a member of the Board of Directors of The Public Hospital Authority, and Financial Consultant for her church, St. Mary the Virgin, and other civic organizations, including the Cancer Society of The Bahamas.

Dr. Duane E. L. (Ernest Lascelles) (Ernie) Sands is a Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon. As his father stated, “He fixes hearts, whether they be injured by bullets, knives, or love.” Dr. Duane Sands was one of the members of the commission sent to evaluate and report on the mental and physical condition of the late Sovereign Grand Commander, Booker T Alexander 33° in 1991. Very active in Bahamian national politics, he was recently

appointed as a Senator by the Free National Movement party. Dr. Duane Sands is a member of Royal Eagle Lodge #1. He is a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Pi Xi Chapter.

The Sands family name traces back nearly four centuries as some of the earliest inhabitants of the Bahamas were of this surname.


Fall Edition



ON MONDAY, MAY 30, 2016 The Lt. Gr. Cmndr., SGIG Melvin Bazemore; 33° The Hon. Deary Vaughn, 33°, SGC of the SJ, PHA; The Hon. John W. McNaughton, 33°, SGC, NMJ The Hon. Ronald Seale, 33°, SGC of the SMJ The Hon. Joseph B. Jefferson, MWGM, MWPHGL of PA Visiting Grand Masters, Members of the Grand Cabinet, Sovereign and Grand Inspectors General, the Dr. Solomon Wallace Class of 2016 and other Sublime Princes It is a distinct honour to be with all of you today. I am humbled and thankful for your unwavering support. I begin these remarks by giving boundless thanks to the Grand Architect of the Universe, The Almighty God, for allowing us all to gather here today, and for guiding me throughout the years to this very point, as your leader. I wish to extend my sincerest thanks and regards for the unreserved support of my beloved wife Bobbie, and for the enduring support of my children, Robert, Diane, Basil, Renee and Ernie, the members of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation and especially the members of the Bahamas Orient. I am extremely proud and honored to stand here before you. You have reposed a great comfort in me, a poor boy from a far flung Island called Long Island in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, who - by sheer good fortune, hard work and determination - has now attained the eminent post of Sovereign Grand Commander (SGC) of the Northern Jurisdiction of the United Supreme Council, Prince Hall Affiliation.

I am honored to join a list of 18 other Sovereign Grand Commanders who have served our institution with distinction since the beginning of our organization in 1881. Notably, we also celebrate today our 135th Anniversary. During that time, the spirit of brotherhood has been on display as we have done much to contribute to uplifting our communities, offering assistance to the downtrodden and disaffected, helping our youth to attain their dreams of a tertiary education and forward social movement which could mean an elevation from a state of abject poverty to success stories and generally, have sought to develop our societies in most positive of ways, espousing views and actionable policies that should leave us all proud to have membership in such a noble, altruistic body. Though we may be divided among regions and by territorial jurisdictions, we are one big Prince Hall family. And, as you well know, though the family may not always agree on everything, our oneness and love and respect for each other is without question. At the end of the day, we are one family and we are always here for each other. For any schism that may yet subsist among us, I am here to tell you today that I shall endeavor, and will do my utmost, to try to mend those fences to ensure that we are that archetypal theatre of fraternity. I follow in the humongous footsteps of giants who preceded me beginning in 1881 with William Cooper and Moses Wheeler, and the most immediate past SGC, the Ill. Dr. Solomon Wallace who departed this earthly life on March 30, 2016 in Jamaica, New York, after 10 years of service.

Ill . Wallace was a dear friend and leader. I fondly recall a card he sent to me recently. It read: "Thanks, not only for the big things but also for the thirty-two million little things you didn't know I kept track of ... did you? That note did "my heart glad", as we say in The Bahamas. I had excellent training and gained vast experience under the late Dr. Wallace. My service as Lieutenant Grand Commander gave me an opportunity to understand much of the intricacies of this high office and to perform, with distinction, much of the tasks levied upon me in service of the Orient. The former SGC's confidence and trust in me, and your esteemed support and confidence in me, have immensely prepared me for today. As I take the baton on another leg of our great historical relay journey, I would be remiss if I didn't pay homage to some of my noble predecessors, on whose shoulders I stand. Like Dr. Wallace, these men have also had an impact. Whilst this list is not limited to these Honorable Fraters, they have served meritoriously and with dignity during their and my time. I pay regards to:


Fall Edition

• Ill. Dr. Sumner A. Furniss of Indiana, who served for 28 years • Ill . George W. Crawford, an attorney from Connecticut • Ill . Leland D. French, the dapper mortician from Ohio • Ill . Booker T. Alexander of Michigan • Ill. Samuel Brogden, Jr., that noble Letter Carrier, from Ohio • No one can forget the "Three Strikes and You're Out" Ill . Russell S. Gideon of Washington State, and • Ill . Algie S. Oldham, Sr. - the School Teacher of Indiana

I have been a member of the Bahamian Orient of this great organization since 1962. I have spent 54 years in the trenches with you. Our Consistory was, at the time, set up by the late SGC Booker T. Alexander. I served as the secretary when it was established. By 1968, I was elevated to Grand Inspector General at a ceremony right here in Philadelphia. Deputy James E. Morley had decided that it was my time. I was a member of the A. Clarence Munroe class.

Then in 1977, I became overseer for The Bahamas. In 1979, I was made Deputy for the Bahamas Orient in Toronto, Canada. I served as the representative of the SGC in the Bahamas for 25 years until I was elected to office in 2004. In 2006, then SGC Oldham retired and I was appointed Lieutenant Grand Commander by SGC Wallace. I held that post until the untimely demise of Dr. Wallace in March. As per our constitutional directives, I assumed the post of SGC. I have been honored to serve from then to now. Life has truly and most amazingly come full circle. I recall a prophetic speech by the late SGC Oldham in Nassau in 2005 at a function held in my honor. At that time, he stated in his remarks that I would someday become SGC. I thought that it may have been fortuitous that he said that. But, interestingly, here we are today. Dr. Wallace had a theme, “A New Day is Dawning”, and I will not disturb that theme. I will however, adopt as my own - "The Baton Has Been Passed", continuing our thrust to highlight training and the concept of young men and women to moving forward and rising up from the cradle to college to prosperity and so much more. Whilst Dr. Wallace had this concept of a new day dawning, I can assure all and sundry that, although the baton has passed in this relay, the work of this organization will fervently continue. It will not be a sprint race - but rather one of those marathons. In that period, I hope to address issues as part of my vision, such as:

1. Increasing our membership that has noticeably declined over the years; 2. Placing our organization on the path to financial sustainability; 3. Continuing the work of the late SGC; and 4. Being an instrument for healing within our organization, however necessary it may be.

I served under Dr. Wallace for 10 memorable years. Though his time was relatively short, he did much. He was an outstanding mentor. I say to you here today that I do not intend to overstay my time in office. I intend to do all that I can with the time that you have allotted me.

I wish to thank SGC Deary Vaughn, 33º from the Southern Jurisdiction, PHA; SGC John W. McNaughton, 33º of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, and SGC Ronald Seale, 33º of the Southern Jurisdiction for their unsolicited support. I want to thank my Deputy in The Bahamas, Ill. Roscow Davies; Assistant Ill. Everette Mackey and Grand Master Ill. Leslie Dean. Over the last two months we have seen a great period of transition. I want to say a special thank you to the members of my cabinet for their unflinching support over this period. I also want to thank all of the current and former Deputies of this great organization; and the Administrative staff - Ms. Renee Isaac and Ms. Deborah Miles - at the office here in Philadelphia. I thank all of you who have volunteered your support. I am most pleased with the turnout of all you Fraters here today. And I am grateful for all of your prayers. In the King James Version of the Bible there is a scripture found in St. John's Gospel Chapter 1 and verse 46 that reads: "And Nathaniel said unto him, Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip said unto him, Come and see. "

In that vein, many may have asked: "Can there be anything good coming out of Nassau and the Bahamas? I say to you, "Come and see!!" We are a brotherhood with centuries old commitment to social good. I pledge to lead our organization faithfully to meet the great challenges that lie ahead. In closing I wish to borrow a favorite phrase of our late SGC – GOD LOVES YOU ALL, AND SO DO I .


Fall Edition

S.G.I.G. Edward M. Brooks II, 33º Editor of the Bulletin

First giving honor to the G.A.O.T.U. for the many blessings that he has bestowed upon me and my family. It has been an honor to serve as the Editor of the Bulletin and I would like to again thank SGC Ill. Basil L. Sands, 33º for giving me the opportunity to continue to serve you in this capacity. Again I would like to thank Ms. Renee Isaac, Ms. Deborah Miles and SGIG George T. Smith Sr., for their contributions to the Bulletin. The Bulletin has many contributors and two (2) I would like to acknowledge for their contributions, SGIG Horace Jackson, “Cradle to College” and GIG Reginald Stewart “Our History Should Not Be a Mystery.” I would like to wish you and your families a safe

and joyful holiday season. Hope to see you at the next USC Session in Detroit, Michigan.

The Bulletin serves as your voice and gives you an opportunity to send interesting and informative articles about members of your respective Orients as well as members of the Golden Circle. Please remember, the dead line for the fall edition is SEPTEMBER 1st and the spring edition is March 1st. Please forward all articles to me in a timely manner, so that no article will be left out.

I ask that you send clear glossy photos, separately with your article. Feel free to send your article and pictures via email at embrooksii@comcast.net, or to 4 Independence Court, Upper Chichester, PA., 19061. All pictures and articles will become the property of the Bulletin. If you would like your photo returned please provide a SASE and they will be returned.

NOTE: Please submit all articles through your respective Deputy for his review.

S.G.I.G. Lorenzo Cruger, 33º Secretary General, H.E.

This is the first issue since the election of SGC Basil Sands, 33º and we all want to let him know that stand with him as he leads us forward. We look forward to his Testimonial Banquet and his style of leadership. He has served this grand body for many years and has proven his dedication. We will be looking to see some of you in the Bahamas to welcome him to his new position. We will have our 2017 Deputy’s conference in there also. Some of you may want to share this occasion with us, if so, be sure that your passports are current.

The celebration during our Annual Communication in May 2106 was a great success. We celebrated over fifty years of service to our seniors. The SR House was built in 1985/86 and the SR Tower was built in 1995. We with the support from elected officials, and many senior from around the area. You should be proud of the service that you have provided.

S.G.I.G. Raynard W. Hughes, 33º Cathedral Secretary

As your Cathedral Secretary I am honored to serve this organization by managing and overseeing this historic and magnificent facility which is home to Prince Hall Scottish Rite Masons in the Northern Jurisdiction.

During our 135th Annual Session we celebrated 50 years collectively (30 years - Scottish Rite House and 20 years - Scottish Rite Tower) of providing affordable living for Senior Citizens. To commemorate this achievement the residences along with their families and friends were given a Block Party; they were treated with games, entertainment, prizes and various Philadelphia food staples. Our

Sovereign Grand Commander Basil L. Sands, 33º and his entourage were in attendance for this grand celebration. Fun was had by all.

Our Cathedral is not only our headquarters for the Northern Jurisdiction, it is a historical building which houses a library full of Masonic books, pamphlets and other informative literature. The building also has various Scottish Rite degree meeting rooms. I encourage you to visit the Cathedral, it is open for operations Monday-Friday 10:00am-3:30pm, and weekends by appointments (for large groups). If you would like a tour of the facility, please contact us at 215-545-2443


Fall Edition

The Dr. Solomon Wallace, Class of 2016

P.S.G.C. Dr. Solomon Wallace, 33º D.O.B: October 8, 1928 Birthplace: Raleigh, NC

Washington High School Schools: Shaw University, Raleigh, NC

City College of New York

Masonic Lodge: Samson Lodge #65 New York, New York (Past Master) Offices Grand Lodge: MWPHGL of New York - PMWGM

Shrine: Medina Temple #1 - PIP

Military: United States Army (Korean Conflict) Other Organizations: NAACP and YMCA

Date Made a Mason: October 29, 1964 Date Crowned 33º: May 14, 1979 Date Made Active: May 31, 1993

Sovereign Grand Commander: 2006 - 2016

Elected Officers

President: Adam C. Jones #3 (NY) 1st Vice President: Jeffrey C. Spann, #41 (NJ)

2nd Vice President: Larry D. White, Jr., #25 (IN) Treasurer: Nicholas Bagley III, #65 (PA)

Secretary: Eugene W. Greenfield #21 (OH) Asst. Treasurer: Marshall S. Coe, #28 (OH)

Asst. Secretary: Shaun A. James, Sr., #70 (WI) Chaplain: Jimmy Hare, Sr., #65 (PA)


Fall Edition

BAHAMAS Ishmael P.G. Bain James E. Morley No. 73 Uriel D. Johnson James E. Morley No. 73 Darrin A. Rodgers James E. Morley No. 73

CANADA Glaister W.K. Graham Beaver No. 74 Dennis C. Spence Beaver No. 74

CO/UT/WY Sandy J. Reddic Mountain & Plains No. 33 DeVonja’ D. Stewart Pikes Peak No. 81

CONNECTICUT Charles R. Barfield Hartford No. 80 Archie L. Butler New Haven No. 7 Gregory T. Carter Hartford No. 80 Dexter Chappell Hartford No. 80 Willie E. Foster Hartford No. 80 Richard M. Glaude New Haven No. 7 Lucius E. Miles Hartford No. 80 Edward Wilson Hartford No. 80

DELAWARE Lamont A. Murray Corinthian No. 5 James H. Wright Corinthian No. 5

EUROPE Terrance Brown Eureka No. 113 Kelvin D. Hanna W.E.B. DuBois No. 116 Marques A. Jones Gustave M. Solomons No. 101 Terrence C. Queen Spain Military No. 99 John Winlock, Sr. Gustave M. Solomons No. 101

