Facts & Figures 2015 - JCU Australia


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Facts & Figures 2015Data Snapshot

Cover Image by Kassandra Savage (JCU Alumni), ‘Coming Together and Respecting Difference’, acrylic on canvas, 2014, 90cm x 90cm.

1 University2 Countries3 Tropical Locations


(16,793 EFTSL)

5,295S T A F F

(2,113 FTE*) *Australian Based

$509.4M I L L I O N


Creating a brighter future for life in the tropics world-wide through graduates and discoveries that make a difference.

JCU Estate

Gross Floor Area in excess of


Land area in excess of

469 HECTARES(Combined)


Estate valued at over

$1 BILLIONFuture investment of

$1.9 BILLIONover the next 20 years(Discovery Rise project + Private Investment)

AchievementsRankingsJames Cook University (JCU) was ranked in the top 400 universities in the 2015 Academic Ranking of World Universities. JCU is the top institution in the world for citations in coral reef science according to ISI essential science indicators. In 2014 JCU ranked 2nd in Australia for Life Sciences in the citations based Leiden rankings.

Other JCU awarded 5 stars for "graduates getting a full time job" (Source: The Good Universities Guide 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)

We acknowledge Australian Aboriginal People and Torres Strait Islander People as the first inhabitants of the nation and acknowledge Traditional Owners of the lands where our staff and students live, learn and work.

Teaching & ResearchJames Cook University was established to conduct teaching and research on areas of importance to the tropics. Our focus is on producing graduates who have the expertise to make a difference in their profession and their communities. We are also committed to providing the professional workforce for under-served communities and providing access and opportunity to those people who may not have previously been able to access higher education.

At James Cook University our high quality research informs our teaching. Staff and students benefit from our tropical location in being able to conduct nationally and internationally significant research in environmental science and management, marine science, ecology, biology and biochemistry, geosciences, tropical health and medicine, high speed wind engineering, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge, linguistics, and tourism studies. Our extensive network of research stations and facilities includes sites on two UNESCO World Heritage areas – the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet tropics rainforests of Northern Queensland.

Chancellor Lt Gen John Grey AC (Ret’d)

Vice-Chancellor and President Prof Sandra Harding

Chair of Academic Board Prof Stephen Naylor

Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor Prof Chris Cocklin

DVC Services & Resources Ms Tricia Brand

DVC Academic & Student Life Prof Sally Kift

DVC Global Strategy & Engagement Prof Robyn McGuiggan

DVC Tropical Environments & Societies Prof Iain Gordan

DVC Tropical Health & Medicine Prof Ian Wronski AO

DVC Singapore Dr Dale Anderson

Key People

Distinguished Professor Sasha Aikhenvald

Distinguished Professor David Bellwood

Distinguished Professor Michael Bird

Distinguished Professor Terry Hughes

Distinguished Professor Geoff Jones

Distinguished Professor Mike Kingsford

Distinguished Professor Bill Laurance

Distinguished Professor Helene Marsh

Distinguished Professor Bob Pressey

Distinguished Professor Bette Willis

JCU Distinguished Professors

Income 2014

Commonwealth Capital Funding $15.254mState Govt. Funding $6.705mState Government Capital Funding $4.000m

Australian Govt. Grants $216.817m

Student Contribution$84.499m

TOTAL $509.474mFees and Charges


Contracts & Consultancies$33.069m

Other Revenue $24.892m

Other Commonwealth Funding $33.605m

Research Performance 2014

Publications (2014)

Books Authored 15

Book Chapters 178

Journal Papers 1,548

Conference Papers 129

Total 1,870

Research Income (2014)

National Competitive $25.594m

Other Public Sector $23.565m

Industry and Other Funding $9.215m

Co-operative Research Centre Funding


Total HERDC Income $63.003mOther Research $6.951m

Total Research Project Income $69.954mBlock Research Grants $17.955m

Total Research Income $87.909m

Research Student Completions

PhD 93

Masters 12

Total 105

ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies

ARC Research Hub for Advanced Prawn Breeding

NHMRC National Centre of Research Excellence to Improve Management for Peripheral Arterial Disease

