Exenatide: a novel treatment of Type 2 diabetes · Furthermore, clinical studies have shown that...


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Exenatide: a novel treatment of Type 2 diabetes

Bo Ahrén

Lund University, Department of Medicine, B11 BMC, SE-221 84 LUND, SwedenTel: +46 462 220 758;E-mail: Bo.Ahren@med.lu.se

Keywords: exenatide, exendin-4, glucagon-like peptide-1, Type 2 diabetes

10.2217/14750708.2.2.207 © 2

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Glucagon-like peptide-1 is an incretin hormone with antidiabetic action due to stimulation of insulin secretion, and potentially also to an increase in β-cell mass, inhibition of glucagon secretion, delay in gastric emptying and induction of satiety. A problem in developing glucagon-like peptide-1 as a therapeutic compound is that the hormone is rapidly inactivated by dipeptidyl peptidase-4. To overcome this, long-acting dipeptidyl peptidase-4, resistant receptor agonists have been explored. One such promising agonist is exenatide, which was isolated as exendin-4 from the lizard Gila monster. Exenatide, administered twice daily subcutaneously, improves metabolic control in subjects with Type 2 diabetes, both when given alone and together with other treatments. The durability is good – a 30-week study showed that HbA1c was reduced by 1.0%. This observation is also seen in association with weight loss. Furthermore, clinical studies have shown that exenatide is safe and tolerable. Mild-to-moderate nausea and vomiting are the most consistent adverse events – it is seen in the early phases of treatment in approximately 30% of subjects given exenatide. The experience so far shows that exenatide offers a promising novel therapy for Type 2 diabetes, based on an interaction with glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors.

The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is increasingthroughout the world. It is currently reachingepidemic proportions with an estimated globalprevalence in the year 2000 of 2.8%, correspond-ing to 171 million people with diabetes [1]. Thisdevelopment is serious for global health becauseType 2 diabetes leads to the development of anumber of secondary complications such as retin-opathy, neuropathy, angiopathy, atherosclerosis,nephropathy, hyperlipidemia and hypertension,and is strongly associated with cardiovascular andcerebrovascular diseases, resulting in increasedmorbidity and mortality [2].

Two important risk factors for Type 2 diabetesare age above 65 years [1] and obesity, in particu-lar, central body fat accumulation [3]. A primaryevent during the development of diabetes is areduction in insulin sensitivity – insulin resist-ance. This is compensated by increased insulinsecretion. However, subjects who do not ade-quately and sufficiently increase insulin secretionin relation to the insulin resistance become hyper-glycemic and may develop impaired glucose toler-ance (IGT) or Type 2 diabetes [4,5]. It has alsobeen proposed that subjects with Type 2 diabeteshave in addition a reduced β-cell mass due toincreased β-cell apoptosis [6]. Another pathogenicfactor for Type 2 diabetes is inappropriately highglucagon levels, which accentuate the increasedinsulin demand [for review see 7]. Reduced insulin

secretion leads to plasma insulin levels which areinappropriate for the ambient glucose concentra-tions, and this leads to subnormal elimination ofglucose from the circulation. Furthermore, inap-propriately high glucagon levels enhance therelease of glucose from the liver. Both of theseprocesses increase circulating glucose under fast-ing conditions and after meal ingestion. There-fore, a key defect and a mechanism forhyperglycemia in Type 2 diabetes is an islet dys-function manifested in low insulin secretion andincreased glucagon secretion and, perhaps,reduced β-cell mass.

Hyperglycemia in diabetes is a major factorcontributing to diabetic complications [8,9].Therefore, a major goal for the treatment ofType 2 diabetes is to re-establish normoglyc-emia, both under fasting conditions and post-prandially [10]. The basis for treatment isadjusting lifestyle, with increased physical exer-cise and dietary modifications which increaseinsulin sensitivity, reduce metabolic challengeafter meals and promote islet function [11]. Ifthis is not sufficient, several efficient pharmaco-logic tools are available. These tools reduce cir-culating glucose by increasing insulin sensitivity,augmenting insulin secretion, reducing glucoseentry into the bloodstream after meal ingestionor replacing insulin with exogenous administra-tion [12]. These treatments, used alone or,

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preferably, in combination, are beneficial inimproving the metabolic control. However,although efficient, these treatment modalitiesare in many subjects insufficient. This is evidentfrom clinical experience and also from studiesshowing that even intense treatment with exist-ing treatment modalities does not prevent theprogression of diabetes [9]. The insufficiency ofexisting treatment modalities is also evidentfrom the profile of pharmacologic tools. Thus,treatments do not target all pathophysiologicdefects of the disease as high glucagon secretionand reduced β-cell mass are usually not tar-geted. Furthermore, they are associated withadverse events which limit their use. There istherefore a need for better modes of controllinghyperglycemia in Type 2 diabetes.

Novel treatment modalities for Type 2 diabe-tes should normalize the pathophysiologicdefects underlying hyperglycemia in combina-tion with high tolerability and a low degree ofadverse events. Novel treatment methodsshould also take into consideration the impor-tance of obesity as an underlying cause. Anumber of targets for improved treatment arecurrently being explored and have recently beenreviewed [13]. A novel treatment for Type 2 dia-betes is based on the beneficial and antidiabeticeffects of the gut hormone glucagon-like pep-tide (GLP)-1. One of the most promising com-pounds within the class of GLP-1-basedtherapy is the GLP-1 mimetic, exenatide.

Overview of the marketUnmet needs of currently available therapies Sulfonylureas ([SUs], such as glyburide, glipizideand glimepiride) are compounds which potentlystimulate insulin secretion through activation of aSU receptor (SUR). SUR activation causes a clo-sure of ATP-regulated K+ channels of β-cells,which initiates depolarization, opening of voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels, uptake of Ca2+ with a cor-responding increase in the cytosolic concentrationof Ca2+ and a marked stimulation of exocytosis [14].SUs are efficient in reducing glucose, but they haveimportant drawbacks, as they increase bodyweight, have a risk of hypoglycemia and, impor-tantly, show a high degree of failure during long-term treatment [15]. Novel, more rapidly actinginsulin secretagogues (repaglinide, nateglinide),which also close ATP-dependent K+-channels,have been introduced. These have a shorter dura-tion of action with a reduced risk of hypoglycemia;their long-term efficiency has, however, not beenestablished in comparison with that of SUs. An

overall conceptual problem with the clinically usedinsulin secretagogues is that they target only onedefect in diabetes, the impaired insulin secretion,and therefore, do not target the reduced β-cellmass, the reduced hyperglucagonemia or theinsulin resistance [16].

