EXCELSIOR PTENT FLOUR. DryGoods Cheap. Sylvester Bleckley · rjpO AFEWFACTS BELOW, of interest to...


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"!$*FEVER|tg^Äfr 30 YEARS A SUCCESS..Read taa'testimony then TRY IT fcr ywi*'-(.^¦-- Proprietors have numy letters like the*: :|

« "I caä. certify to the iaoiMhat Hu;'-es* Tonii: is ih"<:

.' beat chilhtonic'I ever tried. V insider It betterTtitaargninine.'^


iCURES CHRONIC "Mr.H.W.McDo.N~&-i' r CfiSeS. wr't«: "YourHushes' $3|, vu«*s*» , .Tonic for chills and H

f^ie^rer has never failed yet, and I have sold it to a 5;nta/iber. oJ chronic cases." It cures than every Ki

'«iSräinck'* - - - .>g.-» ASK FOR P?I ; HUGHES' TONIC, g

änd take no other..^y^X.-* Prepared hy

%A ftOSWSON & CO.; Louisville, Ky.:For sale by druggist*

TWO.sizes; Price 50c. and $1.<

Tjyrih Jtuy, August, September or Oc-tober. PAY -when your cotton is

turned into cash. Spot cash prices. NoJugg^t^Just a little cash down and the[;. balance nextDecember 1. That's the prop-position;' That's our Special Summer Sale.^^3Tö"ur cnoice from any Pianos or Organs

we'sell; Either New, nearly New or Sec¬ond:. Hand, from Savannah, from ourAgents; from our Travellers, or -from ITaa-Sifies direct, at our Lowest, Rock Bottom,

pot?.Cash prices. "Write or calfon^.VL^HÄTNIE & DAUGHTERS,^eirville|.S»a, .38 .Westfield Street.

A Good Farm For Sale,|THE place is situated about four miles'

,JL--£South;of' Anderson, containing 259.ncrCT; 175; acres in cultivaton, 18 or twentylexes~fgood bottoms, well-ditched, goodlastnfesj good dwelling, good barn, and alli.eceasary. outbuildings, fine orchard and

:fourt*siani houses. Terms easy.iü-i^ '¦- RJW. PRUITT.rnly^3i;il890\: .'4- '-v. 3

otice to Eoad Overseers.'"ßüice öf.County Commissioners,

Anderson, S. C, Aug. 5,1890.LT«:Road Overseers are hereby notifiedjö&iövcall opt theihands under them

:andJ_work the remainder of.the time re-of thero, during the present'month,

os'örwfiö have riotmade reports of the»g<working will make the reports ofiner^and Spring workings on same

B. 0. MARTIN, Chm'n.A. W. PIOKENS,

: W. T. McGILL,Co: Com. Anderson Co.,.S. C.

PerE. W. LONG, Clerk.g^j&fr.l890 5.' 2

iE TOLLT & SON,Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

>J)epbt Street,P3JJDBRSON,.S-C

TO OH OWNERS.tundersigned is -again, ready, to do

^ny-Mhd of repairing oa your Gins,v>iil guarantee satisfaction and low

is. No one will, appreciate your pa-igemore than

B. F. WILSON,^^^.1.. v; Anderson, 8. C.

2uly 10,1890 1 2ta

'; AT COLUMBIA, S. C.1 RADUATE cours 33. Under-graduate\ .courses for degrees.S literary and 6

.identifies. Also^shorter and elective cour-

^gferdfessionäl"cöursos in Law,' Pharma*Veterinary Science/and Pedagogies. 9'^equipped lac-oratories; 4 shops andiel room; new infirmary. Tuition fee,

0<per session; other fees, .§20 (including~rmary fee, covering medical attendance,Beines, etc) Table board, §10 to $12 50rmonth. 'Rooms rent free. Total ex-

s,'^. including fuel, lights, washing,y,"etc.v about $180. Tuition fee re-

ittecLto students certifying their inabilitypay it. Session opens first Tuesday in

jctober. Entrance examinations held thepreceding week.

J. M. McBRYDE, President.fJuly 31,1890 4_3»

NOTICE.BuHding Committee of HopewellChurch will receive sealed bids for

; Building of a New Church on the pres-'; site until August 15th next. Plansanddilations may be seen at the residencethe undersigned. The Committee re-

the right of rejecting any and all bids.wm. brown,

.JaStCrmirman Building Committee.July, 34,1890 3 .

