f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


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  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    s ngBy Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon

    1TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    2TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Building ARIMA Models: Basic Steps

    Plotting the data to inspect unusual features like outliers,stationary, seasonal and if variance is stable.

    Transforming the data e.g use of log, sqrt, or Box-Coxpower transformation

    Identifying the orders (p,d,q) through use of ACF/PACF of









    .may introduce correlation Numerical estimation of model parameters (& CIs) by

    using Yule-Walker equations or method of MLE or methodof LSE.

    Residual Diagnostics: Graphs of Residual ACF/PACF, QQ,histograms, Ljung-Box-Pierce Q statistics to indicate whitenoise else we need to resimulate using other parameters.

    Do predictions

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  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Goal To emphasize plotting methods that are

    appropriate and

    useful for finding patterns that will lead to suitable


    4TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    A Model-Building Strategy

    We will develop a multistep model-building strategyespoused so well by Box and Jenkins (1976). There arethree main steps in the process, each of which may be

    model specification (or identification)

    model fitting, and

    model diagnostics

    We shall attempt to adhere to the principle ofparsimony

    5TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Case Problem 1The quarterly earnings per share for 19601980 of the U.S. company Johnson &

    Johnson, are saved in the file named JJ.

    Plot the time series and also the logarithm of the series. Argue that we should

    transform by logs to model this series. The series is clearly not stationary. Take first differences and plot that series.

    Does stationarity now seem reasonable?

    Calculate and graph the sample ACF of the first differences. Interpret theresults.

    .plot. Recall that for quarterly data, a season is of length 4.

    Graph and interpret the sample ACF of seasonal differences with the firstdifferences.

    Fit the model ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)4, and assess the significance of the estimatedcoefficients.

    Perform all of the diagnostic tests on the residuals.

    Calculate and plot forecasts for the next two years of the series. Be sure to includeforecast limits.

    6TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Step 1: Time Series Plot of Data/log

    of Data

    7TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Step 2: The series is clearly not stationary. Take first differences of

    the log data and plot that series. Does stationarity now seem


    We do not expect stationary series to have less variability in the middle of the series asthis one does but we might entertain a stationary model and see where it leads us.

    8TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

    l l d h h l f

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Step 3: Calculate and graph the sample ACF of

    the first differences of ln(data). Interpret the


    Strongest autocorrelations are at the seasonal lags of 4, 8, 12, and 16. Clearly, we need toaddress the seasonality in this series. Also graph suggests MA effect as well.

    9TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    PACF of the ln(data) suggesting AR

    effects as well

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  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Step 4: Display the plot of seasonal differences and the first

    differences. Interpret the plot. Recall that for quarterly data, a

    season is of length 4.

    The various quarters seem to be quite randomly distributed among high, middle,and low values (e.g we see 4 up, mid,down), so that most of the seasonality isaccounted for in the seasonal difference.

    11TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Step 5: Graph and interpret the sample ACF of seasonal

    differences with the first differences.

    They only significant autocorrelations are at lags 1 and 7.Lag 4 (the quarterly lag) is nearly significant. (2 out of 20 = 0.1 can beconsidered as non-significant here)

    12TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Step 6: Fit the model ARIMA(0,1,1)(0,1,1)4, and assess

    the significance of the estimated coefficients.

    Both the seasonal and nonseasonal ma parameters aresignificant in this model since due to small p-values.

    13TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    Step 7: Perform all of the diagnostic tests on the


    No inadequacies with the model. There is little autocorrelation in theresiduals/Independence due to p-values from LjungBox being large (largep-values) and hence cannot reject Ho: error is IID

    14TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

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    Predicted and Residual values


    15TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM


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    16TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

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    Normal QQ plot

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    Normally Test

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    Step 8: Calculate and plot forecasts for the next two

    years of the series. Be sure to include forecast limits.

    Forecasts follow the general pattern of seasonality and trendForecast limits give a good indication of the confidence in these forecasts.

    19TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

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    Returning back to the forecast of

    data in original terms

    20TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

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    Predicted and Residual values


    21TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM

  • 7/28/2019 f ExCase Problem of Multiple regression


    ConclusionWe may extend our models using higher parameters

    but it is good practice to use the simplest one (leastparameters: Principle of Parsimony) which satisfies


    22TSA By Assoc. Prof. R Boojhawon, UoM
