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Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Vaugh School of Agricultural Engineering and Technology

Dr. Sheen Moses

School Research Co-ordinator

The Vaugh School of Agricultural Engineering and Technology (named after Prof. Mason Vaugh,

Father of Agricultural Engineering in India) is committed to academic excellence across broad

spectrum of disciplines in agricultural engineering. The Agricultural Engineers of the University are

actively involved in teaching, research and extension activities.

Agricultural Machinery Popularized and Commercialized

High capacity multi crop thresher

Tractor drawn Vertical conveying reaper

Semi-automatic potato planter

Zero-till seed drill

Wheel hand hoe

Horticulture hand tools

Potato digger cum elevator

Animal Energy Technology Developed, Popularized & Adopted

Standardization of draftability of bullocks. Recommended that Haryana and Local breed

bullock can safely work upto 12% draft load.

Developed and recommended work Rest cycle for bullocks to enhance their efficiency.

Standardized draft ability of mules.

Recommended work rest cycle for mules to enhance their out put.

More than 300 units of designed and developed Allahabad yoke have been sold to farmers.

The Rotary mode unit developed at this centre has been installed in villages for post harvest


Developed implements for use with the mules by the centre for agricultural operations.


Agricultural Machinery Popularized and Commercialized at SHIATS


PATENT NO.745/DEL/2002 (2002)

This is used in processing of Aonla rapidly and hygienically, it prevents injuries to the worker.


Allahabad Yoke is designed and developed at the University under All India Coordinated

Research Project: Utilization of Animal Energy with enhanced System Efficiency. Draftability

was increased by 12%, neck hump injury was reduced to nil with no formation of hard muscle. It

has been recommended by ICAR for use at different centres in the country.


Three bullock drawn packages have been developed at the University under All India

Coordinated Research Project: Utilization of Animal Energy with enhanced System

Efficiency for three categories of bullocks in Allahabad region. These implements are mould

board plough, five tyne cultivator and bullock drawn seed drill. These packages have been

recognized by ICAR.


Rotary mode unit developed at the University for operating post harvest machines like chaff

cutter, paddy thresher, wheat thresher and spice grinder. This unit is widely used in the

Allahabad region. ICAR has recommended the Bull Gear system of the rotary mode unit to

all the research centers for carrying out the experiments on different post harvest machines.


Through Feasibility trials and large scale demonstrations of improved farm implements/machinery

the following machineries have been commercialized by AICRP on FIM of AAI-DU. Local

manufacturers of eastern U.P. have started manufacturing High capacity multi crop thresher, Tractor

drawn Vertical conveying reaper, Semi-automatic potato planter, Zero-till seed drill, Wheel hand

hoe, Horticulture hand tools, Power chain saw, Portable post hole digger, Potato digger cum elevator

and farmers have purchased their personal units.


i. High capacity multi-crop thresher (Grain Threshed: 9000 q)

Output capacity 10 q/ha, cost saving 35% as compared to other low capacity wheat thresher

with tractor as prime mover. Popularized: More than 150 units have been procured by

farmers in Allahabad, Kaushambi and Pratapgarh.

Success Story 1:

Axial Flow Paddy Thresher

Scientists involved: Dr. Rana Noor Aalam and Dr. Sheen C. Moses


Rice is the major crop in Uttar Pradesh and is grown in about 5.90 million hectare which

comprises of 13.5% of total rice in India. Uttar Pradesh has favourable and suitable climate, vast

areas of fertile soils, sunshine and adequate water resources. The cropping intensity is 153%. The

state ranks 3rd

in the country in production of rice.


During 2010-2011 the total area under rice production was 1,41,316 ha with 3,28,560 MT

production and 23.50 q/ha productivity in Allahabad district. Despite such a big contribution in rice

production, threshing was still done manually by hand beating. The shortage of labourers was faced

by all the farmers in peak season. The problem further becomes more painful when it comes to

winnowing after manual threshing. The threshing and winnowing of rice is done in winter and

staying for long duration in front of winnowing fan is a very painful job.

Capacity, q/h : 14-18 q/h

Machine Performance:

During 2010-12 a good quality thresher was selected for feasibility test in Allahabad region.

The thresher test trials were conducted at SHIATS research field and farmers’ field for more than

120 h threshing 1706 q grain.

The performance of the above said axial flow paddy thresher was found satisfactory and therefore

demonstrated to farmers on their field extensively. With paddy thresher the threshing time could be

reduced up to 14 times with a saving of 60% in cost of operation in comparison to conventional

method. After its feasibility in the area was ascertain the demonstration continued and demonstrated

for more than 230 hours during 2010 to 2014 in addition to 120 hours of feasibility trials. The

machine specification and machine performance details are as under.

