Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


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  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    94 84 111910 November

    Gov. Dennis Daugaard is ask-ing South Dakotans to makesafety a priority as they travelduring the Thanksgiving periodand upcoming holiday season.

    Thanksgiving is a wonderfultime for family members to

    gather, enjoy each others com-pany and share the blessings ofthe holiday, the Governor said.Its also imperative for each of usto keep safety in mind as wetravel to those happy get-togeth-ers.

    Traffic is heavier than normalduring holiday periods, present-ing drivers with numerous dis-tractions, Gov. Daugaard said.

    Motorists should carefullyobey posted speed limits, wearseatbelts on every trip, and al-

    ways designate Those are simsteps.

    Weather this tchange rapidly. Tvises motorists survival kits, tell

    ily about travel psafetravelusa.comfor holiday gathe

    South Dakotathan 200 highwaone death and m

    juries, in each oThanksgiving hoperiods.

    The nationalDay holiday fatalriod runs from 6 pday, Nov. 21, thron Sunday, Nov.

    In July of 2012, the Oil andas Summer Study Committee of

    he South Dakota Legislaturemet in Harding and Perkins

    ounties to hear local concernsbout Oil and Gas Developmentn Northwestern South Dakota.hey also had meetings in Pierrend Bismarck, ND to review howur neighbors to the north areandling Oil and Gas develop-

    ment.On October 30, 2012, the Oil

    nd Gas Summer Study Commit-ee released 17 draft bills dealingith wide-ranging issues of oilnd gas development in theorthwest region of the state.

    Western Plains Action Group,art of Dakota Rural Action, isponsoring a public meeting onuesday, Nov. 27, 6:30 pm at

    Reva Hall to discuss the legisla-tion and how it will impact youand your community. This isyour opportunity to become in-formed about proposed legislationthat will affect this area.

    Most residents of Harding and

    Perkins Counties have long seenthe impacts of oil and gas explo-ration. The State Legislature willbe deciding on many important is-sues ranging from bonding onnew oil and gas wells to fundingfor land reclamation on old wellsites. Representative Betty Olsonand Senator Ryan Maher, bothmembers of the summer study,will be there to talk about the leg-islation and to answer any ques-tions.

    In addition, Tom Horan from

    The Meade County Board ofCommissioners is accepting appli-ations from individuals who arenterested in serving on the

    Meade County Commission:Anticipated opening for Com-

    missioner District 1Appointment may be effective

    anuary 2013All eligible Meade County

    esidents who reside in Commis-ioner District 1

    The anticipated opening inDistrict 1 is due to Commissioner

    Gary Cammacks successful elec-tion to the South Dakota Legisla-ture.

    The Meade County Commis-sion is a five-member Boardwhose members are elected byDistrict - to serve the citizens ofMeade County. Meetings of theBoard of County Commissionersare held on the first consecutiveTuesday and Wednesday of eachmonth.

    Individuals who want to beconsidered for this appointment

    Oil and Gas Legislation Public MeetingTuesday November 27 6:30 PM in Reva

    Resident of Commissioner District 1 requested toserve on the Meade County Commission

    Governor: Make safet a pthis holida travel season

    the South Dakota Department ofTransportation will be at themeeting to discuss road condi-tions and problems caused by in-creased traffic going up to theNorth Dakota oil fields. As thelegislatures summer study did

    not take up this issue, it will beup to the Department to ensureappropriate funds are committedto the Perkins/Harding area.

    Please join Western Plains Ac-tion Group to discuss these im-portant issues. There will berefreshments and ample time forquestions. For more information,contact Karen Englehart at 605-244-5402 or Sabrina King at 605-716-2200, or

    Hopefully the only thing cuffednd stuffed during your Thanks-iving Holiday was the turkey onhe tablenot YOU!

    The Thanksgiving Holiday ishe unofficial start of a month-ng holiday season. Law enforce-

    ment and prevention providersant this wonderful time of year

    o be filled with celebrations andme with loved ones and goodheernot tragedy! The Southakota Prevention Network,

    along with the South Dakota Of-fice of Highway Safety and lawenforcement, remind you thedrinking alcohol and driving donot mix. Buzzed Driving isDRUNK driving.

    Drinking and driving is nevera good combination and its notworth the risk! Driving while in-toxicated jeopardizes your safetyand the safety of others on ourroads. The National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration re-

    Cuffed and Stuffed? Submitted by Three Rivers Counseling Center

    are asked to complete a CitizenInterest

    Application / Resume and sub-mit same to the Meade CountyBoard of Commissioners, 1300Sherman Street, STE 212, Stur-gis, SD 57785. Citizen Interest

    Application available viaHuman Resources Office.

    All applications must be re-ceived by 5:00 p.m., Friday, De-cember 14, 2012.

    ported that over 30 percent of fa-talities during the holiday seasoninvolve alcohol-impaired drivers.

    This tragic and unnecessaryloss of life can be reduced if we getimpaired drives OFF our road-ways. Tune in during the weeksahead to learn what YOU can doto keep our roadways safe thisholiday season!

    For more information, contact:Three Rivers Counseling CenterLemmon, SD

    from The Faith Independ

    Diane & Loretta

    The Faith Independent

    will be closed on Friday, Nov

  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    Page 2 November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent

    Published in the Heart of the West River EmpirePublication No. 184760

    Published Weekly on WednesdayFaith, SD 57626-0038

    POSTMASTER, Send Address Changes to:P.O. Box 38, Faith, SD 57626-0038

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    WANT ADS & CARDS OF THANKS: $5.00 for first20 words; 10 per word thereafter.

    ADS & NEWS DEADLINE: Monday NoonPUBLIC NOTICE DEADLINE: Friday, 10:00 a.m.

    DEADLINE: Last possible moment to turn newsitems in at the office to be published.LEGAL NEWSPAPER FOR: State of S.D., MeadeCounty, City of Faith, Faith School District 46-2

    Publisher.............................................................Don RavelletteOffice Manager.......................................................Diane IsaacsReporter, Proofreader, Composition.................Loretta Passolt

    COPYRIGHT: 1988 Faith Independent. All rights re-served. Nothing may bereprinted, photocopied, or inany way reproduced from this publication, in whole orpart, without the written consent of the publishers.

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    Bob Fowler, 85 , died on Thurs-ay, November 15, 2012, at hisome.

    He was born on June 18, 1927,Sioux City, Iowa, to Everett

    nd Hermagene Fowler. Whenob was a teenager he moved toaith to live with his Aunt and

    ncle Harold and Marion Palmereceased) who were instrumen-l in teaching Bob unconditionalve. Bob joined the Navy at 17,ationed primarily in Biloxi, Mis-ssippi. When honorably dis-

    harged from being in thetlantic Fleet on a tug-boat, Bobturned to Faith. He worked ons Uncle Harold's ranch workingith cattle and sheep, movingto construction as a heavy-

    quipment operator. He workedard and played hard. At thearly age of 27 (1954), Bob joinedLANO Society and never lookedack. He fell in love with

    Wynonna Marsh, and they werearried in Faith on June 8,

    955. They shared 57 years to-

    ether. Wynonna and Bob had 5hildren together and enjoyedoving around the mid-west,

    ventually settling in Rapid City.ob found his niche as a long-aul truck driver, and loved everyile he drove on the road for 50

    ears. He enjoyed a very long ca-er retiring not until he was 81

    ears young.

    His giggle and laughter was anintegral quality and a natural at-tribute, making laughter his life-long signature-piece. He laughedoften and we all laughed with himat his views of that very funnymoment. With unquestioned in-tegrity, Bob was a loyal husband,father and friend who had ourback and you could trust that hewould always be there for you. Ittakes a complicated man to livesuch a simple life.

    Survivors include his wife,Wynonna Fowler, Rapid City;children, Rhonda (Milt) Wright,Garold (Pam) Fowler, SharonFowler, Sandra (Paul) Slifker,and he helped raise Shar LaReeFowler, his granddaughter, andfoster-daughter, Cher DeMar-rais. He is also survived by hissisters, Pat White (Iowa), AnnTaylor (Nebraska); sisters-in-law,

    Naomi DeBerry (Texas) andSaundra Post (Idaho). Bob andWynonna have 12 grandchildren,

    Robert C. Fowlerand 5 great-grandchildren to-gether.

    Preceding him in death are hisparents, good friends and in-lawsGabe and Maxine Marsh, and his

    son Bobby.Christian Wake Services, with

    Rosary, were held Monday, Nov.19, at St. Isaac Jogues CatholicChurch in Rapid City.

    Mass of Christian Burial wasoffered at 1:30 PM Tuesday, Nov.20, at St. Isaac Jogues CatholicChurch.

    Inurnment was held at 10:00AM on Wednesday, Nov. 21, at theBlack Hills National Cemeterywith military honors.

    Memorials may be made toAlano Society, or Daisy House, inRapid City.

    Services are under the directionof the Osheim & Schmidt FuneralHome in Rapid City.

    Friends may sign the onlineguest register at

    Harold Orlando Kilness, 82,Howes, SD, died Friday, Novem-ber 9, 2012, at the David M.Dorsett Healthcare Center inSpearfish.

    A prayer service was held at9:00 a.m. Saturday, November 17,2012, at Bethel Lutheran Churchin Faith. Funeral services fol-lowed at 10:30 a.m. at BethelLutheran Church in Faith withPastor Wayne Olson officiating.

    Burial followed at the Faith CityCemetery.Harold was born June 5, 1930,

    at Sturgis, SD, to Philip andJosephine (Hegge) Kilness. He at-tended Barada Grade School andgraduated from Sturgis HighSchool in 1948. In the fall of 1948,he enrolled at Augustana College.On June 2, 1952, he received aBachelors Degree in mathematicsand a minor in physics and edu-cation. He returned to the familyranch which had been home-steaded in 1909 by his father.Harold would reside on the ranchuntil his death.

    Harold enjoyed saying, "I re-ceived my bachelors degree oneday and lost it on the next day!"

    On Sunday, June 3, 1952, Haroldmarried Gwendolyn Wilkins, an

    Augustana College nursing stu-dent, from Clark, SD. They re-turned to the Marcus Ranch tolive and retire. Harold's son,Robin, and daughter, DeeAnne,

    will continue to rAs a youth, H

    chores: keeping ffeeding the pigs menting his neigand big sister! Rand using him asinto the dam on hIt was rumored thmouse in the

    drawer! Maybe thvery close to the of the year.

