External - KORDSA · NY66 tire cord •Cap ply in radial tires PET tire cord Hybrids / other cords...


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The information and opinions contained in this document

have been compiled by KORDSA Teknik Tekstil Anonim

Şirketi (the “Company”) from sources believed to be reliable

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The Company does not undertake any obligation, and

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Global Footprint

Reinforcing 1 out of every 3 automobile tire as well as 2 out of every 3 aircraft tires globally

4 continents12 facilities


2 R&D Centers







Kordsa in Brief


Tire Reinforcement Technologies Composite Technologies

• Strategic supplier of all prominent tire makers

• Global #1 in NY66 TCF

• Global #3 in PET TCF

• Pioneer in open innovation: Composite Technologies Center of Excellence

• Carbon fiber, aramid, hybrid fabrics, and pre-pregs, highvalue added thermoplastic and thermoset resins

• Strategic supplier of aerospace industry with the recent acquisitions.

Construction Reinforcement Tech.

• With Kratos in construction reinforcement Kordsa offers;

• High load carrying capacity

• Long-lasting durability

• Prevention of crack formation

• Ease in application and money saver• Product range: Polypropylene monafilament

investment in 2018



Financial Overview






By Region

1H 2019 Revenue Split

By Product

Tire Reinforcement83.7%



TL million USD million

2018 1H 2019 1H 2018 1H 2019 1H

Sales 1,538 2,586 377 461

EBITDA 263 407 64 73

EBITDA Margin 17.1% 15.8% 17.1% 15.8%



2017 201920182016201520142008

Kordsa Growth in Asia;

Indonesia, Thailand, China

Start up of Indonesiaexpansion Best R&D Center

Sustainability Report received 2 Gold Awardsfrom LACP

Brazil GPTW 4 years in a row

100 Fastest-Growing Companies in Indonesia

Second R&D Center @Composite Technology Center of Excellence

AS9100 RevDCertified

Merging Acqusitions

Global Technology Center in Izmit


Member of the TURQUALITY Global Brand Programme


Commercialisationof Kratos


Composite Technology Center of Excellence

Fortune Global 100The


Acquisition of FabricDevelopment, TextileProducts andAdvanced HoneycombTechnologies

Acquisition of Axiom Materials



•Product and Service Quality Leadership



Strategy House


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Inventions Patent Applications Patents Granted

Patent Growth

Potential to create value by licencing technology






Technology Leadership

A v e r a g e R & D e x p e n d i t u r e p e r y e a r a p p x . U S D 1 0 - 1 2 m ( i n c l u d i n g c a p i t a l i z e d R & D )

S t r o n g f o c u s o n R & D C u tt i n g e d g e n e w p r o d u c t s

S e l e c te d c o l l a b o r a t i o n s * L e a d e r s h i p i n I n n o v a t i o n a n d Te c h n o l o g y

Rolling resistance improvements through higher modulus for high performance tires

Protection layer for truck & bus tires; reduces tire weight

7% higher tenacity and better fatigue performance for aircraft tires (bias)

10% higher dimensional stability for better tire performance (improved labeling)



• Best performed R&D center award of the year 2014 in allindustries.

• R&D Center ranked best in textile category for the last 6 yearsby the Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology

• Innovation Strategy Champion Turkish ExportersAssembly/InovaLeague

• Among the national top 6 institutions of R&D patent registration in Turkey.

Top 6



* includes both, universities as well as individual academics from the names institutions

In 2018, sales revenue of new products totaled USD 64 million.

The R&D center in Izmit develops new products, processes and technologies in the tire and construction reinforcement technologies.

The R&D Center at Composite Technologies Center of Excellence develops innovative composite technologies for the aerospace, defense and automotive industry.



