Factors and processes shaping the population structure and


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Factors and processes shaping the populationstructure and distribution of genetic variationacross the species range of the freshwater snailradix balthica (Pulmonata, Basommatophora)Pfenninger et al.

Pfenninger et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:135http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/11/135 (20 May 2011)


Factors and processes shaping the populationstructure and distribution of genetic variationacross the species range of the freshwater snailradix balthica (Pulmonata, Basommatophora)Markus Pfenninger*, Moritz Salinger, Timm Haun and Barbara Feldmeyer


Background: Factors and processes shaping the population structure and spatial distribution of genetic diversityacross a species’ distribution range are important in determining the range limits. We comprehensively analysedthe influence of recurrent and historic factors and processes on the population genetic structure, mating systemand the distribution of genetic variability of the pulmonate freshwater snail Radix balthica. This analysis was basedon microsatellite variation and mitochondrial haplotypes using Generalised Linear Statistical Modelling in a ModelSelection framework.

Results: Populations of R. balthica were found throughout North-Western Europe with range margins markedeither by dispersal barriers or the presence of other Radix taxa. Overall, the population structure was characterisedby distance independent passive dispersal mainly along a Southwest-Northeast axis, the absence of isolation-by-distance together with rather isolated and genetically depauperated populations compared to the variation presentin the entire species due to strong local drift. A recent, climate driven range expansion explained most of thevariance in genetic variation, reducing at least temporarily the genetic variability in this area. Other factors such asgeographic marginality and dispersal barriers play only a minor role.

Conclusions: To our knowledge, such a population structure has rarely been reported before. It might neverthelessbe typical for passively dispersed, patchily distributed taxa (e.g. freshwater invertebrates). The strong local driftimplied in such a structure is expected to erode genetic variation at both neutral and coding loci and thusprobably diminish evolutionary potential. This study shows that the analysis of multiple factors is crucial for theinference of the processes shaping the distribution of genetic variation throughout species ranges.

BackgroundOne of the major unsolved questions in evolutionarybiology is why the vast majority of species fails to adaptto conditions outside their present niche and, as a con-sequence, usually exhibit geographically confined rangelimits [1-5]. Theoretical considerations suggest that localadaptation to conditions outside the current nichedepends crucially on the geographic distribution ofgenetic and demographic characteristics across the spe-cies’ range [6].

One of the most influential framework on the distri-bution of genetic variation across species’ ranges is theAbundant-Centre Hypothesis (ACH) [7]. It states thatindividuals of a species should become most abundantin areas where the conditions for reproduction and thuspopulation growth are most favourable. In contrast, thenumber of populations and population density shoulddecline towards areas with less advantageous environ-ments until survival becomes impossible [4]. Approach-ing the niche limits, populations should thereforebecome rarer; less populated and be subject to increasedturn-over [2,8-10]. Consequently, geographically mar-ginal populations are expected to harbour less geneticvariation and to be more strongly isolated from one

* Correspondence: Pfenninger@bio.uni-frankfurt.deMolecular Ecology Group, Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre,Biocampus Siesmayerstraße, Goethe-University, 60323 Frankfurt am Main,Germany

Pfenninger et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:135http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/11/135

© 2011 Pfenninger et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

another [11], because the population size and its recur-rent fluctuations determine the loss rate of genetic var-iation due to genetic drift.Asymmetrical gene-flow from larger sized, more abun-

dant central populations to the range margins can coun-teract the previously described setting. Such gene-flowmay prevent local adaptation by constantly supplying‘maladapted’ alleles from the core range into marginalpopulations [6]. Under this scenario, the genetic varia-tion in marginal populations should not differ muchfrom the core area and population differentiation shouldbe low.A recent exhaustive review across different taxa

showed that in about two out of three empirical studiesgenetic variability indeed decreased and population dif-ferentiation increased towards range margins, asexpected under the ACH [12]. However, most of thesestudies were based on rather small parts of the speciesrange or a rather restricted number of populations.Moreover, not only the geographic marginality of apopulation or its connectivity can influence the geneticvariation present. Only few studies so far tested possiblealternative factors responsible for the observed patternsand none incorporated a historical perspective. We out-line below other factors potentially influencing the dis-tribution of genetic variability across species ranges.Populations may not only be marginal with respect totheir geographic position, but also with respect to theirenvironmental habitat quality [5]. Populations inhabitinglow quality sites may be subject to increased populationturn-over due to challenging environmental conditionsand their variability, which may also negatively influencetheir genetic variability by increased drift [12].Genetic variability across species ranges may also be

influenced by local biotic interactions, in particular bycompetition with closely related, ecologically similar

species or hybridisation with them in parapatric settings[12]. While the former process should result rather in adecrease of genetic variation due to increased popula-tion turnover, the latter is predicted to increase geneticdiversity due to introgression of alleles in the hybridzone [13].Also contingent historic events like presence of geolo-

gical dispersal barriers, population fragmentations andrange expansions e.g. due to Pleistocene glaciations intemperate regions may have exerted their lasting influ-ence on the distribution of genetic variation within aspecies. Here, the expectations on the distributiondepend on the actual population history and mayinclude decrease in genetic variation due to foundereffects and population bottlenecks or an increase e.g. insecondary contact areas of previously isolated lineages[10,14-18]. Table 1 summarises the factors expected toinfluence genetic variability across species ranges, theirpredicted influence on genetic variation and the popula-tion processes by which they act.While most factors act on genetic variability in a one-

way direction, the mating system both influences geneticvariability and its prevalence can be driven by at leastsome of the above described factors. On the one hand, amixed mating system decreases the effective populationsize. Populations with a mixed mating system or purelyselfing populations are therefore expected to experienceincreased drift [19]. Local differences in the proportionof selfing versus outcrossing individuals can thus deter-mine the distribution of genetic variability [20]. On theother hand, habitat stability [21], population density andrange expansions [22] can influence the preference forselfing or outcrossing via mating system evolution orphenotypic plasticity.The factors described above provide alternative, but

not necessarily mutually exclusive explanations for the

Table 1 Factors potentially influencing distribution of genetic variation across species ranges, their expected effect ongenetic variability and the acting population processes

