Faculty List and Research Interests Associate Professor · 2012. 12. 20. · performance analysis....


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IntroductionThe increas ing speed at which we can acquire , interpret, and take act on information is responsible for many of the fundamental changes we are observing in the modern world. Much of this is due to advances in Electronic Engineering. Advances in automation and control enable factories to reconfigure their production lines to respond rapidly to the market. Advances in networking, communication, photonics and display technologies increase the speed and number of ways we can access i n format ion . Advances in s i gna l processing and pattern recognition enable computers to inspect production lines automatically, respond to human speech, or improve medical diagnoses. Powering these technologies are advances in chip design and computer architecture. The HKUST MSc Program in Electronic Engineering brings students up to date in the state of the ar t in technologies which are changing the way we wor k and i n t e r a c t i n a n i n c r e a s i n g l y interconnected world.

Program ObjectivesThe program offers postgraduate courses in a broad range of subjects in Electronic Engineering. The program is deliberately broad based to provide a balanced view of the state of the ar t for maximum flexibility.

Target StudentsThe par t - t ime progr am i s ta r geted a t wor k ing professionals in industry who wish to upgrade their knowledge in a broad range of subjects in Electronic Engineer ing. The full-time program is intended for students who wish to accelerate the completion of their degree.

Admission RequirementApplicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in electrical, electronic or computer engineering, a bachelor’s degree in a related field, or an equivalent qualification from a university or ter tiary institution.

All classes will be conducted in English. Applicants from Universities where English is not the major medium of instruction will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In general, English proof such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or National English Exam (CET) is required.

Faculty List and Research InterestsInternational leading experts from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering will teach all the courses in English.

Oscar AuAssociate ProfessorBS Toronto; MA, PhD PrincetonVideo/image compression, fast motion estimation, mode selection, rate control, transcoding, de-noising, error concealment, de-blocking, watermarking, audio coding, in-verse halftoning, variable speed speech/audio.

V G Chigrinov Associate ProfessorMSc, DSc, PhD, Russian Academy of Sciences, MoscowElectrooptical effects in liquid crystals, LC photo-alignment, optical elements and materials for LC devices, modeling and optimization of LCD performance, new LCD configurations, LC application in fiber optics.

Pascale FungAssociate ProfessorBS Worcester Polytech Inst; MS, PhD ColumbiaSpeech recognition and understanding, machine translation, multilingual language processing and information extraction.

Hoi Sing KwokDr. William M W Mong Chair Professor of NanotechnologyBS Northwestern; MS, PhD HarvardDisplay technologies, thin film materials, organic light emitting devices.

Zexiang Li ProfessorBS Carnegie-Mellon; MS, PhD Univ of California, BerkeleyRobot manipulation, multifingered robotic hands, geometric analysis of robotic mechanisms, intelligent control and nonlinear systems, motion control and manufacturing.

Matthew McKayAssistant ProfessorBE, BIT, Queensland Univ of Technology (QUT); PhD, Univ of SydneyMIMO signal processing for wireless systems, random matrix theory, cooperative signaling for ad-hoc and sensor networks, image and statistical signal processing.

Andrew Poon Associate ProfessorBA Univ of Chicago; MPhil, PhD YaleSilicon-based micro- and nano- photonic devices for wavelength-division multiplexing optical communications, microcavity optics, photonic integrated circuit design, fabrication and characterization.

Li QiuProfessorBS Hunan; MS, PhD TorontoControl, computing, signals, systems theory, mathematics in information sciences.

The program has been included inthe list of reimbursable courses for CEF purposes

This brochure describes the HKUST MSc(ELEG) program as intended at the time of printing. The program description in this brochure may be changed from time to time. In the event of inconsistency or where an interpretation of the brochure is required, the decision of the University Authority shall be final.

Jianan Qu Associate ProfessorBS, MS Huazhong Univ of Sc & Tech; PhD Chinese Academy of ScienceBiophotonics, biomedical instrumentation, analytical laser spectroscopy, laser technology and optical design.