    Baseball was apastime for Harpitcher for the Mteam. Winning w1957, Harold recstanding Young FHe was presidenCounty Farm Burber of the BeChurch at Faithserved as a deatreasurer, and teacher.

    Harold enjoyedelling if requesthe saxaphone, pand mouth harp.cream was the bplaying games grandchildren. Hadaughter, Robin Lsame birthday on

    Survivors incGwendolyn KilneRobin (Linda) Kilter, DeeAnne KHowes; grandchDiane, Jene, Robilie Jo; sister, Helong time familCrenshaw, of Big

    He was precedhis parents; brotfant sister, KathKenneth and JusPhyllis Waterlan

    Maddox.A memorial hlished to the BChurch.

    Condolences mfamily www.kinkadefun

    Harold Orlando Kilness

    Your Questions, Social SecuritysAnswers

    Question: What are some ofthe documents Social Securitywill accept as proof of identity fora child?

    Answer: While you can use abirth certificate to prove age orcitizenship, you cannot use it asproof of identity. For identity, we

    prefer to see the childs U.S. pass-port. If you dont have a passport,we may accept the childs:

    Adoption decree;Doctor, clinic, or hospital

    record;Religious record (e.g., bap-

    tismal record);Daycare center or school

    record; orSchool identification card.We generally can accept a non-

    photo identity document if it hasenough information to identifythe child (such as the childsname and age, date of birth andparents names). All documents

    must be either originals or copiescertified by the issuing agency.We cannot accept photocopies ornotarized copies of documents. Tofind out more, visit

    Social Security Tips

  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent

    WASHINGTON, D.C. Sena-tor John Thune (R-S.D.) was re-elected Chairman of the SenateRepublican Conference last weekby his fellow Republican Sena-tors. Thune was originally electedto the post in December of 2011,

    but officially assumed the posi-tion of Senate Republican Confer-ence Chairman in January of2012 when Senator Lamar

    Alexander (R-Tenn.) steppeddown from the position. TheChairman of the Senate Republi-can Conference is the numberthree leadership position for Sen-ate Republicans and is taskedwith spearheading messaging ef-forts for the conference.

    I thank my Republican Senatecolleagues for again electing meto serve as Chairman of the Sen-ate Republican Conference, saidThune. Our country is at a criti-cal point and the stakes havenever been higher. As our confer-ence works to address the major

    challenges facing our nation, in-cluding the fiscal cliff, rampant

    unemployment, adebt, we also stwilling to work aorder to meet thewill continue to wsure that issues ination and to So

    agriculture, trandefense are broufront of policy dthat Republicansnational conversacase for these aDakota priorities

    Prior to beingman of the SenConference, Thserved as ChairmRepublican Policyas Vice ChairmaRepublican Confeate Republican Csenators commuorities to the Athrough a wide vanications resourcevision, radio

    technology, amoices.

    On Thursday, families acrosshe country will gather aroundhe table to celebrate Thanksgiv-ng. I have much to be thankfulr this year, including a loving

    ife, children and also continually thankful toe able to serve South Dakotansn the U.S. Senate. Like everyear, though, I am also incrediblyhankful for South Dakota farm-rs and ranchers.

    Folks across the country mightot thank them on Thursday, buthose of us who live in Southakota know that without our agroducers, wonderful Thanksgiv-ng feasts would not be possible.ven during terrible droughtske this past year, South Dakota

    armers and ranchers workedard to make sure we have an ad-quate food supply. We owe it tour producers to provide themupport.

    Unfortunately, the House hasailed to pass a farm bill andhere are serious consequences.roducers lack certainty and were close to reverting back to thegriculture policies of the 1940s.his is bad for everyone in ourountry, but especially our farm-rs and ranchers. A number of

    important programs have alreadyexpired, and the House has only afew short weeks left to act beforemore programs expire.

    Back in June, Republican and

    Democratic Senators worked to-gether to pass a farm bill thatcuts the deficit, supports millionsof jobs, and makes important re-forms to our farm programs.

    After considering over 70 amend-ments, we passed a bill that in-cludes livestock disaster assist-ance that would apply to lossesexperienced during this yearsdrought. Our bill will also betterenable USDA to help food banksfeed the hungry through some im-portant changes to our feedingprograms. The House, on theother hand, has not producedanything.

    No doubt politics have been in-volved with the farm bill. Thereare many in Congress who do not

    believe we should provide ourfood producers with a safety net.The House leadership chose notto consider a farm bill before theelections. These political gameshurt our producers. The electionsare over. It is time for the Houseof Representatives to do what isright and pass a farm bill.

    Thankful for farmers and ranchers on ThanksgivingHouse needs to pass farm bill during lame-duck session

    y U.S. Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD)

    Thune re-elected SenateRepublican Conference Cha

    As I traveled South Dakotalast month, I heard repeatedlyfrom ag producers who were dis-appointed that the House leftthem behind. Our producers also

    reiterated the importance of pass-ing a long-term farm bill thatmaintains a strong crop insur-ance program and offers disasterassistance to livestock producers.This years drought has placedconsiderable strain on folksthroughout the state, particularlyon our ranchers, who have no per-manent safety net. Thats why weincluded several disaster assis-tance programs in our bill to helpthem get through difficult yearslike this one. Unfortunately,House inaction has left our ranch-ers in a tough spot.

    It is my hope that this Thanks-giving folks across the country,including lawmakers, think abouthow their food got to the table.

    The food got there because of thehard work of our farmers andranchers. It is time for the Houseof Representatives to stand withour producers so they can con-tinue to feed our nation. It is timefor the House of Representativesto get serious and pass a farmbill.

    All meals served with milk andread. Menu subject to change

    without notice.Wed., Nov. 21: Roast Beef,

    Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Har-vest Beets, Peach Crisp

    Thur., Nov. 22 & Fri., 23: NoMeals/Happy Thanksgiving!

    Mon. Nov. 26: Swiss Steakw/Tomato & Onion, Baked Po-ato, Green Beans, Seasonal Fruit

    Tue., Nov 27: Ham, Sweet Po-atoes, Corn OBrian, Apricots,

    SherbetWed., Nov. 28: Chicken &

    Dressing, Mashed Potatoes &

    Gravy, Carrots, Fruity Slaw, Sea-onal Fruit

    Thur., Nov. 29: Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Tossed Salad &Dressing, Mandarin Oranges,Vanilla Pudding

    Fri., Nov. 30: Roast Beef,Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, LimaBeans, Orange




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  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    Page 4 November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent

    Faith News By Loretta Passolt Opal AreaNews

    By Kay Ingalls

    Black Hills Health & Wellne ss CenterHands on Healing for all ages.

    Chiropractor Dr. Stephen Gul likson

    Last week we received wordfrom Idaho that our Aunt Nona(Cheney) Bowlby Vig had passedaway. She was Margie's younger

    sister, age 97, and was married toHarvey Vig, who was a firstcousin to Cecil and Wayne Vig. Ofthe large Bowlby family Margie,Mary Arneson and Carl Bowlbyare still living. Nona was a swelllady and will be missed by herfamily.

    Our condolences go to the fam-ily of Harold Kilness, who passedaway recently as well. Harold'sfamily lived "just over the big hill"to the north of where our folkslived. Harold was the same age asone of my brothers, went to thesame grade school and highschool, and boarded with mygrandmother during high school,so seemed to be one of our family,as well. I have many good memo-

    ries of the Kilness family. Mrs.Kilness, as we always called her,

    just as we called all the olderladies in the community like Mrs.Ellefson, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs.Hellekson, etc., was a great lefsemaker which was a special treatto me. We were not Norwegiansso it was nothing we got to haveat home. I would take a few pota-toes in a sack and ride my bikeover the hill and she would helpme make some to take home.What an imposition that was,

    probably, but she never said aword about it. She was a very lit-tle woman, living in a very littlehouse. I remember PG Kilness aswell, but never saw him much.Back to the Mrs. part of the con-versation. I got to thinking of oldneighbors like those ladies andwondered why Mallie Howie wasMallie and not Mrs. and RoseHowie was Rose not Mrs. Howie.Must have been because they

    both had the same last name, yousuppose? And then there wasMrs. Burditt to others but was al-ways Aunt Neva for us. Memoriesare a good thing, aren't they? Wemust remember to share themwith the younger generationswhile we can. Oh, another thingwas when Harold brought thisbeautiful young woman, Gwen, toour community. She was so beau-tiful and sweet. I'm sure Ipestered her, as well.

    The Lemmel family hadhunters from Rapid City Tues-day, Wednesday and Thursday attheir ranch. Friends Bob, Joanand Aaron Hanberg were also vis-itors overnight during the week-end. Lexy Lemmel was out to

    spend time with her dad, Rick,and did her deer hunting, also.

    Dan, Glenn and Margaret Fo-gelman went to Rapid City onWednesday for a follow-up ap-pointment for Margaret. Danwent back to Rapid City on Fri-day with a load of scrap iron.

    John Heidler made a trip intothe Hills with his mom on Mon-day to keep an appointment.That was also John and Carmen'sanniversary. Happy Anniversaryto a great couple.

    Wednesday, Cwent into Faith twatching the littters. Carmen satiful fall day to enjoy swinging.

    Nephews CodLesmeister both Heidler ranch toCody will be spenin the communitemployed by Hug

    Marlin and Etto Rapid City on Fback by way of Uwatch great grHowie play in hisgame of the seaso

    Zona and HoSturgis on Thurswith Karen Delb

    Antrim in the hovisited Ernest Dresiding in an home in Rapid Ciappointment, thethe home of Chanfamily for a visit.

