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كنيسة مار نقوال االنطاكية االثوذكسيةSt. Nicholas Weekly Bulletin Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church Antiochian Archdiocese of North America

Diocese of Los Angeles and the West 5200 Diamond Hts. Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94131

Tel: (415) 648-5200 Email: stnicksf@msn.com--website:stnicholas-sf.com

Pastor, V. Rev. Fr. George Baalbaki (586) 214-4428- revbaalbaki@yahoo.com

Pastor Emeritus, V. Rev. Fr. Gregory Ofiesh

Rev. Deacon Niphon Sweiss

Sub-Dn. Michel Khoury

Parish Council Chairman: Salim Qaru

Sunday, June 22nd

, 2014

THE EPISTLE St. Paul to the Romans. (2:10-16) Brethren, glory and honor and peace for everyone

who does good, the Jew first and also the Greek. For God shows no partiality. All who have sinned

without the Law will also perish without the Law, and all who have sinned under the Law will be judged

by the Law. For it is not the hearers of the Law who are righteous before God, but the doers of the Law

who will be justified. When Gentiles who have not the Law do by nature what the Law requires, they are

a law to themselves, even though they do not have the Law. They show that what the Law requires is

written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness and their conflicting thoughts accuse or

perhaps excuse them on that day when, according to my gospel, God judges the secrets of men by Christ


. ل الخير من اليهود اوالً ثم من اليونانيين، ألن ليـس عند هللا محاباة للوجوهيا إخوة، المجد والكرامة والسالم لكل من يفع :الرسالة

فكل الذين اخطأوا بدون الناموس فبدون الناموس يهلكون، وكل الذين أخطأوا في الناموس فبالناموس يُدانون، ألنه ليس السامعون

رون فإن األمم الذين ليـس عنـدهم النامـوس اذا عملوا بالطبـيعـة بما .للناموس هم أبرارا عند هللا بل العاملـون بالنامـوس هم يُبـرَّ

هو في الناموس فهؤالء وان لم يكن عندهم الناموس فهم نامـوس ألنفسهم، الذين يُظهرون عمل الناموس مكتوبا في قـلوبهم

.سب إنجيـلي بيسـوع الـمسيـحوضميرهم شاهـد وافكـارهم تشكـو او تحتـّج فيما بينـها يـوم يـدين هللا سرائر النـاس بح

THE GOSPEL St. Matthew. (4:18-23) At that time, as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He

saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they

were fishermen. And He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately

they left their nets and followed Him. And going on from there He saw two other brothers, James the son

of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and He called

them. Immediately they left the boat and their father, and followed Him. And He went about all Galilee,

teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the Kingdom and healing every disease and

every infirmity among the people.

ى شاطئ بحر الجليل رأى أخويـن وهما سمعان الـمدعو بطرس واندراوس فـي ذلك الزمـان فيمـا كـان يسوع ماشيـا عل اإلنجيل

فللـوقـت تركا الشباك . هلّم ورائي فأجعـلكـما صيادي النـاس: فقال لـهما(. ألنهما كانا صيادين)أخوه يلقيان شبكـة في البحر

سفينة مع أبيهما زبدى يُصلحان شبـاكهما وجاز مـن هنـاك فرأى أخوين آخرين وهما يعقـوب بن زبدى ويوحنا أخوه في. وتبـعـاه

وكان يسوع يطـوف الجليـل كلـّه يعـلّـم في مجامعهم ويكـرز ببشارة الـمـلكوت . ولـلوقت تركا السفينـة وأبـاهما وتبـعـاه. فدعاهما

ويشفي كل مرض وكل ضعـف فـي الشعب

Sunday, June 29th, 2014 1 year memorial service for the

servant of God Salim Azar offered by Azar, Hanhan, Rizqallah and

Mogannam families. May his memory be eternal!

St. Nicholas Clergy and Parish Family would like to congratulate the following graduate for her accomplishments:

Narmen Jiries Hanhan, for her graduation from Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health with Honors in her dual post graduate degrees, Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) and Masters in Public

Health (MPH). Mabrook and May the Lord God Shower you with his Mercy!