Bertram ShiAssociate ProfessorBS, MS Stanford; PhD Univ of California, BerkeleyAnalog VLSI neural networks, cellular neural networks, neuromorphic and biologically inspired engineering, computer vision, image, speech and signal processing, non-linear dynamics, nonlinear circuit theory.

Albert Kai-Sun WongVisiting Associate ProfessorBS, MS, PhD Massachusetts Inst of Tech Data and optical networking, telecommunications, performance analysis.

Weichuan YuAssistant ProfessorBE Tsinghua; PhD Univ KielBioinformatics, computational biology, biomedical imaging, signal processing, pattern recognition and computer vision

Bing ZengAssociate ProfessorBS, MS Univ of Electronic Sc & Tech of China; PhD Tampere Univ of Tech Digital signal and image processing, image and video coding, arbitrarily-shaped object representation and coding, real-time streaming of multimedia contents over Internet and wireless, texture synthesis and its applications.

Program Fee and Financial AssistanceThe nominal program fee is HK$84,000 (subject to University’s final approval). Students admitted with credit transfer are also required to pay the nominal program fee. Students who fail any course(s) and need to retake or substitute it with other course(s) to fulfill the graduation requirement are required to pay the pro-rata rate for each course.

Successful applicants may apply for Government’s Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (NLS) and Continuing Education Fund (CEF) for reimbursement up to a maximum of HK$10,000.

Application DetailsApplication deadline and details, please refer to the program web page.

For inquiry, please contact:http://www.seng.ust.hk/msc/elegTel : (852) 2358 6959 / 2358 6966Fax : (852) 2719 3027Email : msceleg@ust.hkMSc(ELEG) Program Office (Room 2577, 2/F, Lift 29-30)School of Engineering

Date of Program CommencementSeptember every year.

Program Curriculum and ScheduleThe program requires students to take a total of 24 credits of course work which is equivalent to eight 3-credit cour ses . Normal ly, par t-t ime students are expected to take two 3-credit cour ses in ever y semester. Full-time students may take four 3-credit courses in every semester. There are two semesters every year. Each 3-credit course typically meets once a week for approximately three hours on a weekday evening (or weekends with prior notice) for a total of 14 weeks in a semester. Independent study can be carried out anytime during day.

Students typically fulfill the 24 credits requirement by taking the first eight courses listed below, which carry 3 credits each:


EESM 510 Photonics Technology and Applications

EESM 514 Digital Communication Networks and Systems

EESM 525 Flat Panel Displays

EESM 532 Image and Video Signal Processing

EESM 534 Signal Analysis and Pattern Recognition

EESM 570 Feedback Control Theory

EESM 581 Advanced Computer and Networking Architectures

EESM 600 Special Topics

EESM 690 Independent Study

Subject to the prior approval of the Program Director, students may tailor their program to their specific interest with a maximum of 9 credits of courses offered by the MSc program in IC Design Engineering (http://www.seng.ust.hk/msc/icde) or the MSc program in Telecommunications (http://www.seng.ust.hk/msc/telc). The avai labi l ity of cour ses offered by other MSc programs may be subject to quota limitations.

Credit Transfer

Credit transfer may be granted to students in recognition of studies satisfactorily completed elsewhere. Application must be made to the department within their first semester after admission. All credit transfer must be approved by the Program Director and are subject to the normal university, school and departmental requirements on credit transfer.

Course Assessment and Graduation RequirementsRegular attendance of courses is expected. Courses will be assessed according to the grading scheme used for postgraduate courses. Students in the program must complete the program with a graduation grade average (GGA) of B or above as required for all postgraduate students at HKUST. If a student fails to meet the graduation grade average requirement, he/she is required to repeat or substitute the course(s) at a per credit fee.

Medium of InstructionAll in-class lectures and materials will be in English.

