Exposé...application of the Brand Identity Planning theory from Aaker will be effectuated in order...


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The use of brand heritage for packaging design:

An analysis of FMCG’s sector

Submitted by

Camille Roux-Michollet

European Master In Business Studies

University of Kassel

Department: Business Administration

Division: International Business Administration

Cohort: EMBS 6th


Semester: 3

Kassel, Germany November 2013

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


List of content

List of abbreviations .................................................................................................................... I

List of figures ............................................................................................................................ II

List of tables ............................................................................................................................. III

1. Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 1

2. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3

3. Review of literature ............................................................................................................. 5

3.1. Theoretical background of brand heritage –brand identity and image- ....................... 5

3.2. Globalization ............................................................................................................. 10

3.3. Memories and nostalgia / Promotion and advertisement ........................................... 10

4. Problem and Research question ........................................................................................ 12

4.1. Problem statement ..................................................................................................... 12

4.2. Research questions .................................................................................................... 12

4.3. Hypotheses ................................................................................................................. 13

5. Models and theoretical background .................................................................................. 15

6. Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 17

7. Overview of chapters ........................................................................................................ 19

8. Work plan .......................................................................................................................... 20

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 21

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


List of abbreviations

GCGB Global citizenship through global brands

HQ Heritage Quotient

AMA American Marketing Association

FMCG Fast-Moving Consumer Goods

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


List of figures

Figure 1: Simplified version of Aaker's Identity Planning theory (Aaker 1996) ..................... 15

Figure 2: Urde et al. (2007) Brand heritage positioning model ............................................... 16

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


List of tables

Table 1: Theoretical background of brand heritage ................................................................... 9

Table 2: Globalization .............................................................................................................. 10

Table 3: Packaging (notion of memoria and nostalgia) ........................................................... 11

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


1. Abstract_______________________________________


The use of brand heritage for packaging design: an analysis on Fast-Moving

Consumer Goods (FMCG)’s industry


Brand heritage, brand identity, brand essence, globalization, and packaging


“Make a better future by developing elements from the past.” (Goethe)

Brand heritage is already identified as a reference of the essence of a brand, its

history and its identity. Many companies use their brand heritage to differentiate

themselves from the others, to become unique in order to face better the competition

and to deliver to the potential customers a story behind their brand. Promoting the

brand identity and thus the roots of the company induced to have packaging

strategies behind. In the context of the globalization, many firms were forced to

change their strategies in order to handle the competition. Some of them focused on

keeping their brand essence and their authenticity in order to sensitize the consumers.


Consequently, the purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the variables

that determine the usage of brand heritage in a firm’s packaging strategy and to find

out how to maintain and thus to promote it to the potential consumers in the

globalized world. A focus on the food market and more precisely on the Fast-Moving

Consumer Goods (FMCG)’s industry might be elaborated; especially regarding the

methodology section in order to make the results more consistent at the end. The

application of the Brand Identity Planning theory from Aaker will be effectuated in

order to find out the interaction between brand heritage, packaging, symbols and

finally the brand image and positioning (1996). Besides, hypotheses and afterwards

studies will be elaborated in order to describe the effect and influence of brand

heritage from the customers’ point of view. Eventually, conclusion will be drawn to

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


orient the companies in their strategies in order to keep their identity or to modify

their strategies towards the competitive worldwide market.


The required information will be collected through a qualitative study. Personal

interviews might be run in order to understand better if people are aware of the brand

heritage phenomenon and its impact .The responses will be taped and/or recorded

and then analyzed by focusing on different aspects such as the ages or even the

gender in order to gain insights. The interviews will focus on the attitude of French

consumers various international brands and their “heritage strategies” though the

packaging of specific products. Moreover, those interviews might contain stories-

telling, different kind of packaging in order to have their immediate reactions. At the

same time, semi-structured interviews will be elaborated on the Internet, using VoIP

software –Skype-. Eventually conclusions will be made in order to analyze the

impact of the brand heritage –strategies- on consumers, to see how the consumers

react towards the brand’s strategies and thus to propose possible solutions to

companies to maintain and promote it in a more or less short-term period. The

elaboration of a qualitative content analysis method might be made on the basis of a

coding method (to be chosen later) and I will follow the steps of Kumar (2008) for

the research process.