Centre for Research Excellence (CRE) in the Prevention of Chronic Conditions in Rural & Remote Populations

The Cairns Institute

Australian Institute of Tropical Health & Medicine (AITHM)

Anton Breinl Research Centre for Health Systems Strengthening

Centre for Biodiscovery & Molecular Development of Therapeutics

Centre for Biosecurity and Tropical Infectious Diseases

Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention

Centre for Disaster Studies

Centre for Nursing and Midwifery research

Centre for Research & Innovation on Sustainability Education

Centre for Sustainable Tropical Fisheries & Aquaculture

Centre for Tropical Biodiversity & Climate Change

Centre for Tropical Environmental & Sustainability Science

Research Institutes and Centres

Advanced Analytical Centre

Australian Coastal Radar Network

Australian Tropical Herbarium

Cyclone Testing Station

Daintree Rainforest Observatory

Fletcherview Tropical Veterinary Research Station

JCU High Performance Computing

Kirrama Field Stations

Marine & Aquaculture Research Facilities Unit

Orpheus Island Research Station

Research Vessel James Kirby

Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network Tower

Tropical Data Hub

Centre for Tropical Water & Aquatic Ecosystem Research (TropWater)

Comparative Genomics Centre

Economic Geology Research Centre (EGRU)

Macro – the Centre for Macroalgal Resource & Biotechnology

Language and Culture Research Centre

Queensland Research Centre for Peripheral Vascular Disease (QRC – PVD)

eResearch Centre

Research Facilities

TOWNSVILLE13,077 (57.40%)

MOUNT ISA29 (0.13%)

CAIRNS4,187 (18.38%)

SINGAPORE3,366 (14.77%)

BRISBANE1,749 (7.68%)

*External students (e.g. online) are allocated to the campus where the course they are enrolled in is domciled.

BEIJING286 (1.26%)

MACKAY76 (0.33%)



Domestic 15,210 (66.76%)International 7,574 (33.24%)Total 22,784

Number of Students by Course Location 2014

Number of Students by Course Location 2014 Origin of International Students 2014 (excl. Brisbane and Beijing campuses)

Singapore 16.6%

Indonesia 7.2%

France 1.5%

Norway 1.7%

India 11.5%

PNG 2.8%

Malaysia 3.5%

Others 16.9%Germany 2.8% Vietnam 5.0%Thailand 1.5%

Myanmar 2.6%

China 15.1%

USA 8.2%

Canada 3.1%

Townsville 52.8%

Cairns 56.0%

Mackay 72.4%

Mount Isa72.4%

Thursday Island 57.1%

First in Family to UniversityKey Equity Group Participation*

Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait IslanderPeople+


Low SES+



* Statistics for students studying at Townsville, Cairns, Mackay, Mt Isa and Thursday Island Campuses and Study Centres

+ Compacts definitions and results

Domestic Students 2014

Graduate Destination Survey – Students Staying in Region

Far North 27.7%

Northern 48.0%

North West 1.6%

Mackay 4.1%

TOTAL 81.4%% of surveyed JCU graduates who were subsequently employed in each region.

Origin of Domestic Students*

*Statistics for students studying at Townsville, Cairns, Mackay, Mt Isa and Thursday Island Campuses and Study Centres

Northern Stat. Divn 44.3%

Mackay Stat. Divn 4.2%

Fitzroy 1.6%

Brisbane Stat. Divn 3.9%

Central West 1.7%

Other QLD 3.9%

Far North Stat. Divn 28.5%

Rest of Australia 11.9%













All Students by GenderNumber of Students by Course Level

New Students by Age






Student Profile 2014

Students on Placement 2014

Discipline Northern (QLD)*

Far North (QLD)*

Mackay (QLD)*

Remaining (QLD) Interstate International

Business 19 21 0 1 1 0

Creative Media 26 8 0 1 1 0

Dentistry 21 257 10 14 51 0

Education 412 381 60 111 34 1

Marine Biology 10 8 0 2 1 0

Med. Lab. Science 50 0 0 0 0 0

Medicine 321 223 122 116 106 25

Nursing Sciences 598 378 64 27 0 0

Occupational Therapy 177 33 18 32 8 3

Pharmacy 52 13 10 15 6 1

Physiotherapy 197 15 12 22 3 1

Psychology 14 1 0 2 3 0

Social Work 59 59 8 17 11 0

Speech Pathology 61 4 3 7 0 0

Sport & Exercise Science 39 6 0 0 0 0

Veterinary Sciences 60 78 46 171 136 19

TOTAL 2116 1485 353 538 361 50

*Northern, Far North and Mackay statistical divisions.