    Walter and Diacattle on TuesdayJesse and David forenoon, Jesse awith their preg te

    Carmen Heidlon Saturday to ptiful basket and errands, stoppedfor a short time anJT Vig's on her w

    Saturday, Zofriends in BelleWhite, SD for a vtended the "Retirmony" at the Triin Belle Fourche.kler and daughteCody Roattended. CheyenMiss Rodeo Souththe crown that been retired to th

    seum. Zona was Rodeo SD coordwhen that crown was retired this yFourche Museumrodeo queens anqueens and Montnic who had decrown were there

    Howard and Saturday for Rasome shopping bthe wedding of Bestgen and MarTracy, Nathan, Jdid the same thinto get new glasdo other shoppinmack met them inthey all also att

    ding followed by tion and dance auditorium that e

    Sunday forenJustin Ingalls anWalters loaded aheifers to Philiplivestock auction

    Reminder thatday at the Opal Cwill be on Decegroup will be haexchange, kind phant affair. Anyhave questions yEmily Cowles at

    We had beautiful fall weatherast week with temperatures inhe 40s and even low 50s. Thenow we received over the past

    weekend had pretty well disap-peared by mid-week. It soundsike it will last through the

    Thanksgiving weekend. We had aittle shower Monday morningomplete with a beautiful rain-

    bow!Our condolences to the family

    of Harold Kilness. Harold passedaway last week and his servicewas held Saturday. He was aong-time area rancher.

    We received word Mondaymorning that Roger Westerberghad passed away. At that timeervices were still pending...???

    Roger taught in the Faith Schoolor many years, then worked athe newspaper office several

    years before retiring and takingife easy. Roger had a sense of

    humor and could tell a good jokewith the best of them.

    Eldora Fischbach went toRapid City last Tuesday for a fewdays. She kept a couple appoint-ments, and taught a quilt classone day. She returned home Fri-day. Son Nathan and a friend ar-ived Thursday to do some deer

    hunting. They got their fill, didome visiting and headed back to

    Watertown Saturday morning.Sandy and JR Rasmussen wel-

    omes anyone to join them fordinner at the Sr. Citizen Centerhis Thanksgiving Day. This ishe 6th year they have done this.

    You may bring a dish to share i fyou wish, if not just bring your-elf. Its a time for good food, vis-ting and giving thanks. They also

    do this each year for Christmas.

    School dismisses at 1:00 today,Wednesday, for the Thanksgivingbreak. The library will also beclosed for the holiday.

    The Ladies Medical Organiza-stion is working on the 2013 cal-endar. You may contact Michele

    Hulm with any birthday or an-niversary dates you want on andto place an order for your calen-dar.

    Congratulations to David Ruthand Drew Vance for qualifying forthe State Oral Interp Contest in

    Yankton on November 30th.The girls started basketball

    practice this Monday and theboys will start next Monday. Theseason opener for the girls will beDecember 6th at Tiospaye Topa,and the boys opener will be De-cember 7th at Takini. We wishthem good luck this season.

    The 6th-8th grade basketballgirls will host Newell next Tues-day, 27th, at 4:30. They had along day of basketball here on

    Saturday with a tournament.I hope you will share your

    Thanksgiving news with ourreaders next week. You may callme, email or drop it off at the of-fice.

    Did you know President Abra-ham Lincoln was the one who setaside the fourth Thursday in No-vember as Thanksgiving Day? Ithought that was kind of an inter-esting fact.

    Everyone have a safe and en-joyable Thanksgiving weekend.And dont get too carried awaywith your Black Friday shopping!Remember your smalltown busi-nesses, too. Theyre there for youall year round.

    email us at

  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    Marcus NewsBy Vicky Waterland

    November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent

    Central Meade County News

    Another dry week with sun-shine that has melted the wel-come snow we had. At this time ofyear we almost dread rain for fear

    of it freezing on the lines andcausing power outages. I think wedeal with all the resulting may-hem much better than people inlarge cities and heavily populatedareas. We are used to that andare prepared most of the time.

    Saturday morning many areafolks and former area folks at-tended the funeral for Harold Kil-ness held in Faith. Attendingwere many former Marcus com-munity members such as AddieBoyd, Harley, and Connie Weyer,Walter, Vern, and Rosalie Si-mons, Clara Beth Peterson, FredaWilson, and Gladys Edwards.Marv and Norma (Waterland)Williams and George and Kim(Waterland) Langendorfer came

    from Owanka and New Under-wood. Jill (Waterland) Schillingand kids were here fromSpearfish. Harolds sister, HelenKilness and friend Jene Cren-shaw flew in from Big Bear, Cali-fornia. Helen and Jene will bevisiting until after Thanksgiving.It was beautiful weather whichhelps lighten a sad day just a lit-tle. As we were attending the bur-ial at the Faith Cemetery Iwondered how many times I havebeen there over the years. I alsothought how wonderful our com-munities are to support the fam-

    ily in their time of loss. I looked atthe heads bowed in prayer withthe hats and caps removed andfelt very proud that I live here.

    Nothing was said, the guys justknew it was time to remove theirheadgear and they did. When theservice finished people visited abit and then drifted to their out-fits and drove back to the churchor went on home. The ladies ofBethel Lutheran served a won-derful noon meal. There was a lotof visiting and reminiscing aboutby gone days. Joy, laughter andtears all combine to bring closure.The continuity of our lives andour customs are such a comfort.

    Arent we lucky we have the sup-port system we have in our com-munity and state? Thank you toall who helped.

    Last week my news was cutshort as I had a quick doctor visit

    to get an EKG which turned outO.K. I will be going to the heartdoctors in Rapid City Tuesday foranother stress test. Another ofour blessings is the Faith Clinicand the gals who work there. I

    looked around wthere and thoughtto be finding fuclinic. It has beetime and I bet some new equiproom. Any rich fodents want to hel

    Dennis EllefsSaturday from thospital. Get wel

    Lacey, Robert

    dercheck attendeAngus sale in BuSaturday. RobeCaspers groom ththe sale day.

    Sunday, Bub his cows preg testdercheck, Haroldterland, Vince DuDan Jordan, MicKilby and T. J. Gthere.

    Ernest DelbrRapid City last will be in assisteding Star. The aWinfield Street, 57701. Ernest is his phone numberwould love visit

    told me that his cember 29 and heyoung. Ernest anter Sandra camSusan and Normto his new home.

    The weekend before Thanks-ving was a very mild and dry

    ne. Despite needing moisture,avel and outdoor activities werene easily. However, Influenza B

    nd other illnesses continue toague both children and adultsis week.Students and teachers will

    njoy a short week with thehanksgiving holiday alreadypon us. Some landowners in theea are limiting the number of

    unters because of the diseasemong deer this year. I have nocollection of this in the manyars I have lived in Meade

    ounty. Stagnant waters mayso contribute to unhealthyildlife.The newly elected Senate and

    ouse members held leadershipections within their causus thiseek. In the Senate, Larry Rho-en was elected to a position as

    ajority Whip. Representativeean Wink was elected aspeaker Pro Tempor in theouse. Each of our legislators willnd out their committee assign-ents around the time of theovernor's budget address in De-mber.Friday night was the last night

    r the young basketball playersrural Meade County. The

    usic teacher had some of theudents sing the National An-em to begin the evening. Therls traveling team will play aw more games and the boys willgin their season in December.Larry and I attended the Fes-

    tival of Trees in Sturgis on Fridayevening, held at First InterstateBank. The bank was packed withbeautiful trees and wreaths, goodfood, and people. The items were

    auctioned off to help fund theSturgis Great Area Foundation.Ann Shaw sponsored a tree thathad a global theme and was verybeautifully decorated. Paul andKaren Speed were also in atten-dance as well as many familiarfaces from the Sturgis area.

    The Circuit Riders Quartetprovided a musical program foran evening of Thanksgiving atNewell on Sunday night. Ham,turkey, and all the homemade fix-ings were served to those in at-tendance. It is an annual eventthat is put on by the churches inthe Newell community. Lorie andGary Hausmann attended aswell. Larry and John Rhoden,Dennis Hall, and Wes Labrier

    make up the quartet with SylviaRhoden accompanying them.

    A night of praise took place inUnion Center on Friday nightwith the praise group, Menagerie.It was a night of great encourage-ment and music.

    Archery league, held at theMinuteman Archery Club nearStoneville, began on Sundayevening.

    Ronnie Opstedahl is recoveringfrom a stroke and is reported tobe walking with a cane. He will becoming home in a few days. Hewas able to attend his mother'sfuneral service last week.

    This week, Americans acrossour nation will gather aroundThanksgiving tables with familyand friends. Every year at thisime, I am reminded how blessed

    we are to have a strong, vibrantural America which provides so

    much for each of us, every day.Rural America provides our

    amilies with a safe, secure, af-ordable food supply, unrivaled

    outdoor recreational opportuni-

    ies, healthy soil and clean water.Our nations leading efforts in re-newable fuel and energy arebased in rural America, as aremillions of American jobs.

    Our farmers, ranchers andgrowers are the most productiveon earth. Their work allows us toeed people at home and aroundhe world. It means that Ameri-an families pay less for their foodhan the people of any other de-

    veloped nation. It strengthens oureconomy, with agriculture sup-porting one in 12 U.S. jobs.

    Their farm fields hold thepromise of new technology fromincredible new green building ma-terials, to advanced biobasedproducts. Their homegrown en-ergy is bringing down the price ofgas today, and setting the stagefor the next generation of ad-vanced biofuels.

    These accomplishments arethe result of hard work by mil-lions of Americans, and it isnt al-ways easy. This year has beenmarked by a number of disastersstretching from our smallest

    towns to our biggest cities. Amer-ica still faces an historic drought,and the recovery continues fromHurricane Sandy. At USDA, weare committed to doing all we canin support of those who have beenaffected by disaster.

    Throughout the holiday sea-son, my family and I will also re-member those who struggle to putfood on their plate. Well givethanks that so many ordinary

    Americans stand up to fighthunger in their own communities.

    As always, we will honor those

    who serve in our nations armedforces and we will remember thata high proportion of these bravemen and women come from ruralAmerica. Many are overseastoday, away from their own fami-lies, so that all of us can remainsafe and free.

    We truly do have much to bethankful for, and I am particu-larly grateful for those who live,work and raise their families inrural America. I am glad thatUSDA can support their efforts.This week, I wish you and yourloved ones a safe, happy Thanks-giving. I invite you to join me ingiving thanks for the great nationwe call home.

    Why Im Thankful forural America

    Ag Secretary Vilsacks Column


    Friday noon before Wed.


  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    Page 6 November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent

    Cut your own fresh Christmasee this year from the Black Hillsational Forest.Christmas tree permits will be

    vailable at most Black Hills Na-onal Forest Service offices inestern South Dakota and north-ast Wyoming. White spruce,onderosa pine and western ju-iper are available.