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


2. Introduction___________________________________

“The world is full of people whose notion of a satisfactory future is, in fact, a return

to the idealized past.” (Davies, 1960)

Nowadays, packaging plays an important role on the selection of products on the

shelves in a supermarket. Packaging has a massive power for marketing strategies.

Implemented firms but also new companies surf on the wave of the retro idea, use

the past as a secure value for their strategy. But how strong is the impact of

packaging design on the brand heritage spread?

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a name but also a

symbol for a company (2010). But when it comes to brand heritage, consumers and

thus marketers directly link it to a connection with the past. The term brand heritage

has already been identified as a reference of the essence of a brand, its history and its

identity. Hence, Urde, Greyser, and Balmer (2007) define it as “part of a corporate

brand identity” and as a “dimension of a brand’s identity found in its track record,

longevity, core values, use of its symbol and particularly in organizational belief that

its history is important” (Urde et al., 2007, pp.4-5). Therefore, according to Kapferer

(2008), brand identity gives guidelines for the company in order to know which

direction it has to follow, what kind of elements can be modified and eventually to

enable the company to involve its brand heritage over the years. Eventually, brand

heritage is a concept that companies use to differentiate their brands from their

competitors. It usually leads to a unique image for the consumers/customers (Keller

and Lehmann, 2006). Because of a lack of certainty, this “back to the roots” trend

(Aaker, 2004) is expected to increase by bringing a feeling of trustfulness and

stability (Ballantyne, Warren, Nobbs, 2006).

As already mentioned above, many companies use their brand heritage to

differentiate themselves from the others, to become unique in order to face better the

high level of competition and to deliver to the potential customers a story behind

their brand. Promoting the brand identity and thus the roots of the company induced

to have packaging strategies behind. In the context of the globalization, consumers

become less confident about the future which can lead to an “increase of interest in

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


brands with a heritage” (Hakala, Lätti and Sandberg,1992). Hence, many firms were

forced to change their strategies in order to handle the competition. Moreover, as

previously mentioned, the actual environment of homogenization (Levitt, 1984)

uncertainty forces some companies to focus on keeping their brand essence and their

authenticity in order to sensitize and reassure consumers.

All recent studies about brand identity and thus brand heritage only describe the

general meaning of the term (Aaker, 1991, 2003; Urde et al., 2007) and some of them

emphasize the importance of interaction with the media and communications

(Strizhakova et al., 2011; Merchant and Rose, 2013) but none of them specified the

need to maintain brand heritage in the global marketplace though those way of

promotion, and it that case through the packaging design of FMCG.

Considering this gap, the purpose of this study shall be to identity the general

meanings behind the terms brands, brand heritage and packaging and to analyze the

determinants of packaging in order to find how to maintain it in the actual globalized

world. Brands with a heritage can communicate to consumers through: symbols,

nostalgia, packaging and advertising (Ballantyne et al., 2006). According to Urde et

al.’s five key elements of brand heritage (2007), a focus on “use of symbols” will be

made in this thesis in order to analyze the possible relation between symbols such as

logo or “personas” –characters, mascots- and brand heritage.

The general research question to be answered by this study is:

How can packaging design communicate brand heritage of FMCG?

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


3. Review of literature_____________________________

The following section will focus on the literature and theoretical materials that can be

used to develop the research question –mentions in the next part- .

Firstly, the section “theoretical background of brand heritage” –with also articles

concerning brand identity and image- will talk about all general ideas and concepts to

be applied. In the following part, a focus on “globalization” is elaborated and

eventually a part regarding packaging is set up.

Separate tables have been made in order to differentiate the topics. All the literature

which will be used in the future thesis argumentation is thus resumed in the

following tables.

