Facebook for business 2015


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Dana Albano708/926-5877dana.albanomarketing@gmail.comalbanomarketing.com

PROFILE VERSUS PAGE Profile is your Personal Persona

Limit 5,000 Friends Subscribe button

Any post is public Public figures, or if you are your own brand Cannot use for monetary gain

Page is for your Business No fan limit Can use custom applications Can use Facebook ads Can provide more information about your business

WHY FACEBOOK There are over 40 million active small business

Pages on Facebook and the company is more committed than ever to helping these small

businesses to grow and succeed


Cover Image: 851 x 315 pixels Portray your company’s personality, campaign, mission, product or servicesCannot include more than 20% textNo price or purchase infoNo contact infoNo “Like” or “Share” requestsNo calls to action

Profile Image: 180 x 180 pixelsthumbnail size of 32 x 32 pixelsUse as logo or image that people associate with your business Appears next updates on your wall and in users’ news feeds

Be Creative

Set the Mood Use Hi-Res Creative

Cover and Photo Match

About SectionAll sections 100% complete Set your business categoryInclude website in Short/Long DescriptionSet up your Facebook/Web AddressDo not invite email contacts until completed

ReviewsHigh business ratings eligible to appear in the news feedHelps readers discover new businesses Great brand awarenessStar ratings in Facebook EdgeRank Determines where your posts will end up in a newsfeed, if at allDisadvantagesPoor Ratings. And unable to respond to review

APPSUp to 12 apps can be usedCan change the order Can make custom thumbnails -111 x 74 pixels3 apps on right side of Page TimelineRename the app itself- think in terms of actionRecommended Apps: Survey Monkey, Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest Coupons

Call To ActionsAdd a button to your Page thattakes people directly to your app or websiteAdd links to your websiteFeature a video



Highlight Gives prominent placement of mostimportant content Full width of TimelineGreat feature for visual contentPin Pins to the top pages for 7 days Updates about special promotions orfeatures

PPostsSchedule future posts months ahead of time

INCREASE YOUR FANBASE Start with who you know

Upload existing lists, personal contacts Utilize Facebook Ads in News Feed Place “Follow Us” links everywhere- emails, newsletter,

websites Refer a friend Programs

Create a compelling offer for both the referrers and referees

Contests and promotions Most “Shares” get free facial or product

Partner with other brands or local organizations Create co-promotions and encourage viral sharing with


ALGORITHMS-WHAT DOES IT MEAN Fewer people seeing Business Page posts

Why? Decline in organic reach… Amount of content being shared on Facebook grows faster than people's

ability to see it As content shared on Facebook continues to grow, Business

posts are competing with more stories to appear in News Feed

REACH YOUR AUDIENCE Post more often to stay top of mind with your followers

Publish every day…Up to three types of posts Photos, Videos, Links to other sites, Text updates

Engage with your audience 80% content should be for audience/20% for business

Collect testimonials and reviews Take advantage of news feed ad placement/Facebook Offers

Bring people to your business with an offer they can claim and share with their friends

Survey Encourages Fans to engage with your page

Encourage fan participation Create fun, engaging conversations with clear calls-to-action

FUN INTERACTIONS Fill in the Blank

My favorite team is_____ Questions- Poll of the day Ask for feedback

Get your fans involved about your products or services Emotional/Provocative Value Added

Who wants a free ____ Fun and fast

"Quick: Sox or Cubs?“ Testimonies Hot tips or tip of the day Ask Questions

20 Tips for Healthier Skin >> Which ones do you follow? Did you know

Guess the caption - great to get people involved Fridays Deal of the day or flash deal(time limit to a deal)







Facebook encourages pages to post videos directly to the platform-Called a Native Video

Native Videos get higher organic reach Users can automatically view video in newsfeed

Make it interesting and engaging Make first few frames stand out Create interesting text to go with video

Create a video playlist

FACEBOOK ADS-SETUP Choose the Objective

What is your goal. What do you want to accomplish Most important step

TARGETING Who you want your ads to reach

Location, Age, Gender Interest Behavior

Purchase behaviors or intents, device usage Connections

A specific kind of connection to your Page, app or event

Custom Audiences Allow you to build an audience of people who have visited your website or

through uploading an email list Lookalike Audiences

Reach a larger audience. Appropriate for starting an audience from scratch or simply can’t get enough out of

fans and website visitors Facebook looks at the similarities between the people who are within an existing

audience Facebook will then build a list of users most similar to them


How much do you want to spend Per Day- Can go as low as a $1 Lifetime Budget-A set amount for the duration of ad

Choose to bid for your objective, clicks or impressions CPC-You only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The more clicks

you receive, the lower your cost per click Facebook will show your ad to people within your target audience most

likely to click CPC is more effective when you want a specific click or response

CPM- Pay for ad views/Impressions (measured in multiples of 1,000 ) Facebook will show your ad to people within your target audience as many

times as possible CPM better for raising awareness because you’re paying for the people who

are shown the ad


Do not overuse Combine with other posts, ads, etc Boost Posts to Fans Gives more visibility, focus on your Fans

It doesn’t do you any good to have someone like your post if they’re not connected to your page.

It may help with awareness you’re better off having a focused goal for those types of ads (e.g., such as growing your email list).