Mark your Calendars:

This Sunday, June 22nd

there will be a luncheon after Divine Liturgy.

Donation $5

Altar Candles & Coffee Hour قناديل الهيكل is being offered by: St. Nicholas Parish family for the good health and well being of Nadim and Basma Howell, Isahq Qaqish, Fifi

Batshon, Janette Tannous, Fouad Hanhan, Nabil Dabai, Chris Atwan, Jamal Farhat and Elias Bazouzi. Many years!

Sponsors for Sunday’s are needed. Please make checks payable St. Nicholas Church in the amount of $25.00 or more.


Mr. Jiries, Dr. Suhair, Amanda, and Jaber Hanhan would like to congratulate their daughter and sister,

Narmen Jiries Hanhan, for her graduation from Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health with Honors in

her dual post graduate degrees, Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) and Masters in Public Health (MPH).

Ms. Afdokia Hanhan and family, Dr. Roshy Hanhan and family, David Hanhan and family all welcome

the new young dentist to Hanhan Dental.

We all are very proud of you and excited for this new journey together!

While the stone was sealed by the Jews, and the soldiers were

guarding Thy most pure body, Thou didst arise on the third day, O

Savior, granting life to the world. For which cause the heavenly

powers cried aloud unto Thee, O giver of life. Glory to Thy

Resurrection O Christ, glory to Thy kingdom, glory to Thy

providence, O Thou Who alone art the lover of mankind.

Thy work of justice did reveal Thee to Thy community as a Canon

of faith. The likeness of humility and the teacher of abstinence. O,

Thou Father and great Bishop Nicholas. Wherefore by humility

thou didst achieve exaltation, by Thy meekness wealth, intercede

therefore, intercede with Christ that He will save our souls.

O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame, mediation

unto the Creator most constant, O despise not the suppliant voices

of those who have sinned; but be thou quick, O good one, to come

unto our aid, who in faith cry unto thee: Hasten to intercession, and

speed thou to make supplication, thou who dost ever protect, O

Theotokos, them that honor thee.

الطاهر وجسدك اليهود، من ختم لما الحجر إن

أيها الثالث اليوم في قمت الجند، من حفظ

قوات لذلك الحياة، العالم مانحاً المخلص،

الحياة،المجد واهب يا إليك هتفوا السماوات

المجد لملكك، المجد المسيح، أيها لقيامتك

.وحدك البشر محب يا لتدبيرك

لإليمان، قانوناً لرعيتك، الحق أفعال أظهرتك لقد

األبُ أيها لالمساِك، ومعلماً للوداعة وصورةً

أحرزت فلذلك نيقوالوس، الكهنةِ رئيسُ

إلى فتشفع الغنى، الرفعة وبالمسكنةِ بالتواضعِ

.نفوِسنا خالصِ في اإلله المسيحِ

المتوسطة , غير المخذولةالمسيحيين يا شفيعة

ال تعرضي عن , غير المردودةلدى الخالق

بل تداركينا , أصوات طلباتنا نحن الخطأة

بالمعونة بما أنك صالحة نحن الصارخين إليك

, بادري إلى الشفاعة وأسرعي في الطلبة: بإيمان

.يا والدة اإلله المتشفعة دائماً في مكرميك

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church is proud to present

Jamal Kassab and his ensemble

July 5, 2014 * 7:30pm

Hyatt Regency Hotel San Francisco Airport

1333 Bayshore Highway, Burlingame, CA

Limited seating - Please purchase tickets by June 30th

To purchase tickets for dinner and Hafli please visit:


Diocese of Los Angeles and the West Parish Life Conference

Please contact Jeries Azar, Salim Qaru, Maurice Kari and Elias Batshon for more information or


ATTENTION: Sunday, July 6th Divine Liturgy will be held at the Parish Life Confernce at the Hyatt Hotel.

Matin will start at 8:00 AM and Divine Litrugy will start at 9:15 AM St. Nicholas church will be closed.

Father’s Day Picnic… We would like to thank Dr. Elias Hanna for letting us use his winery, Sumaya Hanna for her time and

dedication, Men’s Fellowship, and all those who helped us especially: Jeries and Josephine Tannous, Rodi

and Janet Baqleh, Issa Khoury, Sana Jada, Elias Batshon, Salim Qaru, Jeires Azar, Shukri Hanhan, Salem

Zughbaba, Suheil Azar for their hard work. God bless you and your families.


