Facilities Forwardistmanagement.com/assets/ist-facilities-forward-procedures.pdfFacilities Forward -...


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Communication & Implementation

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IST has supported the essential business support needs of hundreds customers throughout the pandemic - not

just in New York and Los Angeles, but in over forty marketplaces in between. Taking guidance from the CDC, the

International Facility Management Association (IFMA), local trade organizations and our network of experienced

operations management professionals, we can be as flexible as you need us to be.

Facilities Forward

From establishing six feet distancing guidelines in employee lounges and conference rooms to staffing temperature

check stations at building entry points, all of these processes intersect with IST’s standard support functions. All of these

processes also require a dedicated, customer-service oriented team of professionals to carry them out successfully. IST’s

Facilities Forward approach includes key process adjustments to maximize safety in our service provision to best fit the

needs of your office and the guidance of public health officials.

� Building Entry

� Reception

� Mail and Print Centers

� Mail and Print Delivery

� Conference Rooms

� Records Centers

� Hospitality

We can implement Facilities Forward Operations processes for:

Break Rooms, Lounges, Wellness/Nursing

Rooms, Gyms, Phone Rooms, and Visiting

Offices (Hoteling)

From boutique law firms in historic buildings to multi-campus Universities, each facility is different and our solutions

to support them are tailored to suit. IST, alongside the client contact, will come up with a schedule of events to identify

and implement back-to-work processes. Since IST is completely flexible, we will be able to model our discovery and

implementation around the needs of our customers.

IST takes the following into consideration to ensure a smooth and successful transition:

1. PlanningPlanning for and deciding on how to return (Big Decisions)

2. Prepare the Building Cleaning, sanitizing, services, deliveries, processes

3. Prepare the Workforce Anxiety, policies, communications, essential onsite employees

4. Control Access Protocols, health checks, reception, visitors, shipping/receiving

5. Create a Social Distancing Plan Density, schedules, traffic patterns

6. Reduce Touchpoints and Increase Cleaning Doors, clean desk policy, food plan

7. Communicate for Confidence Recognize fear, transparency, listen and survey

Business Recovery Process Oustourcing

Facilities Forward - Business Recovery Process Outsourcing

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Facilities Forward Operations

Building Entry - Best practices for implementing screening procedures at building entry points

require both people and technology for access control and visitor management. When implementing a

single-entry process, policies to manage the flow of employees and visitors must be both stringent and

considerate of employees’ time. IST can provide staff to respectfully and unobtrusively screen visitors

and staff upon entry.


Reception - Implementing sound social distancing and disinfecting processes remains at the center of

our Facilities Forward approach for reception areas. Whether the receptionist position is staffed by an

IST associate or by a customer employee, we can help ensure that passage adheres to stringent safety


Mail and Print Centers - Where contagion is most easily transmitted among peers in close quarters,

mail and print centers have potential to be an intrusion and dissemination point within an office building.

IST’s Facilities Forward approach includes measures to control and mitigate the potential for disease to


Mail and Print Delivery - IST’s Facilities Forward processes maintain accountability in mail, package and

copy job delivery while observing CDC safety protocols. We have developed methods for proper social

distancing and limiting touch on delivery runs that effectively limit potential infection while ensuring all

mail and print jobs are delivered correctly and on-time

Conference Rooms - Face to face meetings continue to be essential in effective decision making and

employee management. Along with A/V specialists to support video conferencing, IST’s on-site staff will

work with your employees to establish safety-conscious conference room scheduling, setups, proceedings

and breakdowns.

Records Centers - In records centers, IST’s Facilities Forward approach implements additional measures

to restrict touch points in physical file requests as much as possible and disinfect those touch points after

every use. We are also coordinating with off-site records management providers and their couriers to

help ensure they are following correct safety protocols.

Hospitality - Prior to COVID-19, break rooms, lounges and other flex spaces were places for employees

to pause their workday and unwind, have a bit of privacy or to get a good days’ worth of work in despite

being on the road. Now, because they are designed to be highly trafficked, these flex spaces must be

treated with extreme focus on safety. IST’s Facilities Forward approach considers even the slightest

opportunity for contagion to spread as a priority.

Facilities Forward - Business Recovery Process Outsourcing

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Sanitizing & Disinfecting Services (SDS)

� Decreased likelihood of diseases like COVID-19, influenza and others spreading in your workplace.