Capacity : 14 q/h

In conventional practice (beating the bunch of crop against a platform) 8 labours can thresh

approximately 1 to 1.2 q/h. Therefore to thresh 14 q grain conventionally 11.6 to 14 hours are

required costing Rs. 1160 to 1400. While with paddy thresher the threshing time can be reduced up

to 14 times with saving 60 % in cost of operation in comparison to conventional method.


Farmers liked the thresher very much as they found to be a boon in the present circumstances.

Consequently, within last four years 105 farmers procured their personal units and a dealership of

thresher has also been established in the district. Farmers are using the thresher on custom hiring

basis also.


Adoption level of Axial flow paddy thresher in Allahabad:

S.No Duration No. of Axial flow paddy thresher purchase by

the farmers

1. 2011 -2013 33

2. 2013- till date (December 2014) 72

Total 105



Scientists involved: Dr.Rana Noor Aalam and Dr. Sheen C. Moses


In Allahabad Paddy and

Wheat are the main crops. Being the

staple food of the region all the

farmers, big or marginal grow these


Harvesting of both the crops is commonly done manually by labourers then the crop is collected and

bundled for transporting and threshing. It requires a lot of labourers and in peak season the

availability becomes a problem consequently the operation gets delayed which affects not only the

particular crop but also the crop that has to be sown thereafter.

Past work done:

Some machines have been introduced in the past for harvesting rice and wheat. Tractor operated

Vertical conveying reaper and self propelled vertical conveying reaper were some of the machines

among those. They picked up in the area by the farmers but to further enhance the labour efficiency

introduction of a reaper binder in the area was planned and tested for its feasibility in Allahabad.

This machine not only reaps the crop but also makes bundles and leaves the bundles in the field.


Rated field capacity : 0.4 ha/h

Performance of the machine:

One unit of machine (BCS make) was procured in December 2011. The machine was tested and

demonstrated at farmers’ field for paddy and wheat harvesting during 2011-13. The machine gave

the field capacity 0.19 ha/h with 65 % field efficiency. The crop condition was erect and also

partially lodged. The cost of operation was 2514 Rs/ha. The saving in cost of operation was 49 %

and time 95 % as compared to manual harvesting.


Farmers liked the machine very much. A dealership has been established and 42 farmers have

procured their personal units in Allahabad region for their personal use as well as for custom hiring.

Adoption level of Axial flow paddy thresher in Allahabad:

SL.No Duration No. of Axial flow paddy thresher purchase by

the farmers

1. 2011 -2013 32

2. 2013- till date (December 2014) 10

Total 42

Success Story 3:

Combine Harvester

Scientists Involved: Dr.Rana Noor Aalam and Dr. Sheen C. Moses


The agricultural production

scenario in Allahabad region has

vastly changed in past few

years. The labour shortage at peak

seasons, labour cost, vagaries of

weather, minimising field

losses and pressure of

completing one farm

operation to start the

subsequent has become

motivating factors for

farming community to adopt

improved farm machinery in the area. A complete reorientation as per the present commitments and

future needs is being done with a pragmatic and competitive approach in the process of decision


making and fetching practical results. Our national research with extension and managerial efforts at

local level in agriculture mechanisation are being strengthened to successfully address emerging

needs and challenges. In Allahabad region Wheat and Paddy are the main crops. Being the staple

food of the region all the farmers, big or marginal grow these crops.

Harvesting of both the crops was commonly done manually by labourers then the crop is

collected and bundled for transporting and threshing manually in case of paddy and by threshers for

wheat. It requires a lot of labourers and in peak season the availability becomes a problem

consequently the operation gets delayed which affects not only the particular crop but also the crop

that has to be sown thereafter. Therefore it was decided to introduce combine harvester for wheat

and paddy in the region.

Past work done:

Some machines have been introduced in the past for harvesting and threshing rice and wheat in the

region. Tractor operated Vertical conveying reaper, self propelled Vertical conveying reaper, reaper

binder, High capacity wheat thresher and High capacity paddy thresher were some of the machines

among those. They picked up in the area by the farmers but to further enhance the labour efficiency

introduction of a combine harvester was introduced in the area and tested for its feasibility in



As a result of Feasibility trials and demonstrations at farmers’ field the following farmers have

procured their personal units. These machines are also being used for custom hiring basis in the



MM aa jj oo rr AA cc hh ii ee vv ee mm ee nn tt ii nn RR ee ss ee aa rr cc hh aa nn dd EE xx tt ee nn ss ii oo nn

1. Past work done: a. Successfully completed ad-hoc projects Under AICRP on FIM: 3

i. Study relating to formulating long-term mechanization strategy for each climatic

zone/state. (ICAR/IASRI) : 2001-2003

ii. “Front line demonstration of Agricultural Implements and Machinery in selected

regions of country.”