3.1. Theoretical background of brand heritage –brand identity and


The use of brand heritage for packaging design


Theoretical background of brand heritage –brand identity, equity and image-

Topic Title Author(s) Year Journal,

Book, etc






making the most

of the story

behind your


2009 Brandscape

s Issue15


> gives examples in the food and

beverage industry

> notes that companies have to focus on

brand essence and how to maintain the

tradition of the company/product

> Heritage branding can be developed

through the product, packaging,

distribution and advertising

> Telling a story in order to the

attention and emotion of the potential








Or ‘Over the







Robert F.


2007 Book p.140-


> exposes some examples of companies

concerned about brand heritage and

various references

> Definition of brand heritage (legacy

brand, icon brand, vintage brand)

> Nostalgia, Narrative strategy, symbol,

authenticity and History are mentioned



Branding in a



The mediating

effects of quality

and self-identity

brand signals



, Robin A.


Linda L.


2011 Journal of




> establish the connection between

involvement of consumers buying

branded products and the use of brands

as a signal of identity and quality thanks

to the essence of the brand.

>mention the relation between local and

global brands, with the results on

consumers attitudes towards the brands

> “greater use of brands as self-identity

is linked to greater brand loyalty”

( reference of “going glocal” strategies)



Experiences of

brands and

national identity






2010 Australian


Journal n°


> story telling interviews and pair

interviews/ narrative methodology and

discourse analysis method afterwards

have been elaborated by using

television brand advert

> impact of national identity in brands

and reaction of consumers towards

those brands; feeling of belonging



Drivers and

Outcomes of

Brand Heritage:


Perception of

Heritage Brands

in the









and Thomas


2011 Journal of


theory and



n0.2, p

> Development of the functions of

brands and how they are perceived by

the consumers; effect of brand heritage

on the consumers’ behavior and


> Key elements of brands heritage

which lead to the effect on consumers

attitudes (cost, longevity, value, ,

loyalty, image,…)

> Gives hints for companies in order to

keep their brand heritage

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


> Explains the relation between the

drivers and outcomes of brand heritage

and the process of heritage branding

(different steps)

>Mention the notion of “old” in the

term “brand heritage” and how to use it

as a KPI




brands with an


Mats Urde 2007 Journal




t, vol 15,


> Define heritage as part of corporate

brand identity

> Give hints regarding branding terms

that can be associated with heritage

> Define a brand’s heritage quotient

(HQ) and the elements of brand heritage

with a focus on brand stewardship

> Reasons for companies to keep their

brand heritage (distinctiveness in

positioning/ comparative advantage, add

brand value, reinforce the authenticity

and the credibility of the company or




Brand and

retailer loyalty:

past behavior

and future


Michaek T.


2000 Journal of

product and



t, vol.9, n°2

> Enounce the main ideas behind


> Interaction between past behavior

(loyalty) and intention to purchase

through loyalty notion



The chain effect

from brand trust

and brand affect

to brand


the role of brand




Morris B.


2001 Journal of


l Marketing,


> Purchase loyalty leads to greater

market share

> Willingness to pay more for an

heritage brand/product which brings

authenticity, an added and unique value

> Notion of trust in a product and in a

brand leads to marketing and cost


> Model of brand loyalty and brand

performance (impact on consumers,

prices, purchase intensions…)




The consumer

quest for

authenticity: the

multiplicity of

meanings within

the MG

subculture of


Thomas W.

Leigh, Cara




2006 Journal of

Academy of



vol.34, n°4,

> Authenticity can be seen as a

connection with the past, a kind of

reference or can simply be the

reproduction of something from the past

; a symbol of origin

>”View of quality perceived by

individuals that emerges from their own

personal experiences” (MacCannell,


> synonyme of aura of origin

> “Two views of authenticity in

marketing contexts have been based on

products’ physical characteristics and

brand essence” (e.g. icon, symbol,

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


authentic being)

> “Nostalgia underlies the association

of an MG with the subculture’s

collective memory of brand heritage”

can be applied with food products

>”Preservation of brand heritage may

be partially fed by antiquarianism”

(Arnold and Bending, 2003)



Creating brand

identity: a study

of evaluation of

new brand



S. Kohli*,

Katrin R.