Factor Expected effect on geneticvariability in affected populations

Population process

Geographic marginality negative Drift by increased population turn-over and low population densitybecause of unfavourable environmental conditions

Gene-flow positive Gene-flow counteracts the effects of drift

Mixed mating system negative Selfing decreases effective population size and thus increases drift

Environmental marginality negative Drift by increased population turn-over and low population densitybecause of unfavourable environmental conditions

Biotic interactions negativeorpositive

Drift by increased population turn-over due to interspecific competitionIntrogression of alleles from related species by hybridisation

Dispersal barriers positive Accumulation of immigrating alleles

Range expansions negative Drift due to founder effects, bottlenecks or allele surfing

Population fragmentation negative Drift due to diminished effective population size

Secondary contact positive Mixing of alleles that evolved in isolation

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distribution of genetic variation. Thus testing only a sin-gle factor at a time may lead to erroneous conclusionson the factors and processes governing the distributionof genetic variability over species’ ranges [12]. Empiricalstudies explicitly addressing these hypotheses compre-hensively are therefore needed to understand these fac-tors and processes more fully [12].In the present study, we tackled this issue using a pul-

monate freshwater snail Radix balthica as model organ-ism. This species is one of several species in themorphologically cryptic species complex Radix Montfort1810 [22]. It is distributed throughout North-WesternEurope from Northern Sweden to the South of Franceover a wide range of environmental conditions. As inmany other pulmonate species [23,24], R. balthica is sus-pected to have a mixed mating system [19]. Withoutdemanding a particular substrate or water quality, thespecies occurs in rather lentic water bodies like the shorezone of lowland lakes and ponds, oxbows, irrigationchannels and fountains, but also in slow flowing riversand streams [25,26]. Like in most other non-flying fresh-water organisms, active dispersal depends crucially oncontinuous habitat; however, water-fowl mediated passivetransport is probably the major mechanism for dispersalamong unconnected habitats [27,28]. With the mentionedcharacteristics, the species is typical in most regards formany freshwater molluscs and other freshwater inverte-brates lacking active long range dispersal capacities.Since more than a single factor may contribute to the

distribution of genetic variability, we analysed the popu-lation structure, mating system and simultaneouslytested the influence of the various factors outlinedabove by assessing the geographic distribution of suppo-sedly neutral nuclear and mitochondrial genetic variabil-ity across the species range of R. balthica usingstatistical modelling and model selection techniques.

ResultsSamplingWe identified 1084 individuals sampled from 64 sites asR. balthica with DNA barcoding. Together with pre-viously identified R. balthica populations, this resultedin the first comprehensive molecularly confirmed esti-mate of the species range (Figure 1). In total, more than150 sites with Radix specimen were barcoded. For theirspatial distribution and the distribution of other Radixtaxa, see Additional File 1.Including samples from previous studies, we geno-

typed 1457 individuals from 81 sampling sites with eightmicrosatellite markers. For seven sites used for microsa-tellite analysis, less than ten individuals could be typed,leading to an unbalanced sampling. However, sinceomitting these sites from subsequent analyses did notchange the results, we did not exclude them from the

study. COI sequence data of more than 400 bp lengthwas analysed from 798 individuals sampled at 66 sites(GenBank accession numbers of new sequencesHQ244502-HQ244993, GU735965-GU736200, othersequences used were from [22] and [29]).

Population genetic structureThe average overall FST estimate was 0.368 +/- 0.400(mean +/- s.d.). The Bayesian cluster analysis indicatedthat the hypothesis of 20 clusters was most stronglysupported by the data (LnD = -28,578; s.d. = 209). Thecolour coded cluster memberships of each individual aredepicted in Figure 2. There was no obvious geographicalpattern; many sampling sites harboured individuals witha single majority cluster membership, but there werealso sites with highly admixed individuals. Also the dis-tribution of the clusters followed no obvious pattern;sites with different clusters were found in close proxi-mity while the same clusters were found hundreds ofkilometres apart (Figure 2). The minimum populationspanning tree revealed, that the most similar popula-tions were, with few exceptions, arranged in Southwest-Northeast direction, however, regardless of geographicdistance between them (Figure 3). This was alsoreflected in the plot of population pairwise FST s againstthe geographical distance (Figure 4). The null hypothesisof no influence of geographical distance on genetic

500 km

refugial area (

range limit ( )lim


dispersal barriers ( )bar

biotic interaction ( )bio

recent range expansion ( )exp

Figure 1 Sampling site distribution and their grouping topredictor variables. Circles represent sampling points. The colourgradient from light grey (extreme climate) to black (average climate)represents environmental marginality (marg) regarding climatevariation as inferred from PCA analysis (see Additional File 3). Theconvex polygon around all sampling points indicates the speciesrange limits considered. Populations grouped to different predictorsare indicated by differentially hatched lines. The Holoceneexpansion area (hol) comprises populations neither situated in therefugial nor in the recent range expansion area.

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similarity could not be rejected (r = 0.004, p = 0.85). Itwas thus not necessary to correct the following analysesfor geographical distance among populations [30].