Year of commencement : 2000

Year of completion : 2003

iii. Front Line Demonstration of Pantnagar Zero-till drill and PAU/DWR Raised Bed

Planter under the DAC’s Project on “Development of Prototype of Industrial Designs

of Agricultural Implement including Horticultural Equipment and their trial at

farmer’s field”. (ICAR) : 2003-2005

b. Study Projects: 3

i. Study of cropping systems and agricultural practices for identification of farm

mechanization gaps and suitable farm machines for different agro-climatic regions of

eastern U. P. (2000-02)

ii. To carry out a Survey of manufacturers of agricultural implements and preparation of

directory of commercially available agricultural equipments and their manufacturers.


iii. To carry out a survey of indigenous tools and technologies for crop production in the

districts mentioned above. (2002-06)

c. Prototype Feasibility Testing Projects: 16

i. Manual rice transplanter Area covered: 17.2 ha

Field capacity 0.019 ha/h, missing hills 9.3%, floating hills 7%, hill to hill distance 124 mm

(avg) and uneven.


Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region due to low field capacity, high mortality of mat

type nursery.

ii. Self-propelled rice transplanter (Area Covered: 15 ha)

Tested at farmers’ field for more that five seasons.

Actual Field capacity was found to be 0.14 ha/h, fuel consumption 0.32 l/h.

Saving in labour and cost of operation was 72% and 15.3 % respectively as compared to

conventional method.

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region due to high mortality of mat type nursery.

iii. Tractor mounted raised bed planter (Area Covered: 51 ha)

Field capacity was 0.26 ha/h saving in irrigation water 35% and yield of wheat was almost

equal than conventional method (Seed drill).

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region as it is not a general purpose wheat sowing



iv. Tractor mounted semi-automatic potato planter (Area Covered: 48.8 ha)

Tested and demonstrated at farmers’ field extensively for more than five seasons.

Field capacity 0.12 ha/h, higher yield (12-15%), cost saving 43%.

Commercialized: More than 30 units have been procured by farmers of Allahabad region.

v. Tractor mounted Potato digger-cum-elevator (Area Covered: 55 ha)

The field capacity was 0.19 ha/h and recovery 95-98 %, bruise loss 2.5%, cut damage 0.45%.

60% labour saving, saving in cost of operation 40%.

Commercialized: More than 10 units have been procured by farmers of Allahabad region.


vi. Self-propelled vertical conveying reaper (Area Covered: 61.6 ha)

Working width 1192 mm, could work for harvesting paddy and wheat crops in partially

lodged condition also.

Field capacity 0.19 ha/h, time saving 65%, cost saving 52%.

Tractor mounted reaper was preferred for its high capacity and low cost Allahabad region.

vii. Tractor mounted zero-till seed drill (Area Covered: 70.39 ha)

Seed rate 110 kg/ha, saving in cost of operation 79% (as tillage was not required), timeliness


Commercialized: More than 50 units have been procured by farmers in Allahabad, Kaushambi

and Paratapgarg.


viii. Tractor mounted sugarcane setts cutter planter (Area Covered: 25 ha)

Field capacity was 0.16 ha/h, saving of 81.25% in labour and 27.56% in cost of planting over

conventional method..

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region as area under sugarcane cultivation depleted


ix. Flow through paddy thresher (Use/threshed grain: 190 h/2300 q)

Field capacity 13-18 q/h.

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region due to-

Frequent breakdowns.

Ease of work was not there.

Safety features were not provided properly.

Engine choked frequently.


x. Power Weeder (Area Covered: 7.2 ha)

Found field capacity to be 0.053 ha/h, width of coverage (one pass) 54 cm, depth of operation

4.5 cm.

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region due to limited area under wider row crops.

Low land rice seeder (Area Covered: 2.2 ha)

Field capacity of machine0.045 ha/h, cost of operation 72% lower as compared with


Yield was lower than the transplanted paddy, weeds could not be controlled.

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region as direct seeding is not a conventional practice.


xi. Tractor mounted pneumatic planter (Area Covered: 34 ha)

Field capacity 0.28 h/h, cost saving 25.8 % over broadcasting and 42.11 % over Mala Bansa.

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region as it was not suitable for fine seeds like


For bigger size seeds other implements are available with lower cost.

Cracks appeared in fiber parts within three years.

Automatic Potato Planter (Area Covered: 6.2 ha)

Field Capacity 0.21, saving of 98.34 % in time and 57 % in cost of operation over

conventional method.

Graded whole tuber seed is the requirement of the machine. Whereas, the cultural practice is to

sow cut tuber seeds. The required seeds are not available in Allahabad region.


xii. Aeroblast sprayer (Area Covered: 11.75 ha)

Gaining popularity in Allahabad region as there was no acceptable sprayers for orchards.