Lecture Venue Lectures will be given at HKUST. Students may apply for free parking at HKUST. Students may take minivan or KMB from Hang Hau and Choi Hung MTR stations. The traveling time is around 10 minutes.

Course Description


CMOS p roce s s and de s i gn r u l e s ; MOS dev i ce e l e c t r o n i c s ; C M O S c i r c u i t a n d l o g i c c i r c u i t characterization and performance estimation; VLSI design and verification tools. Project work will be centered on industry standard tools.

EESM 510 Photonics Technology and Applications

This course introduces the fundamentals of photonics, as well as provides a survey on the frontiers of optics and photonics technology. Fundamental topics include: geometric and wave optics, fiber optics, semiconductor light sources and electro-optics. Selected special topics include: biophotonics, micro and nano optics, photonic integrated circuits and components, optical switching and RF photonics.

EESM 514 Digital Communication Networks and Systems

Basic layer model for computer communications; physical signal space and digital modulation concepts; M-ar y modulation, CDMA and OFDM; TCP/IP and related protocols; local area networks; unicast and multicast routing; QoS; mobile IP; security.

EESM 525 Flat Panel Displays

Discussions on various flat-panel display technologies. Emphasis will be placed on liquid crystal displays. Liquid crystal alignment and optics. Driving methods. Active matr ix . B i s table d i sp lays . P lasma d i sp lay pane l s . Inorganic and organic light emitting diodes physics and devices.

EESM 532 Image and Video Signal Processing

Multi-dimensional signals and systems; characteristics of image and video signals ; visual perception; multi-dimensional sampling and transforms; image and video enhancement and restor at ion ; image and v ideo compression; coding standards; del iver y of visual content over networks.

EESM 534 Signal Analysis and Pattern Recognition

Computer-based interpretation of signals; temporal, frequency, and wavelet analysis; fractal analysis; object segmentation; data fusion; pattern recognition; density estimation; feature selection and extraction; clustering; dynamic time warping; hidden Markov models; examples f rom b iomed i ca l s i gna l p roces s i ng and speech recognition.

EESM 570 Feedback Control Theory

Modeling, analysis, and design of feedback control systems; state space equations and transfer functions; system simulation; linear and nonlinear system analysis; Lyapunov s t ab i l i t y ; feedback cont ro l l e r des i gn ; performance speci f icat ions ; l inear izat ion; opt imal control; robotics; computer aided analysis and design.

EESM 581 Advanced Computer and Networking Architectures

Design and implementation of computer architectures; analysis and comparison of different architectures; fundamental concepts including pipelining, instruction-level parallelism, memor y hierarchies, input/output architectures, and mult iprocessing; modern issues inc lud ing networ k ing arch i tecture , s tor age area networking, and VLSI scaling.

EESM 600 Special Topics

Selected topics of current interest. May be repeated for credit if different topics are covered.

EESM 690 Independent Study

Selected topics in electrical and electronic engineering studied under the supervision of a faculty member.

Courses are offered subject to availability.

Control, computing, signals, systems theory, mathematics in information sciences.Jianan QuBiophotonics, biomedical instrumentation, analytical laser spectroscopy, laser technology and optical design.

Man Hung SiuAssistant ProfessorBS Boston University; MS CalTech; PhD Boston UniversityPattern recognition, digital speech processing, speech and speaker recognition, spoken language systems, information extraction, neural networks.

Lixin WangAssociate ProfessorBS, MS Northeastern Polytechnical Univ, Xian; PhD Southern CaliforniaIntelligent control, fuzzy systems, industrial process control, data mining

Matthew McKayAssistant ProfessorBE, BIT, Queensland Univ of Technology (QUT); PhD, Univ of SydneyMIMO signal processing for wireless systems, random matrix theory, cooperative signaling for ad-hoc and sensor networks, image and statistical signal processing.