Genetic diversity and mating system estimatesThe average expected heterozygosity over all loci (HE)was 0.448 +/- 0.168 (mean +/- s.d.) with an observed

minimum of 0.068 (sampling site SKJ) and maximum of0.955 (FTO). The average number of alleles per locus (A)was 15.6, the overall rarefied value per sampling site andlocus 3.207 +/- 1.312. The observed minimum value was1.370 (SKJ), the maximum 7.734 (SSO). The correlationbetween HE and A was very high (r = 0.85, p < 0.001).At least partial selfing was inferred for 47 out of 81

populations (58%). The average population selfing ratewas 0.20 +/- 0.25. The maximum value observed was acompletely selfing population (s = 1.00, SSK). The esti-mated degree of self-fertilisation was only poorly corre-lated to the genetic variability measures HE and A (r =0.30, p = 0.006 and r = 0.22, p = 0.045, respectively).A total of 132 mitochondrial haplotypes was identified

over the species range. After rarefaction, 4.085 +/- 2.193haplotypes per sampling site were observed, rangingfrom a single haplotype (ALL, LJO, SHU) up to 11.765different haplotypes (SKR).All measures of diversity per sampling site and a gra-

phical representation of their spatial distribution can befound in Additional File 2.

Inference of population bottlenecksIt was possible to test the 34 non-selfing populations onsigns of recent population bottlenecks. Nine (26%) ofthese showed a significant heterozygous excess. Thepopulations with recent bottlenecks were widely distrib-uted over the species range, but not in the recent expan-sion area (see Additional File 2 Figure A4).

Effects of single predictors on genetic diversity andmating systemExpected heterozygosity (HE) was above the overall aver-age in the sampling sites grouped by the predictor vari-ables dispersal barrier (bar), biotic interaction (bio),



Figure 2 Population structure analysis inferred from Bayesianclustering. Each bar corresponds to the cluster membershipproportions (k = 20) of an individual as estimated frommicrosatellite data. The more colours appear in a bar, the moreadmixed is the individual. The bars from a sampling site arearranged in blocks, connected with a line to the respectivesampling site. Populations with similar genetic composition havetherefore blocks with similar colour patterns.

Figure 3 Plot of minimum spanning tree on distribution map.Based on their nuclear differentiation most similar populations areconnected by a blue line. Clearly, populations along a Southwest-Northeast axis are clustered together.












0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Pairwise populationgeographic distance [km]









R = 0.004 p = 0.85

Figure 4 Plot of pair-wise geographic population distancesagainst the population pairwise linearised FST estimated frommicrosatellite data. The null hypothesis of no correlation could notbe rejected r = 0.04, p = 0.84.

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LGM refugia (ref), Holocene expansion (hol) and dis-tance to range limit (lim). By contrast, it was reducedrelative to the mean in the expansion sampling sites(exp) and environmentally marginal sites (marg, Figure5A) This pattern was identical for the rarefied averagenumber of alleles per locus (Figure 5B).The population selfing estimate (s) was on average

lower than the overall average in sites grouped by thepredictor variables bar, bio, ref, hol and size, while itwas higher in exp, marg and lim. However, the variancewas very high in each group (Figure 5C).

The number of mitochondrial haplotypes (Hmt) wasincreased at sites with presumed biotic interaction (bio)and to a lesser extent in the Holocene expansion sites(hol). In all other groupings, the haplotype diversity wasdecreased with the strongest effect observed in therecent expansion sites (exp, Figure 5D).As the difference in all diversity measures from the

refugial area and the Holocene expansion sites were notsignificantly different from zero, these categories weremerged and contrasted against the effect of the recentexpansion area in subsequent analyses.


A) B)












bio re






rg lim

























bio re






rg lim


























bio re




marg lim

























bio ref



marg lim














Figure 5 Plot of the mean (+/- s.d.) of the genetic and selfing estimate measures for populations grouped according to predictorvariables. The overall mean = total (+/- s.d.) of the respective measure is given as comparison. A) expected heterozygosity (HE), B) number ofrarefied alleles (A), C) population selfing estimate (s)and D) number of rarefied haplotypes (Hmt). For the dichotomous variable size, the mean forthe smaller habitats are presented.

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Selecting among models explaining the distribution ofdiversityAlmost all models explained a portion of variance signif-icantly larger than zero at the 5% error probability levelor less. The models highlighted below were all highlysignificant (p < 0.0001).The distribution of expected heterozygosity (HE) was

explained by the additive effect of four models with twoor three variables. It was best supported by the additiveeffect of dispersal barriers (bar) and expansion area(exp) (Akaike weight 0.56; see Table 2). In all models,exp explained by far most of the variability (> 68%).The rarefied number of alleles A was best explained

by the additive effect of the factors biotic interaction(bio) and exp (Akaike weight 0.88), followed by bar, expand environmental marginality (marg) (Akaike weight0.09, Table 2). Also here, exp accounted for most of theexplained variance (79%).Variance in population selfing estimates was best

explained by the additive effects of the four variablesmarg, exp, lim and size (Akaike weight 0.97). However,only 49% of the total variance was explained by thismodel (Table 2).The haplotype variability was best explained by the

additive effect of the model with three variables bar, expand range limits (lim) (Akaike weight 0.95, Table 2).The contribution of exp dominated the explained var-iance (79%).

Degree of differentiation among classes of populationsExcept for recent expansion (exp), none of the other pre-dictors yielded a significantly stronger or weaker struc-tured grouping. In the recent expansion area, the averagepopulation pair-wise FST was 0.198 units higher than inthe remaining range. This difference proved to be signifi-cantly different from zero with an error probability of

less than 0.001 according to the randomisation testemployed (1000 permutations per test, Figure 6).