, . 3

FOR 'BEBT.Valuable farm on "Eighteen

Mile" Creek, Anderson County,about two miles South of Pendlet on. SaidFarm may be rented on reasonable terms[for standing [rent for two or more years.Torparticulars address

.rev. w. w. mills, Camden, S. C.IJuly 17,1890 22m*>


mortgages OF Eeal Estate,Or Good Collateral.

"Call onJ. D. MAXWELL,

Sec. and Treas. Anderson Buildingand Loan Association.

The James L. Haven Company's



15IE GEARING is cast separate from.* -'theRollers, and is made very heavy,,_three.clutches on each Wheel, whichInto corresponding ones in each Roller,ing away with all keys and the conse¬nt danger of splitting the Wheels wheney are- driven too tight; also enablingty one to. take theTmill apart by remov-ifffourboltiuTJtJE MAIN ROLLS ARE FLANG-

at,lop-and bottom, preventing the canepassim* up or down.IE SHAFTS are of Steel, and have,ed bearings. The Rolls are Latheedr-with serrated faces, enabling a reg.and constant feed to be maintained.ASS BEARINGS..Both top and

«vm journals run in brass bearings, ma-

'g the mill work smoothly; easily andtbly. The step boxes have oil cham-

, which hold sufficient oil to run a long,e/and axe so constructed as to preventi oil from getting into the juice.

L. H. SEEL.Agent.Anderson, S. C.

June 26, 51

:OTTCE TO CREDITORS.EEJa.V Allpersons having claims againsl|the Estate' of Larkin Newton, deceased,¦Tare.hereby notified to present them, prop-Texly proven, to the undersigned within tuedime prescribed by law, and those indebtedfjo niakooayment^TXsVV-^-H. NEWTON, \M. W. NEWTON, J^ rs'

At Pickena C. H., S. C.LJuly.Sl, 1600 19

Just so! ho! ho! why yes, indeed!I see! I see! 'tis this I need

, '. . To cleanse my blood, this S. S. S.'This Swift's Specific, I confessThe faux pas made was rather huge,Why! I have been taking vermifuge!

A BEMABKABLE CASE FBOM ILLINOIS,I suffered for five years with Mercurial Rheumatism,-which was tho result of

Potash and Mercurial treatment by physicians, for Constitutional Blood Poison.They notOnlyfailed to cureme but madomea physical wreck,andmy life a burden.1 thencommenced takingSwirr's Spkcific (S. S. S.), and after using a few bottles¦was entirely cured of tho Khoumatisra, which tho doctors brought on by their rem¬edies, and the Blood Poison they failed to cure. I cheerfully commend S. S. S. toevery one similarly afflicted. .

JOHN H. LYLES, Sarcnto, 111.US3* Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free.

Copyrighted by S. S. S. Co. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga.


Of us.we guarantee every Seed Pure and Fresh.

The SEED we sold last season produced the LARGEST TURNIPS in theCounty.

Weighing: Twelve Pounds,And we have as good Seed this year as we ever had, and we'll give you good valuefor your money.

Nq. 4 Hotel Chiquola.TODD BROS., Druggists.

FRESH LOT OF EXCELSIOR PTENT FLOUR.Finest Patent on the market.

Try it and see for yourself.

GROCERIES are advancing everywhere else, bat getting CHEAPER at R. S.LIGON'S GROCERY STORE. Why? Because he bought such a large

stock before the rise. He calls special attention to his.

FINE STOCK FEED,Prepared by himself, and guaranteed to weatherboard any bag of bones ia theCounty.

Only $1.25 per Hundred pounds. Try It.



I DESIRE to inform the public that I have purchased the interest of my partnerin the business of E. Bock & Co., and I will continue the business of a.


I have FRESH BREAD, CAKES,- PASTRY, Etc., every day, and will bemore than delighted to have your patronage.

My Stock of Confectioneries is Fresh and Complete.> Respectfully,



FEÖIT PRESERVING POWDER Ai LIQUID,EVER FAILS to keep Fruit and Vegetables when directions are followed. That

the Fruit crop is short is no reason why what little there is should not be saved. Hav¬ing seen it tried successfully, we unhesitatingly recommend it, as do hundreds of othersthroughout the County.