The most frequently used compound thatincreases insulin sensitivity is metformin, whichreduces hepatic glucose production and increasesinsulin sensitivity in peripheral tissues [17]. It isused alone or in association with insulin secretago-gues. Drawbacks with metformin include gastroin-testinal adverse events and a risk of lactic acidosis,particularly in subjects with kidney failure and tis-sue hypoxia. Nevertheless, metformin is efficientin improving metabolic control and is often usedas a first-line treatment. Another class of com-pounds responsible for increasing insulin sensitiv-ity is the thiazolidinediones (TZDs) such aspioglitazone and rosiglitazone. TZDs enhanceinsulin sensitivity by activating the nuclear recep-tor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor(PPAR)-γ [18]. They are efficient, but their use isalso associated with adverse events such as weightgain and edema [19]. Other currently used antidia-betic agents are the α-glucosidase inhibitors suchas acarbose and miglitol, which inhibit the break-down of oligo- and disaccharides, thereby reducingglucose uptake and postprandial glycemia. Theyhave however, limited long-term efficiency and arealso associated with gastrointestinal adverse events.Finally, exogenous insulin administration,although very efficient, is associated with weightgain and hypoglycemia. Novel treatments must:

• Target the main defects of the disease such asimpaired insulin secretion, reduced β-cellmass, increased glucagon secretion and insulinresistance

• Reduce both fasting and postprandial glycemia

• Show high durability with efficient long termeffects preventing β-cell failure

• Demonstrate a favorable safety profile with alow degree of adverse events and limited riskof hypoglycemia

• Show no increase in body weight in spite ofimproved metabolic control

Classes of compounds in late developmentSeveral classes of compounds are in develop-ment [13], some of which increase insulin secre-tion by targeting various β-cell signals.Meglitinide is a compound which, like the SUsrepaglinide and nateglinide, targets the ATP-regulated K+ channels. However, in contrast to

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the S Us, meglitinde is rapid acting and more β-cell selective [20]. S imilarly, a guanidine deriva-tive targeting ATP- regulated K + channels inde-pendent from SURs has shown promise bydemonstrating antidiabetic effects without caus-ing weight gain or adverse events [21]. Anotherclass of compounds stimulating insulin secre-tion is the imidaz oline derivatives [22]. Se veralother classes of compounds that stimulate insu-lin secretion in a manner independent of ATP -regulated K + channels are at present underinvestigation in preclinical studies, such asJ TT608, 4-hydroxyisoleucine and succinic acidesters [13]. However, their long-term efficiencyand clinical effects are currently unknown.

To improve insulin sensitivity, several classesof compounds are currently under investigation.M ost promising are dual P P AR-α / -γ agonistswhich have the advantage of preserving isletfunction during improved insulin resistance aswell as reducing circulating lipids, as has beendemonstrated for DRF-2519 and AZ242 [23,24].Other targets for improving insulin sensitivityinclude glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3 andprotein tyrosine phosphatase (P TP)1B [13]. Ingeneral, however, these new compounds andclasses of compounds have not been examinedin human studies and, most importantly, theirlong-term efficiency in subjects with Type 2diabetes is not known.

Glucagon-like peptide-1 as a basis for novel therapyGLP-1 is a gut incretin. Incretins are hormones,which are produced in the gastrointestinal tract,released into the bloodstream during mealingestion and stimulate insulin secretion in a

glucose-dependent manner [for review see 25]. Themain incretin hormones are GLP-1 and glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP ) [25].These hormones contribute to more than 70%of the insulin response after meal ingestion [26].The augmentation of glucose-stimulated insulinsecretion following food ingestion is impaired inType 2 diabetes [26]. This may be due toimpaired release of GLP- 1 [27] and impairedaction of GIP [28].

GLP-1 is processed from proglucagon in theL-cells, which are distributed mainly to thelower part of the small intestine [for review see 29].Large amounts of GLP -1 are also found in thelarge intestine and proglucagon processing alsooccurs in the brain [30]. P roglucagon is expressedboth in the L- and α-cells in the pancreaticislets. However, due to tissue-specific processingof the prohormone, GLP-1 is only produced inthe L-cells. Tissue-specific expression is due toexpression of proconvertases (PC s). PC1/3 (cat-alyz ing proglucagon ? GLP -1) is expressed inL-cells, whereas P C 2 (catalyz ing proglucagon ?glucagon), is produced in the α-cells. GLP- 1 is apeptide consisting of 30 amino acids and occursin two different forms with the C -terminalamino acid being amidated or nonamidated; thepredominant form in humans is amidated(Figure 1). GLP -1 is released during ingestion offood and circulates in the bloodstream. It acti-vates what is thought to be a single G-protein-coupled seven-transmembranous receptor type,which is expressed in a number of tissues, suchas pancreatic islets, central and peripheralneurons, heart and kidney [for review see 25,31].

A prominent function of GLP -1 is to stimulateinsulin secretion, which was first demonstrated in

Figure 1. Amino acid sequence of exenatide in comparison with human GLP-1 and Gila monster GLP-1.

Numbers indicate number for amino acid (from the N-terminal end); asterisks indicate identical amino acid in exenatide and human glucagon-like peptode (GLP)-1. A: Alanine; D: Aspartic acid; E: Glutamic acid; F: Phenylalanine; G: Glycine; H: Histidine; I: Isoleucine; K: Lysine; L: Leucine; M: Methionine; N: Asparagine; P: Proline; Q: Glutamine; R: Arginine; S: Serine; T: Threonine; V: Valine; W: Tryptophan; Y: Tyrosine.


Human GLP-1

Gila monster GLP-1 H A D G R Y T S D I S S Y L E G Q A A K E F I A W L V N G R


H G E G T F T S D L S K Q M E E E A V R L F I E W L K N G G P S S G A P P S* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *





1987 [32,33]. This finding has been demonstratedrepeatedly and it has also been shown that theaction is glucose-dependent, that is, when glucoselevels are reduced, the insulinotropic action dis-appears [34–36]. This insulinotropic action ofGLP-1 is presumed to be a physiologic incretinaction, as augmentation of insulin secretion isobserved at physiologic dose levels of GLP-1 [37],the prandial increase in glucose is enhanced by aGLP-1 receptor antagonist [38], and due to thefact that the insulinotropic effect of oral glucose isreduced in GLP-1 receptor gene-deleted mice[39]. Recent studies have suggested that the insuli-notropic action of GLP-1 is due both to a directstimulation of the islet β-cells and to an indirectaction through stimulation of the autonomicnervous system [40, 41].