DiscussionPopulation structure is dominated by passive dispersalLike in most flightless freshwater taxa, dispersal of R.balthica between unconnected habitat patches dependson passive dispersal mechanisms [31]. In particular len-tic habitats are ephemeral on an intermediate time-scale, thus selecting on populations with good dispersalcapacities [32]. In R. balthica, this passive dispersalmechanism is presumably transportation by water fowl[33]. The minimum spanning tree (Figure 3) adds cred-ibility to this assumption, as it clusters the respectivelymost similar populations mainly along the major birdmigration route of the East Atlantic flyway in South-west-Northeast direction. The suggested connection pat-tern of the minimum spanning tree beard a strikingresemblance to the inferred initial postglacial recolonisa-tion dispersal pattern, where also bird migration routeswere implicated [29]. This suggests that it either pre-sents the remnant of this saltatory postglacial colonisa-tion process or that recurrent dispersal follows the sameroutes. The connection lines of the respectively mostsimilar populations appeared to be distance independent(Figure 2). This was also reflected in the spatial distribu-tion of the inferred genotype clusters (Figure 2), wheresimilar genotypes could be found hundreds of kilo-metres apart and/or in close proximity. Both findingsare substantiated by the complete lack of correlationbetween population differentiation and geographic dis-tance (Figure 4). Thus, distance independent passivetransport seemed to be the primary process for gene-flow and/or colonisation of empty habitats along theSouthwest-Northeast axis from virtually any part of theenvironmental gradient to any other. As a consequence

Table 2 Predictor combinations in statistical modelling with more than 5% support in Akaike weights

Measure of diversity /Factor combinations d.f. SSres. % explained variance AIC Akaike weight

HE N = 80

bar+exp 2 1.676 92.5 -76.22 0.56

bio+exp 2 1.685 92.4 -75.79 0.24

bio+exp+marg 3 1.654 92.6 -75.28 0.09

bar+exp+lim 3 1.660 92.6 -74.99 0.05

A N = 80

bio+exp 2 115.06 90.1 262.10 0.88

bio+exp+marg 3 113.87 90.2 340.09 0.09

Hmt N = 66

bar+exp+lim 3 273.23 79.9 289.06 0.95

s N = 80

marg+exp+lim+size 5 4.06 49.0 122.1 0.97

All possible predictor combinations were tested with Generalised Linear Modelling and the support of all models by the data inferred by the Akaike InformationCriterion (AIC). Akaike weights were calculated on the basis of all models tested. HE = expected heterozygosity, A average number of rarefied alleles per locus,Hmt number of rarefied mitochondrial haplotypes, s estimate of population selfing rate.

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of this unpredictable long range dispersal, colonisers ori-ginating from one part of the range must cope with verydifferent environmental conditions upon arrival, arguingfor a high phenotypic plasticity leading to the observedbroad ecological tolerance.Despite the possibility for virtually unrestricted long

range dispersal, only few populations were found toshow admixture; most sites harboured primarily indivi-duals that clearly belonged to the same inferred geno-type cluster (Figure 2). This matched the observationthat despite the large overall number of alleles per locus(15.6) and haplotypes (132), at single sites, only a verylimited number of haplotypes was found (3.2 +/- 1.3alleles per locus and 4.2 +/- 2.1 haplotypes, respectively).Such a pattern is compatible with a scenario of sitecolonisation by one or few individuals, followed by arapid increase of the population size, supported by theinferred mixed mating system in R. balthica. The wide-spread presence of selfing supplements thus the findingof a preferentially outcrossing system in a local flood-plain system of the Rhône river by Evanno et al. [34].Indeed, the mating system, in particular the ability to

reproduce uniparentally has long been considered toinfluence colonisation success [35]. Selfing, like anyform of uniparental reproduction, has the automaticadvantage of increased gene-transmission to the nextgeneration (no cost of sex), thought to be balanced bythe costs of inbreeding depression [36]. Selfing canevolve as reproductive assurance strategy in the absence

of mating partners, because it is always better to self-fer-tilise offspring whose fitness may suffer from inbreedingthan to leave no offspring at all [37]. Predominant self-ing as mating system should therefore evolve mostly incases where mating partners are rare or absent [21],which is in particular the case for the first colonisers ofa previously empty habitat. Even Darwin [35] suggestedthat selfing or monoecious plants should expand theirranges more easily because already a single individualcan found a reproducing population. Indeed, the averageproportion of selfing was slightly increased in the recentexpansion area (Figure 5C). Such populations, made upof selfing and/or inbred individuals, would be relativelyinert against the effect of subsequent gene-flow, as theestablishment probability of immigrating alleles in ademographically large population is low [38]. Another,not mutually exclusive explanation for the observed pat-tern would be short population persistence times, notallowing to accumulate genetic variation by gene-flow ormutation over time. Other studies on freshwater snailshave shown that high population turn-over and largesize fluctuations are indeed typical for this taxon in gen-eral [39-42] and for R. balthica in particular [43]. Thebottleneck analysis with the non-selfing populationsindicates that the population dynamics of the species isindeed high and not restricted to certain parts of thespecies range. Nine out of 34 populations (26%) testedshowed signs of a population bottleneck within the lastfew generations (see Additional file 2 Fig. A4).The observed pattern could also point to a low inci-

dence of successful dispersal events, resulting in lowgene-flow rates. This is, however, difficult to evaluate,because direct estimates of passive dispersal rates arenot available for freshwater snails.