    Each permit is accompanied byhandout with guidance about

    ppropriate tree removal. Treesay not be cut in developed recre-

    tion sites, Forest Service admin-trative sites, active timber

    ales, the Black Hills Experimen-al Forest near Rochford, thelack Elk Wilderness, the Beaverark area near Sturgis, or withinpearfish Canyon.

    Individual permits cost $10, up a maximum of five permits per

    ndividual, and the maximum al-

    wable height of cut trees is 20et. Permits require that you cut

    he entire tree, leaving no morehan six inches of stump, and thatou cut unused branches so theyy flat on the ground. The adhe-ve permit tag must be attachedefore a tree is removed from theoods; a citation can be issued forossession of a cut-but-untaggedee, even if a tag is available inerson or in your vehicle.

    Trees should be placed inater as soon as possible to helpeep needles fresh. Once indoors,ees should be placed away fromoves, heaters, or heating ducts.fter Christmas, used treeshould be disposed of properly asard waste. Do not dump used

    ees on national forest land.There are no refunds for uncut

    ees or unused permits, and allermits expire December 31st.

    Please note that Forest Serviceoffices do not accept credit cards,and that all Forest Service officeswill be closed on Thanksgiving

    Day. Friday, December 21st is thelast day permits will be sold atForest Service offices.

    Permits are available at thefollowing locations:Black Hills National Forest

    Forest Supervisors Office:1019 North 5th Street, Custer,Ph: 605-673-9200. Permits Avail-able 11/16 thru 12/21. OfficeHours: M F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    Hell Canyon District: 1225Washington Boulevard, Newcas-tle, WY Ph 307-746-2782. Permits

    Available 11/16 thru 12/21. OfficeHours: M F 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Mystic Ranger District:8221 South Highway 16, RapidCity, Ph: 605-343-1567 Permits

    Available 11/16 thru 12/21. Office

    Hours: M F, 8:00 a.m. 4:30p.m., Open the following Satur-days: 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, and 12/15,8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.

    Northern Hills Ranger Dis-trict: 2014 North Main Street,Spearfish, Ph: 605-642-4622. Per-mits Available 11/16 thru 12/21.Office Hours: M F 8 a.m. to 4:30p.m.

    Bearlodge Ranger District:Highway 14 East, Sundance, WYPh: 307-283-1361. Permits Avail-able 11/16 thru 12/21. OfficeHours: M F 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    Christmas tree permits willalso be available from the follow-ing private vendors:

    Minitman Too (formerlyBuckstop): 611 East Jackson

    Boulevard Spearfish, Ph: 605-642-4945 Hours: Monday Sun-day, 6 a.m. to 9 p.m., Acceptscheck or cash only. Permits Avail-

    able 11/16 thru 12/21Cenex Convenience Store:

    2030 Lazelle Street, Sturgis, Ph:605-347-3305. Hours: M Sat., 6

    a.m. to 8 p.m., Sunday, 8 a.m. to8 p.m. Permits Available 11/16thru 12/21

    Deadwood History & Infor-mation Center: 3 Siever Street,Deadwood, Ph: 605-578-2507.Hours: Mon. Sun., 9 a.m. to 5p.m. Permits Available 11/16 thru12/21

    Hill City Chamber of Com-merce: 23935 Hwy. 16/385, HillCity Ph: 800-888-1798 or 605-574-2368. Hours: M F, 9:00a.m. 5:00 p.m., Sat. 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. Closed on Sundays.

    Rapid Stop Conoco: 20059West Highway 14, exit 185, Junc-tion of Highway 14 and I-90, Sun-dance, WY Ph: 307-283-2240Hours: M F, 5:15 a.m. 8 p.m.

    Sat. and Sun., 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.Permits Available 11/16 thru12/24

    Hardware Hank: 770 Mtn.View Road, Rapid City, Ph: 605-343-5150. Hours: M F, 8:00 a.m.

    9:00 p.m. Sat., 8:00 a.m. 6:00p.m.; Sun., 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.Permits Available 11/16 thru12/24

    Prairie Berry Winery: 23837Highway 385, Hill City, Ph: 605-574-3898, Hours: M S, 10:00a.m. 6:00 p.m., Sunday, 11:00a.m. 5:00 p.m. Permits Avail-able 11/16 thru 12/24

    Johnson Siding GeneralStore: 12300 West Highway 44,Rapid City, Ph: 605-348-2280Hours: Sun. Thur., 7:00 a.m.

    8:00 p.m. Fri. and Sat.: 7:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Permits Available11/16 thru 12/24

    National Forest Christmas treepermits available November 16

    Surprise 50th Birthday forRobert Ulrich

    Moving?Notify The Faith

    Independent of your

    change of address before

    moving or as quickly as

    possible, so as not to

    miss a single issue.

    The doing it daily challengeSomething changed in my life

    two months ago.A nurse at our hospital asked

    if I would like to join her DoingIt Daily challenge for $20. Shesaid I should turn my three days

    a week exercise program into adaily habit. All Id have to do iswalk, run, or bike one mile on thedays Im not usually working out.I thought about the four days aweek that I dont exercise, howbusy I am, and wondered howwould I find the time to do it.

    One mile is only 12 blocks,she said, glaring at me with thedare. $20 to take the challenge,and those still keeping the prom-ise of doing at least a mile sixdays out of the week after a yearwill split the pot.

    So my wife and I both threw 20bucks into the kitty with 35 oth-ers and promised to try to get thatmile in every day. At first Ithought of it as a nice donation tohelp encourage other exercisers,but I have been doing it six daysout of seven for two months now.On the four days a week I used totake off, I now walk the six blocksto my study spot, a local cafe inthe early morning, and then homeagain before work.

    Something this good is worthsharing, so I offer the same chal-lenge to you. Start your own

    group with a $2gift plan, or just dply walk, run, or mile a day, six ouIf your physpresently cannotthen make it som

    One friend suggedog six blocks twwould work. But

    I could mentigreat things walyou to includestrength, energyaging with gracethe main reason

    My morning onbecome a pleasurserve the beginnis easy, makes mably good, and whmight win someyou to do it too.

    Dr. Rick HoPrairie Doc PersCall, a weeklymedical professhealth concerns

    public. On Callthe Healing Wordassociation with tState University

    partment. On Cadays on South

    Broadcasting-TelCentral, 6 p.m. Mat OnCallTelevis

    The Prairie Doc PerspeDr. Richard Holms, MD

    Subscribe NoTo The Faith IndependIn Town & Dupree $34.00

    + local taxIn County $34.00

    + local taxOut of County $39.00

    + local tax

    Out of State $39.00

    P.O. Box 38 Faith, SD 576

    Ph: 605-967-2161

  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    Page 8 November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent

    Brookings, S.D. - Most beefproducers understand that whenthe weather gets colder their cowsneed more energy to maintaintheir body condition. So, when docows start experiencing coldstress and then how much more

    energy do they need? SDSU Ex-tension Cow/Calf Field Specialist,Warren Rusche says there are afew things to consider when itcomes to cold stress.

    "We need to faactual temperatuspeed to determitemperature," Ruencing Table 1. "Yspeed can dramaeffective tempera

    experience. Any kprotection, whetman-made, can bin reducing the achill."

    Rusche says the second consider-ation is just exactly when does acow begin to feel cold stress?

    "The point of cold stress, or lowercritical temperature, depends in

    large part on the lation provided bhe said, referencisulation value chaon the thickness

    and whether it is

    As a general rule, Rusche saysthat for every degree that the ef-fective temperature is below thelower critical temperature, thecow's energy needs increase by 1percent.

    "For instance if the effectivetemperature is 17 degrees , theenergy needs of a cow with a drywinter coat are about 15 percent

    higher than they would be undermore moderate conditions. Thatenergy requirement jumps up toabout 40 percent higher underthose conditions if the hair coat iscompletely wet or matted down

    with mud," he saiOne of the wa

    the cow respondsby increasing voltake.

    "The animal's lism system incre

    Also, the pasroughages throuand digestive t

    These changes triin the cow's appetary intake," he s

    Some observedtake based on teshown in the Tab

    Some management considera-tions cattle producers need tokeep in mind regarding changesin feed intake in response to coldstress and the cow's need for moreenergy include;

    *Make sure that water is avail-

    able. If water available is re-stricted, feed intake will bereduced.

    *If the feed availability is lim-ited either by snow cover or ac-cess to hay feeders, the cattle maynot have the opportunity to eat asmuch as their appetite would dic-tate.

    *Be careful providing largeramounts of high concentratefeeds. Rapid diet changes couldcause significant digestive upsets."It's important to remember that

    cattle can adaptweather changeswithout a signifiperformance. A coa few cold, miserout suffering lonRusche said. "Ho

    the energy costs ostress greatly incrproblems down tcalving and subseing performance."

    He adds that ancan take to lowerthe cows have tosuch as providweather protectioher maintenanceTo learn more aother topics impathis winter, visit i

    Understanding the effeof cold stress on beef

    Table 2. Lower Critical Temperatures for Beef CCoat Condition Critical Temperature,

    Wet or Summer Coat 59

    Dry, Fall Coat 45Dry, Winter Coat 32

    Dry, Heavy Winter Coat 18

    Table 1. Wind Chill Temperature, Degrees F.Wind Speed, Air Temperature, Deg0 mph -10 0 5 mph -16 -6 10 mph -21 -11 20 mph -30 -20 30 mph -46 -36

    Table 3. Daily Dry Matter Intake of Beef Cows BperaturesDegrees F.