Important novel findings in rodent studiesrevealed that GLP-1 stimulates insulin geneexpression and synthesis, and β-cell neogenesisand proliferation; and that GLP-1 inhibits β-cellapoptosis. Thus, a stimulation of insulin geneexpression was demonstrated as enhanced insu-lin mRNA levels in the pancreas after 48 h infu-sion of GLP-1 in rats [42] and, similarly, GLP-1increases proinsulin gene expression after incu-bation of insulin-producing cells with GLP-1 [43]. Furthermore, GLP-1 has been shown toincrease the expression of proteins of importancefor islet development, as for example PDX- 1[44,45]. Consequently, GLP-1 has been shown tostimulate differentiation of pancreatic ductal celllines into insulin-producing cells [46] to act as agrowth factor for insulin-producing cells [47] andto stimulate islet cell proliferation in ob/o bmice [48]. Furthermore, GLP-1 has been shownto inhibit apoptosis in islet cells as evident from astudy in which Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) ratswere treated with GLP-1 [49]. Recently, it has alsobeen shown that GLP-1 is antiapoptotic inhuman islets [50] . Taken together, these actions ofGLP-1 may result in enhanced and increased β-cell mass. This has convincingly been demon-strated after treatment of partially pancreatect-omized rats with the GLP-1 receptor agonist,exendin-4. Both β-cell proliferation and differ-entiation of endocrine cells were augmented byexendin-4 [51]. Similarly, in db/db mice, exendin-4 stimulated β-cell differentiation and neogene-sis [52]. Therefore, besides its stimulatory actionof insulin secretion, GLP-1-based therapy couldalso increase β-cell mass. This may be of rele-vance considering the recently demonstratedreduction of β-cell volume in subjects withType 2 diabetes [6].

GLP-1 also has a number of other potentialantidiabetic actions. Thus, GLP-1 inhibits glu-cagon secretion, delays gastric emptying andinduces satiety [53–55]. Taken together, these stud-ies show that GLP-1, through a number of dif-ferent actions, may be beneficial in the treatmentof diabetes. In fact, GLP-1 targets several of thekey defects in Type 2 diabetes.

Recent studies have indicated that GLP-1 alsohas important effects on cardiovascular function.Thus, rodent studies have demonstrated thatGLP-1 dose-dependently increases arterial bloodpressure and heart rate [56]. In addition, centraladministration of GLP-1 has been shown toincrease blood pressure and heart rate in rats, inassociation with increased transcription of tyro-sine hydroxylase in the brain, suggesting a neuraleffect [57]. To examine whether these effects ofGLP-1 are physiologic, it has been shown thatGLP-1R-/- mice had a lower heart rate inyounger age, in association with elevated leftventricular end diastolic pressure and increasedleft ventricular thickness. The mice also hadimpaired cardiac response to challenges withinsulin-induced hypoglycemia and administra-tion of catecholamines [58]. This suggests thatGLP-1 is of physiologic importance for cardiacfunction in rodents, and studies in humans arenow highly warranted. Another interesting novelobservation is that GLP-1 might protect frommyocardial infarction, as evident in a study inrodents both in vivo and in vitro [59]. Further-more, in humans suffering from myocardial inf-arction, GLP-1 has been shown to improvesevere left ventricular heart failure [60] , as also evi-dent from studies in dogs [61]. Finally, recentstudies have shown that GLP-1 improvesendothelial function, both in animal studies [62]

and in humans with Type 2 diabetes and stablecoronary artery disease [63]. This is consistentwith the expression of GLP-1 receptors inendothelial cells [63]. Hence, GLP-1 seems to bepowerful in protecting cardiovascular malfunc-tion, which adds to its beneficial effects inType 2 diabetes.

The first study showing that GLP-1 is anti-diabetic in humans was performed by Gutniakand collaborators in 1992 [64]. In that study,GLP-1 was administered intravenously topatients with Type 2 diabetes in conjunctionwith a meal intake. A variable rate of insulininfusion was given to maintain the baseline glu-cose level during the following hours after mealintake. The amount of insulin which wasinfused was taken as a measure of the insulin

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requirement during the meal. It was found thatduring the control test, when no GLP-1 wasgiven, 17 units of insulin were required for infu-sion in order to maintain baseline glucose.However, when GLP-1 was given, only 2 unitsof insulin were required. An antidiabetic actionof the nonamidated GLP-1( 7–37) was alsodemonstrated the same year [65]. These resultswere followed by a number of studies demon-strating the antidiabetic action of the hormonewhen given as continuous intravenous infusion,intermittent subcutaneous administration or asa buccal tablet [for review see 29]. In 2002, a 6-weekstudy of a continuous infusion of GLP -1 in sub-jects with Type 2 diabetes demonstrated thepotential of the hormone in long-term treat-ment, since it was found that circulating fastingglucose was reduced by 4 mmol/l, HbA1c wasreduced from 9.2 to 7.9%, body weight wasreduced by approximately 2 kg and the treat-ment showed high tolerability [66]. Hence, thesestudies established GLP-1 as a potential noveltreatment for Type 2 diabetes.

A problem in the development of GLP -1 as atreatment for Type 2 diabetes is that the hor-mone is rapidly inactivated in the circulation.This is due to the activity of the enzyme dipep-tidyl peptidase (DP P)-4, which cleaves the hor-mone by removing the two N-terminal aminoacids [67]. This results in deactivation of thehormone, since the cleavage product (GLP -19–

36 amide) is devoid of glucose-reducing andinsulinotropic action [68]. DP P -4 is a highlyefficacious enz yme which is produced in anumber of organs, including the gut, liver andkidney, and which is distributed to theendothelial cells and also circulates in plasma[for review see 67]. It has a high activity, whichresults in rapid inactivation of GLP -1. In fact,the circulating half-life of active, intact, GLP- 1is less than 2 min [69], and less than 20% of thetotal GLP-1 in the circulation consists of activeGLP -1 [70]. Due to the high activity of DPP- 4in inactivating GLP-1, the hormone has to begiven continuously for achieving sufficientantidiabetic action. However, this is unappeal-ing as a treatment and to overcome this prob-lem, two strategies have successfullyevolved [71]. One strategy uses compoundswhich activate GLP-1 receptors but are resist-ant to DPP-4 (GLP -1 mimetics) [72]. The otheruses compounds inhibiting DPP-4, which pro-longs the circulating half-life of GLP-1 andtherefore prolongs the action of endogenouslyreleased GLP-1 [73–75].