Over view of Tire Reinforcement Value Chain

NY66 yarn

PET yarn A tire is a highly complex composite with c.40 components working under dynamic conditions

NY66 typically used in cap plies; PET typically used in radial plies

Spinning Twisting Dipping


WeavingPolymerisation Greige Fabric





Adipic Acid

NY66 Flake


PET Chip


Kordsa products



Tire Reinforcement Technologies

Main use




NY66 tire cord

• Cap ply in radial tires

PET tire cord Hybrids / other cords

• Radial tire reinforcement • All tire types

• Global #1 producer

• Global #1 provider of aircraft tire textiles

• Global #2

• Leadership position in value-add segments• Market and technology leader with key

brands Capmax, Twixtra and Monolyx, Green TCF

• Grow in technologically more advanced tire segments

• Maintain competitive global footprint

• Capacity expansion in Indonesia and Turkey

• Further investments in technology leadership and production process

• Next generation PET yarns

• Introduction of three key brands

• Sub-licencing business models

• Industry co-operations

Source: Arthur D. Little strategy report (2013)



Composite Parts Raw materials Intermediates

Ko r d s a f a b r i c s a n d p r e p r e g s o f f e r c u tt i n g e d g e s o l u t i o n s f o r a e r o s p a c e & a u to m o t i v e m a r ke t s

Precursors & Fibers: • PAN Precursor

• Carbon Fiber

• Aramide

• Glass Fiber

Resins:• Phenolic

• Epoxy

• Cyanate ester


• Composites use in aerospace & automotive is increasing, due to improved material properties and weight savings over conventional materials

• «Lightweighting» is a major theme, driven by emission regulations as well as fuel-efficiency needs




Overview of Composite Value Chain


Composite Technologies

M i d - te r m o p p o r t u n i t y

• Composite Technologies Center of Excellence (CTCE) opened in 2016 (~30 MM$ investment)

• Manufacturing facility at the CTCE is certified AS9100 - quality and risk management in aerospace and defense industry

• Ongoing development programs & joint projects with aerospace & automotive customers aas well as major universities in both Turkey and Europe.

• With the acqusitions in the US, became strategic supplier of aerospace industry.

• Our target markets are Aerospace, Automotive and Rail Systems

C u r r e n t s ta t u s B u y & B u i l d

• Acquisition of FDI & TPI in the US • A leading supplier of advanced composite fabrics for the commercial aviation

industry• Only supplier in lightning strike fabrics

• Acquisition of Advanced Honeycomb Technologies in the US• Manufactures a wide range of nomex honeycomb core for aerospace

• Acquisition of Axiom Materials in the US• Only worldwide qualified manufacturer of Oxide-Oxide ceramic matrix


• Actively considering organic and inorganic growth options

External 13


Construction Reinforcement Technologies

P r o j e c t s

• KraTos Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibers are approved and applied in over 50 significant superstructure, industrial and infrastructure referenceprojects.

• Non-conductivity concrete reinforcement applications with KraTos Synthetic Fiber Reinforcements are approved in significant government-fundedinfrastructure projects.

• "KraTos CEM: Bagged Cement With Pre-Dosed KraTos Micro Fiber Reinforcement" projects development studies continue.

• Given the technical and test equipment capabilities at Kordsa İzmit, R&D Concrete Lab; "Technical Project Report Services" are available forinfrastructure projects.

3rd Bosphorus Bridge Toll Booths and

Electronic Pass Areas (Non-Conductivity

Concrete Reinforcement)KraTos Macro Reinforcement

Samsun 2nd and 3rd

Stage Light Railway Track Slab

(Non- Conductivity Concrete

Reinforcement)KraTos Macro Reinforcement

Asyaport Tekirdağ PortKraTos Macro Reinforcement


External 14


Sustainability Performance in 2018


Corporate Profile Sustainability Profile




11 Production Plants5 Countries

4,195 Employees

45 Years

200,401 Training Hours

USD 1.82 millionSavings from Reuse of Materials

USD 789, 900 Value of

Our Environmental Investments

0 Fatal Occupational Accidents and Diseases

3.04 millionNumber of Reused Paper Tubes

Environmental Investments76% Training, 9% Waste Disposal

7% Waste Recycling, 7% Consultancy1% Emissions Management

37% Women, 63% Men(White-Collar Employees)

Regional Revenue SplitEMEA 35% North America 24% Asia Pasific 29% South America 12%

88.8% Operating Profit Growth

35.6 Avarage Number of Training Hours of Our Employees

TL 3,947 million Turnover

Click here to reach Sustainability Reports.


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