Weichuan YuAssistant ProfessorBE Tsinghua University; PhD University KielBioinformatics, computational biology, biomedical imaging, signal processing, pattern recognition and computer vision




IntroductionThe increas ing speed at which we can acquire , interpret, and take act on information is responsible for many of the fundamental changes we are observing in the modern world. Much of this is due to advances in Electronic Engineering. Advances in automation and control enable factories to reconfigure their production lines to respond rapidly to the market. Advances in networking, communication, photonics and display technologies increase the speed and number of ways we can access i n format ion . Advances in s i gna l processing and pattern recognition enable computers to inspect production lines automatically, respond to human speech, or improve medical diagnoses. Powering these technologies are advances in chip design and computer architecture. The HKUST MSc Program in Electronic Engineering brings students up to date in the state of the ar t in technologies which are changing the way we wor k and i n t e r a c t i n a n i n c r e a s i n g l y interconnected world.

Program ObjectivesThe program offers postgraduate courses in a broad range of subjects in Electronic Engineering. The program is deliberately broad based to provide a balanced view of the state of the ar t for maximum flexibility.

Target StudentsThe par t - t ime progr am i s ta r geted a t wor k ing professionals in industry who wish to upgrade their knowledge in a broad range of subjects in Electronic Engineer ing. The full-time program is intended for students who wish to accelerate the completion of their degree.

Admission RequirementApplicants must hold a bachelor’s degree in electrical, electronic or computer engineering, a bachelor’s degree in a related field, or an equivalent qualification from a university or ter tiary institution.

All classes will be conducted in English. Applicants from Universities where English is not the major medium of instruction will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In general, English proof such as Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or National English Exam (CET) is required.

Faculty List and Research InterestsInternational leading experts from the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering will teach all the courses in English.

Oscar AuAssociate ProfessorBS Toronto; MA, PhD PrincetonVideo/image compression, fast motion estimation, mode selection, rate control, transcoding, de-noising, error concealment, de-blocking, watermarking, audio coding, in-verse halftoning, variable speed speech/audio.

V G Chigrinov Associate ProfessorMSc, DSc, PhD, Russian Academy of Sciences, MoscowElectrooptical effects in liquid crystals, LC photo-alignment, optical elements and materials for LC devices, modeling and optimization of LCD performance, new LCD configurations, LC application in fiber optics.

Pascale FungAssociate ProfessorBS Worcester Polytech Inst; MS, PhD ColumbiaSpeech recognition and understanding, machine translation, multilingual language processing and information extraction.

Hoi Sing KwokDr. William M W Mong Chair Professor of NanotechnologyBS Northwestern; MS, PhD HarvardDisplay technologies, thin film materials, organic light emitting devices.

Zexiang Li ProfessorBS Carnegie-Mellon; MS, PhD Univ of California, BerkeleyRobot manipulation, multifingered robotic hands, geometric analysis of robotic mechanisms, intelligent control and nonlinear systems, motion control and manufacturing.

Matthew McKayAssistant ProfessorBE, BIT, Queensland Univ of Technology (QUT); PhD, Univ of SydneyMIMO signal processing for wireless systems, random matrix theory, cooperative signaling for ad-hoc and sensor networks, image and statistical signal processing.

Andrew Poon Associate ProfessorBA Univ of Chicago; MPhil, PhD YaleSilicon-based micro- and nano- photonic devices for wavelength-division multiplexing optical communications, microcavity optics, photonic integrated circuit design, fabrication and characterization.

Li QiuProfessorBS Hunan; MS, PhD TorontoControl, computing, signals, systems theory, mathematics in information sciences.

The program has been included inthe list of reimbursable courses for CEF purposes

This brochure describes the HKUST MSc(ELEG) program as intended at the time of printing. The program description in this brochure may be changed from time to time. In the event of inconsistency or where an interpretation of the brochure is required, the decision of the University Authority shall be final.

Jianan Qu Associate ProfessorBS, MS Huazhong Univ of Sc & Tech; PhD Chinese Academy of ScienceBiophotonics, biomedical instrumentation, analytical laser spectroscopy, laser technology and optical design.