EFTSL Statistics 2014

Equivalent Full Time Student Load (EFTSL) by Location

Domestic International TotalTownsville 8,050 (86.41%) 1,266 (13.59%) 9,316 (55.48%)Singapore 7 (0.22%) 3,116 (99.78%) 3,123 (18.60%)Cairns 2,398 (87.20%) 352 (12.80%) 2,750 (16.38%)Brisbane 53 (4.18%) 1,216 (95.82%) 1,269 (7.56%)Beijing 0 (0.00%) 266 (100.00%) 266 (1.58%)Mackay 39 (100.00%) 0 (0.00%) 39 (0.23%)Mount Isa 20 (100.00%) 0 (0.00%) 20 (0.12%)Thursday Is 10 (100.00%) 0 (0.00%) 10 (0.06%)TOTAL (%) 10,577 (62.98%) 6,216 (37.02%) 16,793

Equivalent full time student load (EFTSL) by Course Level

Domestic International TotalUG 9,368 (74.77%) 3,161 (25.23%) 12,468 (74.61%)PG 791 (29.94%) 1,851 (70.06%) 2,530 (15.73%)HDR 354 (57.37%) 263 (42.63%) 593 (3.67%)Other 64 (6.37%) 941 (93.63%) 938 (5.98%)TOTAL(%) 10,577 (62.98%) 6,216 (37.02%) 16,793

EFTSL Statistics 2014

Staff Numbers 2014*

Staff by Contract Type

Staff by Location

Numberof Staff

Total 5,295Academic







Others 184



*Data refers to staff located at Townsville, Cairns, Mackay, Mt Isa, Thursday Island

Staff FTE Statistics 2014*

Staff Full Time Equivalent (FTE)

Staff FTE by Location

Staff FTE by Contract Type

Academic Prof/Tech Total

879 (41.6%) 1,234 (58.4%) 2,113

Townsville Cairns Others

1,555 (73.6%) 490 (23.2%) 68 (3.2%)

Continuing Contract Casual

1,113 (52.7%) 730 (34.5%) 270 (12.8%)

*Data refers to staff located at Townsville, Cairns, Mackay, Mt Isa, Thursday Island

1995Cairns Campus at

Smithfield opened


1961 University College opened at Pimlico


1966Foundation stone of University Hall laid by the Hon. Harold Holt

1970Dr Kenneth Back appointed

as Vice-Chancellor and James Cook University of North Queensland

proclaimed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

1987Cairns Campus at TAFE College opened

1969Parliament passed James Cook University of North Queensland Bill and Townsville Teachers' College opened

1960University College of Townsville proclaimed

1967First Building occupied

at Douglas Campus and University Hall


1997Parliament passed James Cook University Act and Name Changed to James Cook University

2003International Campus

in Singapore opened and JCU named in top

500 universities in the world

2010JCU Celebrates 40 years,

and 50 years since a University College

2012JCU celebrates

25 years in Cairns

2015Australian Prime Minister,

Tony Abbott opens newJCU Singapore Campus

JCU Singapore awarded the EduTrust Star

Cairns Campus at Smithfield celebrates 20 years

2013JCU Thursday Island and Singapore Campuses celebrate 10 years

2008Eddie Koiki Mabo Library named and release of Reconciliation Statement

2011JCU acquires full ownership of JCU Singapore

ContactsAdmission Enquiries:Free call (within Australia) 1800 246 446www.jcu.edu.au

Prepared by Quality, Planning & Analytics DirectorateContact: 07 4781 4311Email: statistics@jcu.edu.auProduction Date : September 2015