Our purpose now is not to laud the preparation, but simply to announce that theacason ia upon us, and we are ready to supply the public with this valuable aid to theHousekeeper. Respectfully,


ALMOST CUT IN TWO !Now is the Time to Save Money.my Entire Summer Stock marked down to about

Half Price.

IDETEST advertising bargains, bargains, bargains, when there is in reality no bargains, but simplya trap to catch the unwary. I bid competition defiance. I carry everything by storm. My un¬

equalled prices paralyze competition. I have put tho knife in Summer Goods, and tboy are sellingrapidly. These prices tell the tale, such as S1.00 Flounclngs marked dowu to 50c. 6c. Lawns to 2J*5.and all other goods In proportion. If there is any person who can spare, the money, and who do notembrace this opportunity, they aro simply standing in their own light, and they are blind to theirown interests. Do not take any chances of waiting for a week, but come at onco. It will pay big in¬terest to buv now for next Summer, loo. Hamburg Edging at 8%c. 25c. Hamburg at 12J£c. Figureslike these sound the aeath knell of monopoly and high prices.

I came here to do the largest business over done in Anderson, and I am going to do it. The far-

seeing intelligent farmers of Anderson County have stood the unbearable burden of monopoly andhigh prices too long, and they havo now boldly proclaimed for self-reliance and merit ail along tholine. I am strictly business.

Only One Price to All.and never cut Samples.

D. G. FLYNff,Leader ol Low Prices.


rjpO A FEW FACTS BELOW, of interest to all Housekeepers. We have.

A LARGE STOCK OF TINWARE,More than we wish to carry, and we must decrease our stock, and to decrease it we

will name a few articles and prices below, viz :

2 quart Coffee Pots 10c,4 quart Coffee Pots 20c,

3 quart Covered Buckets 10c,6 quart Covered Bucket 15c,

6 quart Open Bucket 10c,10 quart Open Bucket 20c,

4 quart Oil Cans 15c,10 quart Dish Pans 15c,

3 quart Coffee Pots 15c,2 quart Covered Buckets 8c,4 quart Covered Buckets 12c,

4 quart Open Bucket 8c,S quart Open Bucket 15c,

2 quart Oil Cans 10c,8 quart Dish Pans 8c,

15 quart Dish Pans 20c,Kerosene Oil 15c per gallon.


Crockery and Glassware, Lamp Goods, Library and Stand Lamps.WE are Agents fur

BRENNAN & GO'S. CANE MILL,The best Mill now sold. Buy your Mill now, and be ready. Your neighbors willplant larger crops when they aro sure of a Mill near by. EVAPORATORS andSMOKE STACKS made to order.

ggf* We will sell STOVES cheaper than you can buy anywhere.better goods,more pieces for the least money. A chauce to prove what we say is all we ask, and

you will be convinced.bring us your rags^and beeswax.



Full Text of the Measure so Much Tnlcleilof. ;

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senateand Houae of Representatives of theUnited States of America in Congressassembled, That there may be establish¬ed in each of the Counties of each of theStates of this United States, a branch ofthe treasury department of the UnitedStates, to be known and designated as a

sub-treasury, as hereinafter provided,when 100 or more citizens of any Countyin any State shall petition the secretaryof the treasury, requesting the locationof a sub-treasury in such County, andshall1. Present written evidence, dulyauthen-

ticated byoathor affirmation ofCountyclerk and sheriff, showiDg that the aver¬

age gross amount per anuum of cotton,wheat, oats, corn and tobacco producedand seid in that County for the lastpreceding two years exceeds the sum of$.^00,000, at current price-* in said G«unty at that time, and

2. Present a good and sufficient bondfor title to a suitable and adequateamount of land to be donated to thegovernment of the United State3 for thelocation of tho sub-treasury buildings,and

3. A certificate of election showingthat the site for the location of such sub-treasury has been chosen by a popularvote of the citizens of that County, andalso naming the manager of the subtreasury elected at said election fur thepurpose of taking charge of said Bubtreasury under euch regulations as maybe prescribed. It shall in that case bethe duly of the secretary of the treasuryto proceed without delay to establish a

sub-treasury department in such Countyas hereinafter provided.Sec. 2 That any owner of cotton,

wheat, corn, oata or tobacco may depositthe same in the sub treasury nearest thepoint of its production and receive there¬for treasury note?, hereinafter providedfor, equal at the date of deposit to eightyper centum of the net value of such pro¬ducts at the market price, said price to bebased upon the price current in tho lead¬ing cotton, tobacco or grain markets ofthe United States; but no deposit con¬

sisting in whole or in part of cotton,tobacco or grain imported into thiscountry shall be received under the pro¬visions of this act.Sec. 3. That the secretary of the treas¬

ury shall cause to bo prepared treasurynotes in such amounts as may be requir¬ed for the purpose of the above Bection,Rnd in such form and denominations ashe may prescribe; provided that no notesnail be of a denomination of less than31 or more than $1000.