FAR EAST Benjamin W. Adams John J. Story No. 111 Keivin S. Clayton J.C. Logan No. 103 Dandrick L. Gallegos Keystone No. 85 Andre’ E. Johnson Joseph J. Story No. 111 Stuart A. Lee, II Keystone No. 85 Ernest J. McKee John J. Story No. 111 Emile P. Peterson Keystone No. 85 Kendrell Smith John J. Story No. 111

ILLINOIS George M. Barmore, Sr. Balthasar No. 92

ILLINOIS (CONT) Marshall S. Coe Western No. 28 Preston C. Cooper Western No. 28 Michael Jackson Western No. 28 Julious J. Johnson Tri-Cities No. 82 Michael C. Johnson Western No. 28 Jermaine Nesbitt North Shore No. 91 Carl L. Smith Menelik No. 49 Robert A. Taylor, II Western No. 28 Philip S. Washington Western No. 28 Ira J. Whitaker Tri-Cities No. 82 Darryl White Western No. 28 Kevin T. Young, Sr. Tyree No. 64

INDIANA William Cistrunk Magic City No. 62 Ray A. Clardy St. Johns No. 54 John M. Richey Malta No. 34 Larry D. White, Jr. Constantine No. 25 Dennis B. Whittington Magic City No. 62 William C. Worley, Jr. Constantine No. 25

MASSACHUSETTS Edward E. Anderson Springfield No. 89 Legrant Blackwell Holy Sepulchre No. 17 Linus E. Eyong Holy Sepulchre No. 17 Charles D. McKinney Holy Sepulchre No. 17 Larry W. Singleton Holy Sepulchre No. 17

MICHIGAN Floyd Clack Saginaw Valley No. 71 Patrick Davis Wolverine No. 6 Nehemiah J. Hamm Wolverine No. 6 Juan Carlos Morton Peninsular No. 44 Marvin E. Newson, Jr. Wolverine No. 6 Cedric T. Nickson Saginaw Valley No. 71 Ronald L. Ross Saginaw Valley No. 71 Avery Tabron Homer E. Gaines No. 112

MINNESOTA Joe R. Gonzalez North Star No. 14

NEW YORK Keith S. Anderson Long Island No. 61 William R. Barber Bison No. 29 Roosevelt Baums Utica No. 45 Jamaal C. Chaple Utica No. 45 Tchiyuka Cornelius King David No. 3 George R. Dixon Long Island No. 61 Lomax Elder King David No. 3 Michael R. Foster Long Island No. 61 Rex Howard Garrett Long Island No. 61 William J. Johnson Long Island No. 61 Adam C. Jones King David No. 3 Johnnie H. Joyner Long Island No. 61 Anthony L. Pendergrass Bison No. 29 Augustus Phillip King David No. 3 Frederick E. Smith Bison No. 29 Nathaniel Thompson King David No. 3 NEBRASKA Thomas H. Barton Joshua D. Kelley No. 22 Michael D. Matthews Joshua D. Kelley No. 22 NEW JERSEY Terence Berry Douglass No. 10 Louis J. Butler Ophir No. 48 Larry R. Gunnell, Sr. Ophir No. 48 Garlvis Johnson Mt. Calvary No. 22 Anthony L. Pollitt, Sr. DeHugo No. 2 Jeffrey C. Spann Sardonias No. 41 Ronald Tuff Sardonias No. 41 Jerry M. Warner DeHugo No. 2 Robert T. White Douglass No. 10

OHIO Emmanuel Ashlong Bezaleel No. 15 Willie L. Brunston Bezaleel No. 15 Roy G. Dunnican, Jr. Bezaleel No. 15 Lester Fultz Bezaleel No. 15 Tommy A. Gaston St. Matthews No. 24 Eugene W. Greenfield L.D. Easton No. 21

OHIO (CONT) Blaine A. Griffin Bezaleel No. 15 Raymond Hummons, Sr. Miami No. 26 Nathan J. Manson Bezaleel No. 15 Demetrius L. Martin Bezaleel No. 15 Charles E. O’Bannon King Solomon No. 20 Maurio D. Powell Bezaleel No. 15 Terry L. Roberts Miami No. 26 Randell T. Scott, Sr. Bezaleel No. 15 Vinson T. Shells St. Matthews No. 24 Ronald E. Smith L.D. Easton No. 21 Royal Wilson, II Bezaleel No. 15 Harry H. Wise, Jr. Miami No. 26

PENNSYLVANIA Lloyd Ayers DeMolay No. 1 Nicholas Bagley, III Charles E. Gordon No. 65 Carl D. Brown, Sr. St. Cyprian No. 4 Isaac Goldman DeMolay No. 1 William B. Hall DeMolay No. 1 Jimmy Hare, Sr. Charles E. Gordon No. 65 Jacob T. Hodge, Jr. Nimrod No. 9 Tahir A. Isaac Martin Luther King No. 86 Earl L. Johnson, Sr. Martin Luther King No. 86 James L. Murphy, Sr. Nimrod No. 9 Tyrone C. Tate Martin Luther King No. 86 Harry R. Thomas DeMolay No. 1 Terrance A. Wright, Sr. DeMolay No. 1 Quincy Zenmon St. Cyprian No. 4 WASHINGTON/OREGON Ian Dume’ Capital City No. 106 James Harris, Jr. Everett No. 118 Cornell Kirkland Cascadian No. 75 WISCONSIN E.B. Coleman Ionic No. 70 Shawn A. James, Sr. Ionic No. 70 Glenn A. Mathews Madison-Beloit No. 84


SGIG Dr. Solomon Wallace Class of 2016 Roster

Fall Edition


On Thursday, afternoon, May 26, 2016, SGC Basil L. Sands, 33º, his Cabinet and MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, MWPHGL of PA, were invited to Philadelphia’s City Hall. During the City Council Session, Ill. Sands was presented with a Citations from Mayor Kenney’s Office. Picture above left were; Seated L to R: MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, SGC Basil L. Sands, SGLLAR Phyllis Washington, SGIG George M. Calloway, and Deputy for PA. Standing L to R: Ill. Jewell Williams, Sheriff of Philadelphia, Ill. Lorenzo Cruger, Sr., Secretary General, H.E., Ill. Raynard W. Hughes, Cathedral Secretary, Ill. Melvin J. Bazemore, Lt. Grand Cmdr., Ill. Roland K. Lee, Sr., Treasurer General, H.E., Ill. Ivory M. Buck, Jr., Grand Recording Secretary, Ill. Edward M. Brooks, Assistant to Grand Recording Secretary, Ill. Robert Jackson, Ill. Leonard A. Heard and Ill. Robert Sands, Aide to the SGC. Pictured right ; are members of City Council with SGC Sands and Ill. Bazemore receiving the citation presented from the Mayor’s Office? USC visitation was coordinated by SGLLAR Phyllis Washington and SGIG Jewell Williams.

United Supreme Council Visitation to City Hall - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Thursday Afternoon, May 26, 2016

135th United Supreme Council Session and 45th Triennium Election of Officers

On Friday afternoon, May 27, 2016, during the First Executive meeting with the Active Membership present, Ill. Edward B. Darnell, 33º (MI), was requested to preside over the election for new United Supreme Council Officers for the next triennium. The results from the election were; Ill. Basil L. Sands was elected to the office of Sovereign Grand Commander, Ill. Melvin J. Bazemore, Lt. Grand Commander, Ill. Sidney D. Broadnax, Jr., Grand Minister of State, Ill. Roland K. Lee, Sr., Treasurer General, Ill. Lorenzo Cruger, Sr., Secretary General, Ill. Ivory M. Buck, Jr., Grand Recording Secretary and Ill. Raynard W. Hughes, Cathedral Secretary. Pictured above was the swearing in ceremony which followed the election process. This is the start of a new era for Scottish Rite Masonry, for the Northern Jurisdiction, P.H.A.

Fall Edition



On Saturday, afternoon, May 28, 2016, SGC Basil L. Sands, 33º, his Cabinet and MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, MWPHGL of PA, attended a Block Party Celebration for the Scottish Rite House which has been in existence for (30) years and the Scottish Rite Towers for (20) years. The United Supreme Council has been a service to the residents of these facilities for a combined (50) years. This Block Party Celebration was orchestrated by the two Building Managers Pat Wilkerson (SRH) and Deborah Clark (SRT), the U.S.C. Administrative Staff of Ms. Renee Isaac, Ms. Deborah Miles, Mr. Trevor Young and Ill. Raynard W. Hughes, Cathedral Secretary. During this celebration SGC Sands addressed the residents and visiting guests in attendance. State Representative Jordan Harris and City Councilman Kenyatta Johnson brought remarks and presented Citations, Resolutions and Certificates to the building managers and residents. Philadelphia Sheriff Ill. Jewell Williams (PA) and Ill. Hughes also brought remarks. Ill. Hughes accommodated visiting members and guests of the USC with tours of the Scottish Rite Cathedral. Lunch was prepared for all who attended this event.


Fall Edition



On Thursday, May 26 thru Tuesday, May 31, 2016, the United Supreme Council held its Annual Session. On Thursday, May 26th SGC Basil Sands, 33º and his Cabinet were invited to Philadelphia City Hall, where SGC Sands received a citation coming from the Mayor’s Office in open City Council Chambers.

Friday morning, May 27th, the U.S.C. Deputy and Overseer meeting was held with SGC Sands presiding over his first meeting as Sovereign Grand Commander. The First Executive meeting was held on Friday afternoon where election of officer was held and SGC Sands was elected to the Office of Sovereign Grand Commander. Cabinet Officers also elected were; Ill. Melvin J. Bazemore, Lt. Grand Commander, Ill. Sidney D. Broadnax, Jr., Grand Minister of State, Ill. Roland K. Lee, Sr., Treasurer General, H.E., Ill. Lorenzo Cruger, Sr., Secretary General, H.E., Ill. Ivory M. Buck, Jr., Grand Recording Secretary and Ill. Raynard W. Hughes, Cathedral Secretary.

Saturday, May 28th SGC Sands, 33º his Cabinet, selected guests and MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, MWPHGL of PA, attended a Block Party Celebration for the Scottish Rite House which has been in existence for (30) years and the Scottish Rite Towers for (20) years. The United Supreme Council has been a service to the residents of these facilities for a combined (50) years. This Block Party Celebration was orchestrated by the two Building Managers Pat Wilkerson (SRH) and Deborah Clark (SRT), the U.S.C. Administrative Staff of Ms. Renee Isaac, Ms. Deborah Miles, Mr. Trevor Young and Ill. Raynard W. Hughes, Cathedral Secretary.

Sunday morning, May 29th the U.S.C., hosted the Annual Fellowship Breakfast followed by the Morning Worship Service. During the evening the Annual Memorial Service was held to honor those who have passed on over the past year.

Monday, morning, MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, MWPHGL of PA hosted the Annual Breakfast of Grand Master’s followed by the opening of the U.S.C., Annual Session where SGC Basil L. Sands, 33º, was received into his first session to preside. The entire session was very upbeat, harmonious and very productive.


Valley of Philadelphia 135th United Supreme Council Session

Deputy for Pennsylvania SGIG George M. Calloway, 33˚

This Grand Olde Orient of Pennsylvania, the Host Orient for the 135th Annual Session, 45th Triennial, of the United Supreme Council, has once again concluded, what we believe, to be a very successful pride filled hosting event. And, why do I begin this article with that statement? Because, we the host Orient have much experience in this effort. Before going any further, let me as the Deputy explain why I feel that we are so


The Grand East of the USC, AASR of Freemasonry, P.H.A., NJ, is located in Philadelphia. Per Constitution the Triennial (every third year) meetings must be held at the Orient in the City of Philadelphia. Therefore this Grand Olde Orient is the most experienced for this session and it has been held in Philadelphia for 45 of the 135 years of our existence.

A Triennial Planning Committee was established several years ago for the purpose of planning for this event, and now under the leadership of SGIG Samuel King, 33o committee Chairman. One year prior to this event the committee began their meetings to accomplish a successful session.

The final meeting of this planning committee on April 23, 2016, was held with sadness, for the passing of SGC Dr. Solomon Wallace, 33º. SGC Wallace was a dear friend of mine, who I met 40 years ago. We served as Grand Masters of our respective Jurisdictions in 1983 and he appointed me Deputy for the Orient of PA in June 2010. He is widely missed in the Orient of PA. May GOD bless and keep you Solomon. Let me proceed by projecting my prejudiced opinion on the success of this session.

TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Under the direction of SGIG Joseph Tyner, Chairman, SGIG Carlee London, Co-Chairman and GIG William J. Dill, I commend this committee for satisfying the transportation needs for the Officers and Delegates and for doing their usual outstanding job. My personal thanks go out to this committee and the selected drivers for all of their efforts.


SGIG Barry Lessene, Chairman of Entertainment provided the delegates with an entertaining evening of diverse music with three talented groups providing “An Evening of Musical Delight II”. These groups were “The Philadelphia Alumni Chapter Choir of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc.” , “Braziel/Urgelles Classical Performers” and “4 AM Productions”. There performances were outstanding and enjoyed by all in attendance. The Chairman, SGIG Lessene, a talented musician himself, performed with the Philadelphia Alumni Choir. The “Braziel/Urgelles Team” performed a mixture of Spirituals and Operatic Arias which was very well received. This group I must put emphasis on because Ms. Braziel happens to be my Granddaughter and I am her biggest fan. Chantal is a graduate student of St. Vincent College, pursuing her Master’s degree in Operatic Performance. Her career goal is to become a professional opera singer and her role model is the famous operatic singer, Leontyne Price. She has been accepted as a member of the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera. Ms. Iris Urgelles, her accompanist is a professional pianist from Jamaica. The “4 AM Production” group provided rock and roll and jazz as dance music to complete the evening of diverse music. My thanks go out to SGIG Lessene for his continued service. We were graced with the presence of Sovereign Grand Commander Basil L. Sands and his Officers along with the MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, his wife and Officers.

