Fabulous First Lines



Fabulous First Lines. For Persuasive Writing. 1. Get a piece of blank paper from the top of the computer cart. 2. Fold the paper into fourths. 3. Make sure your name is on the back of the page. 4. Flip the paper back over and put today’s date in the upper left hand box. Before we begin . . . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fabulous First Lines

For Persuasive Writing

Before we begin . . .1. Get a piece of blank paper from the

top of the computer cart.2. Fold the paper into fourths.3. Make sure your name is on the back

of the page.4. Flip the paper back over and put

today’s date in the upper left hand box.

Fabulous First Lines

It’s imperative to have a good first sentence in any persuasive essay or

speech. Otherwise, how else can you be sure your audience is going to listen to what you have to say? And we know what you have to say is of the utmost importance, so . . . Let’s prepare to discover fabulous first lines strategy number one.

Fabulous First LinesStrategy –

Definition –

Ms. Mills’ Examples (2) –

My Example –

When we go to the next slide, fill in the first three items above.

Fabulous First Lines: “What If?” Question

What if music didn’t exist?

Have you ever wondered how you would survive if you found yourself alone in the wilderness?

What do our dreams really mean?

Is the elimination of physical education programs to blame for the alarming rate of obesity in our schools?

How did Albert Einstein become a famous scientist if he couldn’t even pass math?

Definition: This strategy has you open with a thought-provoking question related to your topic. It should be a question that really challenges the reader to think.

Fabulous First Lines

Take the next three minutes to come up with a fabulous first line for your persuasive speech that uses the “What If?” question strategy.

**Save this paper for tomorrow. We will add to it all week and turn it in Friday for a cumulative jumpstart grade worth ten points.**

Put today’s date in the upper right hand corner box.

Fabulous First LinesStrategy –

Definition –

Ms. Mills’ Examples (2) –

My Example –

When we go to the next slide, fill in the first two items above.

Fabulous First Lines

Quote or Saying

Use another person’s words to begin your speech or essay. It could be something your mom used to say, song lyrics, part of a poem, a famous saying . . . Be creative. Just remember to use quotation marks & be sure to tell the reader where you got the quote!

Fabulous First Lines: Quote or Saying Example

“Houston, we have a problem.” Apollo 13’s famous distress call ran through my mind as I looked at my progress report for the quarter. I had done fairly well in most of my classes, but those grades fell by the wayside as I stared at the F in math. My mom is going to kill me! Before I head home, I better think up a plan for raising that F to a C by the end of the quarter.

Fabulous First Lines: Quote or Saying

Now take three minutes to write your own first sentence to your persuasive speech using a quote or saying.

Goals for Thursday

Time for research is OVER. If you need more facts or quotes, research must be done at home or before school.

You must have your planning finished by the end of class. Go to the assignments folder in my shared folder and open up the document titled “persuasive essay planning.” There you will find a link to the readwritethink website. Cut and paste the web address into your browser & start planning. YOU MUST PRINT YOUR PLAN BY THE END OF CLASS. It is not possible to save your work online.

When you finish your plan, start your rough draft. Continue working on your rough draft for HOMEWORK. Your rough draft (four paragraphs minimum) is due at the end of the period tomorrow.

Put today’s date in the bottom left hand corner box.

Fabulous First Lines

Strategy –

Definition –

Prepare your box with these two headings.

Fabulous First Lines

Strategy = Scenario or


Scenario or Dialogue

Definition: Drop your reader into the middle of a scene that has to do with your topic. Use vivid description and realistic dialogue to draw your reader in.

Example #1

“Spike, get back here!” My golden retriever scampered across the lawn, aiming his yellow muzzle at the mailman who had just placed several letters in my mailbox. The man momentarily froze before sprinting for the relative safety of his truck. As the box-like vehicle zoomed down the street, Spike gave chase for a block before he gave up and heeded my call to return. Even though they cause their share of commotion, golden retrievers are my choice for the best pet.

Example #2

“Ok, son. Let’s go get us a buck. Put your orange vest on.”“But, Daddy, I don’t wanna wear an orange vest. I just bought this camo shirt!”“Son, you have to wear an orange vest so other hunters can see you. It’s a law.”Hunting laws are meant to keep people and animals safe. Hunting laws are meant to be obeyed.

Example #3“Jerry, sit down!” Little Jerry was always the nicest little boy, but all of a sudden, he was such a pest. He was always out of his seat, and every time Jerry’s third grade teacher told him to do something, he would always have something to say back. Finally his teacher got fed up with his attitude and pulled him out in the hallway. His teacher, Mrs. Butler, asked what was going on with him. He didn’t reply. Mrs. Butler finally called Jerry’s mother and found out Jerry’s mom & dad were getting a divorce. No child should have to suffer the effects of divorce like Jerry did. Parents should not get married if they are not 100% sure their marriage is going to last.