EXERPT Releasing Genius in the Classroom


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Classroom Connections

Learning… Linking…Leading


A Professional Development Series

for Educators

Presenter:Jacqueline (Jacky) Ledgister-Bethell

© 2004

Releasing the Genius in Every Child

Objectives By the end of this presentation you will

be able to:

Explain the origin of the word “genius”

Offer a different view of the word “genius”

List the qualities of a genius

Explore ways to release the genius in every child

“Genius”? Ancient Roman culture: a guardian spirit that protected individuals

Comes from Greek & Latin words which mean “to beget”, “to be born” or “come into being”

It closely relates to the word “genesis”

It is linked to the word “genial” which means (among other things) “festive”, “enlivening” or “jovial”

Defining Genius Armstrong (1998):

Generally speaking, “genius” means “giving birth to one’s joy”

Educationally speaking, “genius” means “giving birth to the joy in learning”

Genius & Education Armstrong suggests:

“ giving birth to the joy in learning” … is the central task of all educators. … the genius of the student is the driving force behind all learning. Before educators take on… issues in learning, they must have a thorough understanding of what lies at the core of each student’s intrinsic motivation to learn…that originates in each student’s genius.”

Genius & Education cont’d Armstrong continues:

“The genius is a symbol for an individual’s potential: all that a person may be that lies locked inside during the early years of development. So, when we say as educators that we want to help students to develop their potential, …. we want to assist them in finding their inner genius….”

Every Child is a Genius

The 12 Qualities of a Genius


1. Curiosity

2. Playfulness

3. Imagination

4. Creativity

5. Wonder

6. Wisdom

Qualities of a Genius cont’d

7. Inventiveness

8. Vitality

9. Sensitivity

10. Flexibility

11. Humor

12. Joy

So What Dims this Genius? Effect of Home (1) emotional dysfunction

(2) poverty (3) fast-paced life (4) rigid structure

Effect of School (1) rigid resting & grading

(2) labeling (3) tedium

Effect of Media (1) stereotypical images

(2) insipid language (3) mediocre content

Releasing the Genius in Every Child

Step 1: Reawaken your own Genius Evaluate our own lives for the genius qualities-vitality, joy creativity, wonder…and ask which are still burning and which have been dimmed

Remind yourself of what used to fill your life with interest and passion and …….. “get into the flow”

Step 2. Offer Genius Activities in Your Classroom

Draw out the genius in your students by providing simple activities and materials which will stimulate, inspire, delight and excite: Historical relics

Recordings of significant music

Miniature models of inventions

Personal memorabilia

Field trips

A fascinating visitor

Simple machines

Magic tricks

Step 3. Create a Genial “Climate” In Your Classroom

More important than the activities and materials, is the general attitude and overall atmosphere of the classroom

1. Freedom of choice within boundaries

2. Open-ended exploration

3. Freedom from judgment

4. Honoring Every Students’ Experience

5. Believing in Every Student’ Genius

Step 4: Remember that Genius can be expressed in many ways

1. Linguistic Intelligence: bookworm, poet, orator, trivia expert, super speller, playwright

2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: computer whiz, math/science whiz, the rationalist, the chess player

3. Spatial Intelligence: inventor, artist, cartoonist, photographer, designer, mechanical whiz, daydreamer, map maker

4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: athlete, dancer, actor, craftsperson, sculptor,gymnast, hands-on learner

5. Musical Intelligence: singer, songwriter, player of an instrument, rapper, the musical library, the acute listener

6. Interpersonal Intelligence: natural leader, class mediator, negotiator, manipulator, social director, the sympathetic friend

7. Intrapersonal Intelligence: entrepreneur, freelance, the visionary, reflective thinker, futurist

8. Naturalist Intelligence: expert on any flora/fauna, nature enthusiast, pet lover, collector, scout


By now, you should :

Have a revised definition of the word “genius”

Be able to recognize the qualities of a genius and the different expressions

Be able to describe the process to release the genius in every child!