Area under orchards are still very less therefore demonstration is still continuing.

xiii. Tractor operated roto-till drill (Area Covered: 9.5 ha)

Good single pass machined for seedbed preparation as well as sowing of wheat with field

capacity 0.13 ha/h with 65% time saving and 45% cost saving.

Weeds could not be controlled which was the only limiting factor in popularization of the



xiv. Self-propelled Tangential axial flow Combine Harvester (Area Covered: 26.5 ha)

Field capacity 0.67 ha/h,

It saved 39% to 61% per hectare with hired and owned combine respectively for Wheat/paddy


The small size and less total loss of grain are the main feature of the machine that made it


ii. Vertical conveyor reaper (walk behind type) ( 174 ha paddy, 143 ha wheat)

Field capacity 0.19 ha/h, time saving 65%, cost saving 52%.

Some units have been sold in Allahabad region but tractor mounted was preferred for it high

capacity and low cost.


iii. Zero till drill for wheat (Area Covered: 45 ha)

Seed rate 110 kg/ha, saving in cost of operation 79% (as tillage was not required),

timeliness 65%.

Commercialized: More than 50 units have been procured by farmers in Allahabad,

Kaushambi and Paratapgarg.

iv. High capacity multi-crop thresher (Grain Threshed: 9000 q)

Output capacity 10 q/ha, cost saving 35% as compared to other low capacity wheat thresher

with tractor as prime mover.

Popularized: More than 150 units have been procured by farmers in Allahabad, Kaushambi and



v. Manual Rice Transplanter (Area Covered: 3.5 ha)

Field capacity 0.019 ha/h, missing hills 9.3%, floating hills 7%, hill to hill distance 124 mm

(avg) and uneven.

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region due to low field capacity, high mortality of mat

type nursery.

vi. Low land rice seeder (Area Covered: 1.25 ha)

Field capacity of machine 0.045 ha/h, cost of operation 72% lower as compared with


Yield was lower than the transplanted paddy, weeds could not be controlled.

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region as direct seeding is not a conventional



vii. Cono Weeder (Area Covered: 8.5 ha)

Field capacity 0.0076, cost effectiveness 40%, time saving 45%.

Not suitable for Allahabad region as line sowing is a requirement for the machine.

Good combination with direct seeding of rice which is not a cultural practice.

viii. Wheel hoe (Area Covered: 19 ha)

Very good for interculture operation in row cropping.

Field capacity 0.01 ha/h, time saving 45%, cost saving 45%.

Adopted by farmers but local availability is the problem as manufacturing facility is not

available with the manufacturers.


ix. Strip till drill (For sowing Wheat) (Area Covered: 16 ha)

Field capacity 0.25 ha/h, cost saving 65%.

Not a suitable machine for Allahabad region as weeds could not be controlled.

Post hole digger for plantation/horticultural crop (Area Covered: 643 pits)

Makes 4” hole, good for planting small seedlings of fruits trees/trees.

Gained popularity and several units have been sold.

Two agencies have been established in Allahabad.


x. Power chain saw (Area Covered: 31 demos)

Good for cutting/pruning tree branches, wooden logs and trees

Gained popularity and several units have been sold.

Two agencies have been established in Allahabad.

xi. Rotavator (Area Covered: 130 ha)

Width of operation 1200 mm, depth 74 mm, field capacity 0.18 ha/h.

41% time saving and 26% cost saving as compared to operation with cultivator.

Gained popularity in Allahabad but the high cost of the machine and low power tractors

are the main limiting factors in the region.


xii. Pulverizing roller (Area Covered: 69 ha)

Field capacity 0.41 ha/h, one complete operation of cultivator could be avoided.

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region as ease of operation was not there.

xiii. Inclined plate planter (Area Covered: 21 ha)

Field capacity 0.32 ha/h. and saving in seeds.

Net saving is 24.28 % over broadcasting, 31.66 % over Mala Bansa

Gained popularity but the frequent breakdowns in metering mechanism for moderate size seeds

were observed.

Not suitable for small size seeds.


xiv. Pneumatic planter (Area Covered: 2.5 ha)

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region as it was not suitable for fine seeds like


For bigger size seeds other implements are available with lower cost.

Cracks appeared in fiber parts within three years.

xv. Vertical conveyor reaper (Tractor Operated) (Area Covered: 69 ha Paddy,

65 ha Wheat)

Working width 2400 mm with field capacity 0.38 ha/h.

Time saving 75%, cost saving 45%.