SATURDAY NIGHT MEMORIAL/ENTERTAINMENT The Saturday Night Entertainment as originally scheduled was altered because of the death of SGC Wallace. In August, the


Fall Edition scheduled entertainment was the “Manhattans” . After his death the Manhattans’ appearance was cancelled and replaced by 57th Street Band and they were great.

The Memorial Service for the Dr. Wallace consisted of a video of some of his many accomplishments. SGIG Grady Edge, the Ill. Deputy for New York. Ill. Edge, a personal friend of Dr. Wallace, served as the officiant and did an excellent job in his presentation of the memory of his past accomplishments, Honors and the Legacy of SGC Wallace. The memory of Dr. Solomon Wallace will not soon be forgotten and his legacy will live on forever.

PA STATE GRAND ASSEMBLY ACTIVITIES SGLLR Mary C. Brinkley and her cadre of Loyal Ladies did a magnificent job of welcoming and entertaining the invited guests and visiting Loyal Ladies to the 135th Annual Session. LL Brinkley headed up a committee to give gift baskets to the invited guests and other VIPs. In addition, she and her Loyal Ladies provided hospitality each night in her suite at the Hotel. Personally, I have a deeper respect for her now than before, after tasting her “Bread Pudding”. Her specialty is desserts and those of us who had the pleasure of attending her hospitality can attest to the proficiency of her expertise. Also, a shout out to Loyal Lady Elaine McFadden for the “Sweet Potato Pie”. That is her specialty. Ladies thank you for your efforts.

On Sunday afternoon at the Golden Circle meeting, we were present, for a demonstration by the Golden Circle Committee on the “Golden Circle Initiation Procedure”, under the direction of PSGLLR Elaine McFadden. The team did an excellent job. Thank you ladies for your efforts. Thanks also goes out to GIG Sean Snead for overseeing the room set-up.

At 7:00 pm, Sunday evening the processional of regaled Fraters entered into the Ballroom to begin the Memorial Service for our Deceased Members. The names of (85) Deceased Members were called and eulogized by Ill. Rev. James H. Willis, Sr., assistant Grand Prior. Included in those names was SGIG Dr. Solomon Wallace, who belonged to all of us, along with the following members of the Orient of Pennsylvania. SGIG G. Daniel Jones, DeMolay #1, GIG Linwood Fielder, Nimrod #9, GIG George E. Ray, DeMolay #1, GIG Johnnie R. Walden, St. Cyprian #4, GIG William Holmes, St. Cyprian #4, GIG Kingsley I. Carey, St. Cyprian #4, GIG Norman J. Spencer, Sr., DeMolay #1, and GIG Nelson M. Polite, Sr., Nimrod #9.

MONDAY, DEGREE TEAM PERFORMANCE The Class of 2016, appropriately named the “Dr. Solomon Wallace Class of 2016”, was led into the chamber to be elevated to the honorary degree of Grand Inspector General. Our Degree Team in Pennsylvania, under the direction of GIG Malcolm E. Harris has the distinction of elevating the Classes. Since 2010, this team composed of members from several Consistories, has had the duty of performing this task and have received glowing accolades for their performance, this was no different. They performed flawlessly and received a standing ovation from the Class. Ill. Harris’ goal of excellence was again achieved. Again, let me thank all of the team for their superb performance.

The Sublime Princes of this Class from Pennsylvania were Lloyd Ayers, DeMolay #1, Nicholas Bagley III, Charles E. Gordon #65, (Class Treasurer), Carl D. Brown, Sr., St Cyprian #4, Isaac Goldman, DeMolay #1, William B. Hall,

DeMolay #1, Jimmy Hare, Sr., Charles E. Gordon #65, Jacob T. Hodge, Jr., Nimrod #9, Tahir A. Isaac, Martin L. King Jr., #86, Earl L. Johnson, Sr., Martin L. King Jr., #86, James L. Murphy, Sr., Nimrod #9, Tyrone C. Tate, Martin L. King Jr., #86, Harry R. Thomas, DeMolay #1, Terrance A. Wright, Sr., DeMolay #1 and Quincy Zenmon, St. Cyprian #4. Congratulations to all of you. You have a legacy to uphold by being a member of this “Dr. Solomon Wallace Class of 2016”

While we were in session viewing the Degree Team’s Performance, our Ladies were treated to a shopping trip to the Amish Country of Lancaster PA. This trip was arranged by Loyal Lady Carolyn Dees Williams, Chairperson of the Ladies Activity Committee. She was assisted by LL Phyllis Washington, LL. Glenda Ellison, LL Clara Huggins, LL Lilly Burgis and others. LL Burgis was on hand to assist even thou her Mother was gravely ill passed on during this period. Condolences go out to her for her devotion.

I must acknowledge and thank SGIG James Wells and GIG William Dill for their assistance to the Ladies for this trip and thank GIG Dill for securing the parking permit for the buses. Thanks to all of you.

MONDAY, BANQUET As Master of Ceremonies for the Banquet I had the pleasure of viewing an awesome crowd for this first Banquet with a newly elected SGC Basil L. Sands, 33º. Mentally, I could not get Dr. Wallace out of my mind. But, we did and proceeded with an adjusted program. The printed program had attendees listed that were not present and adjustments had to be made. The members of the Pennsylvania Planning Committee, again, were front and center performing their duties. SGIG Elmer E. Evans, Director of Refection was responsible for the proper seating, SGIG George H. Spaulding, Grand Organist did his usual duty, SGIG George T. Smith, Grand Photographer, SGIG James Wells, led the Toast of Refection, and GIG Steven Wells was the Marshal. Most Worshipful Grand Master Joseph B. Jefferson and his wife Bernadette were present. Grand Master Jefferson as the Host Grand Master made remarks thanking SGC Sands for his invitation and hospitality, and requested that the Pennsylvania delegation assemble after the Banquet for a photo shoot, which was completed by SGIG George Smith.

Sovereign Grand Commander Basil Sands, addressed the crowd, expressing his delight at being the newly elected Sovereign and asked for support going forward. He presented the Gold Metal of Achievement Award to SGIG Marshal E. Tharpe, Assistant to the Deputy for Wisconsin for his dedicated service. He received many donations to the Benevolent Foundation after which he called for the Benediction by SGIG Rev. Wilton Blake, Grand Prior. That concluded the 135th Annual Banquet.

IN SUMMARY (MISSION ACCOMPLISHED) Again, this PCOD has lived up to the legendary reputation of excellence for this Grand Olde Orient of Pennsylvania. This achievement cannot be accomplished without the devotion of so many of you who feel dedicated to excellence. Some of you I have named in the dialogue above and I certainly hope I have not forgotten anyone, but if your name was not mentioned, it was due to the memory and not from the heart.

However, as you all know, hosting of this event is costly and we have to rely on fund raisers to achieve our goal of excellence. Honorable mention has to go out to the Chairman of


Fall Edition our Souvenir Journal Committee, SGIG Edward Brooks and his Committee for the beautiful Journal, which is our major fund raiser. SGIG George Dickerson, thank you for your efforts in the Donation Committee. GIG James Duckett and Loyal Lady Sylvia Hite, thank you both for your efforts with the Shirts.

We must thank Most Worshipful Grand Master Joseph Jefferson for his support and presence during this session, and last, but not least, thanks to SGIG Samuel King, Chairman of the Planning Committee for his overall leadership and to SGIG Otis Hightower, Assistant to the Deputy and SGIG Irvin Oglesby, DeMolay Overseer, who was around to do whatever they could to assist everyone.

FINALLY, the first time I recall seeing the phrase “GRAND OLDE ORIENT OF PENNSYLVANIA ”, was when SGIG Stonewall Lett was Deputy. I asked him why he preferred that spelling of olde, and his answer was, that olde suggested, charm, quaintness and special.

As the Deputy of this “GRANDE OLDE ORIENT OF PENNSYLVANIA”, I agree, for we (Pennsylvania) have historical charm and quaintness. We are special because of the dedication of many of you who, like me, love this fraternity and will go the length of our cable tow to maintain the reputation we have as the leader. Further proof of that was displayed during this 135th Annual United Supreme Council Session.


Saving the African American Male: “From Cradle to College”

A Vision – SGC Solomon Wallace, 33º 2015/2016 School Year Progress Reports

SGIG Horace J. Jackson, 33º, Executive Director

O rient of M ichiganO rient of M ichiganO rient of M ichiganO rient of M ichigan SGIG Horace J. Jackson, 33º, Executive Director Mentorship Program

The Fraters of the participating Orients are to be congratulated for completing another successful year of mentoring to our youth. This program has been in existence for seven years and continues to provide mentorship and exemplary role models for the

youth involved with our program. The Untied Supreme Council’s continued involvement in the Mentoring Program shows our communities’ that we are dedicated to assisting our youth in achieving their goals for a brighter future. The Deputies and Fraters who make this program a success are truly congratulated and thanked for a job well done! We are looking forward to the 2016/2017 school year. “We have accomplished much we can be proud of, but we still have much to do.”

A condensed summary of the Annual Reports for the 2015-2016 School Year follows:

Orient of Connecticut/Valley of Hartford SGIG Edward Cherry, 33º - Deputy for CT

Mentoring Coordinator – SGIG Floyd E. Bagwell, Jr.

School District: Bloomfield Public Schools Target School: Bloomfield High School Mentors: SGIG Floyd E. Bagwell, Facilitator, Co-Facilitators GIGs Charles Barfield, and Ronald Harris, Bro. Mondell Davis, Milton Hawkins, Joel Lanier, SPs George Sutherland, Ross Sutherland, GIG Jerry Solomon, Bro. Courtney Barnett, SP Steve Brown; Advisors GIG Robert Horn, Bro. Elijah Foley and Eugene Ellis

Sons of Solomon: Saving our Sons-From Cradle to College is a collaborative, comprised of members of Composite Lodge #22, Prince Hall Masons of Bloomfield (CT), Hartford Consistory #80, Sons of Allen (men’s ministry) of Bethel A.M.E. Church, Bloomfield, CT, which has just completed the fifth year of operation at Bloomfield (CT) High School and providing a wide array of successful programming to support the social, emotional, personal and academic progress of twenty young men of color and an occasional white male (minority) student.

Our work agenda, we are proud to share, was very successful in offering sessions that worked with mentees’ mastering developmental skills in: public speaking, basic writing practices, educational use of technology, critique of motivational guest speakers to enhance critical and higher order thinking, public service provision, understanding the “family dynamic”- single parenting, whole and extended family parenting and the strengthened use of the village as family.

The culminating activity at the end of this academic year (2015-2016) was to award two (2) five hundred-dollar ($500) scholarship to two (2) program graduating seniors. These awards were granted to Mr. Tariq Pittman who will study at Manchester (CT) Community College and Mr. Chen Rochester who is enrolled to study at The University of CT. Both of these young men will enter college with credits earned through their participation in the Advance Placement Program - their Coaches are proud! It should be mentioned that this is the twenty-fifth year Composite Lodge has awarded scholarships to young men at Bloomfield High and the fourth year for the collaborative, which included Hartford Consistory #80. Our program and our volunteers were honored at the annual men’s day at Bethel A.M.E. Church, Bloomfield with a plaque for outstanding public service; it was also where St. John’s Day was celebrated by the Grand Lodge of CT, Prince Hall. “Be not weary in well doing”.

Orient of Illinois/Valley of Chicago SGIG Melvin Frierson, 33º - Deputy of the Orient SGIG Charles Burns, Jr., Assistant to the Deputy

Mentoring Coordinator, SGIG LaRue Love, Sr., GIG Harold Reeder, and SP Bretton Frierson – Site Coors.

Mentors: SGIG Charles Burns, Jr., GIGs LaRue Love, Sr., Harold W. Reeder, Joseph Vincent, SPs Bretton Frierson, Reverend Wrophas Nigel Meeks, Larry Elliot, Joshua Hamilton, Alvin Childress.

During this last school year, we added two more Mentoring Programs. We now have Mentoring Programs in Carbondale, IL, Joliet, IL, and East St. Louis, IL, and we still provide “Continuing Education” classes for all Mentoring Coordinators and Mentors.


Fall Edition The Mentors meet on the 3rd Saturday of each month for breakfast and fellowship and to critique our mentoring sessions. On the 4th Saturday of each month we have our regularly scheduled session with our Mentees. During these sessions the Mentees and Mentors discuss various topics, play board game and engage in some outdoor sports.

During the summer break, the Mentoring Coordinator and the Site Coordinators will continue to meet with the Mentors in order to train and gear-up for the 2016/2017 School Year.

Orient of Massachusetts/Valley of Boston SGIG Henry L. Owens, 33° - Deputy of the Orient

SGIG Ian G. Wilson and GIG Justin A. Petty Mentoring Coordinators

School District: Boston Public Schools Target School: Jeremiah Burke High School

There was no activity to report for the first half of the year. We have decided to regroup and refocus our mentoring efforts with our target school, the Jeremiah E. Burke High School. The new school year will begin in a few days and it is our hope that we will be off and running again by the end of September. The Fraters in the Orient of MA, continue to support the Sovereign Grand Commanders Vision: Saving the African American Male from Cradle to College and to make a difference in the lives of these students.

Orient of Michigan/Valleys of Detroit and Kalamazoo SGIG Christopher Buck, 33º - Deputy of the Orient

Wolverine Consistory, Valley of Detroit

Mentoring Coordinator – SGIG Horace J. Jackson

School District: Detroit Public Schools Target School: Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School, Detroit, Michigan

Mentors: SGIGs Horace J. Jackson (Chairman), Clarence Stone, Sr., Advisor, GIGs John Clowney, Kenneth Carter and Karl E. D’Abreu, Sr.