Current climate change left its mark in the distribution ofgenetic variabilityThe influence of the various predictors on all measuresof genetic variability was remarkably similar in terms ofdirection of deviation from the overall mean (Figure 5).This confirmed that both nuclear and mitochondrialmarkers were subject to similar demographic forces, asmight be expected in simultaneous hermaphroditic ani-mals where e.g. sex biased dispersal or sex ratio bias areby definition impossible. The effects on the number ofrarefied microsatellite alleles per locus A and expectedheterozygosity HEwere so similar (correlation coefficientr = 0.85) that we will discuss them together hereafter(Figure 5). Even though selfing proved to be a substan-tial issue in R. balthica, the mating system populationdifferences had a surprisingly low effect on the distribu-tion of genetic variability, as shown by the low correla-tion between the degree of selfing and genetic variabilitymeasures HEand A (r = 0.30, p = 0.006 and r = 0.22, p







exp hol ref











Figure 6 Test on heterogeneity in population differentiationamong central vs. marginal populations. Shown are the meanFST (+/- s.d.) in the recent expansion area (exp), the Holoceneexpansion area (hol) and the LGM refugia (ref). There is asignificantly stronger structure in the expansion area than in bothother areas (1000 simulations, p < 0.001 for both comparisons). Thecomparison between hol and ref was not significantly different.

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= 0.045, respectively). This means that high selfing ratesare not predominantly responsible for the loss of geneticvariability. A low correlation further allowed investigat-ing whether the factors considered influenced the mat-ing system. The predominant factor in all models withsubstantial support was the recent, climate driven rangeexpansion (exp), which lowered the level of variabilityfor all genetic markers considerably (Figure 5). This isnot surprising, as an ongoing or recent expansion repre-sents a non-equilibrium situation caused by repeatedbottlenecks and founder events both of which decreasegenetic variability [44,45]. In R. balthica, this effectmight be enhanced by the possibility of self-fertilisation[46], which facilitates the colonisation of newly emer-ging habitats by one or few individuals [47-49]. The fac-tor exp was part of the best model to explain thedistribution of selfing, showing that this trait may haveplayed a role in the swift colonisation of newly emerginghabitat in the course of a climate change. ‘However,given enough time, one may predict that the effects ofthis non-recurrent, historic event at the current rangelimit will be transient and eventually assume a level ofgenetic variation either by immigration or mutationcomparable to the remaining distribution area. In thepast, this has obviously been the case for the expansionfrom the Pleistocene refugia into the Holocene expan-sion areas, where nowadays no appreciable difference ingenetic variability was detectable (Figure 5).Biotic interactions had a positive effect on the intra-

population variability of both nuclear and mitochondrialmarkers (Figure 5A, B, Table. 2), however in the GLManalysis only on A and Hmt. According to Eckert et al.[12], such an increase may be explained by introgressionfrom neighbouring, closely related species through inter-specific hybridisation. However, close inspection of thealleles and mitochondrial haplotypes found at the sam-pling sites in question revealed, with the exception ofone private allele and one private haplotype in onepopulation, respectively, solely alleles and haplotypesthat also occurred in other R. balthica populationsthroughout the species’ range. Moreover, the allelic sizerange of the microsatellite loci in the potentially hybri-dising undescribed Radix species is known [46] andnone of these alleles were found in the present data set.Also the mitochondrial haplotypes found at these sitesfit very well in the haplotype variability of R. balthica[29]. Inter-specific hybridisation with neighbouring taxais thus an unlikely explanation for the pattern reportedhere.However, secondary contact of two more R. balthica

lineages, e.g. from different refugial populations, couldbe the reason for the increase of genetic variability inthese areas, as has been shown for other snail species[50,51]. Several sites throughout the range show signs of

increased nuclear admixture, in particular in SouthernSweden and around the LGM refugia (Figure 2, 5).Since most sites grouped in the variables bio are situatedaround the refugial area and overlap in these more thanaverage variable populations with the predictor bar (Fig-ure 1), an increased variability of nuclear and mitochon-drial markers predicted by these variables may indeedbe due to few admixed, secondary contact sites and notdue to the biological process tested for.Population size, as rather crudely estimated from the

size of the water body, had no detectable effect on thedistribution of genetic variability (Figure 5, Table 2).This may have two major reasons: first, population den-sities of more than 50 individuals per m2 were observedand thus population sizes of several thousand indivi-duals even in small water bodies can be reached (perso-nal observation M. Pfenninger). Thus, the effect of driftin small populations may be difficult to estimate fromhabitat size alone, but depend rather on the mating sys-tem or the founding history. Second, freshwater snailpopulations are often subject to high population turn-over or size fluctuations [21,52] which lead to a discre-pancy between the demographic and the effectivepopulation size and thus, potential loss of genetic varia-bility. The high proportion of bottleneck populationsdetected, argue in that direction.The size of a water body, however, did have an effect

on the selfing rate (Figure 5C, Table 2). Surprisingly, lar-ger habitats were associated with more selfing. This isperhaps due to a dilution effect in larger habitats, whichmakes selfing as a reproductive assurance strategy moreoften necessary, because potential mates are less oftenencountered.Loss of variability by extinction-recolonisation

dynamics was also substantiated by some of the modelsincorporating environmental marginality (lim) thatreceived substantial support in the data (Table 1). Sitesfacing more extreme environmental variation exhibiteda slightly decreased level of genetic variability at nuclearmarkers (Figure 5). This is probably a result of extremeclimatic events, like e.g. droughts too severe for thesnails, flash-floods or too cold winters, in these areas.Such events are expected to decrease genetic variationby decimating or extinguishing local populations andhave been shown for R. balthica on a local scale [43].Geographic marginality per se contributed little to the

distribution of genetic variability in R. balthica (Table1). In nuclear marker loci, populations close to theinferred range limits even tended to harbour slightlymore genetic variation than the total average (Figure 5).Contrary to the majority of empirical studies reviewedby Eckert et al. [12], the distribution of genetic variabil-ity in R. balthica does not follow the predictions for thegenetic extension of the ACH. However, contrary to all