Gained popularity and several units have been sold.


xvi. Wetland puddler (Area Covered: 2.5 ha)

As per the recommendation of ICAR it was transferred to UAE project for popularization

since it was a bullock drawn implement.

xvii. Flow through paddy thresher (Demonstration: 174 h)

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region due to-

Frequent breakdowns.

Ease of work was not there.

Safety features were not provided properly.

Engine choked frequently.


xviii. Horticultural tools (55 demos.)

A number of such improved hand tools have been demonstrated to farmers.

Gained popularity and several units of many improved hand tools have been sold.

Two agencies have been established in Allahabad.

xix. Post hole digger (Tractor mounted) (143 pits)

Design of the machine was not proper.

The universal joint broke several times during operation therefore demonstration had to be



xx. Power weeder (Area Covered: 10.2 ha)

Could not gain popularity in Allahabad region due to absence of wider row crops in the


xxi. Tractor operated Aero-blast sprayer (Area Covered: 15 ha)

The sprayer is useful for orchards.

Area under orchards are still very less therefore demonstration is still continuing.


xxii. Tractor operated Roto till seed drill (Area Covered: 7 ha)

This machine prepares the seed-bed and sow the seeds in a single pass.

Weeds are the only limiting factor in popularization of the machine.

xxiii. Tractor operated Automatic potato planter (Area Covered: 3.5 ha)

Graded whole tuber seed is the requirement of the machine. Whereas, the cultural

practice is to sow cut tuber seeds.

The required seeds are not available in Allahabad region.

d. Custom Hiring 05

1. High capacity multi-crop thresher (2965 h)

2. Tractor operated Semi-automatic potato planter (122 ha)

3. Tractor operated Vertical conveyor reaper (157 ha)

4. Tractor operated Rotavator (41 ha)

5. Tractor operated Zero-till drill (27 ha)


2. Ongoing Investigations:

Feasibility testing

i. Vegetable transplanter

Developed at PAU, to be evaluated for its performance and feasibility for transplanting

vegetable seedlins in Allahabad region.

ii. Tangential Axial flow combine

It is a German design of machine manufactured in India.

Evaluation for its feasibility in Allahabad region is under progress.


iii. Axial flow paddy thresher

Axial flow paddy thresher is a new type of thresher for paddy in Allahabad region which is to

be tested for its feasibility in the region.

iv. Cutter bar type forage harvester.

This is an Italian design of the machine being marketed in India for forage havesting.

It is evaluated in Allahabad region for its feasibility.


v. Power weeder for low land rice.

This machine is designed at TNAU, Coumbatore and given to our centre for its performance

evaluation and feasibility trials in Allahabad region.

Frontline Demonstrations

i. Aero-blast sprayer.

The demonstration is continuing for spraying chemicals in orchards.


ii. Reaper-binder.

This is an Italian make machine being marketed in India for harvesting and bundling of wheat

and paddy.

It is becoming very popular in Allahabad region for harvesting wheat and paddy.

iii. Straw Combine

This is CIAE designed straw combine, which is to be tested for feasibility in Allahabad


This machine makes straw of the part of plant left in the field after combining in wheat field

and also separates grain if they are left during combining.


iv. Inclined plate planter

Demonstrations for planting bold seeds in Allahabad region is continuing.

It maintains various plant to plant and row to row distances.

v. Potato digger-cum elevator.

Demonstrations for digging potato in Allahabad region is continuing.


vi. Horticultural tools.

Demonstration of several new and improved tools for various operations in horticulture crops

are continuing in Allahabad region.

Agricultural Machinery Popularized & Commercialized:

Through Feasibility trials and large scale demonstrations of improved farm

implements/machinery under AICRP on FIM the following machineries have been

commercialized. Local manufacturers of Eastern U.P. have started manufacturing the

machines and farmers have purchased their personal units.

High capacity multi crop thresher

Tractor drawn Vertical conveying reaper

Semi-automatic potato planter

Potato digger cum elevator

Zero-till seed drill

Wheel hand hoe

Horticulture hand tools

Power chain saw

Portable post hole digger


Farm Machinery & Power Engineering Department

Technologies developed/Commercialized at the Department of Farm Machinery and Power


Pedal operated Paddy Thresher: Based

on Japanese design this pedal operated paddy

thresher has an increased cylinder length

of 90 cm to facilitate feeding from two

persons. The wire loop teeth are fixed on

wooden slats enabling easy repair at village

level. The gear drive mechanism

transmits power from pedal through crank

to rotate threshing cylinder smoothly.

Tractor drawn weeder : A tractor drawn

weeding implement developed at the

department of FMPE is used for weeding in

different row crops. The implement gets power from

tractor PTO through bevel gears. The

implement is extensively used in the farms and

research plots of SHIATS.

