Fall 1 a 24


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In-text citations

Works Cited page


The outline/Thesis

Writing Strategies




Your Thesis is a Map to Your Essay

Once you have your working thesis

written, you can make a tentative outline.


Extended Anecdote


Category 1

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Category 2

Type 1

Type 2

Type 3

Repeat if Necessary


Writing Strategies







Examples: NgoAnother case of survival cannibalism occurred

in 1945, when General Douglas MacArthur’s

forces cut supply lines to Japanese troops stationed in the

Pacific Islands. In one incident, Japanese troops were

reported to have sacrificed the Arapesh people of

northeastern New Guinea for food in order to avoid death

by starvation (Tuzin 63). The most famous example of

survival cannibalism in American history comes from the

diaries, letters, and interviews of survivors of the California-

bound Donner Party, who in the winter of 1846 were

snowbound in the Sierra Nevada Mountains for five months.

Thirty-five of eighty-seven adults and children died, and

some of them were eaten (Hart 116–117; Johnson).

The most famous example of

survival cannibalism in

American history comes

from the diaries, letters, and

interviews of survivors of the

California-bound Donner

Party, who in the winter of

1846 were snowbound in the

Sierra Nevada Mountains for

five months. Thirty-five of

eighty-seven adults and

children died, and some of

them were eaten (Hart 116–

117; Johnson).


Illustration: Toufexis

Does this chart help

readers understand

what Toufexis is saying

about her concept?

Illustration: Holmes

Do graphs

help Holmes

make his

point? Will

graphs help

you make

your point?

Do pictures

support his

effort to

explain his


Should you use

pictures in your


Writing Opportunity:

What will you use?



How many?


Your own?

Someone else’s?

Doing Research on your Topic

Having chosen a concept and a focus for your

explanation of it, begin your research to find at least one more

credible source for information on your concept.

This essay does not require a tedious search for multiple sources, but it

does require you use and document at least three sources.

One of those sources will likely be The Hunger Games. If you use

examples of your concept from the book, you must cite it.

A second source will be a dictionary or encyclopedia—the place you

found a definition or two for your concept.

The final source is up to you. It could be a novel (example), a magazine

(anecdote), a journal (statistics and graphs), or another source. You must

make sure that it is a credible source if you are offering it as factual

evidence (Joe's blog, Wikipedia, yahoo answers are all unacceptable).


You will want to keep careful records of any sources

you believe will contribute in any way to your essay.

If possible, scan or make photocopies of print

sources, and save other sources electronically. If

you must rely on notes, be sure to copy any

quotations exactly and enclose them in quotation

marks. Since you do not know which sources you

will ultimately use, keep careful records of the

author, title, publication information, page

numbers, and other required information for each

source you gather so that you can acknowledge

your sources. You should follow the documentation

style of the Modern Language Association (MLA),

MLA System of

DocumentationIn-Text Citations

Example: In-text citations: The

Hunger Games

Example: In-text Citations: online

(credible) sources

Works Cited How to make your page


Post #28: Find four examples of

your concept in HG. Endeavor to

find examples to represent your

classifications or categories.

Post #29: Do some research to find

at least one more source. Post a list

of three texts you plan to use.

Endeavor to follow the MLA format