Sec. 4. That the treasury notes issuedunder this act shall be receivable for cus¬

toms, and-shall be a full legal tender forall debts, both public and private, andsuch notes when held by any nationalbanking association shall be counted as

part of its lawful reserve.Sec 5. It shall be the duty of a man¬

ager of a sub-trea3ury when cotton, grainor tobacco is received by bim on deposit,as above provided, to give a warehousereceipt showing the amount and grade or

quality of such cotton, tobacco, or grainand its value at date of deposit; theamount of treasury notes the sub-treasuryhas advanced on the product; that theinterest on the money so advanced is attho rate of 1 per centum per annum;expressly stating the amount of insu¬rance, weighing, classiug, warehousingand other charges that will run againstsuch deposit of cotton, grain or tobacco.Ail such warehouso receipts shall benegotiable by endorsement.Sec. 6. That the cotton, grain, or

tobacco deposited in the sub-treasuryunder the provisions of this act may beredeemed by the holder of the warehousereceipt herein provided for, either at thesub-treasury in which the product isdeposited, or at any other sub treasury,by the surrender of such warehousereceipt and the payment in lawful mon»ey'of the United States of the sameamount originally advanced by the sub-treasury against the product and euchfurther amount as may be necessary todischarge all interest that may have ac¬crued against the advance of money madeon the deposit of produce, and all insu¬rance, warehouse and other charges thatattach to the product for warehousingand bandliDg. All lawful money receiv¬ed at the sub-treasury as a return of theactual amount of money advanced bythe government against farm products,as above specified, shall be returned, witha lull report of the transaction, to thesecretary"of the treasury, who shall makerecord of the transaction and cancel anddestroy the money so returned. A sub-treasury that receives a warehousereceipt, as above provided, together withthe return of the proper amount of law¬ful money and all charges as hereinprovided, when the product for which itis giveu is stored in some other sub-treasury, Bhall give an order on suchother Bub-treasury for the delivery ofthe cotton, grain, or tobacco, as the casemay be, and the secretary or the treasuryshall provide for the adjustment betweenthe sub-treasuries of all charges.Sec. 7. The secretary of the treasury

shall prescribe such rules and regulationsas are necessary for governing the detailsof the management of the sub-treasuries,fixing the salary, bond and responsibilityof each of the managers of sub-treasuries(provided that the salary of any mana¬

ger of a sub-treasury shall not exceed thesum of $1500 per annum,) holding themanagers of Bub-treasuries personallyreponBible on thei( bonds for weightsand classifications of all produce, provid¬ing for the rejection of unmerchantablegrades of cotton, grain or tobacco, or forsuch as may be in bad condition; andshall provide rules for the sale at publicauction of all cotton, corn, oats wheat ortobacco that has been placed on depositfor a longer period than twelve monthsafter due notice published. The pro¬ceeds of the sale of such product Bhall beapplied, first, to the reimbursement tothe sub-treasury of tbe amount originallyadvanced, together with all charges;and, second, the balance shall be held on

deposit for the benefit of the holder ofthe warehouse receipt, who shall be enti¬tled to receive the same on the surrenderof his warehouse receipt. The secretaryof the treasury shall also provide rulesfor the duplication of any papers in caseof loss or destruction.

Sec. 8. It Bhall be the duty of thesecretary of the treasury, when section 1of this act shall have been complied with,to cause to be erected, according to thelaws and customs governing the construc¬tion of government buildings, a suitablesub-treasury building, with such ware¬house or elevator facilities as the charac¬ter and amount of the products of thatsection may indicate as necessary. Suchbuildings shall be supplied with all mod¬ern conveniences for handling and safelystoring and preserving the products likelyto be deposited.Sec. 9. That any gain arising from

the charges for insurance, weighing,storing, classing, holding, shipping, in¬terests, or other charges, after paying allother expenses of conducting the sub-treasury, shall be accounted for and paidinto the treasury of the United States.