Wolverine Consistory #6 has Mentoring Programs in two schools:

Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School (Detroit, MI) had six Mentees. This is our seventh year at this school.

As in past years, we met with the school administration in October of last year, in order to establish our agreed upon Mentoring schedule for the year. We met with our Mentees once per month from November through May. We did not have a Mentoring session in January due to the Prince Hall Family participation in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration and March (instead of a Mentoring Session, we participated in the MLK Celebration and March). Every session was well attended as we conducted round-table discussion on various topics including study habits, anger management, self-control, and respect for everyone. We also discussed creating Résumés and what information should be included in them.

We are proud to announce that for the seven years that our Mentoring Program has been in existence, every senior in our program has graduated from Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior High School.

We are grateful and appreciative of the continuing support we receive from, Dr. Deborah Jenkins and Mr. Richard Walker, the Principal and Assistant Principal, respectively and we plan to meet with them in October in order to plan the Mentoring Schedule for the 2016/2017 school year.

Allen Academy (Detroit, MI) had thirty Mentees. The Allen Academy program was directed by SGIG Wayne E. Phillips. An ambitious schedule was in place and several outings were planned for the year. The staff, as usual, welcomes and appreciates our Fraters.

Homer E. Gaines Consistory #112, Valley of Kalamazoo; Mentoring Coordinator – GIG Jimmie L. Taylor

School District: Grand Rapids Public Schools Target School: Ottawa Hills High School, Grand Rapids, MI

Mentors: GIGs Jimmie L. Taylor, Sr., Michael R. Weaver, Walter M. Brame, and Lamont R. Cole

Our school year ended with great success. We attended two luncheons with our Mentees at the Peninsular Club that is on the top floor of the 5th/3rd bank building in downtown Grand Rapids and which overlooks the city. This was a great experience for them. We only had one student that had to attend summer school which went well and he was able to graduate. One of our students writes a weekly sports column for the Grand Rapids Time Magazine which is a black owned local newspaper. He also received a scholarship from the Michigan Council of Deliberation. We have already started signing up Mentees for this school year.

The question is not whether we can afford to invest in every child; it is whether we can afford not to.” – ~Marian Wright Edelman~

Orient of New Jersey SGIG Arthur R. Crawford, 33º - Deputy of the Orient

SGIG Harry McDowell, Coordinator

(Not much has changed since our last report). The Newark Board of Education has continued to undergo reorganization and the relevant school administrations have changed several times in the last few years making it very difficult for our Mentoring Program to restart each time there is a change (having to resubmit all the required paper work such as the Partnership Agreement and other related documents.). Therefore, due to circumstances beyond our control, we have declared our program in Weequahic inactive until further notice. However, we do look forward to getting Weequahic up and running again in the very near future (hopefully sometime in this school year). In July we had a state wide meeting of the Commanders of the Rite to discuss ways to re-establish our program and we are still receiving feed-back from that meeting.

We are seeking the assistance and cooperation of the school districts, the school administrations, and the Fraters in order to have a successful Mentoring Program, which the Orient of New Jersey is definitely committed to.

Orient of Ohio/Valley of Cleveland SGIG Carl A. Williams, 33º - Overseer for the Orient

GIG Mark A. Ledger, Coordinator

School District: Cleveland Metropolitan School District District CEO: Dr. Eric Gordon


Fall Edition Target School: John Adams High School Principal: Dr. Terrance E. Menefee Mentoring Liaison: Mr. Brian Simmons (LINKS Program Coordinator)

The mentoring program for the Orient of Ohio in the Valley of Cleveland began on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. Our partner is the Cleveland Metropolitan School District and for the seventh year in a row John Adams High School was chosen by Bezaleel Consistory #15 to mentor.

The Mentoring Committee for the Orient of Ohio in the Valley of Cleveland met on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at John Adams High School. Present at the meeting were; SGIGs Carl A. Williams (Ill. Overseer of OH), Leonard B. Jackson (the Commissioner of Athletics for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District), William E. Spence, Commander-In-Chief, Charles W. Hales, Rev. Hilton O. Smith, GIGs Mark A. Ledger, (a Retired Teacher for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District), Coordinator, Gregory F. Clifford, Prestor Pickett, Richard Maxey, Curtis Wilson, Edward Miles, Charles Benning. Also attending were Blaine Griffin, Joey Billups, Duane Crockrum, Fred Ray (principle at the beginning of the year), Football Coach Gary Jackson and the Honorable Mayor Frank Jackson. Mr. Brian Simmons continues to be a great help in assisting the Fraters in mentoring the young men at the school.

The program ran for a total of ten (10) weeks. During the ten (10) weeks the fraters worked with the student (mentees) on the following: Tutoring, Study Skills, Cognitive Listening Skills, Test Taking Preparation, Time Management Skills, Financial Preparation, Career Awareness, and Culminating Events. A number of guest speakers spoke to the Mentees on several occasions and the mentees participated in Field Trips.

Activities during the 2015-2016 school year at John Adams High School consisted of the following;

On Tuesday, November 10, the Mayor of the City of Cleveland, Honorable Frank Jackson, spoke to the mentees. Total Hours 750

On Tuesday, November 17, the Mentors help Tutor the mentees in their class work and talked with them about social problems. Total Hours 350

On Tuesday, December 1, the Mentors discussed Self-Esteem. The mentees were placed in groups and the inventory list on self-esteem was reviewed. Later, the Principal Dr. Menefee was introduced to the Mentors / Mentees. Total Hours 200

On Tuesday, December 15, the Mentors spoke about respect to the mentees. GIG Prestor Pickett of Cleveland State University – Black Studies, informed the Mentees that he would be speaking with them as if they were some of his college students. Total Hours 136

On Tuesday, January 12, GIG Aman Y. Gamble, Sergeant of the Cleveland Division of Police spoke to the mentees about what to do when stopped by the police. A pamphlet was given out for the mentees to take home and share with their families. Total Hours 60

On Tuesday, January 19, for the fourth year the mentees traveled to Cleveland State University for the Black History Program, and this year’s celebration of the Civil Rights Movement and Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. under the

leadership of Dr. Charlyse Pratt, Assistant Vice President, and Professor Prestor Pickett Director of Black Studies. Total Hours 150

On February 18, for the third year the mentees traveled to the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio Total Hours 225

On Tuesday, March 10, Anthony Peoples Chief Operating Officer of Pinkney-Perry Insurance Company spoke to the mentees on Financial Preparation. Total Hours 250

On Tuesday, April 7, the mentees and mentors met at John Adams High School for the final meeting of the school year. John Franklin and Orlando Hopson two student that graduated from the program last year spoke to the mentees on their experiences, and what it meant to them to be a part of the program. Rev. Hilton O. Smith past out medallions to each of the mentees and mentors. Total Hours 1,125.

3,246 hours were volunteered by the Orient of Ohio for the Year.

Orient of Washington and Oregon/Valley of Tacoma SGIG Daniel L. Lunsford, 33º - Deputy of the Orient

SGIG Julian Harris, Coordinator GIG Julius Brown, Jr. Reporting

School Districts: Tacoma School District and Pasco School District Superintendents: Dr. Carla Santorno and Saundra Hill Target Schools: Foss High School, Tacoma, WA and Pasco High School, Pasco, WA

Graduation success percentage for young black males have increased by 8% at Foss High School. SGIG Julian Harris is the major force for mentorship at the Foss High School. The following is the man hour breakdown of all of the Foss High School Mentors: SGIG Julian Harris – 27 hours, GIG Carl T. McDaniel – 20 hour, GIG Julius W. Brown Jr. - 4 hours Admin

That’s a total of 51 Hours of Mentorship. Solid evidence that we are doing the right thing as mentors.

Pasco High School --- On the East side of the Mountains, in Pasco, WA. Fraters are making the same type of impact. Fraters all work diligently to mentor young men and to mold them into becoming better citizens for the future. The following are the man hours for Pasco High School:

GIG Arthur T. Broady (30 hours), GIG Vincent King (20 hours), GIG Donald Bell (40 hours), GIG Fred Edwards (20 hours), SP Nelson Trahan (10 hours), SP Level Brown, Jr. (10 hours), SP Ronald Carpenter (15 hours), SP Vernon Richardson (10 hours), SP James E. Wright (10 hours)

That’s 165 solid hours of mentorship we are having on our community. Thereby directly affecting the dropout, graduation, and College entry rates in WA State. Total Mentoring Hours volunteered for this school year totaled 216 Hours.

Our Fraters are making this Orient better every day. All members have completed the Scottish Rite USC and the School District Applications. We are determined to directly affect the drop-out rate of young African-American males. Looking for ways to reach our youth with what we have to offer is a full time job. We encourage every Frater in our Orient to give an hour or two a week to our future leaders to help mold what that world will look like.


Fall Edition



First, I take this opportunity to thank our PSGC Solomon Wallace and the Deputy of the Orient of PA, SGIG George M. Calloway, 33º for hearing the pleas of the veterans within our great fraternity to honor them for their service to our country, and establishing this Military Veteran Affairs Committee (MVAC) to aid and assist them as we seek to provide available information to better facilitate their needs. The committee pledges its full support to this endeavor. Thank you again, Sir.

Many wars this country have been recently engaged in, the notoriety of our advanced medical assistance, veterans have survived combat with serious injuries or mental health issues. These veterans look to our government to provide them with all the benefits and services available. Even those military men and women who did not see combat, their contribution also proved to be of great value to our nation and are entitled to benefits as veterans.

Today, President Barack Obama, has initiated and mandated changes to the system. As a result, drastic changes in providing services, benefits to our veterans, their spouses, widows, their children and caretakers have been made. A "mindset" program initiated, "Soldiers for Life" for military personnel was established and presents a holistic approach to the life cycle career of a soldier helping them to reintegrate into their home towns and connecting them with available employment, education, health resources or benefits at the end of their tours of duty.

A number of our older members were drafted and younger members volunteered having limited resources to facilitate needed information as veterans. Since charity starts at home the Military Veteran’s Affairs Committee of our great fraternity was established to honor and assist those veteran members of our craft by providing all available information beneficial to their welfare. In our fraternity all branches of the military are represented from the Army, Navy, Marines, Airforce, the Coast Guard, Merchant Marines and other services. Many of our military personnel (Prince Hall Veterans) were present at the USC Session and we the members of this USC AASR saluted and honored them.

Contacts: The committee will seek to development an operating website in order to provide information. Until the website becomes operational, members may continue to contact MVAC membership at the following stations:

• GIG, Col. William D. Carter 33º Retired US Army, (MVAC Dir ., 29 Christopher Mills Dr., Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054, Home 856-722-9155 & Cell: #609-605-3711, Email; williamdcarter@aol.com

• GIG. LTC Toby A.D. Bryant 33°, Retired US Army, (MVAC Assist. Dir.) 8248 Williams Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19150, Home Tel. 215-247-7689 Cell 215-370-2277 Email; tadbryant@verizon.net

Members: SGIG LTC Samuel King 33°, PGM, PA., Retired US Army, GIG William Dill, 33°, Retired, US

Army, GIG Fred Mitchell 33º, Retired US Airforce and GIG, Willie J. Daniels, Jr., 33º, Retired U.S. Army.


Submitted by; SP Nolan O. Woodland #65

To fellow combatants of war, past and present, on the front line of conflict, or performing a support role, the tension known as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will remain with us for the remainder of our lives. PTSD is the psychological or emotional condition, as it relates to the military, brought on by the armed and artillery attacks designed to end your life. Or, having to take the life of another human being or seeing lives destroyed. These are the harsh realities of existence in “the war zone.”

On May 9, 1968 the seeds of PTSD were permanently planted in my personality. On that day I stepped out of a United States Air Force aircraft into the heat of Southeast Asia at Ton Son Nhut Air Base, Saigon, and Republic of South Vietnam. Assigned to the 632nd Combat Support Group, Binh Thuy AFB. I will never forget the rush of 120 degree temperature that took my breath away as I stepped out of the aircraft. That welcome was later accented by a mortar attack. For the next twelve months mortar attacks would become as regular as rain. Add to that a sniper attempt that only hit the hood of the jeep. My wartime arrogance believing it was meant for the U. S. Navy officer giving me a ride. Since that time PTSD has been my constant companion. War has woven the symptoms of distrust, solation, anger, depression and hyper-vigilance into the character of my being. In short, the tension that war creates will give rise to personality disorders, unless managed. This is the unspoken contribution paid for serving our country, in “the war zone.”

Distrust, isolation, anger and hyper-vigilance are traits that save lives in “the war zone.” Shipping out of “the war zone” does not cause these traits to cease... Becoming easily angered, unsociable and always on guard are internal wounds caused by “the war zone.” PTSD can be fictitiously described as akin to a virtual virus that infects the mind/emotions of every person who serves in “the war zone.” No matter the walk of life after “the war zone” PTSD will be with you. Throughout your work career or raising a family you are one. Surprisingly, PTSD gets worse as you get older, unless therapeutically treated. In the history of America the Middle Eastern war veteran is the most damaged, both physically and emotionally. Ancient warriors recognized the stress of war. Roman soldiers would often not return home from war until after a long furlough.

American heroes and sheroes who have served in “the war zone” often have to be encouraged to seek behavior health therapy. Choosing instead to self-medicate, drugs and alcohol. One of the most successful ways to reach a veteran is through another veteran. We cannot and will not give up on those who serve in “the war zone.” God Bless America!


Fall Edition

Meet and Greet in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Pictorial)


Fall Edition

Meet and Greet in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Pictorial Cont.)