Bertram ShiAssociate ProfessorBS, MS Stanford; PhD Univ of California, BerkeleyAnalog VLSI neural networks, cellular neural networks, neuromorphic and biologically inspired engineering, computer vision, image, speech and signal processing, non-linear dynamics, nonlinear circuit theory.

Albert Kai-Sun WongVisiting Associate ProfessorBS, MS, PhD Massachusetts Inst of Tech Data and optical networking, telecommunications, performance analysis.

Weichuan YuAssistant ProfessorBE Tsinghua; PhD Univ KielBioinformatics, computational biology, biomedical imaging, signal processing, pattern recognition and computer vision

Bing ZengAssociate ProfessorBS, MS Univ of Electronic Sc & Tech of China; PhD Tampere Univ of Tech Digital signal and image processing, image and video coding, arbitrarily-shaped object representation and coding, real-time streaming of multimedia contents over Internet and wireless, texture synthesis and its applications.

Program Fee and Financial AssistanceThe nominal program fee is HK$84,000 (subject to University’s final approval). Students admitted with credit transfer are also required to pay the nominal program fee. Students who fail any course(s) and need to retake or substitute it with other course(s) to fulfill the graduation requirement are required to pay the pro-rata rate for each course.

Successful applicants may apply for Government’s Non-means Tested Loan Scheme (NLS) and Continuing Education Fund (CEF) for reimbursement up to a maximum of HK$10,000.

Application DetailsApplication deadline and details, please refer to the program web page.

For inquiry, please contact:http://www.seng.ust.hk/msc/elegTel : (852) 2358 6959 / 2358 6966Fax : (852) 2719 3027Email : msceleg@ust.hkMSc(ELEG) Program Office (Room 2577, 2/F, Lift 29-30)School of Engineering

Date of Program CommencementSeptember every year.

Program Curriculum and ScheduleThe program requires students to take a total of 24 credits of course work which is equivalent to eight 3-credit cour ses . Normal ly, par t-t ime students are expected to take two 3-credit cour ses in ever y semester. Full-time students may take four 3-credit courses in every semester. There are two semesters every year. Each 3-credit course typically meets once a week for approximately three hours on a weekday evening (or weekends with prior notice) for a total of 14 weeks in a semester. Independent study can be carried out anytime during day.

Students typically fulfill the 24 credits requirement by taking the first eight courses listed below, which carry 3 credits each:


EESM 510 Photonics Technology and Applications

EESM 514 Digital Communication Networks and Systems

EESM 525 Flat Panel Displays

EESM 532 Image and Video Signal Processing

EESM 534 Signal Analysis and Pattern Recognition

EESM 570 Feedback Control Theory

EESM 581 Advanced Computer and Networking Architectures

EESM 600 Special Topics

EESM 690 Independent Study

Subject to the prior approval of the Program Director, students may tailor their program to their specific interest with a maximum of 9 credits of courses offered by the MSc program in IC Design Engineering (http://www.seng.ust.hk/msc/icde) or the MSc program in Telecommunications (http://www.seng.ust.hk/msc/telc). The avai labi l ity of cour ses offered by other MSc programs may be subject to quota limitations.

Credit Transfer

Credit transfer may be granted to students in recognition of studies satisfactorily completed elsewhere. Application must be made to the department within their first semester after admission. All credit transfer must be approved by the Program Director and are subject to the normal university, school and departmental requirements on credit transfer.

Course Assessment and Graduation RequirementsRegular attendance of courses is expected. Courses will be assessed according to the grading scheme used for postgraduate courses. Students in the program must complete the program with a graduation grade average (GGA) of B or above as required for all postgraduate students at HKUST. If a student fails to meet the graduation grade average requirement, he/she is required to repeat or substitute the course(s) at a per credit fee.

Medium of InstructionAll in-class lectures and materials will be in English.