“Third conveying-belt system” for self

propelled reapers for harvesting of tall

varieties of mustard crops. : A detachable third

belt arrangement (conveying belt) was

developed and attached to the reaper. This third

belt is attached at a height of 55 cm from the

ground level to hold the crop while

windrowing and prevent it from falling and thus

reducing grain losses and time losses due to

choking of the machine.


Cabinet type Solar Dryer : A solar cabinet dryer

was designed and fabricated in the Dept. of Farm

Machinery and Power Engineering to dry

vegetables under protected conditions. The

different components of the dryer are solar

collector, cabinet, perforated trays and

chimney. Uniform drying in each tray from top to

bottom was achieved in the dryer. The

quality of dried vegetable by solar dryer is better

than sun-dried.

Solar water heater cum dryer : The “Solar

Dryer cum Water Heater” is a combination of

two separate units, a solar water heater and

cabinet type drying chamber fitted with a

heat exchanger for extracting heat from the

warm water stored in the tank even hours

after sunset. The device serves the dual

purpose of heating water for domestic

applications as well as drying crop for

generating quick and easy income of the

small or marginal farmer.

Extension Activities of the Department:

1. Demonstration at farmers’ field : (i) Pedal operated Paddy Thresher in different villages.

(ii) “Third conveying-belt system” for self propelled reapers for harvesting of tall varieties of

crops in different villages.

2. Extension Through Television

Demonstration and Popularization of Pedal Operated Paddy Thresher through DD-National -

“Krishi Darshan” by Er. Sheen C. Moses.


Robo Kisan Technology Developed by Scientist, Prof. (Dr.) Anshuka Srivastava

Sponsored by State Govt. Under RKVY

1. To detect downy mildew disease in grapes at early detection

2. The robo kisan has sensor and the data is collected through a software and analysed

3. Indian Patent Application No. 2199/DEL/2011


Soil Water Land Engineering and Management:

Sponsored Research Projects/ Trials (completed)

1. Assessment of Irrigation Potential Created in AIBP funded Irrigation Projects in India using

Cartosat Satellite data; Rajghat Canal Irrigation Project, Uttar Pradesh state.

2. Assessment of Irrigation Potential Created in AIBP funded Irrigation Projects in India using

Cartosat Satellite data; Saryu Canal Irrigation Project, Uttar Pradesh state.

On Going Project

Farming system based water budgeting for Samrakalwana Village at Allahabad.

PI :- Prof Dr Ir D M Denis, Professor and Ho D

Stagnation in crop yield has shifted the focus of Government of India from crop based farming

systems to integrated farming systems. The new approach intends to incorporate the contribution of

small and marginal farmers towards their diminishing contribution to the Gross Domestic Product of

the nation. The challenge is to reallocate the land, water and material resources from crop based

systems to integrated farming based systems. Water being one of the most precious commodities,

needs a scientific approach towards reallocation. To analyze these issues, a study is being undertaken

at Samrakalwana Village in Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. It intends to identify the farming

systems at the village and quantify the existing water balance, thus obtaining the water budget for

the village. It is expected that sufficient water can be made available for integrated farm

management systems using the existing resources. The ongoing study is expected to quantify the

water balance components at village level, water footprint the agricultural activities of the village,

identify the farming systems at the village, reallocate the water resources and recommend for

improvement in the farming systems at the village. This research is still ongoing and is sponsored by

UPCAR, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh, India.


Figure 1 Water balance at the Samrakalwana village at Allahabad.

Waste Water Treatment Technology


Experimental set-up implemented for wastewater treatment at SHIATS

Dr Lordwin explaining the working of engineered wetland system to his

Masters students at SHIATS

Technology transferred / adopted through extension activities

Demonstration of drip, micro sprinkler and sprinkler irrigation system

Farmers training were conducted in 2008-2009 for the farmers of seven districts of U.P to

demonstrate them about the technical know how and advantages of pressurized irrigation

Best Management Practices in Micro Irrigation

Development & Demonstration of best management practice in Micro Irrigation for Trans Yamuna



Warner School of Food & Dairy Technology

Dr. Avinash Singh

School Research Co-ordinator

Technology developed/ commercialized:

To name some of the research projects of vital importance, a mention of design and development of

milk delivery can is necessary, the can has been specially designed to eliminate the adulteration of

milk once it is filled.

The problem of addition of water to milk by the sales- man after it leaves the dairy is faced by

almost all the dairies in the country. Since it is the liability of the processing authority also to

preserve the quality of milk until it is delivered to consumers, it is necessary to have tamper proof

containers for the distribution of milk. The specially designed milk delivery can with a faucet having

non returnable valve is an attempt towards solving problem of adulteration of milk en-route.

The development of the tricycles for transporting milk cans has been a valuable contribution. The

tricycle can take a load of 150 litres milk and yet only one man is required to cycle it, it saves the

labour cost on distribution considerably.