Fall Edition

“Our History Should Not Be a Mystery - Part V” Do You Know Where Your Consistory’s Name Originated

Submitted By: GIG Reginald Stewart 33º – Bezaleel #15

This the fifth edition of the series and I continue to receive warm responses from Fraters who enjoy the write ups. I must thank Sovereign Grand Commander

Basil L. Sands 33º for the opportunity to submit these compilations of history. I would also endeavor to share my gratitude with the Editor of our organ, SGIG Edward M. Brooks II 33º and ever sharp and always correct office staff of the United Supreme Council—Ms. Renee Isaacs and Ms. Debbie Miles.

DeHugo #2 Valley of Camden - Orient of New Jersey

Constituted April 29, 1881

Charles N. (Nash) Robinson, a Most Worshipful Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful United Grand Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, State of New Jersey and Jurisdiction (its name and style at that time . . . now known as the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New Jersey) was paramount in establishing the first consistorial body in the State of New Jersey. He was the first member of the new formed consistory to receive the degrees of the Scottish Rite. He served as its first Commander-in-Chief. The bulk of the rest of the membership were formerly of King Fredrick Supreme Council whose membership was reduced to that of a consistory following the merger of the Supreme Councils. The entire body was relocated to Camden.

Of particular note is that this Consistory has been home to a large number of Most Worshipful Grand Masters of the State of New Jersey.

At least two members have had a group of Grand Inspectors General named after him. Past Deputy of the Orient, SGIG C. (Claiborne) Morris Cain 33º was the namesake of the Class of 1962 at the 81st Annual Session held in Nassau, Bahamas. This class produced our 16th Sovereign Grand Commander in the person of SGIG Samuel Brogdon Jr. 33º. Past Deputy of the Orient, SGIG William A. Neblett Jr. 33º was the namesake of the class of 1990 at the 109th Annual Session held in Denver. For many of the early years of this consistory’s existence SGIG

William Frank Powell 33º was a prominent member. There is a Consistory named in his honor in Des Moines, Iowa.

This Consistory has as a member our fourth Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander; two-time Most Worshipful Past Grand Master and past Deputy of the Orient, Illustrious Philip T. Colding 33º. Also, both the immediate past Treasurer-General and current Grand Recording Secretary, SGIG Frederick O. Dobson 33º and SGIG Ivory M. Buck Jr. 33º, respectively, hail from this Consistory. Equally impressive is the fact that both men are also Gold Medal of Achievement awardees as well as Most Worshipful Past Grand Masters.

Thanks to GIG Jerry G. Hamm Jr. 33º, PCIC, DeHugo #2, Valley of Camden, Orient of New Jersey for his assistance.

Douglass #10 Valley of Plainfield

Orient of New Jersey Est. in 1893; formally chartered in 1901

This consistory was named in honor of William J. (Joseph) Douglass (1851–1916), a very prominent Mason in New Jersey. However, the consistory’s origins predate his involvement. As with many Consistories established during the late 1800s and early 1900s, this body was organized by the meddlesome John G. Jones. Then-Deputy of the Orient, SGIG Alexander H. (Heritage) Newton 33º, discovered these men and over a period of time held many meetings with them. Eventually he convinced them to switch their allegiance to the United Supreme Council, Northern Jurisdiction. At that time the name was changed to “Douglass.”

SGIG Douglass was a very busy member of the masonic order. He was a charter member and Treasurer of Stone Square Lodge #38; Most Worshipful Past Grand Master; Past Most Excellent Grand High Priest; Past Right Eminent Grand Commander; Deputy of the Orient of New Jersey, and quite naturally, a charter member of Douglass Consistory #10. He was extremely involved in its formation and the Fraters saw fit to name the body after him. This is a rare distinction because he was very much alive when the

consistory was chartered and named. Not surprisingly he served as Commander-in-Chief on a few occasions. His name was one of those listed on the incorporation papers for The United Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Thirty third Degree of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America (our name and style at the time).

In addition to the aforementioned, SGIG Douglass was one of the earliest members of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, being elected as an Imperial Grand Lecturer at the 1894 session held in Kansas City. He was also the first Grand Worthy Patron of Oziel Grand Chapter.

His industrious nature proved that one can indeed burn the candle at both ends.

Douglass #47 Valley of Pueblo - Orient of Colorado

Established circa 1920s (Defunct)

S.P. (Simon Peter) Douglass Sr. (1871–1920), a member of Ashby Lodge #2 was a Most Worshipful Past Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Colorado serving from 1911 through 1912. He was a prominent Black doctor in Pueblo, and was one of the first Black doctors to practice in Colorado. He served Black and White patients and owned a family medical practice. He was nicknamed “Speeder” for his prowess on the football field in his youth. He was the treasurer of the Pueblo Colored Orphanage and Old Folk’s Home in 1908. Dr. Douglass was also a member of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows serving as a District Grand Director in 1909.

He was a well-known community figure and was often called upon to speak or be a part of various boards. In 1913, Governor Elias M. Ammons selected Dr. Douglass as a delegate to be a representative of the “negro population” for the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation held in Philadelphia.

Unfortunately his life was recalled by the Creator in 1920 and he is interred in Roselawn Cemetery in Pueblo.

In 1891, a consistory was organized in


Fall Edition

Committees and Support Teams

Pueblo by John G. Jones. It is not known if this consistory changed allegiances in later years from Jones’ control to that of the current United Supreme Council, Northern Jurisdiction.

Mt. Sinai #12 Valley of Providence

Orient of Rhode Island Established before 1898; Chartered

May 31, 1904

This consistory began as an entity of the John G. Jones faction. The members had become increasingly upset at not having received any of the patents or books promised to them. Acting Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Robert L. Reed 33º had communication with them and offered the degrees for the same price as Jones—excluding books and patents. They then requested to be

brought under the obedience of the United Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Thirty Third Degree of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America (the name and style at that time). They lingered on in an unofficial capacity until 1904 when then Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Joshua D. Kelley 33° formally organized the consistory.

Curiously, SGIG P. (Phillip) Raymond Williams 33º was appointed the Deputy of the Orient in 1883 even though it was no significant Prince Hall Scottish Rite activity there.

In 1946, to shore up the finances and membership of Mt. Olive #39, Valley of Newport, then Deputy of the Orient Joseph G. LeCount 33º recommended

that Mt. Sinai and Mt. Olive consistories merge. This action was allowed by the Supreme Council; the consistories merged; and the Mt. Sinai name was retained.

At least two of the members of this Consistory have had the ultimate honor of having a class of Grand Inspectors General named after them posthumously.

There was the Joseph G. (Gray) LeCount Class of 1982 elevated during the 101st Annual Session held in Freeport, Grand Bahama and the B. Albert Ford Class of 1998 elevated during the 117th Annual Session and 39th Triennium held in Philadelphia.

While both SGIG LeCount and SGIG Ford served as Deputy of the Orient and MWPGM, SGIG Ford was eventually elected as Grand Minister of State.

“Our History Should Not Be a Mystery Part V” (Continued) Do You Know Where Your Consistory’s Name Originated


Pictured Left: Secretary General’s Staff (L to R): GIG Wayne O. Tompkins, SGIGs James (Butter) Allen and Leroy Barnes, GIG Bernard Montgomery, Ms. Renee Isaac, GIG Ronald A. Clark, SP Colin Mitchell, GIG Tahir Isaac and SGIG Brian Austin,. This team handles all of the administrative needs for those in attendance at the USC Session. Pictured Right; The Class Orientation Committee under the direction of the Chairman/Dean of Instruction SGIG Samuel J.D. Shook, Jr., Pictured Seated L to R; SGIGs Gregory Boyd, Robert L. Oglesby, Sr., Rev. Wilton E. Blake, I, Ill. Shook, Leonard LaRue, Robert J. Meekins, Charles V. Williams III. Standing L to R; GIGs, Bruce McKinney, Robert Deloney, Ronnie Johnson, Malik Sabree, Brent C. Walker, Delbert B. Marion and Earl Stevens.

Pictured Left; Transportation Committee Director SGIG Joseph Tyner (R) and Assistant Director SGIG Carlee London. Pictured Center; Medical Committee, L to R; GIG Dr. C. Keith Melvin (L), SGIG Dr. Chester C. Pryor II, Chairman (C) and SGIG Dr. Walter E. Bantom. Pictured Right; United Supreme Council Mass Choir, Directed by SGIG Barrington Lessene.

Fall Edition

On Saturday, May 28, 2016, the U.S.C. hosted an evening of entertainment featuring the 57th Street Band. During the band’s first intermission, there was tribute to the late Dr. Solomon Wallace, 33º, with SGIG Grady Edge, Deputy for NY, serving as the officiant. There was a video slide show of the life and times of Dr. Wallace. A framed portrait and a framed 33º jacket bearing the name of the Solomon Wallace Class 2016, was presented to SGIG Larry Wallace the nephew of Dr. Wallace.

Those notables in attendance were; SGC Dr. Deary Vaughn, 33º (SJ) PHA, Dr. Donald P. Wilson, Exalted Ruler IBPOEW, and MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, 33º (PA). At the completion of the ceremony the 57th Street Band returned, and continued with their musical entertainment for evening, to the delight of all in attendance.

Pictorial: On Friday May 27, 2016, the Pennsylvania C.O.D. hosted “An Evening of Musical Delight II”, featuring the “The Philadelphia Alumni Chapter” (Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.), “Braziel/Urgelles Classical Performance” and “4 AM Productions”. The evening began with the Philadelphia Alumni Chapter delighting us with their rhythmic voices, followed by Ms. Chantel Braziel with her classical performance and displaying her operatic voice with piano accompaniment by Ms. Iris Urgelles. Rounding out the evening with the “4 AM” Productions, with their rhythm and blues type music for our listening and dancing pleasurer. This events was well attended by our members and visiting guests. Those notables in attendance were; SGC Basil L. Sands, 33º, and his Cabinet, Joseph B. Jefferson, 33º, MWGM of the MWPHGL of PA. It was truly an enjoyable evening.

Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation Friday Night’s “An Evening of Musical Delight II”

Featuring Musical Guests The Philadelphia Alumni Chapter Choir - Braziel/Urgelles Classical Performance - “4 AM” Productions


The Philadelphia Alumni Chapter Choir Braziel/Urgelles Classical Performance

“4 AM” Productions

United Supreme Council - Saturday Night’s Musical Entertainment Featuring Musical Guests – The 57th Street Band

And a Tribute to The Late Dr. Solomon Wallace, 33º

Fall Edition

Pictorial: At 8:00 am, Sunday, May 29, 2016, SGC Basil L. Sands, 33° his Cabinet and selected guest, attended the Annual Fellowship Breakfast hosted by the U.S.C. Ill. Lorenzo Cruger, Sr., Sec. Gen., H.E., serving as Master of Ceremony, welcomed all in attendance and called on Ill. Rev. Dr. Gregory Smith (NY) for opening prayer and table blessing. After breakfast each table was introduced and then Ill. Melvin J. Bazemore, Lt. Grand Cmdr., approached to introduce SGC Sands who gave brief remarks followed by closing prayer by Ill. Rev. Hermon Simpson (NY).

At 10:00 am, SGC Sands and his entourage, consisting of Active members and other invited guests, processioned into the Morning Worship Service Hall under the music of “Amazing Grace” . SGIG Rev. James H. Willis, Sr., was the Officiant and a medley of sacred music was played by SGIG George Spaulding, 33º, Ill. Grand Organist. The congregation was also graced with the melodious voices of the U.S.C. Mass Choir, under the direction of Ill. Barrington Lessene 33º, Director of Music. There was opening prayer by SP Rev. Royal Wilson, 32º, followed by Scripture reading by SGIG Rev. Hermon Simpson, 33º from the book of 2nd Samuel 9: 1-13, an Offertory Chant and introduction of the Speaker by Rev. Willis,. A Sermon was presented by the Ill. Prior, SGIG Rev. Wilton E. Blake I, 33º, with text and subject “Grace in a Dark Place”, followed by the Benediction.

Following the Morning Worship Service there was a luncheon prepared for the Sovereign Grand Commander, his Cabinet, Active Members and other invited guest. Those notable were SGC Deary Vaughn (SJ), Dr. Donald P. Wilson, 33º, and the Grand Exalted Ruler, IBPOEW, and MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson 33º, MWPHGL of Pennsylvania.


Sovereign Grand Commander’s Luncheon

Morning Worship Service

Fellowship Breakfast

Fall Edition

Loyal Ladies of the Order of Golden Circle Annual Meeting

Valley of Philadelphia - Orient of Pennsylvania

Pictured: On Saturday, May 28, 2016, members of the USC were reclassified to full Active status, and they were; SGIGs James Scott, appointed Deputy for Delaware, Conrad Luster, appointed Deputy for Rhode Island, Johnny Cummings, appointed Deputy for Nebraska, Carlton Crider, appointed Deputy for Europe and Robert Sands appointed Aide to the SGC. After the ceremony, they were all congratulated by their peers.

Pictorial: On Sunday Afternoon, May 29, 2016, SGC Basil Sands, 33º, and his Cabinet attended the Annual Meeting of the Order of the Golden Circle hosted by the members of the Pennsylvania State Grand Assembly led by Mary C. Brinkley State Grand Loyal Lady Ruler. This meeting was attended by Loyal Ladies from other Assemblies across the Orients throughout the Northern Jurisdiction. Member of the State Grand Assembly conducted a demonstration for the “Initiation Ceremony”, under the direction of PSGLLR Loyal Lady Elaine McFadden. This demonstration was well received by all in attendance. At the conclusion of the demonstration, Sovereign Grand Commander Sands thanked Loyal Lady McFadden and SGLLR Brinkley the members of State Grand Assembly for their efforts and they were applauded by all, for a job well done.



Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation Degree Team

On Monday, afternoon, May 30, 2016, the Pennsylvania Council of Deliberation under the direction of GIG Malcolm E. Harris, RWDGM of the MWPHGL of Pennsylvania, conferred the 33rd degree ceremony on the (127) members of the Dr. Solomon Wallace Class of 2016. The team performed the ceremony in Due and Ancient Form and their effort were applauded by all in attendance. Serving as the exemplar for the class was SP Adam Jones (NY), the class President. Pictured left: Seated L to R; GIG Malcolm E. Harris, Director, SGIG George M. Calloway, Deputy for PA, SGC Basil L. Sands, MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, MWPHGL of PA, SGIG Edward M. Brooks, Asst. Director and GIG Wayne O. Tompkins (SGC). Standing L to R; GIG William Carter (GM of C), Irvin Ogelsby (G. Prior), GIG Sean Snead (SGC Under Study) GIG Thomas Vaughn (C of the G) and GIG Steven O. Wells (GM).

Fall Edition

Pictorial: On Sunday, evening May 29, 2016 the USC Annual Memorial Service was held for deceased members who have passed on since our last session. The evening began with a Processional led by SGC Basil L. Sands, 33º, and his entourage consisting of dignitaries to include SGC Deary Vaughn, 33º (SJ) PHA, SGC John W. McNaughton, 33º (NMJ), SGC Ronald A. Seale, 33º (SJ), Dr. Donald P. Wilson, Exalted Ruler IBPOEW, and MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson, 33º (PA). During the service Ill. Lorenzo Cruger, Secretary General, H.E., read the names of (87) deceased members, which was followed by responses to their memories by ten (10) Grand Inspectors General, 33º assembled for the purpose. We were graced with songs throughout the service by the USC Mass Choir, under the direction of SGIG Barrington Lessene, 33º. There was Prayer by Ill. Rev. Wilton Blake I, 33º, Ill. Grand Prior (OH) and a eulogy was presented by Rev. Dr. James Willis, 33º, Ill. Assistant Grand Prior, text and subject “The Final Exam” . The service closed with a hymn “Abide with Me” and Benediction by Rev. Dr. Willis, followed by the Recessional.

Annual Memorial Service


Fall Edition

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DEMOLAY CONSISTORY #1 James E. Addison James G. Allen, IV Kenneth T. Amos Carnegie P. Askins Roy C. Baity Eugene L. Barkley Rudy N. Battle Darius L. Berry Earl M. Berry Ronald J. Cage Lorenzo Cruger, Sr. Felix E. Gardenhire Isaac Goldman James Q. Gray William B. Hall George S. Hardy, Jr. Leonard A. Heard Jacob L. Hopper, Jr. Davis M. Jerrido William J. Jones Antoine N. Madison George D. Mosee Willie Nommons, Jr. Anthony Odibo Curtis A. Parker Edward Patton Jerry Lee Ross Gerald W. Saunders, Sr. Albert Shuler James G. Spruill Don Jose Stovall David A. Thomas Harry R. Thomas Thomas K. Vaughan, Sr. Luther E. Weaver, III Isaac White Crawford L. Williams Donald P. Wilson Jerry L. Wright

DE HUGO #2 Ulysses D. Baker, Jr. Hardy Brown Robert L. Carston James L. Ferrell, Sr. Maurice E. Flood, Sr. Ricardo C. Goldstein Earl Randolph, Jr. William R. Revels Harvey D. Saunders George W. Sheared Kenneth Smith Edward M. Taylor Melvin E. Williams


Richard C. Ashby Roy A. Benjamin George Bishop Russell Boston Gerald A. Bradley Louis Brown Benjamin P. Bryant Charles L. Coleman Nigel J. Cudjoe Roosevelt E. Cunningham Kenneth Davis, Sr. Reginald R. Dean Daniel M. Dicks Paul S. Dorsey, Jr. William A. Dyson, II Raymond N. Freeman, Jr. Clifford B. Gibbs Eugene Giscombe Robert B. Hansley David Henryhand Adam C. Jones Bennie Larwence Glenn A. Marshall, Sr. Calvin B. Marshall, III Andrew McKinnie Freddie J. Miller Kenneth M. Morrison Robert Myers, Jr. E. Thomas Oliver Selvin R. Osbourn John J. Phillips Horace A. Prince, Jr. Malcolm A. Punter Lewis E. Rice Raymond Riley Ernie S. Simpson Frank E. Smith Adolphus O. Smith, Jr. Vernon Taylor Solomon Wallace Wilton L. Wallace Jim Wallace, Jr. Kevin Pl Wardally Willie D. Wynn


Raymond L. Bradford Carl D. Brown, Sr. Timothy J. Cager George M. Calloway David M. Daniels Gregory Hankins LeRoy E. Hatcher Fred L. Jamison, Jr. Timothy Lawson Richard A. Lewis William I. Moten, Jr. Alan D. Perry Wilbert Singletary Scipio White John M. Wilds Gerald Woods

CORINTHIAN CONSISTORY #5 McArthur Adams Lawrence C. Carter James R. Fitzgerald, Jr. Kenneth B. Robinson James A. Scott William L. Scott Reginald A. Sheridan James H. Wright

WOLVERINE CONSISTORY #6 Ronald W. Briggs Christopher C. Brown

WOLVERINE CONSISTORY #6 Christopher Buck Ronarro L. Cleveland Edward B. Darnell Willie Frank Falls Frank Ford, Jr. Walter Griffin, Jr. Nehemiah J. Hamm William Higginbotham, Jr. Horace Jackson Joseph Jackson Douglas P. Jones Samson P.H. Kobbah, II Joe Louis Lanier Robert P. Lewis Leo Mays, Sr. Freddy McDonald Munir F. Muhammad Lester R. Payne, Sr. Wayne E. Phillips Carl W. Saunders Kenneth R. Schley Calvin Smith Clarence L. Stone, Sr. Craig S. Strong Eddie Strong Cecil M. Ward James A. Womack Mattew Woodhouse

NEW HAVEN CONSISTORY #7 Harold L. Grey John C. Harris, Jr. James A. Hodge, Jr. Tracy R. Lamb Ronald L. Maebry, Sr. Reginald R. Mayo Charles M. Paris Enoch A. Parker, Sr. Garland E. Patton, Sr. Benjamin W. Sallard Marvin L. Simmons Charles Whitaker, Jr. Jesse L. Windsor

NIMROD CONSISTORY #9 Labon T. Bumphus Oscar R. Burke John Clea, Jr. Ernest P. Davis Clyde R. Johnson Johnny R. Pearce Lavon A. Postelle T. Simms Frank Smith John r. Wetzel Thomas M. Wiley Dan Wright, Sr.

DOUGLASS CONSISTORY #10 Alexander C. Dowd John Hicks Henry Hopkins Eugene T. Johnson, Jr. George E. Marshall Harry McDowell Ricardo McNeil Richard D. Scott, Jr. Ronald Sims Merle F. Taylor Joseph Wallace Walter Williams, Jr.

MT. SINAI CONSISTORY #12 Paul M. Cardoza, Jr. Edward C. James Marvin Landingham Stanley W. Rankin Raymond R. Smith Sammy C. Vaughn Roosevelt Whitehurst Charles G. Williams NORTH STAR CONSISTORY #14 John M. Chisley Japhus Dent, Jr. Fredrick A. Doughty Clifton M. Edwards Alton J. Graves William P. Jones Edward J. Thornton

BEZALEEL CONSISTORY #15 Robert L. Alexander Ival Angel James R. Bennett Fletcher D. Berger Embie R. Bostic James R. Brown Virgil L. Brown Dennis L. Brown Ronell Carter Donald Clark Miles T. Cobbs Marshall B. Coney, Jr. John D. Covington, Sr. Duane M. Crockrom Garrett J. Dalton Charles L. Davis, Sr. Willace D. Davis Frederick Douglas, Jr. Charles E. Fellows, II Randyll O. Floyd Wayne W. Gamble Robert J. Garrett Gilbert S. Grooms Eugene Hammonds Edward D. Irvine Larry Johnson, Sr. Roland L. Johnson, Sr. Wilmore Larry, Jr. Nathan J. Manson Calvin L. Matthews Richard A. Maxey Edward W. Miles Kelvin M. Miles, Sr. Otho E. Mills, III Earl G. Montgomery Dwight I. Morton Otis Moss, Jr. Jerry Nichols Riley B. Norton Kenneth P. O’Neil Anthony C. Peebles Tazzerall K. Pitts Charles W. Priest Aaron E. Ray Charles E. Richardson Woodrow Riddle, Jr. Jimmie Rodgers Gary E. Samuels, Sr. Quintin N. Shaw Raymond Shelton Hilton O. Smith Robert L. Smith, Sr. William E. Spence, Sr. David H. Stellmacher Vernon Sykes George S. Thompson Alfred L. Walton Edward Washington, Sr. Bernard White Andrew D. White Robert I. Whitehurst Carl A. Williams Sterling A. Williams McCullough Williams, III Charles H. Wright

KAW VALLEY CONSISTORY #16 James O. Barnes Wendell Cathey Robert L. Laster, Sr. Ceasar White

HOLY SEPULCHRE CONSISTORY #17 Jerome K. Bowen, Sr. Donald E. Callender Wesley O. Chandler John Clarke John A. Cole Norman D. Douglas, Sr. James W. Elmore Stanley G. Johnson Charles A. Lewis Leslie A. Lewis Nicholas B. Locker James Marshall Charles D. McKinney John W. Offley, III Robert J. Parks Square Patterson, Jr.


















Fall Edition

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HOLY SEPULCHRE CONSISTORY #17 Ronald L. Poindexter Edward J. Rogers Frank Rogers, Jr. Frank Stubbs James Veasley Charles C. Walrond Ian Wilson

WESTERN STAR CONSISTORY #18 Oscar Hardison, Jr. Leonard E. Holloway David Johnson Arthur L.D. Lane Clarence E. Scott

ORIENT CONSISTORY #19 Dwight L. Byers D. J. Gilmore, Jr. Lee C. Haynes Charles W. McRoy Alfred Pearson Bennie L. Pride Clarence J. Reynolds, Jr. Theodore J. Robinson Lawrence C. Sample Clarence Ticeson George W. Wright

KING SOLOMON CONSISTORY #20 Zenie E. Barnett Wilton E. Blake, I Arthur L. Branch Sidney D. Broadnax, Jr. Raynold Cole Lawrence E. Coleman Kelvin J. Davis Rufus t. Duhart James Eddins, Jr. James H. Jennings Raymond A. Jeter Robert L. Jones Eddie L. Mallory Clamion M. Marshall Johnny L. Martin Elmer S. Martin C. Keith Melvin Lucius Mentor, Sr. Owen E. Mumphrey Chester C. Pryor, II Odell Robinson, Jr. Freeman Russell Sidney Sims Reginald A. Wilkinson

L.D. EASTON CONSISTORY #21 Tamaul L. Boston William D. Coleman Rudolph D. Howard, Jr. Wesley Ingram Carlton A. James Rollin F. Kelley, Jr. Kenneth E. Lewis Robert W. Lynch, Sr. Kennedy C. McCall B. Wayne McLaughlin Martin Rutledge Charles G. Smith George Smith Romney Stepney, Jr. Ronald E. Thomas, Sr. Clyde T. Williams

MT. CALVARY CONSISTORY #22 Ronald P. Alexander John M. Bettis William H. Bunch Garlvis Johnson John E. Paxton, Sr. Tyrone W. Russell, Sr. William H. Vasser, Sr.

WILLAMETTE CONSISTORY #23 Douglas L. Hoston, Sr. Johnny Pack, IV


ST. MATTHEWS CONSISTORY #24 Robert E. Bills Tommy A. Gaston Gerald B. Harris, Sr. James G. Hopkins James Manuel James A. Morrison, Sr. Steve Murry, Jr. Theodore R. Patton Sherman Powell, Sr. Roderick D. Tatum Wilbert Thompson Jack Tisdale Donald A. Yates

CONSTANTINE CONSISTORY #25 John Aaron, Jr. Michael G. Chappel, Sr. Lacy M. Johnson Charles U. Reynolds William Sanders James M. Stanley Marshall A. Taylor Edward L. White William C. Worley, Jr. James A. Wright

MIAMI CONSISTORY #26 Frederick Aikens William H. Anderson Van C. Barnette Stephen P. Blackwell, Sr. Douglas Brownlee Gordon E. Chavis Fred Conway, Jr. Richard Clay Dixon Robert M. Estelle Charles W. Evans, Jr. Michael L. Freeman Willie J. Fulton, Jr. Andrew L. Gibbons James E. Gibson Thomas G. Graham William M. Henry Raymond E. Howard Raymond Hummons, Sr. Jimmie E. Johnson Willie Johnson Thomas E. Kelley, Sr. John W. Kendall Ronald A. Olgletree James R. Payne Roudolph Pringle Russell Reese Terry L. Roberts Thomas H. Savage Samuel M. Taylor Arper Tentman, Jr. Willie A. Terrell, Jr. Willie Van Thompson, Jr. Joseph E. Toliver, Jr. Charles V. Williams, III David L. Williamson Harry H. Wise, Jr.

JOSHUA D. KELLEY CONSISTORY #27 Thomas H. Barton Eric Critchlow Johnny L. Cummings Lycurgus C. Curry, Jr. Leo Hollingsworth Rickie E. Howard Horace S. Johnson Clarence Smith, Sr. Doysa L. Whitaker William L. Wray, Sr.