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previously discussed factors, the reliability of this infer-ence depends crucially on the quality of the inferenceand sampling of the range and its margins. Apart fromthe multitude of possible definitions for a species range[53], its practical determination is inherently difficult,because it depends as well on the presence of unequivo-cally identified populations of the focal species in certainareas as on their absence in others. While the formeroften enough presents a practical problem due to unrec-ognised cryptic species [54], varying observation densityand -quality [55], it is virtually impossible to prove theabsence of most species from an area. A species rangeand in particular its margin is therefore rather an effort-dependent estimate than a fact.In the case of Radix, unequivocal species determina-

tion is possible only with molecular methods and in par-ticular R. balthica can be easily mistaken for otherspecies [19]. Therefore, range estimates of R. balthicabased on morphology or even anatomy are prone toerror and were not considered here. Our estimate of theR. balthica range represents therefore the best currentlyavailable estimate. However, given the postglacial expan-sion history as inferred by phylogeography [33], it can-not be excluded that the species also occurs in Norway,Ireland and Scotland. On the other hand, the absence ofR. balthica and the confirmed presence of otherMOTUs in the sites sampled in the South-West, South,South-East and East argues for a good coverage of therange limits in this area (see Additional file 1). For theSouth-East, the absence of R. balthica from the Balkansis confirmed by another recent study [56]. In Sweden,no Radix snails were found further North than thepopulations reported here during our surveys. In total,we are confident that our sample represents i) the largerpart of the present species range and ii) that with thepossible exception of the North-West, also the rangemargins were adequately sampled.However, the ACH does not predict precisely, how

variation should decrease towards range margins [12].By testing the distance to the closest range margin, weassumed that the decline is steady and linear from thecore range. If the decline is actually steep and startsonly close to the margins, we would have missed it withour sample strategy, because we have probably missedthe respectively most marginal populations. On theother hand, a range margin effect requires distance-dependent dispersal [12], which we have shown to beabsent in this species.The factors evaluated here had also an impact on the

variability in the mating system. The common quality ofthe factors identified to trigger changes in mating systemtowards more self-fertilisation seemed to be increasedpopulation turn-over (Table 1). Actually, self-fertilisationshould be advantageous in any metapopulation system

with high population turn-over rates [57]. However, eventhe best model (marg + exp + lim + size) explained noteven half of the variance in selfing, indicating that prob-ably additional, untested factors significantly shaped themating system.

ConclusionsThe process mainly responsible for the population struc-ture and distribution of genetic variability measured asnuclear and mitochondrial across the species range of R.balthica was found to be passive, probably bird-mediated, distance independent dispersal along a South-west to Northeast axis. Apart from the expected effectsof a recent range expansion, other processes or factorssuggested in the literature had only a minor effect onthe geographic distribution of genetic variability. Thisdispersal mode led to high overall genetic variability, butlocally impoverished populations. Low local variability,along with high population turn-over (particularly in cli-matically marginal populations) and range-wide disper-sal dynamics argue against a high evolutionary potential[6,58], This is because the increased local demographicdrift acts on all parts of the genome, thus eroding notonly the neutral variation but also standing genetic var-iation at coding or regulatory loci. It is thus likely thatthe observed population structure prevents local adapta-tion unless very strong selective forces counteract thestrong drift [6]. A recent study could not detect localadaptation in R. balthica on a regional scale [34]. How-ever, this supposition needs confirmation by ecologicaland physiological experiments for populations from theentire species range.The particular population structure observed is thus

probably the main explanation for the previouslyinferred intraspecific climatic niche conservatism fromthe LGM to the present day [29]. It is likely that thewide physiological tolerance to the array of conditionsencountered in the current species range, finally alsolimits the distribution of R. balthica.As in particular species inhabiting ephemeral habitats,

(e.g. lentic freshwater, wood glades) show similar popu-lation structures and dispersal dynamics [32], the con-clusions from the present study concerning expectedniche conservatism may therefore also apply to manyother taxa with similar characteristics.

MethodsRange sampling and Radix taxonomyRadix populations were sampled in the presumed rangethroughout North-Western Europe. Because taxonomicidentity cannot be deduced from morphologic featuresin this genus, all individuals used in this study wereDNA barcoded, for which a COI sequence of less than300 bp proved sufficient for unequivocal species

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identification [22]. In this study at least five reproduc-tively isolated molecularly defined operational taxo-nomic units (MOTU) were found. MOTU2 was one oftwo lineages present in Sweden and, together with thefact that it is statistically associated with leaner shellsthan the other Swedish lineage (MOTU4, R. auricularia[22]), therefore best fits the description and locus typi-cus (”habitat ad M Balthici littera”) of Radix balthica(L., 1758). We associated therefore the biological entityMOTU2 with the taxonomic name R. balthica and willuse this name hereafter.

Site samplingTo avoid potential Wahlund effects, individuals weresampled along a shoreline of max. 12 m, which is wellwithin the estimated neighbourhood area of R. balthica(approx. 125 m shoreline, M. Salinger, unpublisheddata). Additionally, we used stored DNA and publisheddata, respectively, from individuals sampled for previousstudies [22,33,46].

Microsatellite and mitochondrial haplotype analysisDNA was extracted using glass fibre DNA extractionafter a protocol developed by the Canadian Centre ofDNA Barcoding [59]. Cytochrome oxidase subunit I(COI) fragments were amplified using PCR, performedwith Invitrogen Taq DNA polymerase and universal pri-mers published by Folmer et al. [60]. Sequencing reac-tion was performed using ABI Prism Big Dye terminatorkit (Perkin-Elmer). Sequenced fragments were separatedand read on an ABI Prism 3730 capillary sequencer(Applied Biosystems).All snails were genotyped at eight highly polymorphic

microsatellite loci [46]. Multiplex microsatellite amplifi-cation was carried out using QIAGEN Type-it™ micro-satellite PCR Kit with fluorescent dye labelled forwardprimers [46]. PCR products were separated using anABI Prism 3730 capillary sequencer (Applied Biosys-tems) with GeneScan™ 500-LIZ™ size standard(Applied Biosystems). Microsatellite allele lengths wereanalysed using GENEMAPPER 4.0 software (AppliedBiosystems).

