Experienced Users of MidYIS and Yellis Ian Sanderson irsanderson@hymers.org


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Experienced Users of MidYIS and Yellis

Ian Sanderson


Dealing with the Dementors

There’s nothing new under the sun.

I’m an experienced teacher. I know my pupils and I don’t need any data to tell me anything useful about them.

Top of confidence limit

Bottom of confidence limit

Top of confidence limit

Bottom of confidence limit

Bands, percentiles, standardised scores…


50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Standardised scores



105 20 301 40 90 958070 996050Percentiles:

Top 50% of the sample

Top 5% of the sample

50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150

Standardised Test Score

Stanine 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

4% 4 % 7% 7% 12% 12% 17% 17% 20%


Someone who’s just much better at Maths than Vocabulary.

English as a second language.

Has ability, but doesn’t read.

Stand. Score: 119Band: APercentile: 90Stanine: 8

Stand. Score: 90Band: CPercentile: 26Stanine: 4

Communicating with Parents

Sending results home to parents is a bad idea. They don’t understand them and it’s a lot of hassle for tutors to deal with them when they ring up or come into school.

MidYIS ProcessResults


Differences between MidYIS and Yellis

Lots of kids get different results when they do the Yellis test in Year 10 compared to their MidYIS in Year 7. That shows the results are unreliable and just label kids at an early age.

MidYIS/Yellis Differences

Pupil MidYIS Ban



dPupil 1 119 A 118 APupil 2 121 A 104 BPupil 3 110 A 100 BPupil 4 121 A 123 APupil 5 121 A 111 APupil 6 111 A 106 BPupil 7 136 A 125 APupil 8 136 A 139 APupil 9 121 A 121 APupil 10 104 B 96 CPupil 11 110 B 103 BPupil 12 105 B 99 C

Explanations Within the

margin of error? Variation in pupil

performance on the day?

Different cohorts Abilities have

developed/not developed.


Fixed Mindset My intelligence is

fixed and can’t be developed. Tests and challenging activities can be a threat to my perception of how clever I am.

Growth Mindset My intelligence is

not fixed and can be developed. Tests show how far I’ve got and challenging activities give me a chance to learn from my mistakes.

Predictions are inaccurate

MidYIS and Yellis predictions are often wrong for my classes. What’s the point of using them for target setting? They’re usually irrelevant and counter-productive.

Yellis Points Predictions (Test score 71% Band A)Subject National 75th Percentile Prior Value-Added

Art 6.6 6.9 7.1

Business Studies 6.4 6.7 6.3

Design 6.4 6.7 7.4

Drama 6.5 6.7 6.8

English 6.6 6.8 7.0

English Lit 6.5 6.8 6.9

French 6.3 6.5 7.1

Geography 6.7 6.9 7.6

History 6.6 6.9 7.4

ICT 6.7 6.9 5.5

Maths 6.9 7.1 7.1

Music 6.5 6.8 6.0

P.E. 6.6 6.9 6.9

R.E. 6.9 7.2 6.8

Science 6.6 6.8 7.1

Additional Science 5.5 5.7 6.2

Spanish 6.4 6.6 7.5

Statistics 6.5 6.7 6.4

MidYIS Chances Graphs Yellis Chances Graphs

Chemistry English

Geography MathematicsAdjustable for:•Upper Quartile of Schools•Previous Value-Added Performance•Teacher’s Own Adjustment


Fixed Mindset I thought I could get

an A in this subject, but the chances graphs tell me I’m most likely to get a B. I’m not as clever as I thought I was.

I know I’m going to get an A so these graphs are a waste of time.

Growth Mindset The most common

outcome last year was a B and most of my work has been A-grade so far, so I’m clearly making good progress. What do I have to do to be one of those who get an A*?

Chances Graphs as Tools for Reflection

Encourage pupils to ask questions: Which column is the best starting

point for discussion? What does my current performance

suggest I’m likely to achieve? What quality of work/approach do I

need to achieve to get my target grade?

Target Setting Information

Year 10 Pupils get ... Briefing MidYIS chances

graphs for each of their subjects (adjusted)

Form period with tutor to discuss

A letter sent home with chances graphs and an explanation.

Year 10 Teachers get .. MidYIS Score GCSE Points

predictions Pupil chances graphs One lesson to discuss

and agree targets with pupils.

GCSE Value-Added Results

Value-added data is just used as a stick to beat us with. Every year it’s demoralising and doesn’t help us or the kids to improve.

Managing Improvement

CEM Centre info used to inform Analysis

CEM Centre info used to inform Analysis

CEM Centre info used to inform Evaluation

CEM Centre info used to inform Evaluation

Questions for GCSE value-added

What’s the overall picture (more blobs below or above the line)?

Which grades represent good/poor value-added?

What’s the picture for each ability band? Who are the outlying individuals and why? What’s the longer-term trend? Has what we have done made a difference? What could we do that will make a


Band A≥ 62%

Band B50%

Band C39%

Band D


Value-Added Analysis

Grantly is right if ... Value-added results are the only

judge of success; Poor results are seen as the

fault of the teacher and good ones as the virtue of the pupils;

No plan to identify and work with potential underachievers had been in place;

The context is disregarded; Only one year’s results are used

as the basis for judgements; No constructive plan for

improvement is developed.

Grantly is wrong if ... Value-added results are the

starting point for analysis; The teacher’s honest analysis

of the reasons for good/bad performance is accepted;

Underachievers have been identified and all possible steps taken to help them;

The context is discussed; Trends over at least three

years are analysed; An constructive and

achievable plan is developed.

How to summon a patronus

1. Have a clear vision of how the information can be used for the benefit of your pupils and choose the pace carefully.

2. Involve parents.3. Colleagues must want to use the information

because it illuminates the Teaching & Learning process in a unique way.

4. Commitment to on-going refreshers and training.5. Make the information available through MIS and/or

school network.6. Support and leadership from SMT.