  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent

    Legal AdvFriday nooWed. pub

    The Faith In

    hristmas Tree Planning,election and CareThere are more than 21,000

    hristmas tree growers in thenited States, with around a halfllion Christmas Trees. Christ-as trees have been sold com-ercially in the US since the 19th

    ntury. The majority of them areown in Oregon, North Carolina,ichigan, Pennsylvania, Wiscon-n, Washington, New York, andirginia. However, some Christ-as trees are grown in all of theher states.Before buying a Christmas

    ee you should decide exactlyhere you will place the tree. Be

    ure to choose a spot away fromeat sources, such as TVs, fire-aces, radiators, air ducts andso make sure it is away from

    oors. Measure the height andidth of the space you have avail-ble in the room where the treeill be placed. Take a tape meas-re with you to measure your cho-n tree and bring a cord to tie

    our tree to the car.Remember to choose a treeat is suitable for where it is to

    e displayed. If the tree is to beut in front of a large window,en all four sides should look as

    ood. If the tree is put against aall, then a tree should haveree good sides. A tree with two

    ood sides can be put in a corner.hristmas trees sold on retail lotsay have been cut weeks earlier

    nd from hundreds of miles usually best to buy early be-re the best trees have beenken. Choose a tree with a

    ealthy green appearance withw browning needles. The nee-es should be flexible and not fallf if you run a branch through

    ur hand. Lift the tree a fewches off the ground and drop it

    n the butt end. Very few greeneedles should drop off the tree.ake sure the handle or base ofe tree is straight and 6-8 inchesng so it will fit easily into theand.There are numerous evergreenecies grown for Christmasees. Christmas tree species cannveniently be divided into twooups - pines, such as Scotch andhite Pine, and the single-needlenifers such as spruces and firs.nes have their needles attached

    to branches in groups of two ormore and single-needle conifershave needles individually at-tached to the branches. The mostpopular species sold for Christ-mas trees in South Dakota areScotch Pine, Colorado BlueSpruce, Douglas Fir, Fraser Fir

    and Black Hills Spruce.If you choose to cut your ownChristmas tree you can buy aChristmas tree permit for cuttingin a national forest or go to aChristmas tree farm. Once youare in the field make sure that toselect the tree that fits your needsand has a straight trunk. Makesure to cut it so that there is a suf-ficiently long handle to accommo-date your tree stand. When youget it home, make a fresh oneinch cut on the butt end and placethe tree in a sturdy stand thatholds at least one gallon of water,or a rule of thumb is one quart ofwater for every inch of diameterof the trunk.

    Many homeowners have beau-

    tiful evergreen trees in theiryards. It is interesting to notethat some people that live aroundbig cities make efforts to uglify"such trees to protect against theftor vandalism by spraying orbrushing them with a mixture ofwater, tree protectant and redfood color. It was developed byCornell University and is calledPink Ugly Mix. The substancedoes not damage trees and grad-ually dissolves away with expo-sure to the elements.

    A well-cared-for Christmastree will normally remain freshfor the entire holiday season orabout four weeks. After that,Christmas trees can be disposedof by curbside pick-up, dropped

    off at recycling centers, chippedfor mulch or compost and evensunk in dams to provide cover forfish.

    My sources for this news re-lease were the University of Illi-nois, Cornell University, OhioState University and SouthDakota State University Exten-sion Services. If you would likemore information about Christ-mas Tree Planning, Selection andCare, contact Bob Drown at theConservation Office at 605-244-5222, Extension 4 or by e-mail

    Tree Facts Bob Drown, Natural Resource Specialist

    All programs and services pro-vided by the Northwest Area Con-servation Districts are providedregardless of race, color, national

    origin, gender, religion, age, dis-ability, political beliefs, sexual ori-entation, and marital or familystatus.

  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    Page 10 November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent

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  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    LEGALS Legal Newspaper for the City of Faith Faith School District 46-2 Meade County NWAS November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent



    2012 5:00 p.m., Isabel, SD

    069 The regular meeting of the North-est Area Schools Educational Cooper-ve Governing Board was held

    ovember 7, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. at North-est Area Schools

    PRESENT: Grueb, Beckman, Baum-

    berger, Jones, Lindskov, Director CrisOwens, Business Manager MonicaMayer and Superintendent Schaffan

    ABSENT: Gilbert and Vance070 Approve Agenda: On a motion

    from Beckman and seconded by Gruebthe agenda was approved.

    071 MINUTES: Minutes of the lastmeeting, October 3, 2012, were ap-proved on a motion by Lindskov andseconded by Grueb. Motion carried.

    072 FINANCIAL REPORT: Motion byGrueb seconded by Lindskov to accept

    and approve the Financial report for Oc-tober 3, 2012, a copy of which is made apart of these minutes as Attachment A.Motion Carried.

    073 BILLS: Motion by Lindskov andseconded by Jones to approve the Edu-cational Cooperative bills for payment aspresented, a copy of which is made apart of these minutes as Attachment B.Motion carried.

    074 Staff Evaluations: Owens is inthe process of evaluating our new staff.

    075 Speech Shortage Committee:Owens attended a meeting in Pierre re-garding the speech language therapistshortage. They are arranging to meetwith the Board of Regents to discuss thisshortage.

    076 Executive Session: Noneneeded.

    077 Early Childhood and 0-3: Therehave been changes to our Early Child-hood schedule.

    078 First Reading of Update on Pol-icy 4313: Tabled until the next meeting.

    079 New Shed: The shed has beencompleted.

    080 Surplus: none081 Other: We will be signing a new

    ACH Agreement for Western Dakota forour direct deposits. The fee for this serv-ice will be debited to our T&A Account.There will be a delegate assembly inPierre on November 16, 2012. Lindskovis interested in going he will let the office

    know. On a motion by Grueb and sec-onded by Jones, if Lindskov is able to at-tend the meeting, he will vote on behalfof the Board.

    082 Adjournment: Baumberger ad-journed._______________________________

    Sandy Baumberger, Chairperson________________________________Monica Mayer, Business Manager

    Published November 21, 2012 at thetotal approximate cost of $118.86



    OCTOBER 2012

    SPECIAL ED FUNDASH BALANCE 10/01/12 $314,605.50




    OTAL RECEIPTS $13,793.89/L ENTRIES $UB TOTAL $328,399.39OTAL DISBURSEMENTS $104,572.95ASH BALANCE 10/31/12 $223,826.44ERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT $200,000.00ETIREMENT SICK LEAVE 3,500.00

    Attachment ATRUST & AGENCy FUNDS



    NEMPLOYMENT $12,000.00 $ 0.00 $ 0.00 $12,000.00&A IMPREST $1,303.19 $1,391.66 $307.98 $2,386.8725 CAFETERIA PLAN $1,300.00 $300.00 $200.00 $1,400.00



    TOTAL $307.98

    NW Area Schools Multi-Dist Ed CoopBOARD REPORT - NEWSPAPER

    Checking Account: 1Fund: 22, SPECIAL EDUCATION

    &B BUSINESS SOLUTIONS........................130.93..............................COPIERSBSD..............................................................55.00 .................................DUESAUMBERGER, SANDY ...................................6.66..............................TRAVELAHILL SCHAEFBAUER & BAUER LLC ....7,222.50.................................AUDITARDMEMEBER SERVICE...........................307.35...................CREDIT CARDATHOLIC HEALTH INITIATIVES.............23,242.00..................OT/PT/TRAVELEDAR SHORE RESORT..............................116.90...........................LODGINGOUNTRY INN & SUITES ...............................46.50...........................LODGINGOUNTRY INN & SUITES ...............................52.00...........................LODGINGAYS INN MITCHELL......................................52.00...........................LODGINGAITH INDEPENDENT...................................390.66....................................ADSOVERNORS INN ...........................................50.00...........................LODGINGRUEB, NATHAN .............................................6.29..............................TRAVELOFF, SANDY .................................................47.00..........................PER DIEMUBER, DONNA ........................................3,976.00..CONTRACTUAL/TRAVEL

    UTCHINSON, MICKI .....................................58.83...........TRAVEL/SUPPLIESABEL SUPER VALUE...................................41.21..........................SUPPLIESONES, WILFRED ...........................................22.20..............................TRAVELNDSKOV, AJ ...................................................2.59..............................TRAVELCI ...................................................................29.80......................TELEPHONECS PEARSON INC ......................................459.20..........................SUPPLIESWAS..........................................................9,502.71............REIMBURSEMENTWENS, CRIS .................................................42.00..............................TRAVELUALITY INN AND SUITES...........................260.00...........................LODGINGARGENT, CHRIS .........................................229.00...............TRAVEL-OFFICEMALL TALK SPEECH THERAPY LLC......5,495.00 ................CONTRACTUALPARKYS.........................................................85.70.............SUPPLIES/MEALS& A IMPREST FUND .....................................48.00............REIMBURSEMENTMBER LAKE TOPIC ....................................124.99 .......LEGALS & SUPPLIESANCE, SCOTT ..............................................22.20..............................TRAVELERIZON........................................................128.55......................TELEPHONEESTERN DAKOTA BANK..............................60.00 .........................ACH FEES................................................................52,313.77.....................FUND TOTAL

    Proceedings of theCommon CouncilCit of Faith, SD

    The Common Council for the City ofFaith, South Dakota met in regular ses-sion on November 5, 2012 at 7:00 the Community Room of the Commu-nity Center. Mayor Haines called themeeting to order, Brown called roll call,and Mayor Haines led the Pledge of Al-legiance.

    Council members present: Riley, In-ghram, Nolan, Lightfield, and Hellekson.

    Council members absent: Spencer.Others in attendance were: Debbie

    Brown, Jon Collins and Sandy Ras-mussen.

    Lightfield made a motion, secondedby Riley to approve the agenda as pre-sented. Motion carried.

    Lightfield made a motion, secondedby Hellekson to approve the minutes ofthe October 16, 2012 meeting. Motioncarried.


    The following claims were presentedand read:A-1 Sewer & Drain, Inc., Jet Vac

    Sewer Mains $7,410.00; Aflac, Cancer& Accident Insurance $734.28; Antrim,Norma, Refund Deposits $100.00;

    Avesis Third Party Administrators, Inc.,Vision Insurance $126.38; Centu-ryLink, Service Expenses $5.17; Cityof Faith, Utilities $6,609.74; CollinsCompaines 2011, Professional Serv-ices $3,180.00; Consortia Consultingby Telec, General Consulting & Settle-ments $3,920.00; CWD Aberdeen, BarFood & Supplies $633.92; Delage Lan-den Fin. Service, Copier Lease $44.46;Emergency Medical Products, Inc., Sup-plies $56.64; Faith Fitness Center, Full

    Time Employees Membership $50.00;Foster, Rusty, Gravel $19,859.39;Golden West Telecommunications, Spe-cial Access $1,883.28; HeartlandWaste Management, Hauling Garbage &Dumpsters $4,135.00; Henschel, Ed,

    Ambulance Laundry $50.60; IronHorse Ag Service, Oxygen, MV Part $50.41; Jensen Rock & Sand, Inc., Haul-ing Chips $31,181.01; Jerome Bever-age, Beer $6,774.90; JohnsonWestern Wholesale, Liquor $2,189.55;Ladies Medical Organization, Calender& Meetings $34.40; Lynn's Dakota-mart, Supplies $291.17; Michael Todd& Company, Inc., Blades $2,786.60;Mid West Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Pop $325.48; Northwest Beverage Inc.,Beer $18,414.15; Ostrander, Angela,Conference & Lodging-City Half $131.50; Prairie Community Health Inc.