Sec. 10. Tho term of office of a mana¬

ger of a sub-treasury shall be two years,aud the regular election to fill such officeshall be at the same time as the electionfor members of the House of ] Represen¬tatives of Congress of the United Slates.In case of a vacancy in the office ofmanager of tho Hub-treasury by death,resignation, or otherwise, the secretaryof tbe treasury shall have power to ap¬point a manager for the unexpired term.

Sec. 11. The sum of fifty millions ofdollars, or so much thereof as may befound necessary to carry out tho provis¬ions of this act, is hereby appropriatedout of any moneys in the treasury nototherwise appropriated for that purpose.

Sec. 12. That so much of auy or allother acts as are in conflict with theprovisions of tbia act are hereby repealed.. A correspondent of the Chicago In¬

ter Ocean, writing up his southern trip,says that northern employers are muchmore severe in their requirements andharder in their judgment of tho blacksthan tho average southerner.


An Editor Mourn* for His Drowned Boy.

Our poor boy breaks the Sabbath withhis life.Simeon E, Freeman, our only boy, all

the help we had on earth, was drownedin Satilla river last Sunday. The handthat put your paper in the post office lastweek is folded on a still bosom to-day.Had he lived until the 14th day of Sep¬tember he would have been fourteen yearsof ago.

All who knew him can testify that hewas a manly boy, far beyond one of hisyears; he never heard a cry of distressnor a sigh of sorrow when his young heartwas not ready to respond, caring not whatthe cost would be. He wronged none buthis father and family. A four year oldchild could ead him, and some about hisown age and under did lead him.todeath. * *

Hardly had we gone before some littleboys were at our home persuading our

boy to accompany them to the funeral ofthe lady mentioned and they succeededin persuading him to go to.his own fu¬neral, where be arrived about 11 o'clock,and at 3 o'clock bis lifeless body was

found, having been in the water sixhours.He went to his doom with his mother's

warning ringing in bis ears, for she had a

presentiment that a.watery grave awaitedhim, and had told him that should sucha fate overtake him, to cross his hands on

his breast, close bis eyes and mouth, andstraighten himself out, with his feet drawntogether, so that he could be buried whenbrought home to her, not failing to re¬

member the "thief on the cross."When found his hands, mouth, eyes

and feet were as she bad directed, and we

try to console ourselveB with the thoughtthat be remembered the rest of the warn¬ing. Oh, 'tis so hard to think his fingersput in the case the type that form the let¬ters that you are reading this morning,and that his father's hand should have tomake tbem toll of the death of a disobe¬dient, wayward boy. God pity us!Three hours before his death be picked

up his own little E flat cornet and blewsoftly and tenderly:

Jesus, lover of my soul,Let me to Thy bosom fly.While the nearer waters roll,

And the tempest still is high.He laid his cornet away in its case,

never finishing the veise.

Oh, poor boy, why did you leave yourhome when you could hear "the nearerwaters roll ?"We have always warned Simeon to

avoid the company of such characters ashe was with when he lost his life. Theyare the ones that break the laws of Godand man, entice others to do the same,and will desert tbe victims of their sin inthe hours of peril and death.Our boy was left at home to take care

of his mother and sisters during our ab¬sence, and had he not been lured away bythese Sabbath breakers would doubtlesshave remained. He insulted God byfailing to 'remember the Sabbath day andkeep it holy.' This penalty was death-instant death.and it was a just sentence,although tbe blow falls heavily upon us,while his partners in crime are free in theeyes of the law of the land, but are notguiltless before God, for all of them knewthey were doing wrong.. Waycrots (Qa.)Headlight.

Bncklen's Arnica SalveThe best salve in the world for Cuts

Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe¬ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil¬blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,and positively cures Piles, or no payrequired. It is guaranteed to give per¬fect satisfaction, or money refunded.Price 25 cents per box. For sale byHill Bros._

Afraid to Lie Down.