WESTERN CONSISTORY #28 Kenny Askew Herbert C. Barker Vernon L. Barnes, Sr. James E. Barsh Henry L. Barton, III David Bonds Gregory Boyd Howard B. Brookins, Sr. Cordale Brown R.C. Brown, Jr. Charles Burns, Jr. Jerry Butler

WESTERN CONSISTORY #28 Marshall Coe Charles A. Cooper, Sr. Henry Dorsey DePlessie Drew Herman T. Edwards Willie B. Evans, Sr. Leroy R. Gary Lafayette Gatling, Sr. Jesse Gilbert Frank E. Gillie, Jr. Warren D. Gipson, Sr. Louis E.Greene, Jr. Bill Harlan Michael G. Harper Troy Harris Albert Haynes, III William W. Jackson Milton Jackson Devinn D. Jones, Sr. Thomas E. Kato, Sr. Lowell Lott William G. Love, Sr. George McCrowey Frederick McNeal, Jr. James A. Mitchell Michael A. Only Elijah W. Peterson, Jr. Richard C. Powell, Jr. Arvon A. Prentiss, Sr. Jerald L. Prince William F. Redmond Montie Reynolds Joseph J. Richardson, Sr. James E. Rogers Joseph Ryan Robert J. Smith Jesse J. Smith Denton Smith Tony D. Stafford, Sr. Charles J. Stewart Charles B. Taylor Bernard Teat George W. Tynes Alfonso Wells Darryl White Ernest Willis Maurice Willis Ray E. Willis Joel D. Woodhouse, Sr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. BISON CONSISTORY #29 Charles H. Allen, Jr. George K. Arthur Floyd S. Bond Charles F. Burt Joe H. Burton Lawrence H. Cresswell John A. Gaines Albert S. Hall Jimmy F. Haynes John R. Hill, Jr. Calvin L. Hubbard Henderson Hutchins, Jr. Kevin D. Ireland Eddie L. Johnson Edd R. Martin Adel McTier, Jr. Delmar Morris Jerrell G. Moss William G. Nelson Kinzer M. Pointer Edward Stephens Clarence T. Streety, Sr. G. Michael Tydus Robert E. Whitfield

MOUNTAIN & PLAINS CONSISTORY #33 Felix Barbain Wilton Brown Jesse M. Buckmon Dwight Caldwell Elvin R. Caldwell, Jr. Daniel R. Cason Benjamin K. Clarke Roscoe Crawford, Jr. Lionell Cummings David J. Davis Edward f. Dow, III James L. English

MOUNTAIN & PLAINS CONSISTORY #33 Jon Odell Hamilton Lugene Hawkins Harold Little Terrell M. McGary Thomas L. Mickens Robert “Bob” Phillips, Jr. James Robinson, Sr. Donald R. Wallin Keith L. Weston William M. Whitney Joe L. Williams, Sr. Osie Winds

MALTA CONSISTORY #34 Michael C. Cosby Jesse D. Gray Jeffrey N. Peele Jack D. White Gary W. Williams

SARDONIAS CONSISTORY #41 Herbert Allen Alex D. Bearfield Robert L. Bolling Jeffrey Gilliam Bradford J. Haynes, Sr. Elton E. Hill Edward Perrin, Jr. Linwood B. Smith Milton R. Tann, Sr. Tennyson William Garrett L. Winn

PENINSULAR CONSISTORY #44 Joseph M. Barkley, Jr. Shed Blake Willie J. Campbell John W. Hearns Edgar L. Loring Roy J. Mays Jimmy F. Moore

UTICA CONSISTORY #45 Milton Boddie Wilbert J. Brown Jimmie Chaple Lawrence Cross George E. DeWitt, Sr. Russell E. Duckett Grady Edge James A. Ghent, Jr. Willis A. Knighton Roy A. Kyles Albert Marshall Samuel D. Roberts Freddie W. Scott Edward E. Speer Robert E. Stallworth Michael Thomas

WILLIAM F. POWELL CONSISTORY #46 Donald W. Austin Jameel A. Hameed Lynn Lewis, Jr.

OPHIR CONSISTORY #48 James G. Allen William H. Bowe, Sr. Eubert G. Brown Eddie Campbell, Jr. Ernest W. Chester, Sr. Russell W. Clayton, Jr. Arthur R. Crawford Frank H. Galloway, III Larry R. Gunnell, Sr. Woodrow Hayward Horace Jordan Homer O. Justice Vander H. McFarland, Sr. Walter A. Smith Eured C. Snell Walter D. Staton, Jr. Wilbur G. Stewart Timothy Thomas John R. Turner Peter B. Walker,Jr. Gordon Watkins, Jr.

MENELIK CONSISTORY #49 Charles H. Cook Theodore F. Curtis Carlus Dee Gully David Johnson R. B. Jones Esaw Peterson George A. Reid Carl L. Smith

SAMUEL W. GORDON CONSISTORY #50 Samuel L. Ballinger Henry Brown Isiah Cherry Frederick T. Goode, Sr. James R. Greene Claude Irby, Jr. Oliver H. Jones Alexander Perry, Jr. Emerson L. Terry

HIRAM CONSISTORY #51 Herbert Arnold La Rue J. Love, Sr.

ST. JOHNS CONSISTORY #54 Carlos Sanders

MARION CONSISTORY #60 John B. Buchanan Ray E. Eddington

LONG ISLAND CONSISTORY #61 Mark A. Alexander Gene Allen Richard G. Austin John C. Bethea William N. Carmen Winston B. Conner George R. Dixon Cyril M. Dore Robert R. Gainer Ludwick S. Hall Joe L. Hibbler Ira S. Holder, Jr. Alonzo Ivery, Jr. Leo D. Johnson William J. Johnson Percel Jones Ivan W. Kelly Keeneth P. Lewis Bobby G. Littlejohn Linden L. Mitchell Percy J. Perdue, Sr. James E. Puryear Moses Saxon Moses Settles, Jr. Richard Slaughter Wilbert A. Spencer, Sr. John Tilley James B. Usher Alton R. Waldon, Jr. Galveston Witherspoon Luther M. Wright Gary A. Wright, Sr.

MAGIC CITY CONSISTORY #62 Darrel J. Anderson Andre K. Artis Nathaniel Brewer George W. Clark Jerome Fellows William L. Fuller Clemmon Julkes Theodore K. Millard, Sr. John H. Richmond, Sr. Joseph Rodgers, Jr. Robert E. Thomas

TYREE CONSISTORY #64 Gordon D. Bush Alfredric Cathion Paul W. Harris, II J.R. James, Jr. Aubrey Keller Delbert B. Marion Charles E. McDonald, Sr. Leon Peterson, Sr. Robert G. Smith, Sr.

CHARLES E. GORDON CONSISTORY #65 Lawrence M. Bradley, Sr. Edward M. Brooks II Robert L. Crawford, Sr. Earl D. Dixson Troy M. Faison Roger A. Goldsmith Colin L. Mitchell Preston B. Pierce

PRINCE HALL CONSISTORY #67 Willie D. Denton Toney Hampton George A. Hobson Wendell O. Hutchings David Louis

A.G. CLARK CONSISTORY #68 Osumana V. Cassell, Sr. Willie C. Dixon

SE-KAN CONSISTORY #69 Curtis Austin, Jr. Carl K. Grigsby

IONIC CONSISTORY #70 Louis C. Colbert Ernest Fulford William I. Gore Warner L. Jackson, Jr. Jerome O.L.S. King Joseph Light Marvile L. Martin Louis D. Simmons William R. Stark Marshall E. Tharpe Earl M. Thomas, III Robert L. Turner McArthur Weddle Geoffery R. Zollicoffer

SAGINAW CONSISTORY #71 Floyd Clack Thomas R. Gillespie Cecil S. James, Jr. Michael H. Jordan George Logan, Jr. Bruce L. McKinney Robert J. Meekins Lawrence E. Moon Willie J. Ramsey Frederick J. Raspberry Woodrow Stanley Earl W. Stephens

NORTHERN LIGHTS CONSISTORY #72 Robert E. Davis Mayfield Evans Lester Facine James B. Fisher, Jr. Clarence L. Garrett Ellis Graham Anthony Horton George W. Joshua, Jr. Fred E. Simmons Sterling R. Taylor Richard D. Walker, Jr.

JAMES E. MORLEY CONSISTORY #73 Ashward G. Ferguson

BEAVER CONSISTORY #74 Reginald R. Brothers Rawle Hercules Frederick Ofosu Charles B. Phills Rupert Roach

CASCADIAN CONSISTORY #75 David Archibald Gary W. Bell Roosevelt D. Butler Odis Crosby, Jr. Clarence Davis Joseph E. Green, Jr. Melvin Jenkins Milton F. Jones Harden M. Keys, Jr.

CASCADIAN CONSISTORY #75 Bernard A. Love, Sr. Clarence E. Matthews Charles E. Parker Henry Roney Robert L. Williams Dave Wilson Gentry F. Worth

MEMBERS-AT-LARGE CONSISTORY #76 Alonzo C. Sands Howard L. Shelf James R. Stone

INLAND CONSISTORY #78 Billy V. Morris James Wright

HARTFORD CONSISTORY #80 Charles R. Barfield David G. Carter Alfred Collins, Sr. Willie E. Foster Alfred B. Grady, Jr. Charles H. Hills, Sr. John C. Honor, Jr. Richard A. Lue Lewis A. Rawles

PIKES PEAK CONSISTORY #81 Fredrick D. Blue Wallace C. Broadnax Elelio Luis Caso Arturo V. De Los Reyes Jesse Disnute, Jr. Van L. Harvey Bernard L. Humbles, Jr. Terence Jackson Anthony Parks, Sr. Thomas J. Powell Lonnie Richardson Calip Shelby Loran Smith DeVonja’ D. Stewart Joe W. Straw Berhane M. Tadesse Charles Tate Shadrach Thomas Robert Webb, Jr. Otis C. Williams Leroy K. Wright

MADISON-BELOIT CONSISTORY #84 Jimmie D. Foster Ovet L. Hughes Walter R. Knight James J. Pope Micah E. Tharpe Walter E. Ward

KEYSTONE CONSISTORY #85 Marshall E. Alexander, Jr. Edward E. Bables Douglas J. Baker Victor S. Baxter, Sr. Charles H. Bush, Jr. Samuel Ben Carodine Samuel A. Cheatham Robert L. Deloney Tommy L. Denton, Jr. Philip A. Dover Glen L. Downes Charlie L. Flowers Hesham R. Harris Michael Kofta Bill Lowery Calvin L. Nixon, Sr. Daniel R. Poole

KEYSTONE CONSISTORY #85 Anthony Shealer George L. Steward Ervin M.C. White Alfred D. Wilson

MARTIN L. KING, JR. CONSISTORY #86 Derrick W. Coker Clifford E. DeBaptiste

MARTIN L. KING, JR. CONSISTORY #86 Aaron A. Ervin, Sr. Otis L. Hightower, Jr. Rasheen M. Irby Tahir A. Isaac Gary E. Jackson Gary M. Montgomery Andrew E. Morris Walter G. Smith Steven O. Wells

WHITNEY M. YOUNG, JR. CONSISTORY #88 James H. Brewster Vernon D. Dobbs Namon McWilliams

SPRINGFIELD CONSISTORY #89 Joseph Abdrews Clayton R. Johnson Adrain B. Joseph E. Henry Twiggs Bud L. Williams

ALBANY CONSISTORY #90 James M. Clark George D. Crawley J.W. Gayle Richard G. McNeal Ruben Pugh Leon Shackelford William Suggs James Taylor Dorsey M. Whitehead

NORTH SHORE CONSISTORY #91 Robert L. Baker Charles R. Dorsey Timothy D., Gause Roger B. Hilton, Sr. Stephen A. Taylor


G. OSCAR CARRINGTON CONSISTORY #93 Jural Butler John W. Clark, III Frederick A. Duffy Solomon L. Henry Alphoso K. Miller, Sr.


KARAMURSEL CONSISTORY #96 Jamie Rene Gallegos Donald O. Nelson Durand Phillips

MOUNT ROYAL CONSISTORY #97 Carlisle N. Blackett Cosmo E. Clarke Lawrence C. Edwards Rudolph C. Gordon Daniel Kabasele Headley Lewis

PENTECOST CONSISTORY #98 Earlie Albright James Carter General Cherry James L. Frank James N. Fuller Alan F. Hendrix Clarence W. High, III George F. Jeffries Percy D. McPherson Johnnie L. Sanders Ronald L. Smalls

SPAIN CONSISTORY #99 Jimmie T. Brown Marques A. Jones Levert Lane

Fall Edition

Donation to the Benevolent Foundation 201201201201 5555 ---- 2012012012016666

P .S.G .CP .S.G .CP .S.G .CP .S.G .C . . . . Solom on W allaceSolom on W allaceSolom on W allaceSolom on W allace , 33º, 33º, 33º, 33º King David Consistory #6 (New York, NY)

Date Master Mason: October 29, 1964 Created Date 33º: May 14, 1979

Date Crowned SGIG: May 31, 1993 Date Born: October 8, 1928 Date Died: March 28, 2016


MARQUETTE-JOLIET CONSISTORY #104 Sherwood Edwards Walter S. House Samuel Marriner Stanley McCallum William J. Robinson Stanley Williams

CAPITAL CITY CONSISTORY #106 Lester L. Dickson Andrew A. Harris Henry C. Sheegog Tommy L. Terry

NATHAN W. THATCHER CONSISTORY #107 Lonnie L. Crockett Joe Mario Davis Robert S. Diggs Darryl M. McNair Napoleon Wormly, Jr.

