Fall 2009 Portfolio



Material Study and Architectural Translation

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brett_vukets arch_402a borden_atwood

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

The first segment of the course dealt with building science theory, and its practical applica-tion through a series of investigative assignments focusing on the physical properties of materials. Each student will investigate a material. This phase of the semester will culmi-nate in a large scale fabrication [4’x8’] illustrating the 1:1 scale effect. The segment is founded in a initial appropriation and re-assignment of materials through a fundamental rethinking of their relevant physical properties and potential application as architectural processes and components. This will involve field investigation and material analysis, methods of construction, material systemization, and the formal and functional implications of building materials as process applications. Each student will pursue simultaneously the material of their choice and the. process of their choice. This will be a craft based hands on working of a material and a method to investigate full scale material potential.

The material selected for study was wood with a process of weaving. By soaking in water and bending strips of basswood across triangular formcore pieces, I was able to achieve a triangulated, concave panel. There was no adhesive used the system was held together by friction between the wood members. The investigation began as chaotic but as I began to lay out a set of rules and control the variables, the panel could be broken down into its individual elements which each serve a functional purpose. There were 4 different thick-nesses of basswood used. The thickest pieces (5) were placed first to be the structure. The two middle thickness (10,10) were usd for density, and the thin pieces (5) when wet, became like string and tightened the entire system together. The idea was that reading of a controlled, systematic, individual panel became lost in the overall composition once they became aggregated together. I began removing members to see at what point the indi-vidual panel would fail which resulted in varying density within the installation. The system due to it’s geometric qualities of individual members can essentially adapt or form to any surface or corner condition it desires to occupy.

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

Aggrigated Weaving

5 10 10 5

4 8 8 4

3 6 6 3

2 4 4 2

560 square inches 560 square inches 560 square inches 560 square inches

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

The ideas from the first and second project translated into the following architectural form through a design process where the form is generated by the floor plates. The original idea was that the reflected ceiling plan would determine the shape of the floorplate and the overall form. The form from the first project was treated architecturally as a surface element that can take the form of any curve on the building. There were two separate systems operating--the screen on the exterior and the reflected ceiling plan in the office space. The exterior screen is a light metal framing system that would be eventually covered with green plants. The intent was that the plant life would become the weave in the system and natu-rally provide change in denisity and be constantly changing over the life of the building as well as from season to season.

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower

aggregated_weaving corner_condition wilshire_office_tower