    Ambulance Supplies $17.00; Resco,Electric Supplies $786.65; Roy'sPronto Auto Parts, Repair & Mainte-nance $450.22; S&S RoadrunnerSales Company, Misc $268.49; SD Re-tirement System, Retirement Plan $3,659.18; Schwan's, Misc $264.36;Shaff, Doran, Mowing $100.00, SodakDistributing Company, Liquor $4,893.07; South Dakota One Call, Lo-cate Fees $1.05; Sparky's Bar & Grill,Wine $2,505.00; Sysco North Dakota,Inc., Supplies $126.97; Tri CountyWater, Water $6,564.20; Verizon Wire-

    less, Ambulance & Police Cell Phones $246.86; Visa, Software, Gasoline $262.21; Zandstra Construction, DepositRefund $75.00; Missouri River EnergyServices, Supplemental Power, WAPA,Member Dues $16,210.17; FarmersState Bank, SS & Withholding $1,114.36; Farmers State Bank, SS &Withholding $3,030.64; Combined In-surance, Supplemental Insurance $59.60; Farmers State Bank, 911 Sur-charge $394.88; Farmers State Bank,911 Surcharge $416.25; CompanionLife, Dental Insurance $569.74; Well-mark BlueCross & Blue Shield, HealthInsurance $8,027.83; Division of MotorVehicles, Title, Plate & Mailing Fee $14.00; Butler Insurance Company, Air-port Liability Insurance $2,145.00;Golden West Telecommunications; SDNCircuit to Faith School $6,007.75;Postmaster, Stamps $65.00; MMI En-

    tertainment, Karaoke $350.00; AngelKennedy, Craft Fair $250.00.Lightfield made a motion, seconded

    by Inghram to approve all claims pre-sented. All yes votes. Motion carried.

    RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES:Ordinance #301: Supplemental

    Appropriation Ordinance(1st Reading):

    Inghram made a motion, secondedby Lightfield to approve the first readingof Ordinance No. 301: Supplemental Ap-propriation Ordinance for 2012. Roll callvote all yes votes. Motion carried.

    Surplus Propert:Inghram made a motion, seconded

    by Lightfield to approve the following assurplus property:

    25 chairs with desks (Library), 2 faxmachines, 2 typewriters, 1 fan, 4 mirrors,Pizza Oven

    New Ordinances or Code Polic:

    Mayor Haines encouraged the Coun-cilman to take home the sample adop-tion of the code policy and bring backtheir thoughts.

    Call with the Auditors:The Auditors will call and discuss the

    audit with the Finance Officer, Mayor andif a Councilman would like to join the call.Peggy Riley stated she would like to bein on the call also.

    Quote on Soil Testing:American Engineering Testing, Inc.

    was the only one who submitted an esti-mate in the amount of $1,366 to $2,038on the dirt at the airport by the under-ground tank that will be removed. In-ghram made a motion, seconded byHellekson to accept their estimate. All

    yes votes. Motion caDigger Truck

    Donn Dupper hatrucks and talking tothe amount that is gthe budget. The rang$40,000 to $60,000 abudget. Since the have to be supplemeto purchase this yeabudget for next yeato be supplementedmotion, seconded b

    truck having Donn mwith the specificationDecember 27th, 201votes. Motion carrie

    Transfers foDue to the many

    the following moneferred:

    Roof at Mun$36,841.00

    Electric at the PoSwimming Pool rMowers $10,00Labor for Shop FFire Dept. don

    $20,000.00Total $160,548Inghram made a

    by Lightfield to approfrom the savings accaccount. All yes vote

    Time Change

    Lightfield made aby Hellekson to apchanging to 5:30 PMand 5:00 PM for thebecause of the comto the time change.

    Building Charlie and Rob

    a building permit on for a 12 X 12 storamade a motion, secoapprove the buildingried.

    Other Items to Consortia sent th

    $100 more on the $1,500 and $10 mamount at $150.00.

    ExecutiveInghram made a

    by Lightfield to retiresion for possible lit

    Motion carried.Mayor Haines de

    out of executive sesLightfield made a

    by Riley to adjourn. _______________

    ________________Debbie Brown, Fina

    Published Novembeapproximate cost of

    SubscThe F

    IndepeIn Town &$34.00 + l

    In Co$34.00 + l

    Out of C$39.00 + l

    Out of StaPO Box 38


    Ph: 605-9

    FAX 605-9

  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    Page 12 November 21, 2012 The Faith Independent LEGALS Legal Newspaper for the City of Faith Faith School District 46-2 Meade C

    Meade CountCommission Meeting

    (Thursda,November 8, 2012)Generated b Lisa G Schieffer on

    Tuesda, November 13, 2012

    Members presentDoreen Creed, Gary Cammack,

    obert Heidgerken, Linda Rausch. Ab-nt: Alan Aker.Meeting called to order at 10:00 AMVice Chairman Creed placed of

    cord that Chairman Aker would beone for the morning session due toeeting with legislators regarding theountain Pine Beetle.Vice Chairman Creed will conduct the

    eeting.1. Call to Order at 10 AMProcedural: A. Pledge of Allegiance2. Meade Count Veteran of the

    onthDiscussion, Information: A. Novem-

    er VOM - Justin ShellhammerMeade County Veteran of the Month

    r the month of November is Mr. Justinhellhammer.

    Mr. Shellhammer served in the Unitedates Army from 2000 - 2005 as military

    olice. In 2000, Mr. Shellhammer en-ted in the U.S. Army. In July of thatar, he served at Fort Campbell, KY,

    d he had deployed with the 101st toosovo, Bosnia, Africa, and Iraq. In thed of 2003, he went to Ft. Richardson,aska, and was in charge of 12 soldiersr field and law enforcement training.r. Shellhammer was then sent toghanistan for Operation Enduringeedom in March 2005.On April 5, 2005, while out on a pa-

    ol, Justin spotted an IED round on theht side of the dirt sidewalk and real-

    ed that the soldiers behind him werealking toward it. He put out his arm toop them and when he did, one of theldiers bumped his arm and anothere bumped his shoulder, he lost his bal-ce. When he attempted to regain his

    alance, he stepped on an active landne with his left foot. The impact shot

    m forward and he landed on his chest another land mine. Fortunately thise did not detonate. His soldiers re-

    ted immediately and applied a tourni-et. Justin put his arm around oneldier and actually hopped back to hishicle and called in the incident himself.Justin continues to selflessly serve

    hers. Justin was the first amputee tomplete the South Dakota Law En-rcement academy, where he receivede inspiration award. He is currentlyrving his fellow veterans as a Policeficer at Fort Meade, Veterans HospitalA).He was awarded the Purple Heart,

    ombat service medal, Commendationedal (3rd award), Achievement medal,

    ood conduct medal, national defenseedal, non-commissioned officer profes-onal development ribbon, overseasrvice ribbon, UN medal, NATO medal,r assault badge, driver & mechanicadge, global war on terrorism expedi-nary medal and lastly the global war

    terrorism service medal.3. Routine BusinessInformation, Presentation: A. Em-

    oyee RecognitionMeade County Commission would

    e to recognize Lori Bratland for her 25ars of dedicated service to the citizensMeade County.Bratland started in the Equalization

    ffice with energy assistance and even-ally moved to the Treasurer's Office.Discussion, Information: B. Opportu-

    y for Public CommentNo public comment.Discussion, Information: C. Items

    om Department HeadsThe following Department Heads

    me to update the Board on depart-

    ment matters:Highway Superintendent Ken McGirrTreasurer Susan BoadwineDirector of Equalization Kirk ChaffeeHead of Buildings and Maintenance

    Kevin ForresterAuditor Lisa Schieffer4. Items from Commission

    Action, Discussion, Information: A.Communiques to Commission

    Board of County Commissioners mayact on any correspondence presented.The following communiques were givento the Commission:

    Letter from Governor Dennis Dau-gaard regarding Mountain Pine Beetle;

    Map of Mountain Pine Beetle Area;Letter from Natural Resource Con-

    servation Service;Letter from Department of Environ-

    ment and Natural Resources regardingsummary report on the Red Owl Dam;

    Letter from the City of Piedmont re-garding roads.

    Action, Discussion: B. Canvass No-vember 6, 2012 Election

    Motion to approve the canvass for theGeneral Election held November 6, 2012

    Motion by Cammack, second byRausch.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Creed, Cammack, Heidgerken,Rausch.

    Not Present at Vote: Aker.Action, Discussion: C. Request from

    City of PiedmontChairman for the City of Piedmont,

    Phil Anderson, Vice-Chairman JackParks, Jim Runyan Councilmen incharge of roads, along with Talbot Wiec-zorek, Attorney at Law, came before theBoard to discuss reaching an agreementwith Meade County allowing continuedmaintenance and repairs of formerCounty Roads and request funding fromMeade County to accomplish the same.

    A letter was sent to the MeadeCounty Commission regarding acquiringmillings to be used on the streets thatwere recently maintained by the County.

    The City of Piedmont then asked ifthe County would be willing to put freshasphalt down instead of the millings.This would affect the following streets:

    Second Street;Chestnut Street;Fifth Street;Grandview Drive;Foothill Drive.(Service Road down to Chestnut, all

    of Fifth Street to Main Street, and Grand-view Drive to Foothill Drive and back tothe Service Road).

    Jurisdiction issues were discussedalong with future annexation and thepossibility of a Joint Powers Agreement.

    The Board asked upon MeadeCounty Highway Superintendent to givean overview of his thoughts on the pro-posed project and what an estimatedcost of the same would be, or if McGirrhad any other avenues to consider.

    The Board then discussed appointinga technical committee along with a legalcommittee to work together on the same.