ExenatideA promising GLP-1 mimetic for the treatmentof Type 2 diabetes is exenatide. The history ofthis GLP- 1 mimetic goes back to 1982, when itwas demonstrated that the venom of a liz ardcalled the Gila monster Heloderma horridumstimulates pancreatic acinar cells and that thiseffect is due to a 39 amino acid peptide isolatedfrom the venom and called exendin-3 [76]. Up to10 years later, the same research group demon-strated that a homolog to exendin-3 obtainedfrom the Heloderma suspectum, exendin-4, stim-ulates pancreatic acinar cells [77]. It was laterdemonstrated that the receptors activated bythese two exendin-analogs were identical to theGLP -1 receptors; hence, exendin-4 is a GLP -1receptor agonist [78]. The potency of exendin-4in activating the GLP-1 receptors exceeds GLP- 1by two to ten times [79,80]. The function of exen-din-4 in the Gila monster is unknown. Exendin-4 is however, not the Gila monster GLP -1, sinceGLP-1 is expressed in the Gila monster from aseparate GLP- 1 gene [81] and GLP-1 is producedin the gut of the liza rd [82]. One possibility,which is however debated, is that exendin-4 ispart of the poison of the venom in a yet notunderstood function. Another possibility is thatexendin-4 is released from the salivary glands inthe early stages during meal ingestion to preparethe gut. S ince the liza rd eats large meals infre-quently it may require several incretins to copewith the homeostasis. It may also be hypothe-siz ed that exendin-4 is involved in sustainingsatiety between the infrequent meals. In anycase, the GLP-1 receptor agonistic properties ofexendin-4 have been the basis for the develop-ment of this peptide into a novel therapeuticmodality in Type 2 diabetes.

ChemistryThe production of exendin-4 for pharmaceuticaluse is now performed by recombinant techniqueby Amylin Pharma ceuticals (CA , USA) and EliLilly (IN, USA). The produced peptide, whichshows structural identity with exendin-4, isknown as exenatide (previously AC 2992).Exenatide is therefore, like exendin-4, a 39amino acid peptide. It shows 53% amino acidhomology with GLP -1 in its 30 N-terminalamino acid sequence (Figure 1). It has a 9 aminoacid long C -terminal end, which is rich in pro-lines. This is thought to be of importance foraffinity to GLP -1 receptors [83]. Exenatide is nota substrate for DP P -4, and, furthermore,exenatide is neither a substrate for neutral




endopeptidase, another enzyme, which isinvolved in the degradation of biologically activepeptides [84]. Instead, exenatide is eliminatedmainly by renal clearance. In humans, the circu-lating half-life of exenatide is 26 min after intra-venous administration and 4 to 5 h aftersubcutaneous administration [85].

PharmacodynamicsSt imulation of insulin secretionIn a number of studies, it has been demonstratedthat exenatide (or exendin-4) exerts the sameeffects as GLP-1 [86]. A most important effect ofthe peptide is to augment glucose-stimulatedinsulin secretion. This was first demonstrated inisolated rat islets in which exendin-4 potentiatedinsulin secretion in the presence of 10 mmol/ lglucose at dose levels exceeding 0 .1 nmol/l [87].That study also demonstrated that exendin-4interacts with GLP-1 receptors and increasescAMP formation and proinsulin gene expressionin clonal insulin-producing tumor cells. A laterstudy in perfused rat islets showed that theinsulinotropic action of exendin-4 is glucosedependent, since the peptide did not display anyeffect in the presence of 3 mmol/l glucose but itdid however, augment insulin secretion in thepresence of 7.5 mmol/l glucose [88]. Exendin-4has also been shown to augment glucose-stimu-lated insulin secretion in vivo in animals whenadministered together with glucose at30 pmol/kg/min in anesthetized rats [88], or at3 nmol/animal in anesthetized mice [89]. Fur-thermore, in both healthy humans and subjectswith Type 2 diabetes, exendin-4 augments glu-cose-stimulated insulin secretion, as demon-strated by infusing exendin-4 at0.1 5 pmol/k g/ min during a hyperglycemicclamp [90] . It was also recently shown that theinsulinotropic action of exenatide is glucosedependent in humans, since the effect wasalmost abolished after reducing the glucose levelto approximately 4 mmol/l [91]. Hence, studiesin a number of experimental conditions haveshown that exendin-4 augments insulin secretionin a glucose-dependent manner.

I nhibition of g lucag on secretion & delay in ga stric emptyingExendin-4 has been shown to inhibit glucagonsecretion, as demonstrated when introduced at1 nmol/l to the perfused rat pancreas in the pres-ence of low glucose or arginine [92]. Since exen-din-4 inhibited glucagon secretion in thepresence of only 3.2 mmol/l glucose, when no

effect on insulin secretion was observed, the glu-cagonostatic effect of the peptide is achieved by adirect effect on the glucagon producing α-cellsrather than through a stimulation of insulinsecretion. Also in humans, exenatide (0. 1 µg/k gsubcutaneously) reduces glucagon levels aftermeal ingestion as evident for inhibition of gluca-gon secretion [93]. That study also demonstratedthat exenatide delays gastric emptying, since thepostprandial acetaminophen levels were reducedin the acetaminophen test. Hence, exenatideexerts all the effects seen after GLP-1 (stimula-tion of insulin secretion, inhibition of glucagonsecretion and delay in gastric emptying), whichunderlie the reduction in circulating glucose.

R eduction in circulating g lucoseAn acute glucose reducing effect of exendin-4 wasinitially observed in db/ db mice after a single sub-cutaneous injection [94]. B y examining the glu-cose-reducing effect of different doses, the doseresulting in a half maximal effect (ED50 ) was0 .0 6 µ g/ kg, and at doses exceeding 1 µ g, the effectremained for 4 h. Glucose reducing effects ofexendin-4 were also observed in ob/ ob mice(ED50 0. 14 µ g/k g), in diabetic rhesus monkeys(ED50 0.2 5 µ g/k g) and in ZDF rats [94]. Also on alonger term basis, exenatide reduces glucose. Thishas been observed after once daily intraperitonealinjection of the peptide, approximately 10 0 µ g/k gfor 13 weeks in db/db and normal mice [95]. Inthat study, it was also demonstrated in db/ dbmice, that HbA1c was 4.7% after 13 weeks oftreatment with exendin-4, compared with 8.8%in nontreated animals. In ZDF rats, exenatide wasadministered daily for 6 weeks and a clear reduc-tion in both glucose and HbA1c levels wereobserved with a half-maximal effect at 1 µ g [94]. Inhumans, a clear glucose reducing effect ofexenatide has been demonstrated (vide infra).