Design and development of butter printing machine has special importance, the conventional

practice of butter printing is either by mechanically operated machine or moulds. The smaller

quantities of butter as manufactured by most of the dairies is packed only by moulds, in which case

only one packet is made at one time and the time taken and the labour required are considerably

more along with the problem of contamination of butter and uniformity of packet size. The

development of manually operated butter printing machine capable of giving 27 packets of uniform

size at one time and the labor cost and time taken from packaging can be reduced considerably.


Shepherd School Engineering & Technology

Dr. W. Jeberson

School Research Co-ordinator

Shepherd School of Engineering & Technology (SSET) is aiming at transforming the students into a

very competitive engineers with adequate analytical skills so as to make them more acceptable to

potential employers in the country. The school emphasizes some basic ingredients so that the

students are capable of adopting to social changes, flexible enough to become trainable as per

requirements of their job, more capable of solving problems and ready to take up the challenges and

exhibiting their leadership quality. Within a span of seven years the school has been transformed in

to a leading engineering and technological school of repute.

Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur, issued certificate of excellent research work for

the study entitle” A data mining strategy……….. production”

“The data mining strategy and the integrated gene prediction tool kit based on 9 step model proposed

has been found to be viable in the context of using computational approach for exploring cotton

genome. The results of the tool kit with respect to protease inhibitor of DNA sequence were

examined and found to be satisfactory and informative. The results also proved some valuable clues

to the scientists working in the division of crop improvement of CICR, Nagpur, and carrying out

work related to cotton genome. Also this toolkit can easily be installed on the computers of our

laboratory and used for gene prediction and analysis work efficiently. This would help in speeding

up the work of scientists working on gene prediction”.



Prof. Rubina Lawrence

School Research Co-ordinator

The Jacob School of Biotechnology & Bioengineering under the Faculty of Engineering &

Technology was established in the year 2003 and recently renamed as Jacob School of

Biotechnology & Bioengineering in 2009. The School strives to achieve excellence in the fields of

Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics and Tissue culture. With several

undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral programs offered from the college the faculty members

prepare the students to meet the challenges in different frontiers of Biotechnology.

The Jacob School of Biotechnology & Bioengineering works with a mission which envisages an

environment where students can understand the principles and current applications of Biotechnology

and allied disciplines, develop their skills required to utilize and optimize living organisms and / or

their cellular components to provide useful services and / or products for a healthy environment,

effectively combat diseases, manufacture human value products, enhance food production and

provide technology which is efficient and profitable. The School actively co-ordinates, strengthens

and encourages multi-disciplinary collaboration.

The School is headed by Dean with 42 teaching and 28 supporting staff. The School comprises of

five Departments each with qualified faculty members actively engaged in teaching and research.

The Departments have well-equipped laboratories, library, internet facilities, modern teaching aids

and technical societies.

Research Achievements

Production of extracellular Lipase from microorganism and their biotechnological potential

Morphological and Molecular characterization and improvement of Kalanamak, a small

medium grained scented Rice

Isolation, purification and characterization of cold adapted extracellular Protease from

Psychro-tolerant bacteria and its biotechnological applications

Elucidation of molecular diversity in some Psidium species using RAPD and ISSR markers


Molecular marker assisted characterization of some popular cultivars of Guava

Binding affinity of C-Phycocyanin to blood cells and genomic DNA as well as applications

in research diagnostics

Isolation, purification and characterization of β glucosidase from Rauwolfia species

Molecular characterization and marker based chemoprofiling of Podophyllum hexandrum

Micropropagation of Bamboo (Bambusa bulcooa Roxb.), Carica papaya L., Jatropha curcas


Micropropagation of Medicinal Plant Withania somnifera, Asparagus racemosus Willd.

(Shatavari), Safed Musli (Chlorophytum borivilianum), Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, Kinnow,

Aloe vera.

Direct and indirect organogenesis in Lentils (Lens culuinaris).

Research achievements of Department of Microbiology & Fermentation Technology

Patents published:

1. Rubina Lawrence and Ebenezer Jeyakumar (2012) A method of isolation of 4-chloro-6-

methyl-2-[trichloromethyl] Quinazoline from Mentha piperita and its antibacterial property.

Indian patent Application no: 1970/DEL/2012, Date of Filing: 26th

June, 2012, Date of

Publication: 12th October, 2012.

2. Rubina Lawrence and Ebenezer Jeyakumar. 2012 Method for isolation of Pyrrolizidine and

2-methyl pyrrolidine from Ocimum sanctum and its antibacterial use. Indian patent

Application no: 2504/DEL/2012, Date of Filing: 9th August, 2012, Date of Publication: 2


November, 2012

3. A process to increase endocytosis of exogenous antigens by antigen presenting epithelial

cells for increased activation of specific cytotoxic to cells to fight intercellular infection.