Who knows why birds sleep standingon one leg ? The position seems mostunnatural. Beasoning in advance, weshould pronounce it a tiresome, if notimpossible, attitude. Yet the canarytucks its head under its wing, draws upone foot, and goes to sleep, apparentlywith quite as much comfort as we expe¬rience on tbe best of mattresses. A writer:;n JSoere and Stable notes a similar,though less abnormal, habit on tbe partof horses, who, it appears, are in manycases very averse to lying down.The writer once rode a mare seventy

miles in a single day. The stable in whichshe was put for tbe night was as comforta¬ble as it could well be made, but she stoodup all night long. She ate her oats andhay and then went to sleep, leaningforward with her breast againBt themanager.There are horses that have never been

seen to lie down, nor have any marks oftheir having done so ever been foundupon their bodies. I recall one that forfifteen years occupied a particular stall inmy grandfather's stable. Up to the hourhe died no one ever saw him lying down,although special watch was sometimeskept after he had been driven for eight orten hours.Unless a horse lies down regularly his

rest cannot be complete, and his jointsand sinews stiffen. It is true that somehorses that always stand up live a longtime; but it is equally true that theywould live longer and work better iftheyreBted naturally.Young horses from the country are

liable to refuse to lie down when first putinto a stable in town, and tbe injurioushabit may become confirmed unlessspecial pains are taken to induce a

change.The indisposition to lie down is ofton

very pronounced in sick horses. Theyseem to have an instinctive fear that ifthey lie down they may never be able torise, and continue on their feet till theirlimbs refuse to bear them up.

Columbia, S. C, July 29,..PeterRoof, a very old negro, this morningmurdered Isaac Lockrane, his son-in-law,near this city. The old man came inand surrendered to the sheriff. They hadsome trouble, and Peter was aiming hisgun at Lockrane when he says it was

discharged accidentally and killed him.The coroner's jury found a verdict ofcold-blooded murder. The old man

objected strongly to being locked up,thinking it unjust treatment. He wantedto go home and work his crop.

Both the method and results whenSyrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasantand refreshing to the taste, and actsgently yet promptly on the Kidneys,Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys¬tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬aches and fevers and cures habitualconstipation. Syrup of Figs is theonly remedy of its kind ever pro¬duced, pleasing to the taste and ac¬

ceptable to the stomach, prompt inits action and truly beneficial in itseffects, prepared only from the mosthealthy and agreeable substances, itsmany excellent qualities commend itto all and have made it the mostpopular remedy known.

feyrup of Figs is for sale in 50cand 61 bottles by all leading drug¬gists. Any reliable druggist whomay not have it on hand will pro¬cure it promptly for auy one whowishes to try it. Do not accept anyeubstitute.CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO.


RIDE AND TAKE YOUR EASTwo large Warehouses Jam Full of the Nicest


Ever Shown in the Up-Country«

Iu fact, we can fit .you up iu anything yo, want, from the best OhioBuggy made at Columbus to the cheapest Cincinnati work. "Wc guaranteeall of our goods, and all we ask is for you to conic and examine our stock.We always have a lot of

TENNESSEE WACONSOn haud. All of the above we offer you at the very LOWEST PRICE, forCash or on Time.

We have an Immense Stock of

DryGoods on Hand Cheap.Also, a full line of


Sylvester Bleckley Co.COME AND HEAR THE


. LADIES' STORE.A MOST Tremendous Downfall io all kinds of SUMMER GOODS. We MUSTmake room for the immense stock of Fall Goods which we anticipate buying, andwhich our trade demands, and for the next sixty days.

We offer you Bargains in every Department.We are also constantly receiving New Goods in tho Millinery lino.Pretty,

Stylish and Cheap.Don't Forget to Examine our Stock before Buying.

Miss Lizzie William s.

THERE are some persons who have beeu

waiting for prices of Goods to go down, butwe are very sorry to say that they must

realize the fact that they have been left,and the only consolation we can offer is,that we can and will sell them Goods on

such CLOSE* MARGINS that they are

bound to be pleased at the prices. We havefull stocks of.


Which we are selling CHEAP, CHEAP¬

ER, CHEAPEST. All we ask is a fair

trial, and wo are confident our prices willconvince the most skeptical.



ANDERSON MUSIC HOUSEIs Headquarters for the very best makes öf PIANOS and

ORGANS, where vou can get Lowest Prices and best

terms, under a positive guarantee.

Three Car Loads of Carriages and BuggiesJust received, and we Witt NOT be undersold.

SEWING MACHINES.After twenty years experience 1 havo found out which is the very best Sewing Ma¬

chine, and we will be pleased to explain the merits of the celebrated New Home,which surpasses all otbor3. We also sell the Favorite, Si. John, Union,White, Victor, and several other makes.