2004 Journal of



> Brand names create value, brand

equity for consumers

>Because of the globalization, there has

been an “explosion in news products as

well as in the ways to communicate

with consumers” (internets, direct/viral


> Zajonc, 1995 investigated on the

effect of repeated advertising on the

consumers’ attitude: should “enhance

the liking of brand names”


equity Examining the

role of


and sales

promotions in

brand equity


Isabel Buil,

Leslie de


y, Eva


2013 Journal of



>”According to Aaker (1991), brand

equity is a multidimensional concept

whose first four core brand equity

dimensions are brand awareness,

perceived quality, brand associations

and brand loyalty.”

>Relation between the level and number

of advertising and the reaction of the

consumers toward the brand

(importance of creativity and


Branding A cultural

approach to

branding in the



Julien Cayla


Eric J.


2008 Journal of


l marketing,

vol.16, n°4,





> Phenomenon of acculturation from

Bourdieu (CocaCola, McDonalds are

symbol and can be a threat, “symbol of

corporate excess…)

> “The principles of building a strong

brand are basically the same across


> Manager can surf on the waves of

cultural aspect in order to stimulate the

reputation of their brands




brand heritage

and cultural



Ulla; Lätti,




1992 Journal of

product and




>Make the parallel between brand and

culture heritage in order to enhance the

productivity and the efficacy of a

brand’s identity and reputation

>strong implication of brands due to the

high level of competition

>Brand heritage “brings out to its

historical reliability”, bring stability

>”Going back to the roots trend”

(Aaker, 2004)



Symbolic and




1998 Journal of


>Advice to go either to symbolic brands

(related to prestige, image, heritage) or

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


positioning of



Srinivas K.

marketing functional






Through Brand



Deborah J.;





1999 Advances in



>Symbols facilitate brand recognition

memory, enhance brand loyalty –and

thus consumers-

>Logos, name, history can impact the

brand identity

Branding Building strong




1996 Book, The

free Press

>Brand personality definition and brand

positioning through symbols, images,


>”functional benefit model”



Symbolic brands

and authenticity

of identityn



Elliott and



2005 Book,


>Effect of symbolic brands on a

company’s perspective

>Role of “authentic performance”



Brand as


resources for the

construction of



Elliott and




1998 Internationa

l journal of


>Model of the dialectical relationship

between self-identity and social-identity

>Self-symbolism and experience of

advertising “heritage products”

>Brand can evoke nostalgia (cf 3rd

table), memories (reference of

childhood, family “sensitive period

of effect” from Schindler, 1994) and

provide comfort from insecurity

Table 1: Theoretical background of brand heritage

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


3.2. Globalization

In the context of a globalized market, companies have to find strategies in order to

maintain and promote their brand heritage. The globalization has already been

widely discussed in previous studies; therefore a brief definition and thus explanation

related to the subject of this study will be elaborated in the final report.


Topic Title Author(s) Year Journal,

Book, etc.


Globalization The


of markets

Levitt 1983 Harvard



>Describe the “the emergence of


markets for standardized consumer

products on a previously unimagined


> Differentiation of “global” and


> Convergence of needs, of goods

(standardization, homogenization)

which increase the competition


More articles and books will be added in the extended thesis report.

Table 2: Globalization

3.3. Memories and nostalgia / Promotion and advertisement

As previously mentioned, heritage –and thus brand heritage- is closely linked to a

connection with the past but has an impact in the present and future positioning of a

company. Consequently, in the context of branding, it can reinforce this connection

by creating emotions such as nostalgia or memories. The promotion –though

packaging in that case- is a key strategy to promote brand heritage for companies and

can be the reason for a price premium in certain cases.