    Motion to appoint a technical commit-tee comprised of representatives fromthe City of Piedmont and representativesfrom the County Highway Department

    specifically Ken McGirr and their charterby next month is to come up with ascope of work and a feasibility grade es-timate plus or minus 50%. Secondly, toalso appoint a legal committee whowould define the ownership of the roadwe are talking about and the mechanismwe need to use to allow the county tomanage the project which could be aJoint Powers Agreement.

    Motion by Rausch, second by Cam-mack.

    An amendment was offered by Com-missioner Creed to add Chairman Alan

    Aker, since that is also his district, to thetechnical committee, or serve on bothcommittees.

    Motion by Creed, second by Rausch.Motion Carries. Yea: Creed, Cammack,

    Heidgerken, Rausch.The vote was then taken on the fol-

    lowing amended original motion as fol-lows:

    Motion to appoint a technical commit-tee comprised of representatives fromthe City of Piedmont and representativesfrom the County Highway Departmentspecifically Ken McGirr, and Chairman

    Alan Aker, and their charter by nextmonth is to come up with a scope ofwork and a feasibility grade estimateplus or minus 50%. Secondly, to also ap-point a legal committee who would de-fine the ownership of the road we aretalking about and the mechanism weneed to use to allow the county to man-age the project which could be a JointPowers Agreement.

    Final Resolution: Motion CarriesYea: Creed, Cammack, Heidgerken,

    Rausch.Not Present at Vote: Aker5. Dinner Break @ Noon, Recon-

    vened at 1:20 PMMinutes: A. Recess for Dinner BreakChairman Aker present at meeting.6. Items from Director of Equaliza-

    tionInformation, Presentation: A. Preview

    of Meade County's Pictometry OnlineWebsite

    Done later in the day.Action, Discussion, Information: B.

    Veteran's ExemptionDone later in the day.The Board then picked up where it

    had left off in the morning session.Action, Discussion: D. Review Appli-

    cants for Planning BoardDiscussion took place regarding the

    process and appointment of applicantsfor the 2013 Planning Board. There aretwo (2) vacancies on the Board.

    Four (4) applications were receivedfor the two (2) vacancies as follows:

    Craig Shaver, Doreen Creed, CurtisNupen, and Bill McCarthy.

    Craig Shaver came before the Boardwith concerns of whether there wasenough time between the opening andclosing process to apply for the same.Discussion then took place by the Boardwith Commissioner Assistant Jerry Derrof the process.

    Members of the Board discussedwhether to appoint the same in Decem-ber or if it was better to wait to do it inJanuary with the new Board. The Boardalso discussed whether the interviewswere to be in public or executive session.It was the general feeling of the Boardthat the same would be in public, but noofficial action was taken on the same.

    Motion to appoint the new PlanningCommissioners at our regular Decembermeeting. A roll call vote was taken.

    Motion by Aker, second by Creed.Final Resolution: Motion Carries.

    Yea: Aker, Creed, Rausch.Nay: Cammack, Heidgerken.

    Action, Discussion: H. Process forAppointing Commission Vacancy

    The matter was moved up on theagenda.

    Craig Shaver came before the Boardto express his concerns. When Shaverwas appointed he did not feel theprocess was correct. Shaver feels the in-

    terviews and discussions should be pub-lic.Shaver asked for clarification on

    whether there is not an opening untilthat person resigns from the Commis-sion. Chairman Aker informed the groupor until he takes an oath for office for an-other office and then it is automatic.

    Shaver discussed with the Board Itdoesnt necessary seem fair that the out-going Commissioner would not have avote on the person who replaces them.Then you would have four (4) to pick thefifth. The Board informed the public thatthe Auditor would be the fifth personunder Chapter SDCL 3-4.

    Commissioner Creed informed theBoard that the Auditor only comes intoplay if there is an even number of Com-

    missioners.Discussion was then had about inter-

    viewing potential candidates andwhether to do that in December or inJanuary.

    Commissioner Creeds recommenda-tion is to interview and then appoint thefollowing month after the Commissionerscould have input from residents in thoseparticular areas.

    The Board decided to defer the mat-ter until Mr. Bob Bertolotto could haveinput on the same.

    The Board then went to the followingitem on the agenda:

    Action, Discussion, Information: B.Veteran's Exemption

    Cindy Swenby from the Director ofEqualization Office came before theBoard to present applications for veteranexemptions.

    Motion to approve the veteran ex-emptions.

    Motion by Creed, second by Cam-mack.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-dgerken, Rausch.

    Presentation: A. Preview of MeadeCounty's Pictometry On Line WebsiteMeade County Deputy Planning DirectorBill Rich came before the Board to givea preview of Pictometry.

    Commissioner Creed left the meetingdue to prior commitment as a voting

    member to the Sturgis Economic Devel-opment Corporation.Mr. Bertolotto present at meeting.

    The Board then continued with the con-versation of item:

    Action, Discussion: H. Process forAppointing Commission Vacancy

    Chairman Aker gave Mr. Bertolotto anupdate on what had been discussed al-ready. The Board will do the interviewsin public and the possibility of the Auditorbecoming the fifth person under SDCLChapter 3-4.

    Discussion was had on the applica-tions and the same being open early tothe public. The Board felt that the dead-line for applications could be December14, 2012 with the possibility of interviewsbeing conducted on December 19th.Depending on how many applicationsthe Board received, continuation of inter-views could take place at the first meet-

    ing in January with appointment to bemade later.Motion to approve the deadline of De-

    cember 14, 2012 for the applications forCommissioner District #1.

    Motion by Heidgerken, second byRausch. Final Resolution: Motion Car-ries. Yea: Aker, Cammack, Heidgerken,Rausch.

    Not Present at Vote: Creed.Action, Discussion: E. MC Trans-

    portation Committee RecommendationMotion to approve action plan from

    the Meade County Transportation Com-mittee to study Meade County Bridges.

    Motion by Rausch, second by Hei-dgerken.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Cammack, Heidgerken,Rausch.

    Not Present at Vote: Creed.Action, Discussion: F. Firewise Plan

    Motion to approve Meade CountyFirewise Fund as presented.Motion by Cammack, second by

    Rausch.Final Resolution: Motion Carries.

    Yea: Aker, Cammack, Heidgerken,Rausch.

    Not Present at Vote: Creed.Action, Discussion: G. Records Re-

    tention PolicyThe same will be deferred until Fri-

    day.7. Items from HWy Department

    Action, Discussion: A. Set a bid open-ing date for the 2013 fuel supplies

    Motion to set bid opening date for fuelsupplies for December 5, 2012 at 10:00


    Motion by Cammadgerken.

    Final ResolutionYea: Aker, CammRausch.

    Not Present at Vo8. Items from Au

    Action, DiscussioDate for Alcohol Lice

    Motion to set a pucember 5, 2012 at 10lowing renewal ap2013-licensing year:


    American LegionEllsworth AFB (retail oday on-sale)

    Vicki McKee, McBlack Hawk (retail onage off-sale liquor, Su

    MSJ Dining, Inc. ing, Inc.) Elk CreLounge,Inc., Piedmliquor, Sunday on-sa

    Full Throttle Saground, LLC., Sturliquor, Sunday on-sa

    Hagg Hospitality, Ltail on-sale liquor, Su

    Howes Store, RHansen, Howes (pac

    A.T. Elk LLC, Elk Cmont (retail on-sale sale)

    Renos Inc., RenHawk (retail on-sale sale, package off-sal

    Shep & Debs Camond, Black Hawk (rSunday on-sale)

    Buffalo Chip Campgis (retail on-sale liquo

    Sacora Station LLPiedmont (retail on son-sale)

    Country Stores, (package off-sale liqu

    Robert S. Q. Phelpmont (retail on-salon-sale)

    Glencoe Entertain(retail on-sale liquor,of 2)

    Glencoe Entertain(retail on-sale liquor,of 2)

    Broken Spoke CSturgis (retail on-salesale)

    Barrelhouse LLC.On-Off Sale Wine;

    Tamalyn SchaefSports Bar Retail O

    Motion by CamRausch.

    Final ResolutionYea: Aker, CammRausch.

    Not Present at VoAction, Discussio

    for 2012 Payable 201Motion to appr

    amended ResolutionFY2013 Budget, alon



    TO DECEMBTAX LEVY INCOUNTY TAX LE$S/1,000WITHIN LIMITED LE*General County Pur(10-12-9) 8,8County Snow Remov

    1Highway & Bridge Re

    2Limited Levy (10-12-Sub Total 9,2OUTSIDE LIMITED LCounty Snow Remov

    (34-5-2)*Highway and Bridge(10-12-13)Continued on next p

  • 7/30/2019 Faith Independent, November 21, 2012


    LEGALS Legal Newspaper for the City of Faith Faith School District 46-2 Meade County NWAS November 21 2012 The Faith Independent

    ontinued from previous pageNLIMITED LEVY- SUB TOTALMITED AND UNLIMITED

    EVY SUB TOTAL9,264,756 5.550

    econdary Road (Unorg. PT-76)1-12-27) 221,697 .281ublic Library 25,155 .020OTAL TAXES LEVIED BY COUNTY

    9,511,608 5.851s of September 27, 2012 these leviese (are not) approved by the Depart-ent of Revenue



    Whereas, (7-21-5 thru 13), SDCLovides that the Board of County Com-ssioners shall each year prepare aovisional Budget of all contemplated

    xpenditures and revenues of theounty and all its institutions and agen-es for such fiscal year and,

    Whereas, the Board of County Com-ssioners did prepare a Provisional

    udget and cause same to be publishedy law, and

    Whereas, due and legal notice haseen given to the meeting of the BoardCounty Commissioners for the consid-ation of such Provisional Budget andchanges, eliminations and additions

    ave been made thereto.NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE-

    OLVED, That such provisional budgetnd all its purposes, schedules, appro-iations, amounts, estimates and allatters therein set forth, SHALL BE AP-ROVED AND ADOPTED AS THE AN-UAL BUDGET OF THEPPROPRIATION AND EXPENDI-URES FOR Meade County, Southakota, and all its institutions and agen-es for calendar year beginning January2013, and ending December 31, 2013

    nd the same is hereby approved anddopted by the Board of County Com-ssioners of Meade County, South

    akota, this 5th day of September, 2012.he Annual Budget so adopted is avail-ble for public inspection during normalsiness hours at the office of the county

    uditor Meade County, South Dakota.he accompanying taxes are levied byeade County for the year January 1,

    013, through December 31, 2013.