It will pay you to inspcot my stock and got prices in cither department of mybusiness before buying. , Respectfully,

O. A.. REED, Agent


ajstid bottom: prices iIf you will visit our Store you will see a combination of all the above, with a fewother things that arc calculated to make competitor* "Get up and Dust" to keep in

sight. We can and will shake the bottom out of any prices you can get elsewhere.We'll toll you the "Good Old Honest Truth" about every article we sell you.

We Pay Cash for every Dollars' worth we Buy,And Give You the Benefit Every Time.


Next to Farmers ami Merchants ]P?vnl<-, Anderson, s. CJ.

A Good Plantation for Sale or Rent.

THE undersigned offers a pood Planta¬tion for sale or rent. Tbe place is

situated in Garvin Township, three mileseast of Pendleton, and contains 215 acres,about 70 acres of timbered land and thebalance cleared and now in cultivation.Tho place is well ditched and terraced.Price, §10.00 an acre, and terms satisfactoryto purchaser. J. E. WOFFORD,

Pendleton, S. C-July 17, 1800 23m





the Factory has lately taughtsome of our heat Painters aomc


WALL DESIGNS,Plain and in relief.

Less expensivo than paper, and

a thousand times prettier, and it

iasts forever. See samples at

Wilhite & Wilhite's, anJ getWorkmen's names. This is the

perfection of interior wall finish

and is not expeusive.ONLY AT




Through your valuable paper I wish toinform my friends, and everybody else,that I wish to reduce my Stock, prepara¬tory to stock-taking. I will sell at great-ly reduced prices for Cash. I will sellCalico, Muslin and Ginghams at CoBtfor cash. Shoes at lower prices than youever bought the same quality. I havesome Shoes out of style for less than cost.

I keep Sugar, ColFee, Molasses, Finest

Tea, Hardware, Hats, Wall Paper, Flour,Wheat Bran, Crockery and Glassware,Cassimere, Cottonades and Fancy Gro¬ceries.Although I do not boast of having the

largest and biggest stock in Town, I can

say that I can sell you good Goods, andat as low prices as any house in Town.

I will give you the worth of yourmoney.Try me.

Yours truly,


P. S..I have many goods I cannotname in an advertisement

flAfrrPfAU W. L. Dou&las Shoes arevaUiiUll warranted, and every pairhau his name and price .stamped on bottom.



Fine Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain.The excellence and wearing qualities of this shoo

cannot bo better shown than by the strong endorse¬ments of its thousands of constant wearers.Sk.00 Gonnino Hand-sewed, an elegant andO stylish dress Shoo which commends Itself.

Syl.00 Ilaud-nowcd Welt. A flno calf Shoo*v unequalled for stylo ond durability.SO.50 Goodyear Welt Js tho standard dress. %j Shoe, at a popular price.SO.50 Policeman's Shoe is especially adaptedö for railroad men, farmers, etc.

All made In Congress, Button and Lace.

$3 & $2 SHOES lafd°i1s,havo been most favorably received since introducedand tho recent Improvements niako them superiorto any shoes sold at these prices.Ask your Dealer, and If ho cannot supply you send

direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or apostal for order blanks.

W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.


A. C.

DENTIST."VTITROUS OXIDE given at all timesJlA for tbe Painless Extraction of Teeth,

Office in New Masonic Temple.Nov 15,18S8 19

CLEARANCE SALE/Onn FincParlor / C»'öuu and Church/AX '

Organs from-¦-standard m.v-/%j2sy/ m

ken, at SPOTCASHPWCESi*^^^* _

withyearitopayin. New planS/S3*P: WORDol sale.rented until paid/ ABOUT

AW/ pianos.Qjsrs 950 SAVED

/every purchaser,for BARGAIN />w/Wo have insido track.Sheet, «alo/jlV^V on Pianos. OnrS225

jRGANSfor. ITJrOnly S2 to S3monthly. Beat Bar<gain in over20 years,trade. Send quick

limited toCO DaysDou't

miss it. $r/No Cheap$y Pianos sold./ Our eheapqat aroPerfect & durr.bia

A NO is sold by thef. largest dealers nt S275,and is worth it, too..

TT8TE call the altenti911 of L'aintera andVT overybody to our celebrated.

