Extracurricular Activities: Working Crossword Puzzles Article written



It is said that the busiest person has got the greatest leisure. People who complaint that they do not have spare time for hobbies and self-development obviously have problems with their time managementand devote too much time to doing nothing.....

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Extracurricular Activities: Working Crossword Puzzles Article written

Spending one’s spare time

It is said that the busiest person has got the greatest leisure. People who complaint that they do not have spare time for hobbies and self-development obviously have problems with their time-management and devote too much time to doing nothing. The same goes for the student community which can be subdivided into lazy bones and those who manage to allot time to studies, rest and personal life. Developing various sides of one’s personality, an individual balances different spheres of life relieving one’s stress and finding unexpected sources of inspiration.

Crossword puzzles

Crossword puzzles enjoy wide popularity among intelligent young people. This hobby does not require creating special atmosphere or looking for a good company. A specialized magazine, general literacy and a pencil would be enough for doing a puzzle or two. This hobby might broaden student’s scope as it is not a secret that people often use encyclopedias or Google search engine looking for the answers. At the same time it could improve the person’s short-term and long-term memory.

The same questions are often repeated in various puzzles. For this reason, the skills of doing the crosswords could be improved significantly in the course of time. Specialized puzzles focusing on a certain sphere of knowledge could even be helpful for revising the materials and improving professional skills. This hobby might have a positive impact on person’s selfesteem. Making progress in doing the puzzles, a person is certain about one’s wittiness and deep knowledge.

The main advantages of doing the crosswords are

1. Deepening the individual’s knowledge of general or specialized themes. A student might acquire new knowledge doing this interesting assignment.

2. Improving one’s memory being induced to keep in memory answers for various questions. 3. Increasing the person’s self-esteem, as doing the crosswords requires overall knowledge

and word choice. Not everyone is able to do it.

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