    Alan Aker, ChairmanGar Cammack, Commissioner

    Robert Heidgerken, CommissionerLinda Rausch, CommissionerDoreen Creed, Commissioner

    (signed later in the da)TTEST: Lisa Schieffer,eade Count AuditorMotion by Cammack, second by

    ausch.Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Cammack, Heidgerken,

    ausch.Not Present at Vote: Creed.

    Action: C. Set Supplemental Hearingr December 2012Motion to set a hearing date for sup-

    ementing FY2012 budget for Decem-er 5, 2012 at 10:00 AM as follows:

    Election Budget 101-5-120-426.18,500Court Appointed Attorney 101-5-155-

    22 $20,000Poor Relief 101-5-411-429.6 $35,000Mental Illness 101-5-441-429.5

    5,00024/7 248-5-212-426.1 $2,000 (cash

    ru 248)Title III 216-5-221-429.5 $64,270.61

    ash thru 216)Capitol Project 300-5-161-422

    72,133 (cash thru 300)Law Library 766-5-153-426.1

    750.00 (cash thru 766)Motion by Cammack, second by

    ausch.Final Resolution: Motion Carries.

    Yea: Aker, Cammack, Heidgerken,Rausch.

    Not Present at Vote: Creed.Action, Discussion: D. Transferring

    CashMotion to approve the transfers of

    cash in the amount of $2,395,850 to theHighway Department (201) and $22,000to the Public Library Funds (218).

    Motion by Cammack, second by Hei-dgerken.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Cammack, Heidgerken,

    Rausch.Not Present at Vote: Creed.9. Items from Commission Assis-

    tantDiscussion: A. 2013 Insurance Re-

    newalsHuman Resource/Commissioner As-

    sistant Jerry Derr presented the renewalrates to the Commission for FY2013.2013 Actual 2013 BudgetedWellmark BCBS = 1.96% increase 5%Delta Dental of SD = 7% increase 7%Hartford Life = No Change No Change

    Discussion, Information: B. Open En-rollment Meetings

    Commissioner Assistant Derr will besending out email notification for themandatory meetings for open enroll-ment.

    Action, Discussion: C. WellnessCommittee

    Commissioner Assistant Derr dis-

    cussed with the Board the forming of aWellness Committee as a way to possi-bly keep percentage increases down forheath renewals.

    The Board will appoint, MeadeCounty Deputy Director of Planning BillRich, Commissioner Robert Heidgerken,Commissioner Assistant Jerry Derr andmembers from the Law EnforcementBuilding. The Committee will meet andbring back proposals to the Board.

    Action, Discussion: D. Mandatory Di-rect Deposit for Employee Payroll

    Motion to approve mandatory directdeposit effective for the January 2013payroll per request of Human Re-source/Commissioner Assistant JerryDerr.

    Motion by Creed, second by Aker.Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack.Nay: Heidgerken, Rausch.

    Discussion: E. Payroll TransitionDiscussion was had regarding the

    payroll transition from the Auditors Of-fice to the Human Resource Office. Dis-cussed were the following topics:

    Training on current payroll process;Assist with the last two (2) payroll

    runs of 2012;Printing of final 2012 W-2s;Year-end books and balancing;Handing off of payroll records;Printing and signing of payroll

    checks;Action, Discussion: F. Last Commis-

    sion Meeting of 2012Last Commission meeting will be set

    for December 19, 2012.Action, Discussion: G. Executive

    Session for SDCL 1-25-2 (1) (4)Motion to enter into executive session

    for personnel matters and Union negoti-ations.

    Motion by Cammack, second byRausch.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-dgerken, Rausch.

    Action: H. Motion to Come out of Ex-ecutive Session

    Motion to come out of executive ses-sion and return to regular session.

    Motion by Cammack, second by Hei-dgerken.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-

    dgerken, Rausch.10. Meeting recessed at 5:40 PM

    and Reconvened November 9 @ 10AM.

    All Commissioners present.

    11. Public Hearing 10 AMAction, Discussion: A. Application for

    Sale of Alcoholic BeverageHearing was set for the following ap-

    plication for transfer of a Retail (on-offsale) Malt Beverage and Retail (on-offsale) Wine applications as follows:

    Michael K. Schaeffer/Garage SportsBar - BJD Subdivision Lot 15 of Section6, Township 2 North, Range 7 East,BHM, Meade County, SD to TammySchaeffer/Garage Sports Bar.

    Motion made to approve the applica-

    tion for transfer.Motion by Creed, second by Cam-mack.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-

    dgerken, Rausch.The following matter was then taken

    up after being deferred:Action, Discussion: G. Records Re-

    tention PolicyMotion to have dual copies for all

    County recorded meetings, with one (1)copy to stay in the office of the MeadeCounty Auditor and the other to be re-tained by the Commissioner AssistantJerry Derr.

    Motion by Creed, second by Cam-mack.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-dgerken, Rausch.

    12. Scheduled Items

    Action, Discussion: A. Natural Re-source CommitteeDiscussion was had regarding the

    collapse of the sheep market and send-ing a letter supporting the United StatesDepartment of Agriculture to investigatethe same. Public input was taken fromDale Lundgren, Tammy Basil, and BillKluck.

    Motion to authorize the Chairman tosign the letter of support.

    Motion by Cammack, second byCreed.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-dgerken, Rausch.

    Action, Discussion: B. Appointment toMental Health Board

    Motion to approve the appointment ofMr. John Hughes to the Meade CountyMental Illness Board to fill the vacancy ofMr. Alan Stade.

    Motion by Creed, second by Cam-mack.Final Resolution: Motion Carries.

    Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-dgerken, Rausch.

    Action, Discussion: C. Executive Ses-sion per SDCL 1-25- 2 (3)

    Motion to enter into executive sessionfor consult with State's Attorney's Officeregarding pending legal matters.

    Motion by Cammack, second byRausch.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-

    dgerken, Rausch.Action: D. Motion to Come out of Ex-

    ecutive SessionMotion to go out of executive session

    and return to regular session.Motion by Cammack, second by Hei-

    dgerken.Final Resolution: Motion Carries.

    Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-dgerken, Rausch.

    Motion made that the County end itslawsuit filed three (3) years ago againstthe City of Sturgis.

    Motion by Creed, second by Aker.Motion Fails.Yea: Aker, CreedNay: Cammack, Heidgerken,

    Rausch.13. Dinner Break

    Action: A. Recess for Dinner14. Consent Calendar

    Action (Consent), Discussion: A.Consent Calendar

    The Board discussed whether or notto pay three (3) salaried positions forhelping with the November 6, 2012 Gen-

    eral Election and the ramifications of thesame. It will be put on the Decemberregular meeting agenda.

    Motion to Approve Items on ConsentCalendar as stated below.

    Motion by Cammack, second byCreed.

    Final Resolution: Motion Carries.Yea: Aker, Creed, Cammack, Hei-

    dgerken, Rausch.Action (Consent): B. Commission

    Minutes 9.27.12Action (Consent), Minutes: C. Com-

    mission Minutes 10.2.12Action (Consent): D. Commission

    Minutes 10.16.12Action (Consent): E. Auditor's Ac-

    count with County TreasurerAUDITORS ACCOUNT WITH THE

    COUNTy TREASURERTo the Honorable Board of County

    Commissioners Meade County:I hereby submit the following report of

    my examination of the cash and cashitems in the hands of the County Treas-urer of this County as of November 1,2012.

    Total amount of deposits in bank 811,191.36

    Total amount of actual cash 2,705.41

    Total amount of checks and drafts intreasurers possession not exceedingthree days 960,482.18

    Itemized list of all items, checks and

    drafts which have been in the Treas-urers possession over three days:Postage & Exp. 1,534.59CDs & Savings 801,278.90Pioneer Bank ($201,278.90)First Interstate ($500,000)Farmers State Bank ($100,000)First Interstate Bank Spec. Account

    7,659,288.81Farmers State Bank 14,170.90First Trust 0.00First Interstate Bank Savings Ac-

    count 1,484,471.28Flex Account 25,594.05Wells Fargo 100.00cc pending 301.75Insuff. Funds Checks 18.83TOTAL 11,760,138.06Dated this 1st day of November,

    2012./s/ Lisa Schieffer, Meade County Auditor

    Action (Consent): F. Register of

    Deed's ReportApprove October 2012 Register ofDeeds Report in the amount of$38,533.00.

    Action (Consent): G. Approval ofClaims for Payment


    ALLOCATIONS: Dakotabilities $180.00

    SALARIES: Commissioners $6577.50, Auditor $15091.13, Treas-urer $22868.71, States Attorney $30561.59, General Gov. Building $26029.91, Director of Equalization $40773.67, Register of Deeds $12218.96, Veteran Service Officer $3108.75, Human Resources $7602.89, Sheriff $91532.38, CountyJail $63810.13, Coroner $1875.50,County Nurse $4598.12, Weed &Pest $7303.43, Highways, Roads and

    Bridges $77685.58, Communications $22113.94SUPPLIES, SERVICE, EQUIP-

    MENT: Safety Benefits $65.00, A&JSupply $93.68, Aker Woods $372.50,BH Family Practice $208.50, DakotaBusiness Center $30.00, Ecolab $107.53, Fedex $18.54, Lexis Nexis $305.00, Pamida Pharmacy $1095.19,Pitney Bowes $97.48, Pitney Bowes $1029.87, Pitney Bowes $500.00,Quill $453.84, Safety Benefits $130.00, SDEMTA Conference 2012 $135.00, D Whitaker $9156.75,Xerox $1813.19, 3D Specialties $1202.50, A&B Business Equip $91.08, A&B Welding $121.09, Ad-vance Drug Testing $108.00, S

    Vasknetz $800Equip $571.81, TBlack Hawk Water rial $2768.71, $540.00, BH Family R Mattox $720.0$1048.57, R BrenniEng. $18410.00, $1221.98, CampbelJ Carlson $44$4744.50, CBH $$15577.31, Century L Cermak $400.0

    Sheriff $48.56, Ch$976.00, City of FaitRC $770.00, ClinicContractor Supply Drug $1114.88, CrCrum Electric $913ness $137.89, DaDales Tire $449.ers $349.77, D$42.24, EarthgrainComm. $5673.15,ES&S