Facts About Terra Nova 2012 3rd Edition Practice Booklet Date Friday, March 9 Terra Nova Tests March...


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Facts About Terra Nova2012

3rd Edition

Practice Booklet Date

Friday, March 9

Terra Nova Tests

March 12-16

What Is Terra Nova?

A Test of Your Basic Skills and Knowledge

Reading, Language, Math, Science, and Social Studies

Timed Tests

Multiple Choice and Essay Questions

Friday, March 9

The Practice Booklet

Examples of Test Questions

Practice Multiple Choice

Practice Essay Questions

Students will take practice booklet home.

Monday, March 12

Reading Tests

Break Times

Healthy Snack and Drink

Tuesday, March 13

Language Tests

Break Times

Healthy Snack and Drink

Wednesday, March 14

• Math Tests• First Math Test: No Use of Calculator

Second and Third Math Tests: Calculators will be available if students wish to use one.

• Break Times• Healthy Snack and Drink

Thursday, March 15

The Science Tests

Break Times

Healthy Snack and Drink

Friday, March 16

The Last Day of Tests!

Social Studies Tests

Break Time

Healthy Snack and Drink

What If I’m Absent?

Beginning the 19th of March, students will be able to take a test they missed.

It is important to realize that groups of students will be testing together during this make-up test time.

Students are encouraged to be present, if at all possible, for the test week of March 12-16.

Types of Testing for Students

Multiple Choice Questions

Essay Questions

Parts of the Language Test Require Editing and Finding Grammar Mistakes

What Is Multiple Choice?

Questions With Choices For Answer

What type of figure has five sides?

A. Triangle

B. Quadrilateral

C. Pentagon

D. Hexagon

Tips For Taking A Multiple Choice Test

The answer is one of the choices.

Eliminate wrong choices.Choose best right choice.

Tips For An Essay Question

• You will be asked to answer a question.

• First, think about the answer.

• Be sure to answer the question asked.

• Write the answer clearly and neatly.

• Always re-read and edit your answer.

Example of an Essay Question

The community is planning to build a new school in five years time. Tell about three “must have” things you feel the new school should have when built.

Can I Start Studying Now For The Terra Nova?


The test is about basic skills and knowledge you have learned since entering school.

The tests are not part of your report card.

How Will I Know How I Did?

Individual Results End of May

Grade Level Results End of May

School Results End of May

Individual results are mailed to parents.

Can I Do Anything To Prepare?

Go To Bed Early Each Night

Eat A Very Good Breakfast Each Morning

Feel Positive - You’re Learned A Lot

Try Your Very Best Each Day

Listen To All Directions

Strict Terra Nova Rules

• Tests Are Timed/Clock

• Must Use #2 Pencils-Provided

• Can’t Return To Previous Tests

• Can’t Work Ahead

• Vital To Listen To Teachers

• Validity Must Be Preserved

• Same Rules For All Students

Why Should I Care?

• Test Taking Is Part Of School Life• Practice For College Entrance Tests• All Careers Require Taking Tests• Terra Nova Scores Are Part of Your School

Record• Can Determine Presidential Awards• Entrance For Gifted Programs• Practice For Future Tests• Personal Pride/A Task Well Done

Where Will I Take The Tests

• A Test Schedule Is Being Prepared

• With A Teacher/Room You Know

• Most Classes Will Be Split

• Each Testing Room Will Have Two Teachers

• Snacks Will Be In Test Rooms

• The School Will Be Silent

What Will Happen To Red/White Schedule

• Modified Red/White Schedule• Daily Bulletin Announcements• Grades 3-11 Take Terra Nova.• Everyone Will Have Lunch• The Day Will Fly By• Be Sure Phones And Watches Are Set For


Thank You To Our P.T.O.

• Once again this year, the school’s Parent-Teacher Organization will pay for the Terra Nova snacks.

• Each student will be given a healthy juice and snack bar Monday-Friday of the test week.

Terra Nova 2012

Any Questions?

R. N.K-8 CounselorMenwith Hill School