.، حتى ولو كنت ال تحيا كابن، علّك تتذّكر أن هللا هو أبوك”أبانا“قل

األرضيات، عّل ذهنك يرتفع إلى ، حتى ولو كنت ال تفّكر اال في”الذي في السموات“قل


ك أنت، علّك تتنبه الى ان اسمك من دون هللا ال ”ليتقّدس اسُمك“قل ، حتى ولو كنت ُتمّجد اسم

.مكانة له

.، حتى ولو كنت ال تفّكر ااّل في التملّك، علّك تشتهي ملكوت هللا”ليأِت ملكوتك“قل

.بمشيئتك، علّك تعي ان مشيئة هللا هي قداستك اال، حتى ولو كنت ال تعمل ”لتكن مشيئتك“قل

، حتى ولو كنت ال تعطي خبزك، عّل جسدك يتحرر من ”خبزنا الجوهري أعطنا اليوم“قل


.، حتى ولو كنت ال تترك لمن لك عليه، علّك تدرك أن المغفرة هي باب الى السماوات”اترك لنا ما علينا“قل

.، حتى ولو كنت تعّرض نفسك للتجربة، علّك تسير في طريق البّر والحق”ال تدخلنا في تجربة“قل

.، حتى ولو كنت ال تنوي اال فعل الشر، علك تعرف أن هللا هو مخلّصك الوحيد”نجنا من الشرير“قل

، حتى ولو كنت غير أمين، عّل ضميرك يستيقظ فتكون ذاك العبد األمين”آمين“قل

لماذا نضيء الشموع أمام األيقونات؟ القديس نقوال فاليميروفيتش

الشمعة تذكرنا بإيماننا بأن المسيح (. 21: 8يوحنا " )أنا نور العالم: "ألن المسيح قال :أوالا

.ينير نفوسنا

نضيء الشمعة أمامها، ألن القديسين هم لتذكيرنا بإشعاع القديس صاحب األيقونة التي : ثانياا

(.8: 23ولوقا 63: 21يوحنا )أبناء النور

ولكي نُدعى إلى طريق النور . كتأنيب على أعمالنا الُمظلمة وأفكارنا الشريرة وشهواتنا: ثالثاا

فليضئ نوركم أمام الناس، حتى يروا : "اإلنجيلي حتى نتّم بحرارة أكبر وصية المخلّص

(.23: 5متى " )ةأعمالكم الحسن

كتضحية صغيرة للرب الذي أسلم نفسه كليًّا كضحية من أجلنا، وكإشارة صغيرة إلى : رابعاا

امتناننا الكبير ومحبتنا المشّعة للذي منه نسأل الحياة والصحة والخالص وكل ما يمكن أن

.تمنحه المحبة اإللهية غير المتناهية

ا تحب الظلمة وترتجف من النور، خالل الصالة، مبِعدةً فكرنا عن الخالق، كونهالضرب قوى الشر التي تحاربنا حتى : خامسا

خصوًصا نور الرب

ا لحثنا على إنكار الذات، إذ كما يخضع الزيت والشمع إلرادتنا، هكذا ينبغي بنفوسنا أن تحترق بشعلة المحبة في كل آالمنا : سادسا

.خاضعين لمشيئة الرب

الشمعة ال تشتعل بدون يدنا، كذلك قلبنا، أي نورنا الداخلي، ال يضيء بدون نور النعمة اإللهية المقدس، لتعليمنا أنه كما أن :سابعاا

.حتى ولو كان مليئًا بالفضائل التي هي في مطلق األحوال مادة قابلة لالشتعال لكن النار التي توقدها ال تأتي إالّ من هللا

: 2تكوين " )وقال هللا ليكن نور وكان نور: "ر أوالً ومن ثم كل األشياء األخرى بالترتيبلتذكيرنا بأن خالق العالم، خلق النو: ثامناا

ومن ثم من هذا النور . وهكذا ينبغي أن تكون األمور في بداية حياتنا الروحية، حتى، قبل كل شيء، يلمع في داخلنا نور المسيح(. 6

.نور المسيحعسى أن ينيركم . يتولّد كل عمل صالح، ويرتفع وينمو فينا

2014 Parish Life Registration volunteers needed: We will be open from Wednesday, July 1 through Saturday, July 5 from 10 am - to 10 pm and Sunday, July 6, 10

am - 2:00 pm. Also we will need help during the week before the Conference to prepare the materials needed.

