Exploits Through Divine Guidance. Texts: Daniel 11:32 Psalm 23:1-5


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Through Divine Guidance


Daniel 11:32Psalm 23:1-5


Success or exploit is the birthright of the redeemed.

You are designed and destined for manifestation in the supernatural.

As God’s children, life is to happen from us, not to us!

February: Covenant Exploits

Grace for outstanding & unparalleled accomplishments is being poured out this month.

The power of God to break through barriers and limitations is available for our elevation this month.

Jeremiah 29:11 is a reality!

Divine Guidance & Grace

Exploits answer to divine grace – Rom. 4:16; 1 Cor. 15:10.

Grace quits when we stop following God.

A step away from Him is a step away from His grace.

When you are done following Him, then grace is

done following you.

In the journey of life, there is no independence from

God’s guidance.

This new month, be led by the Person of the Holy Spirit and not by the power.

When His Person leads, the power follows.

Our exploits are in His guidance. The accuracy of life is guidance

determined – Prov. 4:12; 16:25.

Understand that the Holy Spirit is the Custodian of divine plan. He is also the Spirit of grace. Therefore,

you cannot choose your way and ask Him to join you –

John 16:12-15.

3-Ways God Leads

1.By His voice – Acts 10:19; John 16:13; Acts 8:29.

2.By His Word – Psa. 119:105; 2 Tim. 3:15-17.

3.By human spirit – Rom. 8:16

Maximizing Divine Guidance

1. By Prayer – If you are prayerful, you’ll be error free! Through prayers, we minimize and eliminates errors. Prayer gravitates us towards God.

Luke 6:12-13; Jer. 33:3; Dan. 2:16-19. Build up & sensitize to the Holy Spirit

– Jude 20; 1 Cor. 14:2.

Fasting fine tune us spiritually as we engage in

prayer – Isaiah 58:5-12.

2. By the Word

Romans 12:1-2; Eph. 4:231 God goes before you – Isa. 45:22 He works through the guided – Phil.

2:12-13.3 He goes with you – Matt. 28:20; Mark

16:20.4 He works for you – Psa. 118:23; 1 Thess.

5:24.5 He works with the guided – 1 Cor. 3:6-9.

Disobedience to His guidance offends Him. The Holy Spirit is our seal. The seal is the shield and covering, and when you

grieve Him, the seal is removed

- Eph. 4:30