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


Packaging, Retro aspect

Topic Title Author(s) Year Journal,

Book, etc



to use the

past in the




the past


thinking in

the future






2002 Journal or




n°6, vol. 15

> Make the past become an advantage

in the strategy of the company

> Describe the impact of brand

reputation and past reputation in the

future innovations of the firm

> How to maintain the credibility of a

‘story’ (past story or not) in the

company’s strategy




old brands

new tricks:



and the




Sherry Jr

2003 Journal of




> Explain the overlapping between

nostalgia, brand heritage and brand


> Describe ways of promoting products

through slogans or packages (intention

to reveal memoria)

>Develop the notion of 3As of retro

branding (eg. Aura refers to the brand

essence authenticity)

> Give recommendation about how to

use retro branding (eg. not only

relaunching an old brand)


and brand


Effects of




nostalgia on




M. Rose

2012 The journal of


> Marketers provide a feeling of

sensibility and thus security though

nostalgic advertisement

>Definition of brand heritage and the

impact/consequences of nostalgic

advertisement on it

> Focus group findings corroborate this

experience of transportation and suggest

that emotions related to ad-evoked

vicarious nostalgia impact consumer

perceptions of the brand's heritage.

Packaging Consumer


of product




2006 Journal of



>Graphic variables in the design of


> Explanation about the positioning

strategy for a company; reputation and

its brand image

Packaging Influence of


Design on








2012 International

journal of

packaging and


>use of either categorizing or perceptual

mapping for the respondents

> Give advices to the companies at the

end & Notion of sensory and non-

sensory attributes

Table 3: Packaging, (memoria/nostalgia)

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


4. Problem and Research question___________________

4.1. Problem statement

As already stated in the introduction, all –recent- studies about brand identity and

thus brand heritage only describe the general meaning of the term (Aaker, 1991,

2003; Urde et al., 2007) and some of them emphasize the importance of interaction

with the media and communications (Strizhakova, Yuliya; Coulter, Robin.; Price,

Linda, 2011; Merchant and Rose, 2013) but none of them specified the need to

maintain brand heritage in the global marketplace though packaging design.

Considering this gap, the purpose of this study shall be to identity the general

meanings behind the terms globalization, packaging brands image and brand heritage

and to analyze the determinants of promotion in order to find how to maintain it in

the actual globalized world. According to Urde et al.’s five key elements of brand

heritage (2007), a focus on “use of symbols” will be made in this thesis in order to

analyze the possible relation between symbols and brand heritage.

The figure1 in the section “Models and theoretical background” shall help to

conceptualize better the idea behind.

4.2. Research questions

How can packaging design communicate brand heritage of FMCG?

The research question refers mainly to the way of promoting brand heritage in the

context of globalization. As previously mentioned, consumers are more and more

vigilant towards brands and their identity, their history because of the actual unstable

atmosphere. It might refer to the way packaging strategies handle to communicate

brand heritage through their products.

RQa) Does brand heritage play a role in a company’s brand strategy?

The notion of brand identity and image is situated through the term brand strategy.

Aaker model will be applied in order to make the connection between those notions.

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


RQb) How to communicate brand heritage through packaging design?

How symbols such as logo or characters can be used to communicate brand


This sub research question focuses on one aspect of brand heritage: the use of

symbols which are part of the packaging. Symbols are a key aspect of market

strategy and can have a positive or a negative impact on the perception of the brands

from the consumers’ point of view. The brand identity planning model from Aaker

underlines the fact that a brand itself can be perceived as a symbol; but in some

cases, symbols themselves in the packaging of products might influence brand

heritage and the image of the company behind.

RQc) How can packaging design influence brand image/positioning?

Some links can be made between the main notions of the general research question.

The packaging design of products has an influence on the perception of the

consumers which reflects afterwards the brand image and thus brand positioning.

4.3. Hypotheses and sub-hypotheses

The elaboration of the problem and the research questions lead to the following


H1: Using symbols such as logos in the brand strategy impact brand heritage


An explanation between symbols themselves such as logo or “personas” (owner of

the brand, typical person that represent the brand, a mascot) and the notion of “brand

as a symbol” will be elaborated in the final report. According to Liebenz-Himes,

Shamma and Dyer (2007), the “brand names, packages, logos and other symbols can

become icons” and can thus impact the brand heritage. Memories can appear and

help the brand to reach the success (Zaltman, 2003).