Indian Patent Application No. 995/DEL/2010

Date of filing: 26th

April, 2010, Date of Published: 23rd

March, 2012.

4. A process to express fully glycosylated recombinant glycoproteins from cho-kl cells.

Indian Patent Application No. 996/DEL/2010

Date of filing: 26th

April, 2010, Date of Published: 23rd

March, 2012.

5. Method for isolation of 2-vinyl crotanaldehyde and pyrocatechol from Aloe vera and

antibacterial use.

Indian patent Application No. 739/DEL/2012

Date of filing: 14th

March, 2012, Date of Published: 4th

May, 2012.

6. A method for isolation of bioactive compounds, including 1,2 pyridinyl ethanone and

Eugenol, from Piper betel and its antibacterial use.

Indian patent Application No. 1601/DEL/2012

Date of filing: 25th

May, 2012, Date of publication: 29th June, 2012.


7. Method for isolation of Ethyl isothiocyanate and 4-ethyl, 2-methyl thiazoline from Piper

nigrum and its antibacterial use.

Indian patent Application No. 1955/DEL/2012

Date of filing: 25th

June, 2012, date of Publication: 3rd

August, 2012.

8. Method for isolation of Heptanone and 4-hydroxy 3-methoxy benzoic acid from Brassica

nigra and its antibacterial use.

Indian patent Application No. 2564/DEL/2012

Date of filing: 17th

August, 2012, date of Publication: 28th September, 2012.

9. Method for isolation of α-bromo cinnamaldehyde and Heptanone from Cinnamomum

zeylanicum and its antibacterial use.

Indian patent Application No. 2532/DEL/2012

Date of filing: 14th

August, 2012, Date of publication: 14th September, 2012.

10. A method of isolation of 4-chloro-6-methyl-2- [trichloromethyl] Quinazoline from Menta

piperita and its antibacterial property.

Indian patent Application No. 1970/DEL/2012

Date of filing: 26th

June, 2012, Date of publication: 12th October, 2012.

11. Method for isolation of Pyrrolizidine and 2-methyl pyrrolidine from Ocimum canctum and its

antibacterial use

Indian patent Application No. 2504/DEL/2012

Date of filing: 9th

August, 2012, Date of publication: 2nd

November, 2012.

The project findings revealed that various plant materials were observed and their

antimicrobial activity and phytochemicals analysis have shown synergistic effect on different

bioactive compounds.

Four psychro-tolerant bacteria capable of producing cold active enzymes - protease and

lipase were isolated. Curtobacterium luteum and Stenotrophomonas maltophila produced 63

and 82 Uml-1

protease, respectively.

Presence of two promising isolates, Pseudomonas putida MTCC 7525 and Micrococcus sp.

MTCC 7527, obtained from the Gangotri glacier for production of laccase, on the basis of

maximum enzyme production with respect to temperature, pH and incubation time.

Microbial Culture Collection Bank:

The Microbial Culture Collection Bank was established in the year 2007 and is

sponsored by the Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences. The

Microbial Collection Bank collects and preserves the newly isolated strains and other useful

microorganisms in a systematic manner. The main objectives of this facility are to collect,


preserve and supply on purchase, agriculturally, industrially, food and medically important

bacteria, fungi, yeast and algae, applicable for teaching and applied research.

Microbial Culture Collection Bank (MCCB)

Research achievements of Department of Biochemistry & Bioprocess Technology

Isolation and purification of enzymes & macromolecules from plants & animals.

Metabolism of algae/fresh water diatoms for biodiesel production.

Fresh water diatoms involved in chitin production.

Effect of environmental stress on plant metabolism.

Effect of agrochemicals on metabolism in plants & animals.

Research Achievements of Department of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics

Virtual Screening against β-lactamase, an enzyme responsible for antimicrobial resistance in

Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Virtual screening of AmpC/β-lactamase as target for antimicrobial resistance in

Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Prevalence of HIV-2 NEF gene motif in lentiviruses, influenza B and mammalian genes

suggest functional importance and gene in-corporation by ancestral virus.

In silico modeling of AmpC gene product in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Awards and Honors

Bharat Jyoti Award, awarded to Dr. Amit A. Charan, Department of Molecular & Cellular

Engineering at National Seminar on “Economic Growth and National Integration” on 04th

September, 2014 in New Delhi.


"Excellence in Teaching Award" awarded to Dr. O.P. Verma, Department of Molecular &

Cellular Engineering in ECOBASM-2014 organized by Directorate of Rice Research,

Hyderabad by Society of Scientific Development in Agriculture & Technology, Meerut on

December 13-14, 2014.