Population genetic structureThe population genetic structure was estimated bypopulation pair-wise FST s and the overall FST for bothnuclear and mitochondrial markers, calculated in Arle-quin 3.1 [61]. Additionally, the assignment of all indivi-duals to genotype clusters was performed with thesoftware STRUCTURE[62]. STRUCTURE implementsthe Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm forthe generalized Bayesian clustering method to classifyindividuals into clusters using genotypic data ofunlinked markers. We used the location prior option,

implementing the assumption that individuals from thesame location have a higher probability to stem fromthe same population than individuals sampled at differ-ent locations. A uniform prior for alpha was applied forall populations, with an initial value of 1. We used theadmixture model assuming a number of clusters from K= 1 to K = 40. All MCMC runs were repeated five timesfor each value of K for 200,000 generations with 25,000burn-in steps. We used the maximum LnP(D) value toinfer the most likely number of clusters, given the data.LnP(D) is the log likelihood of the observed genotypedistribution in K clusters. The analysis was repeated alsowithout location prior, as recommended by Falush et al.[63]. To visualise the relations among the populationsand main directions of past or present gene-flow, wecalculated a minimum spanning tree from a linearisedFST matrix using NTSYSpc version 2.0 and plotted it ona map. Populations pair-wise linearised FST s were cal-culated in Arlequin 3.1 [61].Spatial autocorrelation between populations may bias

tests for difference in genetic distance and genetic varia-tion [30]. To test whether geographically closer popula-tions also tend to be genetically more similar in R.balthica, we plotted the population pair-wise linearisedFST estimates for the microsatellite data against the geo-graphic distances among the respective populations. Sta-tistical significance was tested with the Mantel’s testoption in Arlequin 3.1 [61] with 10,000 permutations.

Estimates of genetic diversityFor each sampling site with at least seven genotypedindividuals, we calculated two different measures ofwithin-population nuclear diversity: arcsin transformedexpected heterozygosity (HE) and allelic richness (A),expressed as average number of alleles per locus.Although both measures are interrelated, A is moreaffected by stochastic drift than HE and therefore themore sensitive measure [64]. We computed HE for eachpopulation using ARLEQUIN 3.1 [61]. The averagenumber of alleles per locus and population wasextracted from the raw data using GENALEX[65]. Asthe latter measure is sensitive to differences in samplesize [12], we rarefied A to the minimum number of indi-viduals sampled per site, applying a method of rarefac-tion recommended for standardisation of allelic richness[66,67].Within population diversity in the mitochondrial gen-

ome was estimated from the number of COI haplotypes(Hmt). To obtain more precise estimates, only individualsfor which more than 400 bp congruent sequence infor-mation was available were included. The number ofhaplotypes per population was extracted from the datausing DNASP[68] and also rarefied to the minimumsample number to account for different sample sizes.

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Estimation of population selfing ratesThe selfing rate was estimated with the g2 estimatorusing the program RMES [69]. Since RMES is based onmultilocus second order heterozygosity disequilibriumin populations and thus independent of the estimationof allele frequencies, the program skirts two majorsources of error in calculating the selfing rate: Theappearance of null alleles and partial dominance ofalleles which can both elevate homozygosity estimatesand thus bias selfing estimates based on heterozygousdeficiency FIS.

Inference of population bottleneck eventsWe used the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test implementedin the program BOTTLENECK [70] to detect recentpopulation bottlenecks. This test is based on theassumption that populations having experienced arecent reduction in effective population size exhibit amore rapid reduction of allelic diversity than heterozyg-osity (i.e. gene diversity) at polymorphic loci; the popu-lation is thus not in mutation-drift equilibrium. Todetect if the observed heterozygosity is increased incomparison to the heterozygosity expected from thenumber of alleles in a population, we used the two-phased model of mutation (TPM), which is most appro-priate for our microsatellite data set consisting of mostlyone-step mutations and a small percentage of multi-stepchanges [71]. Because a mixed mating system may alsoinfluence the mutation-drift equilibrium and may thusbias the estimates of bottlenecks [70], we performed theanalysis only for populations with an estimated selfingrate of zero.

Factors potentially shaping genetic diversityGeographical marginalityTo test whether the geographic position of a populationin relation to the putative range limit negatively influ-ences genetic variability as expected by ACH, we mea-sured the nearest distance of each population to theputative range margin as a continuous estimator of geo-graphic marginality (lim) (Figure 1). Assuming that thesampled populations are a good representation of therange, we constructed a smallest-enclosing-polygonaround all sampled populations as a surrogate for therange margin.Environmental marginalityTo assess the environmental marginality, we extracted35 climatic parameters (e.g. precipitation, various tem-perature and Bioclim parameters) for each samplingpoint for the period from 1960 - 2000 from publiclyavailable WorldClim data, incorporated in DIVA-GIS[72]. We used a principle component analysis based ona correlation matrix (PCA, Additional File 3) to reducethe strong co-linearity within these data. A continuous