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


H2: Brand heritage has a positive effect on the image/positioning of a brand

Liebrenz-Himes, Shamma and Dyer (2007) explain the idea of influencing the image

of the brand through the use of brand heritage concept in the packaging strategy of

companies. Thus, firms might implement concepts such as “go back to the roots”

notion; the search for authenticity is rising due to the international context of

uncertainty and consumers look for trust, sure-value in the products they purchase.

H3: Enhancement of brand heritage through packaging has a positive influence on

the brand’s image/positioning

The term packaging refers mainly in that report to the design of the products: the

colors used to attract consumers, the shape and even more the symbols such as logo

or “personas” (mascot, owner, or representative of the brand). As explained in

Brandscapes (2009), “many brands such as Heinz Baked Beans, Guiness, Jack

Daniel’s are promoting aspects of their heritage during the recessionary times

through various tactic” (such as different elements of the packaging design) which

allow consumers to trust better on the products and therefore give a positive impact

and this image of the brand.

According to Gelici-Zeko, Lutters, Klooster and Weijzen (2012), “food packaging

plays an important role in attracting consumers’ attention” and it can be revealed by

graphical design, sizes, shapes, symbols in order to catch the attention and thus

promote the brand image and positioning comparing to other products.

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


5. Models and theoretical background

As already mentioned in the abstract, the theory of the Brand Identity Planning from

Aaker enables to understand better that brand heritage is also part of the corporate

brand identity and might be an added value for food oriented companies in their

futures strategies. The key part of this model is the four basis of the brand concept.

(1996). This paper will focus on the symbolic –“brand as a symbol”- aspects which

embrace the visual associations –such as logo, packaging. The following figure is a

modified/simplified version of Aaker model. An extended model will be provided

later which leads to the image of the brand, its positioning.

Figure 1: Simplified version of Aaker's Identity Planning theory (Aaker 1996)

Moreover, the theoretical model of brand heritage will be analyzed in order to get

insights regarding the symbol concept; the authors have elaborated axis referring to

the evolution of a brand to become brand heritage, mainly through the cores values,

products and symbols of a brand over a certain period of time (Hakala et al. 1992).

Furthermore, in the following years, the brand heritage model of Urde et al. (2007)

(see figure2 above) has shown the positioning of brand heritage throughout the past,

present and future period and expresses that “heritage helps make a brand relevant to

the present and prospectively the future” (Urde et al.,2007). It has also developed the

positioning and sometimes overlapping of different kind of brand such as retro-

brands, iconic brands and nostalgic brands. Some of them might have a connection to

the ‘brand as a symbol’, as mentioned previously by Aaker (1996).

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


Figure 2: Urde et al. (2007) Brand heritage positioning model

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


6. Methodology___________________________________

The hypotheses mentioned above will be tested and based on a qualitative approach.

Indeed, I believe that a qualitative study would be better appropriate than a

quantitative one because the purpose of the interviews will be to listen to the

respondents, have story-telling and perceive their opinion through packaging (maybe

evoked nostalgia or memoria as well) as Aaker, 1996 did for instance through story-

telling told by respondents while seeing advertising and/or packaging.

Moreover, Gelici-Zeko, Lutters, Klooster and Weijzen (2012) worked on the influence

of packaging on the consumer perceptions through interviews: they divided the

participants into two groups in order to show them different kind of dairy products. The

goal of their study was to use the categorizing and perceptual mapping methods. In this

paper, none of them will be used, a mapping of information might be elaborated at the

end of the interviews, in order to put the results together and draw conclusion.

Setting/ Sampling

The data will be collected through personal interviews and these semi-structured

interviews run on the Internet, using VoIP software –Skype-, emails, telephone or

personally if feasible. It will hold in December 2013/January 2014 with a dozen of



The study will focus on of French consumers in order to gain in consistency and

make the results more consistent. The sample will take all gender, income, ages, and

professions into account. Interviews will be held by one by one interview which will

be as previously mentioned recorded and noted. The basis of participants is 12

persons. However, if I reach the information needed after 6 interviews for example, I

won’t continue the interviews, as suggested by Gelici-Zeko et al. (2012) in their

methodological part concerning the mapping methods.