E ffects on insulin action? An issue which has been discussed is whetherexendin-4 or exenatide increases insulin sensitiv-ity, that is improves insulin action. This was dem-onstrated in vitro in fully differentiated L6myotubes and 3T3 adipocytes, where exendin-4augmented insulin-stimulated glucose uptake,which was executed through augmented PI-3kinase activity [96]. Similarly, in ZDF rats after35 days of daily treatment with exendin-4, ahyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp revealed anincreased glucose infusion rate to maintain thedesired glucose in the exendin-4-treated group[94]. However, in humans, infusion of exendin-4

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(0.12 pmol/kg/min) did not significantly affectglucose disappearance in response to insulin, sug-gesting that there is no direct action of the peptideon insulin sensitivity [97]. This implies thatimprovement of insulin action by long-term exen-din-4 is more likely dependent on indirect effectsdue to improved metabolism rather than on adirect action, although more studies are requiredfor examining this possibility.

I ncrease in β-c ell massA most interesting effect of exendin-4 is anincrease in β-cell mass [98,99]. For example, exen-din-4 increases β-cell mass by 40% when admin-istered at 1 nmol/kg intraperitoneally 10 daysafter a partial pancreatectomy in rats, and this isobserved in association with attenuation of thediabetes [100]. The basis for the increase in β-cellmass is both differentiation into endocrine cellsof precursor cells, stimulation of growth of β-cells and inhibition of apoptosis. An importantmechanism may be upregulation of the homeo-domain transcription factor, pdx-1, which isessential for growth and development of the pan-creatic β-cells [101]. However, it should be kept inmind that these actions have so far been demon-strated only in animal experiments and, there-fore, whether an action on β-cell mass evolvesalso in humans is not known.

P revention of diabetesAn important preclinical study has demonstratedthat exendin-4 may delay the onset of diabetes indb/db mice [102]. Exendin-4 was given daily for14 days at 1 nmol/kg to 6-week old db/db mice.It was found that this prevented the develop-ment of hyperglycemia and glucose intoleranceduring the 2 week study period, and this wasseen in association with increased insulin secre-tion, increased β-cell mass and proliferation andreduced β-cell apoptosis. The activation of β-cellproliferation was seen in association withincreased activation of protein kinase B.

I nduction of satiety & reduction inbody weig htAs GLP-1, also exendin-4 has been reported toinduce satiety, reduce food intake and suppressbody weight [86]. For example, in ZDF rats,twice daily administration of exendin-4 for6 weeks dose-dependently reduced food intakeby as much as 30% (ED50 0.14 µg/kg) and bodyweight by 5.6% (100 µg) [94]. Similarly, in ZDFrats, once-daily exendin-4 (10 µg/kg) reducedbody weight over a study period of 42 days [103].

G L P - 1 versus exendin- 4Most effects of GLP-1 and exendin-4 are iden-tical, although exendin-4 is more potent. It has,however, been reported that some GLP-1effects are not shared by exendin-4. For exam-ple, Niijima and collaborators reported thatGLP-1, but not exendin-4, activates the liversensory nerves [104]. The reason for this discrep-ancy is not clear; one possibility might be thatthe GLP-1 receptor responsible for this actionis different from the common GLP-1 receptor.Similar results have also been demonstratedin vitro in 3T3-adipocytes. In these cells, exen-din-4, but not GLP-1, improves insulin-stimu-lated glucose uptake [96]. This shows thatexendin-4 might have additional effects thanGLP-1, which in turn indicates different recep-tor mechanisms. However, more studies arerequired to solve this.

D own regulation of receptors? A potential limitation of long-term treatmentwith a receptor agonist is downregulation ofreceptor activity. A recent study addressing thisissue regarding exendin-4 in rodents have shownthat although exendin-4 induces GLP-1 receptordownregulation in vitro, no such effect wasobserved after long-term treatment in vivo [105].This indicates that at least in rodents, it is lesslikely that long-term treatment with exenatidewill result in downregulation of GLP-1 receptors.

Cl inical efficacyOne & five day studiesA short-term placebo-controlled, double-blind,crossover study examined subcutaneouslyadministered exenatide at 0.05, 0.1 or0.2 µg/kg in 13 subjects with Type 2 diabetestreated either with diet alone, metformin orTZD alone, or a combination of metforminand a TZD. It was found that exenatidereduced fasting glucose after 3 h of administra-tion to 7.6 ± 0.6, 6.6 ± 0.6 and 6.5 ± 0.3 mmol/lin the three groups versus 10.8 ± 0.7 mmol/l inthe placebo group [93]. A subsequent 5-daystudy examined continuous treatment withexenatide at 0.1 µg/kg twice daily subcutane-ously in 24 subjects with Type 2 diabetes. Itwas found that fasting glucose was9.5 ± 0.5 mmol/l after placebo treatment ver-sus 8.9 ± 0.6 mmol/l after exenatide and thatthe 2 h postprandial glucose was reduced from16.0.0 ± 0.9 to 8.0 ± 0.6 mmol/l by exenatide.This was associated with a reduction in insulinand glucagon levels and also a delay in gastric




emptying. Exenatide was well tolerated and themost frequent adverse events were headache(27 events), vomiting (18 events) and nausea(17 events) [93].

One month studiesA subsequent study examined the efficiency of a1 month treatment of subjects with Type 2 dia-betes with exenatide given subcutaneously twicedaily. A total of ten patients were included in thestudy. They had been treated with sulfonylureaalone or with metformin or a TZD, or, onepatient, with TZD alone. The dose of exenatidestarted at 0.0 8 µ g/k g and was adjusted upwardsto a total daily dose of 0 .4 µ g/ kg. It was foundthat glucose levels were reduced; maximallyobserved as reduction in self-monitored glucosebefore bedtime and this was associated with areduction in HbA1c from 9.1 ± 0 .4 to8.3 ± 0 .5% . Furthermore, a hyperglycemicclamp study performed after 1 month of treat-ment revealed increased β-cell sensitivity to glu-cose as a sign of improved β-cell function. Again,exenatide was safe and the nausea, which wasobserved in two patients during the first week oftreatment, was mild and transient [106] .