� Fewer sick days for your employees, increased productivity and lower costs.

� An increased feeling of security on the part of your staff members knowing that these services are taking place.

� Higher morale and trust in leadership.

IST is responding to global demand for safer office spaces by offering Sanitizing & Disinfecting Services to our customers

to decrease immediate and ongoing health risks while contributing to our customers’ long-term business success. IST’s

SDS services are the best way to continuously provide a healthy environment for employees and customers.

IST’s HR operations and safety teams developed the SDS training program for all IST employees that provides access

to updated technical data, CDC recommendations, and continuously advises Sanitizing & Disinfecting Services team

members on both ongoing and seasonal best practices. Any IST site employee that handles any level of cleaning during

the course of their normal duties must understand the SDS training program and demonstrate proficiency within our

online testing system.

SDS activities can be added to current IST support functions. We will work with you to evaluate the needs of your

individual office and first look to implement SDS functions using our already contracted on-site employees. If this is not

possible, we will engage our in-house talent acquisition management team to staff for the new responsibilities under any

plan that best fits your needs AND your budget.

Facilities Forward Site Communication

Our highest priority is to keep all our

employees and customers as safe as possible

and the most important part of introducing

new safety requirements is getting the word

out among our customer’s employees.

IST can use our in-house marketing resources

to help you prepare your offices for reopening

by placing reminders in designated places

to help control the spread of contagion and

reduce risk to staff.

Facilities Forward - Business Recovery Process Outsourcing

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Forward Thinking Business Solutions

IST’s Facilities Forward approach offers additional support systems created to aid businesses as they reposition themselves

for a robust recovery – solutions like Digital Mail and Physical Records Management Systems. While a great amount

of emphasis is correctly given to how to reduce overheads for the immediate future, IST Facilities Forward solutions

combine that goal with cutting-edge technology designed to generate cost savings far into the future.

Digital Mail

The future of internal mail delivery

has always been digital mail. Now,

with social distancing precautions

being instituted nationally, the

implementation of digital mail

services has stepped into the

forefront as a necessary and

immediate change to back-office


Confirm Meeting Space Management

Previous functionality of conference rooms must be greatly diminished as social distancing measures are implemented.

Customer staff need to know immediately whether the room of their choice can safely hold their meeting, what

food options are available, whether they can include teleworkers in the meeting etc. IST’s intelligent, web-based

conference room management system, IST Confirm will alleviate those concerns before they ever become a problem.

Facilities Forward - Business Recovery Process Outsourcing

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Space Planning Systems

IST Space Planning allows businesses to manage their employee locations and organizational moves as they

implement the standard six foot social distancing protocols. Not all offices can easily implement these protocols so

the application enables users to plan individual and group moves ahead of time with the Mock Moves tool (includes

asset tracking).

Electronic Document Management Systems (EDMS)

IST DocStor Business is designed to convert, store and manage critical business documents electronically so users

can access them anywhere and businesses can reduce overhead expenditures by eliminating dead space in records



Facilities Forward - Business Recovery Process Outsourcing

w w w. i s t m a n a g e m e n t . c o m

Call IST Today

As the nation’s largest, independently owned business process outsourcing company, IST has developed the Facilities

Forward approach to provide that specialization and ensure proper and considerate back-to-business processes are

implemented at your offices. Combining COVID Recovery Processes with outsourced office support allows businesses

and their employees to focus on their core, revenue generating functions. Whether it be a law firm, insurance provider,

or financial institute, an enormous amount of time and money have already gone into flattening the curve. Now, as

businesses plan their return, an enormous amount of time and money must be dedicated to implementing safety

measures to help prevent additional waves of illness. No matter how much time is spent on these non-core tasks, it is still

an encumbrance on business’ bottom line.

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Learn More

Physical Records Management Systems (PRMS)

IST DocStor Records is created specifically for law firms to provide a more efficient way to manage physical records

so less staff can manage more records, which reduces possibility for contagion by limiting touch-points and traffic in

records centers.

Legal Resource Management (LRM)

As Law firms explore ways to reduce overheads in recovery, IST offers Legal Resource Management solutions designed

to centralize paralegal and legal secretary staffing, give them specialized project management systems and convert

a 2:1 attorney/legal secretary ratio to a 4:1 or even 7:1 ratio.