Lecture Venue Lectures will be given at HKUST. Students may apply for free parking at HKUST. Students may take minivan or KMB from Hang Hau and Choi Hung MTR stations. The traveling time is around 10 minutes.

Course Description


CMOS p roce s s and de s i gn r u l e s ; MOS dev i ce e l e c t r o n i c s ; C M O S c i r c u i t a n d l o g i c c i r c u i t characterization and performance estimation; VLSI design and verification tools. Project work will be centered on industry standard tools.

EESM 510 Photonics Technology and Applications

This course introduces the fundamentals of photonics, as well as provides a survey on the frontiers of optics and photonics technology. Fundamental topics include: geometric and wave optics, fiber optics, semiconductor light sources and electro-optics. Selected special topics include: biophotonics, micro and nano optics, photonic integrated circuits and components, optical switching and RF photonics.

EESM 514 Digital Communication Networks and Systems

Basic layer model for computer communications; physical signal space and digital modulation concepts; M-ar y modulation, CDMA and OFDM; TCP/IP and related protocols; local area networks; unicast and multicast routing; QoS; mobile IP; security.

EESM 525 Flat Panel Displays

Discussions on various flat-panel display technologies. Emphasis will be placed on liquid crystal displays. Liquid crystal alignment and optics. Driving methods. Active matr ix . B i s table d i sp lays . P lasma d i sp lay pane l s . Inorganic and organic light emitting diodes physics and devices.

EESM 532 Image and Video Signal Processing

Multi-dimensional signals and systems; characteristics of image and video signals ; visual perception; multi-dimensional sampling and transforms; image and video enhancement and restor at ion ; image and v ideo compression; coding standards; del iver y of visual content over networks.

EESM 534 Signal Analysis and Pattern Recognition

Computer-based interpretation of signals; temporal, frequency, and wavelet analysis; fractal analysis; object segmentation; data fusion; pattern recognition; density estimation; feature selection and extraction; clustering; dynamic time warping; hidden Markov models; examples f rom b iomed i ca l s i gna l p roces s i ng and speech recognition.

EESM 570 Feedback Control Theory

Modeling, analysis, and design of feedback control systems; state space equations and transfer functions; system simulation; linear and nonlinear system analysis; Lyapunov s t ab i l i t y ; feedback cont ro l l e r des i gn ; performance speci f icat ions ; l inear izat ion; opt imal control; robotics; computer aided analysis and design.

EESM 581 Advanced Computer and Networking Architectures

Design and implementation of computer architectures; analysis and comparison of different architectures; fundamental concepts including pipelining, instruction-level parallelism, memor y hierarchies, input/output architectures, and mult iprocessing; modern issues inc lud ing networ k ing arch i tecture , s tor age area networking, and VLSI scaling.

EESM 600 Special Topics

Selected topics of current interest. May be repeated for credit if different topics are covered.

EESM 690 Independent Study

Selected topics in electrical and electronic engineering studied under the supervision of a faculty member.

Courses are offered subject to availability.

Control, computing, signals, systems theory, mathematics in information sciences.Jianan QuBiophotonics, biomedical instrumentation, analytical laser spectroscopy, laser technology and optical design.

Man Hung SiuAssistant ProfessorBS Boston University; MS CalTech; PhD Boston UniversityPattern recognition, digital speech processing, speech and speaker recognition, spoken language systems, information extraction, neural networks.

Lixin WangAssociate ProfessorBS, MS Northeastern Polytechnical Univ, Xian; PhD Southern CaliforniaIntelligent control, fuzzy systems, industrial process control, data mining

Matthew McKayAssistant ProfessorBE, BIT, Queensland Univ of Technology (QUT); PhD, Univ of SydneyMIMO signal processing for wireless systems, random matrix theory, cooperative signaling for ad-hoc and sensor networks, image and statistical signal processing.

Weichuan YuAssistant ProfessorBE Tsinghua University; PhD University KielBioinformatics, computational biology, biomedical imaging, signal processing, pattern recognition and computer vision