Another 1 month study examined the effi-ciency of the addition of exenatide to treatmentwith sulphonylurea or metformin in 10 9patients with Type 2 diabetes [10 7]. Exenatidewas given subcutaneously at the dose of0.0 8 µg/kg, either twice daily (before breakfastand dinner, or before breakfast and bedtime) orthrice daily (before breakfast, dinner and bed-time). The mean baseline HbA1c levels in thesepatients was 9.3% and this was reduced by 0.7 –1.1% by exenatide versus by 0.3% by placebo.Also prandial glucose was reduced by exenatide,as is illustrated in Figure 2. In contrast, thereduction in fasting glucose did not differ fromplacebo. Exenatide was safe and well tolerated.The most common adverse event was a tran-sient mild-to-moderate nausea, which wasobserved in 31% of subjects receiving the com-pound. This nausea was, however, most pro-nounced during the initial days of treatmentand declined to an incidence of only 13% bythe end of the 28 day study period. Only 3.7%of the subjects withdrew from treatment due tonausea. Furthermore, there were a 15% overallincidence of hypoglycemia, which, all, however,were of mild or moderate intensity and did notrequire assistance of another individual. B odyweight was not altered by exenatide in thisstudy [10 7].

Phase III studies. The encouraging results of the earlier clinicalstudies have taken exenatide into Phase III clini-cal trials. One 30 week study in subjects withType 2 diabetes inadequately treated with met-formin examined the efficiency and durability ofexenatide given subcutaneously twice daily at 5or 10 µ g in each injection. A total of 336 sub-jects with a mean baseline HbA1c of 8.2 ± 1.1%took part in the study. The 30 week reduction inHbA1c was 0. 86 ± 0.11 % (10 µ g) and0.4 6 ± 0.1 1% (5 µ g) versus 0 .0 0 ± 0 .11% in theplacebo group, and this was associated with sig-nificant reductions in fasting and prandial glu-cose. Furthermore, body weight decreasedsignificantly in the exenatide groups, by2.8 ± 0 .5 kg in the 10 µ g group and by1.6 ± 0 .4 kg in the 5 µ g group, compared to0. 3 ± 0 .3 kg in the placebo group. The only sig-nificant adverse event was nausea, which washowever, mild to moderate and seen during thebeginning of the treatment. No severe hypoglyc-emia was observed and the incidence of mildhypoglycemia (?5% ) was the same in theexenatide as in the placebo group [108] .

Another study examined the efficiency of30 week treatment with exenatide in patientstreated with a maximal dose of metformin and asulphonylurea [10 9]. A total of 733 subjectsentered the study; the mean baseline HbA1c was8.5 ± 1.0 % . Exenatide was again given subcuta-neously at 5 or 10 µ g twice daily and the pla-cebo-adjusted HbA1c reduction after 30 weeks oftreatment was 0.5 5 ± 0 .0 7% and 0 .77 ± 0 .0 8%,respectively, versus 0.2 3 ± 0 .07 % in the placebogroup. Body weight reduced by 1.6 ± 0 .2 kg inthe exenatide-treated arms versus 0. 9 ± 0 .2 kg inthe placebo arm, mild or moderate nausea wasexperienced in 40 and 39% of patients in thetwo exenatide arms versus 21% in the placeboarm, and the incidence of mild hypoglycemiawas 28 and 19% in the exenatide arms versus13% in the placebo arm [10 9]. It was also reportedthat a fifth of the subjects treated with exenatidedeveloped antibodies to the compound. How-ever, the improvement in glycemic control wasnot different from antibody-positive versus anti-body-negative patients. Similarly, a 30 weekstudy examined the action of exenatide whenadded to a sulfonylurea in a total 377 rand-omized patients from 101 centers [110] . In onearm of the study, exenatide was given at 5 µgsubcutaneously twice daily throughout the studywhereas in another arm, exenatide was given at5 µ g twice a day for 4 weeks and then the dose

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Figure 2. Mean (±SEconcentration profi

Mean (±SEM) postprandiafter 1 and 28 days of tretimes two or three (all ardiabetes treated with meData from [107]. PublisheAssociation.








-30 0








-30 0








-30 0






Study me
































) A



was increased to 10 µg twice a day in one arm ofthe study. It was found that HbA1c was signifi-cantly reduced by exenatide (by 0.86 ± 0.11% inthe 10 µg arm and by 0.46 ± 0.12% in the 5 µgarm versus an increase by 0.12 ± 0.09% in theplacebo arm; baseline HbA1c was 8.6 ± 1.2%;please observe that all patients continued withsulfonylurea). Figure 3 illustrates the HbA1c dur-ing the course of treatment. In the 10 µgexenatide group, body weight was reduced by1.6 ± 0.3 kg. In the 10 µg arm, 51% of the sub-jects experienced nausea and 13% vomiting.This was mainly noticed during the initial phaseof the study. Nevertheless, 5% of subjects in the10 µg arm and 6% in the 5 µg arm (versus 2% inthe placebo arm) experienced severe nausea and4% in the 10 µg arm and 2% in the 5 µg arm(versus 0% in the placebo arm) withdrew fromthe trial due to nausea. Furthermore, a consider-able number of subjects experienced hypoglyc-emia, as defined as less than 3.3 mmol/l glucose.This was observed in 36% of subjects in the10 µg arm, versus 14% in the 5 µg arm and 3%in the placebo arm. Hypoglycemic events weremild or moderate and no subject required assist-ance of another person. Finally, 41% of subjectsgiven exenatide had developed antibodies againstexenatide during the 30 week study period; mostof them being low titer antibodies. The presenceof antibodies did not predict effect on glycemiccontrol [110].

Recently, the result of a 6 month trial compar-ing treatment with exenatide with that of insulinglargine was disclosed. More than 500 patientswere included in the study and it was found thatexenatide and insulin glargine achieved similarreductions on HbA1c. Body weight was reducedby approximately 2.5 kg in the exenatide groupversus increased by approximately 1.5 kg in theinsulin group. The incidence of mild-to-moder-ate hypoglycemia was similar in the two groupsand the most common adverse event in theexenatide group was nausea, which occurredmost frequently early in the study [111].

In conclusion, exenatide has been examinedin a number of Phase III studies in subjects withType 2 diabetes. Based on the results, a NewDrug Application for exenatide was submittedto the US Food and Drug Administration forregulatory approval on J uly 2, 2004.

S afety & tolerabilityNo major serious adverse effects have been con-sistently reported during treatment withexenatide. The most common side effect has

M) postprandial plasma glucose le.

al plasma glucose concentration profile at baseline and atment with exenatide ( = AC2993) at 0.08 µg/kg

ms combined) versus placebo in patients with Type 2 tformin and/or sulfonylurea. d with kind permission from the American Diabetes

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240

30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240


onDay -1

Day 1

Day 28





Time (minutes)

Time (minutes)

Time (minutes)

Placebo (n = 28)

All AC2993 arms (n = 81)




Figure 3. HbA1c levewith a sulfonylurea

Hb A1c levels in subjects wexenatide at 5 or 10 µg tshown.Data from [110]. PublisheA ssociation.

