Excerpt - Dwarf Race



An excerpt from my D&D 5e conversion of the Dragonlance Campaign Setting.

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The favored of Reorx, they are among the most

industrious and resilient races of Krynn.

Subraces. The Fianawar of Taladas are counted

amongst the hill dwarves, while the Nylgai Hadirnoe

(Scorned) are mountain dwarves.

Two additional subraces of dwarves populate Krynn: Dark

and Gully. Choose one of these subraces.

Dark Dwarf Names

The Theiwar prefer names that denote magical ability or


Theiwar Male Names: Basalt, Crouch, Kalawax, Pounce,

Realgar, Relghar, Slide, Than-Kar, Twist

Theiwar Female Names: Brecha, Kera

Theiwar Family Names: Cutshank, Darkeye, Ironbane,

Quickspring, Redfire, Shadowfist, Tolec

The Daergar prefer names that will strike fear into an


Daergar Male Names: Brack, Crag, Darkend, Gurt, Halt,

Rance, Shahar, Vog

Daergar Female Names: Gerimeth

Daergar Family Names: Bellowsmoke, Blackblood,

Blackmetal, Coalmount, Ironface, Rockgutt, Shadeye

The Zhakar naming traditions are similar to the Theiwar,

but they tend to incorporate their deformities into their


Zhakar Male Names: Glome, Toldec

Zhakar Female Names: Harpy

Zhakar Family Names: Crookedstep, Scarback, Two-



From the lightless depths of the dwarven kingdoms, you

plot and scheme against the clans of your light-loving

brothers and against each other. The Theiwar, Daergar,

and Zhakar clans are dark dwarves.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score

increases by 1.

Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from the

sorcerer spell list. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for


Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a radius of

120 feet.

Gully Dwarf Names

When gully dwarves are born, they are often given simple

names. As gully dwarves grow older, they often change

these names, depending on new words they have heard

or deeds they have performed. Tribe names follow the

same pattern of simple one or two syllable words.

Male and Female Names: Birt, Blip, Bupu, Clout, Faze,

Grub, Guk, Gus, Jeb, Maggot, Ooz, Phudge, Pog, Rags,

Ratt, Regal, Scab, Sestun, Scatter, Squat, Thump, Twitch,


Tribe Names: Bulp, Bung, Churp, Gug, Hak, Plug


Though technically dwarves, most sentient races consider

your people the lowest of the low, the anguished, or


Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases

by 2.

Ability Score Decrease. Your Intelligence score

decreases by 1.

Size. Gully dwarves stand between 3 ½ and 4 feet tall

and average just over a 100 pounds. Your size is Small.

Pitiable. Gully dwarf diplomacy consists of flattery,

begging, crying, cringing, and pleading. They’ve honed

this ability to a fine art. Whenever you make a Charisma

(Persuasion) check related to convincing an enemy not to

harm you, you are considered proficient in the Persuasion


skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check,

instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