ERROL WALTON BARROW CONSISTORY #109 Charles Alleyne Dennis M. Clarke

JEROME LIPSCOMB CONSISTORY #110 Abraham Amison, Jr. Clifton Claybrooks, Jr. Willie L. L. Coffield Harry Jernigan

JOHN J. STORY CONSISTORY #111 Henry D. Atkinson Lascelles Cuff Rodney Eggleston Ernest Richardson HOMER E. GAINES CONSISTORY #112 Darryl J. Green Lloyd M. Penn

EUREKA CONSISTORY #113 Anthony Acosta William H. Bell, Jr. Kevin L. Bryant Carlton K. Crider

W.E.B. DUBOIS CONSISTORY #116 Jesse L. Turner, Jr. Kelvin D. Kenneth Williams ARARAT CONSISTORY #115 Charles E. Clements Robert L. Revels, Sr. Carnell E. Smith

BOOKER T. ALEXANDER CONSISTORY #117 Robert G. Janey James Lavender Howard L. Martin Darryl C. Pruett, Sr.

EUREKA CONSISTORY #113 Lawrence W. Huston, Jr. Michael D. Johnson Dennis R. Randall Marcell H. Randall Alberto R. Sanabria Richard Vega Mario C. Williams

J.C. LOGAN CONSISTORY #114 Patrick L. Hughes, Sr. Antonia M. Wilson

EVERETT CONSISTORY #118 Frederick A. Wilson COURTNEY P. HOUSTON CONSISTORY #119 Arthur Ashe Franklin S. Chandler John C. Dumas James Gladney, Sr. Marvin I. Gray Raymond Guy, Sr. Carl Ray John A. Stotts, Sr. Lewis F. Williams William Wilson Timothy Winters

GUSTAVE M. SOLOMONS CONSISTORY #101 Wilbert L. Clyburn Columbus L. Hunt Clarence Jeffries Jonathan L. Patterson, Sr. De-Shazo E. Wilkinson Karl L. Witherspoon


JOSEPH I. STATON CONSISTORY #103 Larry Brownlee Guy R. Fisher, Sr. Norman Macon

S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . G . D aniel JonesG . D aniel JonesG . D aniel JonesG . D aniel Jones , 33º, 33º, 33º, 33º DeMolay #1 (Philadelphia, PA)

Date Master Mason: June 21, 1978 Created Date 33º: May 20, 1996

Date Crowned SGIG: May 24, 2013 Date Born: October 31, 1940

Date Died: May 28, 2015

S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . B ill G . H unterB ill G . H unterB ill G . H unterB ill G . H unter , 33º, 33º, 33º, 33º Wolverine Consistory #6 (Detroit, MI)

Date Master Mason: March 1955 Created Date 33º: May 31, 1993

Date Crowned SGIG: May 28, 1993 Date Born: March 20, 1930 Date Died: May 20, 2015

S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . S .G .I.G . C lanton N . D aw sonClanton N . D aw sonClanton N . D aw sonClanton N . D aw son , 33º, 33º, 33º, 33º Wolverine Consistory #6 (Detroit, MI) Date Master Mason: March 29, 1958

Created Date 33º: May 13, 1974 Date Crowned SGIG: May 13, 1974

Date Born: June 5, 1920 Date Died: July 28, 2015

In Memoriam So rest on from your earthly labors, our beloved brethren, your contributions and good deeds shall be

remembered forever. You have been summoned by The Great Creator to have eternal peace in the Heavens.

Fall Edition

I ll SIDNEY D. BROADNAX, JR. Grand Minister of State

A native of Cincinnatian and a proud graduate of Woodward High School. He attended the University of Cincinnati and Southern Ohio College. Sidney's academic interests were Accounting and Business Administration.

He served as the 55th MWGM, MWPHGL of Ohio, Free and Accepted Masons from 2001-

2003. He was elected a member of the “Steering Committee” for the Conference of Grand Masters and Masons for a period of six (6) years.

Presently serves as the R.W. Chairman Committee on Foreign Correspondence (CCFC) for the P.H. Grand Lodge of Ohio and Chairman of the “Committee on White Papers” for the Midwest Conference of Grand Masters and Grand Matrons.

Masonic positions held: Ill. Deputy – Orient of Ohio; Deputy Grand Lecturer of the 1st Masonic District; G.L. Convention Director; Public Relations Director; Assistant Housing Administrator; and Assistant Controller. In 1970, he served as Worshipful Master of St. John's Lodge #3, and during the same year he became the youngest to be elected Ill. Potentate in the history of Sinai Temple #59. In 1974 he served as Commander-in-Chief of King Solomon Consistory #20, and was elevated to the 33rd Degree in Masonry. During that same year, was elected High Priest of Prince White Chapter #1, Holy Royal Arch Masons.

In the year 2000, he was given the title of Honorary Past Grand High Priest. He later served as Thrice Illustrious Master of William C. Farley Council #23, Royal and Select Masters. A member of Simon Commandery #1, Knights Templar; St. John's Chapter #25, O.E.S., and Prince White Court #1 H.O.J.

After being elected Grand Minister of State, he resigned as “ Imperial Director of Grenadier Clubs” for the Imperial Council. Other positions held in the Imperial Council were: Director of the Imperial Potentate Ball; Director of Region Four (4) which included the following States (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio).

He retired from the United States Postal Service as Manager of Customer Services of Station and Branch Operations. He won numerous awards for outstanding productivity. While serving as Manager at the Fountain Square Post Office located in Downtown Cincinnati, he was instrumental in the design and location of the present "Post Office on the Skywalk;" ; Installation of the present Centralized Delivery System in the Office Buildings; and worked with businesses in securing their correct Zip + 4 Address System.

He secured a National Cancellation Stamp for the M.W. Pr ince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio 150th Sesquicentennial Celebration August 9, 1999; The “ Indian Hill Community Centennial” Cancellation Stamp; and worked with the City of Madeira, and U.S. Postal Officials in establishing and designing the Second U.S. Postal Store in the Cincinnati Area; worked with the Community Council on its “Drug Enforcement Project” by providing meeting space and assistance with public relations with the US Postal Service.

Other community service organizations included: The 9th Street YMCA Alumni Association; a Founding Member of the “Black Achievers Awards Program” with the YMCA. Served as a Board Member of the West End YMCA and a member of the Fund Raising and Development Committee for the current Melrose YMCA.

He is one of the founding members of the Black Male Coalition and has served as a supporter of the NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner. Each year he participates with Sinai Shrine Temple #59 hosting the “Dr. Martin Luther King Coalition Program”; and was a key supporter of the Riverfront Football Classic.

Broadnax is a member of the First Church of God in Corryville. He is


married to Marcia M. Broadnax; Past Worthy Matron of St. John's Chapter #25, O.E.S. Currently serves as Convention Directress for Amaranth Grand Chapter, O.E.S. Past Grand Deputy of the 6th OES District (1996-1998), Grand Chairman of Arrangements (1993, 1994 and 1999). She is a Member of Dove Assembly #34, Order of the Golden Circle. He is the proud father of five children; two stepchildren and seven (7) grandchildren.

I ll ROLAND K. LEE, SR. Treasurer General, Holy Empire

Roland Kenneth Lee, Sr. was born and reared in Philadelphia, Pa. He was the eighth of nine children of James West and Mable Brookins Lee.

He was educated in the public schools system of Philadelphia. He is a graduate of Dobbins Vocational-Technical High School, majoring in commercial practice – stenography. Roland,

Lettered in varsity football, varsity track and intramural basketball. He matriculated to Temple University - School of Business Administration. Roland was awarded a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration Science with a major in accounting. He has acquired many years of experience in the profession. He retired in June 2009 after being employed by the City of Philadelphia, Department of Health as a Health Programs Budget Analyst with 24 years of service.

He was married to the former Virginia Frances Parham – deceased. They were the proud parents of Roland Kenneth Lee, Jr., an under-graduate of Widener University and awarded a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Saint Joseph’s University. He is employed by the City of Philadelphia’s Police Department with the rank of Captain. Roland Sr., and Virginia were also the proud caregivers and nurturers to Ramar P. Parham (nephew/son) from birth to the present.

Upon reaching his majority, Roland Sr., became affiliated with the Prince Hall Masons of Pennsylvania, the first of four sons to do so, following their father’s lead.

This affiliation includes: Lemuel G. Googin Lodge #129 (Past Master and former longtime treasurer), Melchizedek Chapter #15 Holy Royal Arch Masons (Past High Priest), Philadelphia Council #1, Royal and Select Masters (Past Thrice Illustrious Master), DeMolay Consistory #1 (Sovereign Grand Inspector General – 33rd degree) – Overseer and chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee for the United Supreme Council, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, Northern Jurisdiction, Prince Hall Affiliation, Inc., and by appointment of Sovereign Grand Commander Solomon Wallace, Treasurer General of the Holy Empire (elected May, 2016). A member of St. George Commandery, Masonic Knight Templar (Sir Knight) and a member of Fannie J. Coppin Chapter #37 - Order of Eastern Star.

After serving in the administrations of Past Most Worshipful Grand Masters, Harold S. Banner, Thomas J. Lashley, Jr., Thomas Scipio and George M. Calloway as Worshipful District Lecturer and Robert N. Davis and Lorenzo Cruger, Sr., as Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master, Roland Sr., was elected Right Worshipful Junior Grand Warden, October 1987, Right Worshipful Senior Grand Warden, October 1988, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, October 1990 and on October 6, 1992 he was elected and installed the 90th Most Worshipful Grand Master. From October 1995 to October 2016 he served the Grand Lodge as Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer. He has served masonry in these capacities for more than forty (40) years.

Roland Sr. is a member of Vine Memorial Baptist Church, Philadelphia, Pa., pastured by the Reverend James S. Allen, Sr. He serves with the Trustees’ Board, former Assistant Church Clerk and Finance Committee Chairman.

Roland knows full well that God has blessed him abundantly and further knows that he who is richly blessed, much service is required. “But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:13

Fall Edition

On Monday morning, May 20, 2016 the 135th Annual Session and 45th Triennium of the United Supreme Council opened with Lieutenant Grand Commander Ill. Melvin J. Bazemore, 33º presiding, received the Active Membership followed by SGC Basil L. Sands, 33º, into the Scottish Rite Chambers, where he received the gavel of authority. Ill. Bazemore still presiding, continued by receiving visiting delegations to include; the Southern Jurisdiction (PHA) led by SGC Deary Vaughn, 33º, the Northern Masonic Jurisdictions led by SGC John W. McNaughton, 33º, the Southern Jurisdiction led by Ronald A. Seale, 33º and Leslie M. Dean, 33º, General Conference Deputy Grand High Priest, USA and Bahamas. Last to be received was MWGM Joseph B. Jefferson from the MWPHGL of Pennsylvania, who brought greetings and received the visiting MWGMs from across the several Orients led by PMWGM John Bettis, President of the GM Council. This was a very harmonious and productive Session and well received by its membership.

United Supreme Council – 135th Annual Session


Fall Edition

United Supreme Council Benevolent Foundation Donations

United Supreme Council Annual Banquet

Class Donations to the Benevolent Foundation

SGC Basil L. Sands, 33º accepting donations from thirty third degree class members to the U.S.C. Benevolent Foundation. Pictured Left , member of the Bolden/Fitch Class of 2008 L to R; GIG Demetrius L. Williams and Stephen M. Copher, Jr., Pictured Right; SGIG Woodrow Riddle, Jr., Bezaleel Consistory #15. That evening approximately (27) classes made their annual donation to the USC Benevolent Foundation.

Pictured: Ill. Roland K. Lee, Sr., Treasurer General, H.E., presented donations coming from the U.S.C. Benevolent Foundation to the NAACP accepting (Left ) President Hazel Dukes, (REACH–Autism Research), accepting (Center) Roscow A.L. Davies and the Prince Hall Colonial Park Day Care Center and Rochdale Early Advantage Charter School, accepting (Right) Ruth Ellerby. Also receiving donations was; National Alzheimer Foundation, Legal Defense League, Senior Citizens Awareness Legacy Foundation, National Urban League, National Freedom Day Association, and Wilberforce University.

On Monday evening, May 30, 2016, the U.S.C. Annual Banquet was held at the Marriott Downtown Hotel, Philadelphia, PA, with SGIG George M. Calloway, Deputy for PA, serving as Master of Ceremony. The evening started with the singing of the National Anthems of the Bahamas, Canada and the U.S.A., followed by the customary Scottish Rite Toast of Refection. Highlights included; The United Supreme Council Benevolent Foundation (U.S.C.B.F.) Annual Donations, a love offering presented to SGIG Larry Wallace, nephew of the late SGC Dr. Solomon Wallace, by Class President GIG Adam C. Jones #3 (NY) on behalf of the “Solomon Wallace Class of 2016”. Annual Class donations to the U.S.C.B.F., presented to SGC Basil Sands, 33º. The U.S.C. Gold Medal of Achievement Award was presented to SGIG Marshall Tharp (WI). There were approximately (1800) guests in attendance that enjoyed an evening of fine dining and fellowship.


On Monday evening, May 30, 2016 at the USC Annual Banquet, the Gold Medal of Achievement Award which is the highest honor presented by the Sovereign Grand Commander and the U.S.C. was presented to SGIG Marshall Tharpe, Assistant to the Deputy of Wisconsin.

Gold Medal of Achievement Award

Fall Edition

The Bulletin The United Supreme Council A.A.S.R., PHA Northern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc. 1514-20 Fitzwater Street Philadelphia, PA 19146-2123

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Nonprofit Permit No. 469 Cleveland, OH

Officers of the

United Supreme Council Northern Jurisdiction, PHA

Serving for the Triennium 2016 ~ 2019

Ill. Basil L. Sands, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander

Ill. Sidney D. Broadnax, Jr., 33° Grand Minister of State

Ill. Melvin J. Bazemore, 33° Lieutenant Grand Commander

Ill. Roland K. Lee, Sr., 33° Treasurer General, Holy Empire

Ill. Lorenzo Cruger, 33° Secretary General, Holy Empire

Ill. Ivory M. Buck, Jr., 33° Grand Recording Secretary

Ill. Raynard W. Hughes, 33° Cathedral Secretary