Exstasis of the Archons



ritual script for a gnostic ritual

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    Convocation 2014

    In the Pleroma, you are what you exactly need to be, you are perfect, you are whole.

    Welcome & Intro

    The Gnostics (2nd Century- 4th Century Egypt)

    Unknown, Unbegotten God & Pleroma (Barbelo, Logos, Sophia)

    Demiurge & Archons (State of Man)

    Book of Jeu, Hypostasis of the Archons,

    Ritual: Baptism, the Midst, Exstasis, Agape

    Guided Meditation

    Close your eyes, relax your body, find your center and breathe deeply, expanding your belly

    and not your chest. Release your distractions, know your worries hold no power here.

    Breathe in through your nose, (inhale), Hold on to that breath for a moment, (hold), Breathe out

    through your mouth, (exhale).

    [Guide the congregation through 4 more deep breaths]

    Now, we are going to continue to breathe deeply, but on the exhale we are going to intone

    each of the 7 Sacred Vowels of Ancient Greek. The 7 vowels were commonly associated with the

    7 Planets, and therefore appropriately aligned to prepare us for the confrontation of the 7


    Alpha (A in father) [arms extended out to sides, palms open]

    Epsilon (short E in let) [right fist extended forward]

    Hta (long E in obey)[extend both hands forward]

    Iota (Ee in meet)[both hands on the belly]

    Omicron (short O in hot)[hands extended down towards the feet]

    Upsilon ( in you)[right hand on the heart]

  • Omega (long O in old)[hands extended towards the heavens]

    [Guide the congregation through each breath and intonation]

    Invocation to the Unknown God

    [Let there be a moment of silence, ring the Bell 3 times]

    Let those with the ears to hear, listen! These are the Rites of the Gnosis of the Unknown God!

    This is a ritual of judgment, liberation, purification, and wholeness. The Gnostic Christ

    proclaimed, Become full, and leave no space within you empty! The disciples asked him his

    meaning and he told them, Your origin is from the Fullness, do not dwell in the place where

    the emptiness is.

    Blessed are they who have crucified the world, and who have not allowed the world to crucify

    them. To accomplish this work we have come to make things below like the things above, and

    the things outside like those inside.

    I invoke you, the One who is and who existed before in the name which is exalted above every

    name, through the Anointed One. Give me your gifts, give me authority, give healing for my

    body, refine the eternal light of my soul and spirit. Reveal the Light of the Pleroma to my mind!

    Grant what no angel eye has seen and what no archon ear has heard! Place upon me your

    beloved, blessed greatness, the wonderful mystery of your dwelling, for yours is the kingdom

    and the power and the glory unto the Aeons. Amen.

    Invoking the 24 Elders

    [The Bell is rung 12 times]

    O 24 Elders who surround the Throne of God, clad in white with crowns of gold, we call to you.

    It is by your form and function that the World receives its power. We call to you to witness and

    protect. Come, come, and bless this rite of baptism. Hear your Angelic Names.

    By Achael, Banuel, Ganuel, Dedael, Eptiel, Zartiel, Ethael,

    Thathiel, come and bless this rite.

    By Iochael, Kardiel, Labtiel, Merael, Nerael, Xiphiel, Oupiel,

    Pirael, come and bless this rite.

  • By Rael, Seroael, Tauriel, Umnael, Philopael, Christuel,

    Psilaphael, Olithiel, come and bless this rite.

    [The Bell is rung 12 times]

    Invoking the 7 Archangels

    [The Bell is rung 7 times]

    O 7 lamps that burn before the Throne of God, who are the extension of the Light of the

    Pleroma, Guardians of the 7 Heavens, opponents of the Powers of the Archons. We call to you

    to witness and protect. Come, come, and bless this rite of baptism.

    From the First Heaven, EIA, we call MICHAEL, bring your Peace to this rite.

    From the Second Heaven, EIIAK, we call GABRIEL, bring your Grace to this rite.

    From the Third Heaven, MIIAK, we call RAPHAEL, bring your Power to this rite.

    From the Fourth Heaven, SEMIIAK, we call SURIEL, bring your Will to this rite.

    From the Fifth Heaven, ARTORE, we call RAGUEL, bring your Truth to this rite.

    From the Sixth Heaven, ARTORAN, we call ANAEL, bring your Glory to this rite.

    From the Seventh Heaven, NARTORAK, we call SARAPHUEL, bring your Healing to this rite.

    [Bell is rung 7 times]

    Invoking the 4 Living Creatures

    [The Bell is rung 4 Times]

    O 4 Living Beasts that flank the Throne of God, who are covered in majestic wings and filled

    with eyes, within and without, we call to you.

    *face North+: ALPHA the Bull, we call you. Lord of Earth, bless this rite.

    *face East+: LEON the Lion, we call you. Lord of Fire, bless this rite.

  • *face South+: PHONE the Eagle, we call you. Lord of Air, bless this rite.

    *face West+: ANER the Man, we call you. Lord of Water, bless this rite.