Screen Week 1










been mild-to-moderate nausea, which, on theother hand, is very frequently observed. In somestudies, more than 20 % of patients face nausea.However, the nausea is generally transient,although also severe nausea has been reported(5–6% in a 30 week trial) [110 ]. The mechanismof the nausea is not established. It may dependon the inhibition of gastric emptying resultingin gastric distention. It may also depend onactivation of afferent nerves by the peptide.Another possibility is that the nausea dependson central effects of GLP-1 receptor activation.It has, for example, demonstrated that GLP-1receptors in the area postrema in which thereare leaky fenestrated capillaries may signal thenausea [112]. The nausea is most likely a dose-dependent phenomenon, as evident from stud-ies during infusion of GLP-1, where as doselevel exceeding 60 pmol/l invariably results innausea [113]. It has been discussed whether thenausea contributes to the weight loss observedwith exenatide. This is, however, less likely, asjudged from a 30 week trial in which theimprovement in glycemic control did not differin subjects experience nausea when comparedto subjects having had no nausea [110 ]. A recentstudy has shown that the occurrence of the nau-sea is diminished by progressive dose-escalationof exenatide [111]. The regimen included a start

of exendin at the dose of 0. 0 2 µ g/k g times threewhich was increased in 0.0 2 µg/kg per doseincrement every 3 days for 35 days until thehighest dose of 0.2 4 µg/kg was reached. A con-trol group received 0.2 4 µg/kg per dose directly.It was observed that nausea and vomiting were27% in the group receiving dose-escalation ver-sus 56% in the group receiving the high dosefrom the beginning.

An important safety aspect is the risk of devel-oping hypoglycemia from exenatide. A lowdegree of hypoglycemia is expected during treat-ment of exenatide from the glucose-dependencyof the action of the peptide. Nevertheless,hypoglycemic values, as defined as plasma glucoseless than 3.3 mmol/ l, were reported 15% of sub-jects in the 28 day study with exenatide [106] . Ahigher occurrence of hypoglycemia was seenwhen exenatide was added to sulfonylurea (25%of subjects) [110] . This would suggest that there isan increased risk of hypoglycemia when exenatideis combined with sulfonylurea. It should beemphasized, however, that although not uncom-mon, these incidences of hypoglycemia were mildor moderate in intensity and there was no reportof hypoglycemia requiring assistance of anotherindividual The experience of more long-termstudies using exenatide is now important.

Another issue which has raised concern is thedevelopment of antibodies against exenatide,since the peptide shows only 53% homologywith GLP-1 in its N-terminal end. Such anti-bodies indeed develop, and in one 30-w eekstudy, it was reported that 41% of subjectsdeveloped antibodies [110] . However, it was alsoreported that these antibodies were in general oflow-titer characteristics and, furthermore, thatthe occurrence of antibodies did not predict theoutcome in term of glycemic control. Hence,although common, these antibodies do not seemto be of biologic significance. Finally, a concernhas been that the potential effect of exenatide toincrease β-cell mass, due to augmented differen-tiation of precursor cells of pancreatic ductal ori-gin in combination with inhibited apoptosis,might result in tumor formation. A recentrodent study examined this by treating a largenumber of mice and rats with exenatide over a2 year study period. It was found that comparedto placebo there was no difference in regard topancreatic or islet lesions after this long-termtreatment and no proliferative lesions wereobserved [114]. This suggest that the risk oftumor formation is marginal during treatmentwith exenatide.

ls in subjects with Type 2 diabetes treated and exenatide.

ith Type 2 diabetes treated with a sulfonylurea and wice daily or placebo over 30 weeks. Means ± SEM are

d with kind permission from the A merican Diabe tes

5 10 15 20 25 30

10 µg Exenatide5 µg Exenatideo

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ConclusionExenatide is a DP P -4 resistant GLP-1 receptoragonist, which exhibits a number of actionswhich all are of potential value for the treatmentof Type 2 diabetes. These actions include stimu-lation of insulin secretion, inhibition of gluca-gon secretion, delay in gastric emptying,increase in β-cell mass and induction of satietywith reduction in body weight. Exenatide is effi-cient in improving metabolic control in animalmodels of Type 2 diabetes as well as in subjectswith Type 2 diabetes. It shows durability with apersistent reduction in HbA1c by approximately1% after 30 weeks of treatment in associationwith reduced body weight. Exenatide treatmentis safe and tolerable. It is not associated severehypoglycemia, although mild hypoglycemia hasbeen observed, particularly when given togetherwith sulfonylureas. Furthermore, mild-to-mod-erate nausea are usually seen in the beginning ofthe treatment.

Expert opinionIt is clear that GLP -1-based therapy offersimprovement of pathophysiologically importantprocesses in Type 2 diabetes and that the experi-ence with this treatment is that it improves glyc-emic control in Type 2 diabetes. Thus, GLP -1-based therapy increases insulin secretion andinhibits glucagon secretion in association withdelay in gastric emptying and reduction in bodyweight. GLP -1-based therapy in addition seemsto increase β-cell mass and thereby has thepotential of preventing the progression of thedisease. GLP- 1-based therapy also offers a safeand tolerable treatment and is therefore a poten-tial breakthrough in the treatment of Type 2 dia-betes, and therefore also for the prevention ofcomplications to the disease. The GLP-1 recep-tor agonist, exenatide, represents a first genera-tion GLP- 1 mimetic. It activates GLP- 1receptors and has a longer half-life than GLP -1and can therefore be given subcutaneously twicedaily. Its efficiency seems high with reportedreduction of HbA1c levels by 1% unit and itreduces body weight. Nevertheless, limitationshave been observed and therefore several issuesremain to be solved before a clear position ofexenatide is available regarding its potential andplace in therapy of Type 2 diabetes. An impor-tant aspect is that even though exenatide clearlyimproves glycemic control, normaliz ation of gly-cemic control has not been achieved in long-term studies. This may be explained by incom-plete normalization of islet function by

exenatide. This in turn may suggest that the isletdysfunction in Type 2 diabetes involves alsomechanisms, which are not sensitive to activa-tion of the GLP-1 receptors. It may also, how-ever, be explained by the pharmacokinetic ofexenatide, since its comparable short duration ofaction does not result in full coverage through-out the 24 h period. Another aspect is thatalthough exenatide is tolerable, nausea and vom-iting are common and mild hypoglycemia hasbeen frequently reported, particularly in subjectsalso treated with sulfonylurea. These limitationsneed to be overcome during development ofsecond generation GLP -1 mimetics.