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


Measurement instruments

The data will be collected through personal semi-structured interviews via Internet,

using VoIP software –Skype-, emails or personally if feasible. Therefore, a voice

recorder and notes will be needed.


First of all, general questions regarding brands and brand heritage will be asked to

the sample of persons in order to know their level of knowledge concerning this

topic. Afterwards, images –such as packaging of products, its logo, etc- will be

shown and they will be asked to talk about their feeling towards it. This step is

mainly step up in order to check if the respondents will mention and talk about

previous experiences, a story behind it in order to reach the aspect of memoria and

nostalgia previously explained in the “Literature overview” part.

The final phase of the research is to analyze the information gathered from the

personal interviews and to set out some recommendation for the companies. A Likert

scale (from 1 to 7) might be elaborated to evaluate afterwards the overall tendency.

Data Analysis

The implementation of a qualitative method might be a useful help to justify the

future conclusions. As a tool of the analysis of the qualitative data, a coding method

will be used.

I will follow the “Steps in research process” (Kumar, 2008) for the methodological

part of the report which are:

1. Formulating the Research Problem ,

2. Extensive Literature Review

3. Developing the objectives

4. Preparing the Research Design including Sample Design

5. Collecting the Data

6. Analysis of Data

7. Generalization and Interpretation

8. Preparation of the Report or Presentation of Results-Formal write ups of

conclusions reached

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


7. Overview of chapters____________________________


List of content

List of abbreviations

List of figures

List of tables

1. Introduction

1.1. Importance of the topic and its background

1.2. Research question and objectives of the thesis (promotion of brand

heritage, impacts)

1.3.Structure of the thesis

2. Brand heritage

2.1.Brand heritage in the packaging design industry – Definition

2.1.1. Brand heritage

2.1.2. Packaging

2.1.3. FMCG

2.2.Dimensions of a brand

2.2.1. Brand identity

2.2.2. Brand image

2.2.3. Notion of symbols

2.3. Measurement

2.4. Models

3. Influence of packaging design on the image of brand heritage

3.1. Brand packaging strategies

3.2. Brand positioning strategies

3.3. Effect of nostalgia and memories

4. Research methodology

4.1. Methods and procedures

4.1.1. Personal and semi-structured interviews

4.1.2. Setup and structure

4.1.3. Progress and execution

4.1.4. Results

4.2. Summary of the results and consequences (Mayering method)

5. Scientific and Managerial Implications

The use of brand heritage for packaging design


6. Conclusion

6.1. Conclusion

6.2. Limitations

6.3. Future research and development

7. Bibliography and literature review

8. Appendix

8. Work plan_____________________________________

The table below describes the different step to follow for the realization of the final

master thesis. Only the most important milestones are included; sub-tasks are indeed

part of the main “sections” but were not written down yet due to a lack of


Sections Time Activity / Phases Explanation

1. 01.08.2013-


Find a master thesis topic Elaborate 3 main master thesis

topic to propose to the professors

2. 01.09.2013-


Elaboration of the Exposé Find the main research question,

hypothesis, list of the articles and

the draft of the chapters

3. 21.10.2013-


Theoretical phase Write theoretical part of the

thesis, focus on literature

4. 15.12.21013-


Methodology phase

Intermediate presentation

Implement the interviews

Elaboration the presentation

5. 15.01.2014-


Evaluation phase Evaluate the results obtained

6. 15.02.2014-


Analysis phase Analyze and draw implication,

first results and conclusions

7. 15.03.2013-


Finalization phase (I) Finish the master thesis report

8. 01.04.2014-


Deadline (?) -

Finalization phase (II)

Correction, adaptation of the

work, preparation of the final

report and presentation

9. 20.05.2014 Final presentation Final presentation in Leon

The use of brand heritage for packaging design



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