    [Bell is rung 4 Times]

    The Work of Baptism

    It has been said by the wise that the Soul is born of Water and Fire, the Spirit originates from

    Light and they all have their master in the Mind of God. It is, therefore, most auspicious to

    baptize in these sacred elements. By Water we shall be cleansed, by Fire we shall burn away the

    dross unneeded, by Spirit we shall be fulfilled. Saint John the Baptist proclaimed to his disciples

    in the wilderness, I baptize you with water, but there is One mightier than I who will baptize

    you with fire and the Holy Spirit.

    Blessing of the Water

    [While the Ritualist blesses, the others set up the altar and strew flower petals]

    O Aeons of the Upper Waters, send your blessings to this rite. In the Ineffable Name of the

    Unknown God, I bestow the Mystery of Baptism upon this Water. Let all impurities be cleansed,

    let all transgressions be forgiven, let the soul be healed, let the Way through the Midst be open.





    [The Ritualists go about the circle and asperge the water onto the congregants]

  • Blessing of the Fire/Light

    [While blessing, set up candles and strew flower petals]

    O Aeons of the Upper Fires, send your blessings to this rite. In the Ineffable Name of the

    Unknown God, I bestow the Mystery of the Baptism of Light upon this Fire. Let the dross be

    burned away, let all passions be tempered, let the soul be renewed, let the Way through the

    Midst be open.



    [The Ritualists go about the circle and cense the congregants]

    Blessing of the Oil

    [While blessing, set up the altar and strew flower petals]

    O Aeons of the Upper Aeons, O Light of the Holy Spirit, send your blessings to this rite. In the

    Ineffable Name of the Unknown God, I bestow the Mystery of the Holy Spirit upon this

    Anointing Oil. Let your wounds be soothed, let soul become full and no part shall be empty, let

    the Spirit receive the True Gnosis. The Way through the Midst is open. Amen.



    [The Ritualists go about the circle and anoint each congregant]

  • Exstasis of the Archons

    Please, feel free to stand, sit, lie down, and find a comfortable space where you will be able to

    focus on your journey. As you rise up, we will guide you until a certain point wherein the Archon

    of that Sphere will confront you. We will give a few moments of silence and it will be up to you

    to continue the confrontation with the Archon and bind its power into submission. From there

    on, we will continue to guide you up. When you have bound the final Archon, we will rouse

    from the journey and celebrate our freedom in ecstatic dance. Let us begin.

    [The Ritualists return to the altar, the Bell is rung 3 times]

    You have received the Mysteries of the Baptisms of Water, Light, and Holy Spirit. You are now

    prepared to rise up in vision through the 7 Spheres of Heaven, called the Way of the Midst. The

    purpose is this: That because you have been Baptized you are now cleansed of the influence of

    the Archons, and because you are cleansed you are able to bind the Archon and overcome their

    power. The Archons will confront you, challenge you, accuse you, and attempt to put all your

    sins and weaknesses on display. You will not be harmed by their words, for because you are

    Baptized, they are but shadows and dust to you.

    Please, feel free to stand, sit, lie down, and find a comfortable space where you will be able to

    focus on your journey. As you rise up, we will guide you until a certain point wherein the Archon

    of that Sphere will confront you. We will give a few moments of silence and it will be up to you

    to continue the confrontation with the Archon and bind its power into submission. From there

    on, we will continue to guide you up. When you have bound the final Archon, we will rouse

    from the journey and celebrate our freedom in ecstatic dance. Let us begin.

    First Heaven-EIA-Horaios-Sheep- Greed

    Second Heaven-EIIAK- Elaios-Donkey- Envy

    Third Heaven-MIIAK- Astaphanos-Hyena-Lust

    Fourth Heaven-SEMIIAK-Adonain-Baboon-Sloth

    Five Heaven-ARTORAN-Sabaoth-Dragon-Wrath

    Sixth Heaven-ARTORAK-IAO-Seven-headed Serpent-Gluttony

    Seventh Heaven-NARTORAN-Yaldabaoth-Lion-Headed Serpent-Hubris

    Eighth Heaven-Sophia-Starry Woman-Wisdom

  • Agape Feast

    Rise, Rise, Rise, you have received the Mysteries of the Baptisms, you have overcome the

    Archons in the Midst, you have reached the Pleroma and have become full in your soul and

    spirit! Rejoice! Give Praise! Celebrate your Awakening! You are a Seeker of the True Gnosis! You

    are a Child of the Unknown God that is now Known! Blessings upon the Aeons, Blessings upon

    those who are counted among them! RISE UP!

    [Drums, dancing commences, continuing to grow in intensity until the Ritualist stand in the

    middle of the circle and give the signal for the drumming to slow down/quiet down so that the

    Feast may be blessed]

    [Ritualist elevates the contents of the Feast and the Bell is rung 3 times]

    We give thanks to you and we celebrate the Agape of the Logos, the feast of divine love. Bless

    this bloodless sacrifice, and as we enjoy this sustenance nourish our bodies, our minds, our

    souls, and our communities. Amen.

    Now, Feast, Dance, Stay or Go, and know that you are always within the Blessed Company of

    the Pleroma and the Children of the True Gnosis!