We will have signup sheets on Sunday after church. To sign up or get more information, please contact Marilyn

Habeeb, 650-692-1966 or email at mhabeeb692@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.


The words of the Nicene-Constantinople Creed, ‘I believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church’, define

the Church as a divine-human organism.

The Church is one, for she is constituted in the image of the Holy Trinity and reveals the mystery of unity in

essence, while being differentiated in hypostases: she consists of a multitude of separate hypostatic persons

welded together by unity in the faith and in the sacraments. As St Paul says, ‘There is one body and one Spirit...

one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of us all, who is above all and through all and in all’

(Eph.4:4-6). It was for the same unity among Christians that Jesus Christ prayed at the Last Supper: ‘Holy

Father, keep them in thy name, which thou has given me, that they may be one... I do not pray for these only,

but also for those who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as thou, Father, art in me,

and I in thee, that they also may be in us’ (John 17:11-21).

St Paul speaks of the holiness of the Church by comparing Christ with a bridegroom and the Church with his

bride: ‘Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her... that He might present

the Church to Himself in splendour, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and

without blemish’ (Eph.5:25-27). The sanctity of the Church is conditioned not by Christ’s holiness as her head,

but by the holiness to which all of her members are called. The apostles in their epistles refer to Christians as

‘the saints’, thereby suggesting that holiness is not an unattainable ideal but the norm for the Church’s members.

Every Christian is called to holiness and throughout the Church’s history there have been true saints; however,

saints who have managed to transcend sin and the passions are very few. The majority of Christians are sinners

who are members of the Church not by virtue of a holiness attained, but by virtue of their striving for this

holiness and their repentance. The Church’s task is to sanctify them and lead them to God. In this sense it is said

of Christians that they are in patria et in via — in the homeland and on the way, that is, simultaneously within

the Church and yet on the way towards her.

The word Catholic (Greek katholike) means ‘universal’, uniting Christians dispersed around the world, and

including the saints and the departed. St Cyril of Jerusalem says that ‘the Church is called Catholic because she

universally and unremittingly teaches all that ought to be a part of human knowledge — the dogma of the

visible and the invisible, the heavenly and the earthly...’ At first, the Church was a tiny community consisting of

the disciples of Christ in Jerusalem. By the end of the first century, however, due to the preaching of the

apostles, communities had been formed in Rome, Corinth, Ephesus and in other towns of Europe, Asia and

Africa. All of these communities, each headed by its own bishop, comprised a single ‘universal’ Church with

Christ as the head.

The apostolicity of the Church is derived from the fact that it was founded by the apostles, preserves the truth of

their teaching, receives succession from them and continues their mission on earth. That the Church is ‘built

upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets’ is stated by St Paul (Eph.2:20). By apostolic succession we

mean the unbroken chain of ordinations (episcopal consecrations) going back to the apostles and coming down

to present-day bishops: the apostles ordained the first generation of bishops, who in turn ordained the second

generation, and so on down to our times. Christian communities whose succession has been broken are

considered to have fallen away from the Church until their apostolic succession is restored. The bishops

continue the apostles’ mission on earth — a mission of ministry, preaching, the guidance of existing church

communities and the creation of new ones. Not only the bishops and priests, but every member of the Church is

called to an apostolic, missionary service, to preach Christ in word and deed: ‘Go therefore and make disciples

of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’ (Matt.28:19). This

mission, which was laid by Christ upon the apostles and their successors, is at present far from complete. There

are on earth whole nations which have barely been touched by the preaching of Christ, vast areas where the

word of the Gospel has yet to be heard fully. Some countries that were once Christian have now returned to

paganism and unbelief and require a new preaching of the Gospel, new apostles.


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