Experimental photography



my project

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Paige Thompson

• Paige Thompson is an American artist that that uses herself as a model for her work, this is one of the reasons I have chosen her as one of my artist studies because I will be modeling the work on myself. She paints cute and colorful animals onto her lips to create her own range of art called ‘animal lipstick’

• I like her work because its quirky , colorful and different. She uses a simple painting technique on such a small space but she makes her work still very neat and precise , the little paintings are so small but yet still so effective.

• I get a lot of inspiration from this artist because I am really interested in using some form of paint to develop my lip art.

Alix Malka

• Alix Malka uses lots of bright colours and amazing techniques in his work . He uses colours , water and skin to portray his vibrant and exciting photography.

• I chose Alix Malka as my artist inspiration because his work really stands out and made me want to work with bright colours and try different styles of make up. His technique is also something you could develop and make into your own style , I wanted to experiment with parts of the face in my project such as eyes and lips so this artist was a good combination of those things. He doesn’t just photograph faces and features though , I like the depth that his other photographs have in them such as the shoots that involve the quirky clothes and out of the ordinary props.

• In my work I want to reflect on some of the styles that Alix Malka has used , bright colours , focusing on facial features and unusual props.

• I want to start off trying some simple techniques and then show how they can be developed into more complex ideas involving more detailed , broad ideas.

Alix Malka’s work

Step 1

• To start of my project I started with some simple make up techniques that I could develop further as I got into the project , I started of by experimenting and focusing on my lips , I used small amounts of make up and body paint to give some colour and texture and then I took some photographs. For this first set of photographs I also just stuck to pink and red tones to start off more natural and normal and then show this can be developed into a more colourful and deatailed affair.

Step 2

• For step two , I stared experimenting with my eyes and some simple carnival like make up , with colour and accessories. I used body paint and gems to create this effect and want to develop it more when I do a shoot of the whole face.

Step 3

• This is where in wanted to start adding in some props and accessories to make my work more exciting , I wanted to add things like gems , hundred and thousands , flour , sweets and other unusual things to make my work look more fun and interesting and to start to play around with ideas for my final piece. In these experiments , I experimented with the whole face.

Step 3 continued

More experiments

Experimenting with editing

Bill zindell Bill Zindell is an artist who works with collage , in my work I want to work with collaging onto some of my photos , I like the way he uses different sized geometric shapes to make patterns and pictures.

Mario Zoots In my work I want to incorporate some of the styles of Mario Zoots , I like the way he uses collage to block out the facial features in the pictures. I want to try this technique in my work.

Collage photos

• After being inspired by Mario Zoots and Bill Zindell I am going to take a new set of facial photographs and experiment with collaging on to them , some with small amounts of collage and with others the whole face , I want to achieve a new affect with my photographs.

Photos before the collage.

Collaged photos

Collaged photos

Layered photos

Final piece.

• For my final piece I am taking all the photographs that I have experimented with and presenting them onto an A3 canvas. In my selection of photographs I have used a wide range of materials and different techniques. For the selected photographs I have chosen , I have arranged them onto the canvas so that they are in an order of which they compliment eachother. After aranging the photographs ontp the canvas , I decided to sew into my piece to show development and show how the photos and there colour and theme can link together.

My final piece.


• I think that the overall outcome for my project is good , although if I was to re-do the project I would add in more experiments and take all of my photographs in a studio to make them look abit more professional. In my work I feel that I have used a good range of materials , colour and experimentation. I think that I have linked back to my artists well but could have done a few more experiments for each artist that I chose. In terms of developing , I think that I could have developed some of my work and made it bigger and more detailed but the idea of having a selection of smaller photographs on a canvas seemed more personal and intimate. The only problems that I have really come across in the project is timing issues , in the future I think I will have to manage my time better and work well with the time I am set with for each task.