Exenatide might be used in the early stages ofType 2 diabetes, when it may improve glycemiccontrol by its action to stimulate insulin secre-tion, reduce glucagon secretion and delay gas-tric emptying. Due to the potential action ofexenatide on β-cell mass, mainly through inhi-bition of apoptosis, it is also possible that itmay have clinical effects also in later stages ofthe disease. Furthermore, since a weak target (ifany) of exenatide is insulin action, exenatide beused combination with metformin or TZD s.However, it should be emphasiz ed that thelong-term effect of exenatide, beyond 1 year oftreatment, still remains to be established. Animportant comparison would be betweenexenatide on one hand and other GLP-1 recep-tor agonists (liraglutide and CJC-131) on theother hand. They show different pharmacoki-netic properties (exenatide requiring twice dailyadministration, liraglutide once daily adminis-tration and C J C -1131 once weekly administra-tion) [For review see 7]. However, at present nohead-to-head comparison is available on thesecompounds. Finally, a most important compar-ison for the future is that between GLP- 1receptor agonists, such as exenatide, and theDPP-4 inhibitors. These two classes of com-pounds show many similarities, since they arebased on activation of GLP -1 receptors orincreasing incretin hormone concentrations.However, differences exist since GLP -1 receptoragonists are injectables, are associated with nau-sea and reduce body-weight, whereas DP P- 4inhibitors are orally-active, are not associatedwith nausea and are body weight neutral [for

review see 74]. The final comparison betweenexenatide and other GLP -1 receptor agonistsand between GLP -1 receptor agonists and DP P4-inhibitors, particularly in regard to efficiencyand durability, remain to be examined instudies with direct comparisons.




In summary, exenatide offers a new treat-ment of Type 2 diabetes, and ongoing studies inPhase III program will position this compoundas an important treatment in Type 2 diabetes.Its advantages are the efficacy and the concomi-tant reduction in body weight, whereas itsadvantages are the requirement to be adminis-tered parenteral and its association with nausea,hypoglycemia when used with sulfonylureas,and antibody formation.

OutlookIt is known that the degree of complicationswith Type 2 diabetes is dependent on the long-term metabolic control of the disease [8,9]. It isalso known that stages preceding the onset ofType 2 diabetes, for example impaired glucosetolerance and impaired fasting glycemia, arerisk factors for development of complicationssuch as cardiovascular diseases as well [115].This knowledge will in the future lead to moreaggressive treatment and to start of treatmentearlier than what is undertaken today. This inturn requires that tools for such treatment areefficient, are directed at the pathophysiologi-cally important factors for the disease, and aresafe. GLP-1-based therapy offers such treat-ment, which in the longer run may prevent theprogression of the disease by increasing β-cellmass and that such treatment is safe and, as for

exenatide, also associated with weight loss.B ased on existing knowledge and prediction ofthe future, therefore, it is highly likely thatGLP-1-based therapy will be a first-line choicefor future physicians in the treatment ofType 2 diabetes.

The combination of efficacy and durability, theglucose dependent mechanism of action and thetolerability makes exenatide suited for develop-ment of a sustained release formulation. This hasbeen developed by Amylin Pharmaceuticals inassociation with Alkermes Inc. (MA, USA). Aninjectable sustained-release form of exenatide hasthereby been produced, named exenatide LAR.The goal has been to develop a formulation thatmight allow once-a-week to once-a-monthadministration of exenatide. Initial preclinicalwork with exenatide LAR has been successful anda first clinical trial, completed in 2001, showedthat the subcutaneous administration of exenatideLAR releases exenatide for over 30 days. ExenatideLAR was well-tolerated with no significantadverse effects. B ased on these and similar dataand previous clinical results, Amylin (togetherwith Eli Lilly and Alkermes) is now undertaken anindependent development program for exenatideLAR. However, no data have as yet been reported.

Two studies from the 1990s demonstratedthat GLP-1 is also antidiabetic in subjects withType 1 diabetes [64,116]. This would suggest that

Executive Summary

• Glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1 is an incretin hormone which is antidiabetic due to stimulation of insulin secretion, inhibition of glucagon secretion, increase in β-cell mass, delay in gastric emptying and induction of satiety with reduction in body weight.

• Due to the combined antidiabetic actions of GLP-1, the hormone is developed as a novel treatment of Type 2 diabetes.

• However, a problem is that GLP-1 is rapidly inactivated by the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase (DPP)-4, resulting in a short half-life (<2 min) of the native hormone. Hence, native GLP-1 is unattractive as a treatment.

• To overcome the problem with the rapid inactivation of native GLP-1, two strategies have evolved: the use of DPP-4-resistant GLP-1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 mimetics) and the use of DPP-4 inhibitors.

• Exenatide is a DPP-4 resistant GLP-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 mimetic), which originally was isolated as exendin-4 from the lizard Gila monster.

• Exenatide has proven to be antidiabetic in animal models of diabetes and in subjects with Type 2 diabetes by executing the same effects as GLP-1.

• In long-term studies (up to 30 weeks), exenatide improves the metabolic control, as verified by reduction in HbA1c by approximately 1% in association with a reduction in body weight.

• Exenatide is not associated with severe hypoglycemic events, which may be explained by the glucose-dependency of the GLP-1 action.

• Exenatide is tolerable. Nevertheless, mild-to-moderate nausea is common and observed in approximately 30% of subjects treated with exenatide, although it is usually transient and seen only during the initial phase of treatment. Furthermore, antibodies to exenatide develop in 20 to 40% of patients. However, these are reported to lack significance on glucose metabolism.

• Exenatide offers a novel and efficient treatment of Type 2 diabetes and represents the first generation of GLP-1 mimetics.

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exenatide would have a potential to be also usedin the treatment of Type 1 diabetes. The ration-ale for such a treatment is that exenatide delaysgastric emptying and inhibits glucagon secre-tion, which are events tentatively improvingglycemic control in subjects with complete lossof β-cell function. It may also be speculatedthat the inhibition of apoptosis may be a target

for treatment in Type 1 diabetes. In a first studyexamining this, exenatide was given subcutane-ously 15 min before breakfast to nine subjectswith Type 1 diabetes at doses of 0.01 to0.06 µg/kg. It was found that exenatide reducedthe prandial glucose excursion by 90%, suggest-ing that exenatide may be further developedalong this line [117].

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AffiliationBo Ahrén Lund University, Department of Medicine, B11 BMC, SE-221 84 LUND, SwedenTel.: +46 462 220 758Bo.Ahren@med.lu.se

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