estimator of environmental marginality (marg) was thengained by calculating the Euclidian distance of eachpopulation from the origin of the coordinate systemspanned by the significant PCA axes. To infer visuallywhether this and the previous predictor lim tended toresult in higher or lower than average diversity mea-sures, sample sites falling within the 85% quantile werecontrasted to the remaining populations.Habitat sizeThe factor determining genetic drift experienced by apopulation is the effective population size [64]. As directestimates for population size at the sampling sites werenot available, we used habitat size as proxy. We groupedsampling sites in two categories (dichotomous categori-cal predictor size): small = drainage ditches, smallstreams and ponds smaller than approximately one hec-tare; large = lakes larger than one hectare. Besides theobvious influence of habitat size on the population size,the extension of a water body may also influence theprobability to be the target of long range passive disper-sal and thus of successful gene-flow, positively affectinggenetic diversity. Additionally, larger water bodies areexpected to be more stable than smaller ones, allowingpotentially accumulation of genetic variation over alonger time period.Potential biotic interactionsBiotic interactions may play a role in R. balthica in theeastern and south-western parts of the range. Here, pre-dictive niche modelling suggested larger suitable rangesthan are actually occupied by R. balthica [29]. Theseareas, however, are occupied by other Radix species asidentified by barcoding [22] (Additional File 1). We havetherefore contrasted populations bordering predictedsuitable habitat inhabited by congeneric species toobtain a two-categorical predictor of potential biologicalinteractions (bio).Range expansionsBased on the results from [29], we contrasted popula-tions in inferred refugia (ref), potentially retaining thelarger part of the genetic diversity [73], against the spe-cies range attained during the Holocene (hol, Figure 5).To check whether R. balthica has already expanded itsrange as a consequence of ongoing climate change assuggested for freshwater benthos [74], we analysed thepublicly available long term database of the SwedishUniversity of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) (available athttp://www.ma.slu.se) with canonical correspondenceanalysis (see Additional File 4). According to this analy-sis, R. balthica has expanded its range northwards fromabout 1995 on by at least 200 km as a consequence ofincreased lake temperatures. This allowed additionallydistinguishing these only recently colonised populationsfrom the earlier Holocene expansion and the refugia ina separate predictor (exp).

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Dispersal barriersAs the range of R. balthica is limited by the Alps, theAtlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean, we consideredpopulations bordering these dispersal impeding struc-tures in a categorical predictor (bar). The geographicaldistribution of the sampling sites and their grouping inpredictor variables is illustrated in Figure 1.

Statistical modellingStatistical modelling was employed to evaluate the relativeinfluence of the predictors described above on all mea-sures of population diversity (HE, A, s, Hmt) in turn. Weused all possible predictor combinations in a GeneralisedLinear Model (GLM) approach to compute the residualsums of squares (SSR) in the software package STATIS-TICA[75]. As the natural experiment situation did notallow for a full factorial design, not all interactions couldbe estimated. From the SSR and the respective degrees offreedom (d.f.), the Akaike information criterion with cor-rection for small sample size was then computed for eachmodel [76]. Relative explanatory power of the models wasexplored by calculating Akaike weights.

Degree of genetic differentiation among classes ofpopulationsDeclining population size and gene-flow among popula-tions towards range margins should also result inincreased differentiation among populations [12]. For allcategorical classification schemes (lim, exp, marg etc.),we have therefore compared the average among popula-tion differentiation in this category with the differentia-tion among the respectively remaining populations.Because pairwise FST values are not independent datapoints, we have applied a simple randomisation schemeto assess the statistical significance of the observed differ-ences. To test whether the observed average FST differ-ence between the populations in the respective categoryand the rest was larger than expected by chance, we cre-ated a null distribution by randomly shuffling popula-tions 1000 time among the contrasted categories.

Additional material

Additional file 1: Distribution of Radix taxa. Spatial distribution of theRadix MOTU as defined in Pfenninger et al. 2006 plus an additional,newly discovered taxon. This map is the basis for the inference of thespecies range of R. balthica.

Additional file 2: Sampling site table and spatial distribution ofdiversity indices, selfing estimates and inferred populationbottlenecks for R. balthica. Table of sampling site code, geographicalposition in decimal degrees latitude and longitude, number ofindividuals analysed with microsatellites (Nnuc), expected heterozygosity(HE) and standard deviation across loci, mean rarefied number of allelesper microsatellite locus (A) and their standard deviation, number ofindividuals analysed for mitochondrial variation (Nmt), rarefied number ofmitochondrial COI haplotypes (Hmt), number of individuals measured for

body size (Nsize). Figures A1 - A3 show a graphical representation of thespatial distribution of He, Hmt and, s, respectively.

Additional file 3: Assessment of environmental marginality. PCA(principle component analysis) on 35 climatic parameters for the periodfrom 1960 - 2000 from publicly availableWorldClim data.

Additional file 4: Inference of a recent climate driven rangeexpansion in R. balthica. Analysis of the freshwater benthos long termmonitoring data of the Swedish national monitoring databases at theSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences SLU with canonicalcorrespondence analysis.

Authors’ contributionsMP conceived the study, analysed the data and drafted the manuscript, MSsampled most of the sites, performed parts of the molecular work, the initialanalyses and contributed to drafting the manuscript, TH performed parts ofthe molecular work and commented on the manuscript, BF contributed towriting the manuscript.

AcknowledgementsWe thank Martin Plath, Mathilde Cordellier, Eugenia Zarza, Aline Depráz andthree anonymous reviewers for constructive comments on a previousmanuscript version. The work received financial support within theAQUASHIFT priority programme from the DFG (grant MP390/4-2) and wassupported by the research funding programme “LOEWE - Landes-Offensivezur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz” of Hessen’sMinistry of Higher Education, Research, and the Arts.

Received: 20 December 2010 Accepted: 20 May 2011Published: 20 May 2011

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doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-135Cite this article as: Pfenninger et al.: Factors and processes shaping thepopulation structure and distribution of genetic variation across thespecies range of the freshwater snail radix balthica (Pulmonata,Basommatophora). BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011 11:135.

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Pfenninger et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2011, 11:135http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2148/11/135

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