Pure Heady 3Iixeil Paints,Which we sell under the following posi¬tive guarantee:Wo guarantee our Ready Mixed Paiuts,

when properly applied to a good surface,not to crack, chalk or peel, and to give per¬fect satisfaction as a lirst-class Paint.; andif after threo years' wear it fails to meetthe above requirements, we agree to fur¬nish paint free of charge to repaint build¬ing.TJLLMANN & PH1LPOT M'F'Q. CO.,

Cleveland, Ohio.^.55.. A full rtock of these Paints on

hand and for sale byTODD BROTHERS,

Anderson, S. 0.,Dealers in Drugs, Paints and Oils.

Nay 15. 1809 458m




Sr- h §& b a" ä

Mounted and Unmounted.



Corner Hotel Cliiquolo,



THE RACKETIs beating the Town on

STRAW HATS,Ladies, Men and Children.

As for FLOWERS and RIBBONS,We can't keep tbem, so we mustconclude we are selling mar-

velously CHEAI\Well, How About TINWARE ?

Wbo brought the prices down on this ar¬ticle of merchandise ? Why, the RACK¬ET, of course!

If you could hear the voice of all thatwould say "the RACKET has broughtdown the price on everything he has han¬dled since he came," you couldn't hearyour ears! We don't sell some articles atcost or below, and put on two or threehundred per cent on others. We don't putout such baits. If we wanted to give youanything we would give it stralghtout.Now, don't you know if we sell you an ar¬ticle at cost that we are bound to make itup on something else, (that. you don'tknow the value of,) or the Widow andChaps will be cheated?So we propose to deal fairly and square¬

ly.charge you a living profit on every¬thing. You may rest assured you won'tbe hurt by the RACKET PRICES !

Best Stick Candy at 10c. a Pound.C. P. BOLT is now with nie, and

will be glad to see his friends.Yours truly,


LUMBER!1"" DESIRE to say I am still in the Lum¬

ber business, and expect to stay as

long as anybody will come to see me. Tkeep on hand at all times a good assort¬ment of.

Lumber, Shingles, Doors.Sash and Blinds,

Which 1 will sell CHEAPER than anyone else. I will also estimate on anykind of Work, from a bird cage to a palace.

Call to sco me at the Blue Ridge Yard,when you need anything in my line, andI will save you money. Respectfullv,

JAS. E. BARTON.Mav 29, IS90 476m


<$*<ii . -aft ¦' * ,f '


es sriHas All LATEST I SVi PRCV E.'w t' ri '

Including Balance Wheel on ISru.nh wbluh In-euros oven Bpood. Thin foftturo is peculiar tothis rnalco of Qln and Is used on no other. Ar*FULLY CVAItAXTKKDand Arc DeliveredFREE OF FREIGUT at nny R. R. StAllon ortbo landing of any Regular Steamboat Lino intho South. If wo hnvo ao Agent near .you.address tho Oonoral Oourhorn Agent.

K|fö& STANDARDmm^ky^SCALES_}>% Freight paid, folly

ES^&Se^TtfarriMtcd. other .Ixe«

HUUBARO.Grnl.riouir.' »e. Atlanta,Ui.or Dallu.Tax.


IAM now prepared to give prompt andspecial attention to all Law Busi

ness intrusted to my care as an Attorney orCounsellor at Law, not being otherwise en¬


Feb 27,1690 34

BIß G Is acknowledgedtho leading remedy forGonorrhoea <fc Gleet.Tho only saie remedy forliCncorrhoea orWhites.

I Drcscrlbe it and feelsafe in recommending it

The Evans Chemicu Co. to all sufferers.cincinnati,0.r9 A. J. STONER, M. D.,

f. a. a. jm Decatub, III.Sold by nrntneiats.

lujf'niiiiirrnii ii price 91.00.

Cures InrtTo6J}AYS.^

'Guaranteed not tocause Stricture.


WILHITEJan 23,1890

& WILHITE.29 ly

Richmond & Danville K. R.,COL .ila. & GREENVILLE DITISIOB.


CONDENSED SCHEDULE,IN EFFECT APRIL 13, 1890.(Trains run on 75 th Meridian time.)

NORTHBOUND. | No. No. I No. No. No.54 1 66 i 50 58 6

Lv Charleston.Lv Columbia....Alston.


Lv Newberry...Goldvillc....Clinton.

Ar Laureti->.

Lr Ninety-Six.Greenwood.Hodges.

Ar Abbeville.Helton.

Lr Itclton.Williamston].Pelzer.Piedmont.

Ar rirccnvillc.Anderson.,

A M7 00

11 0011 48P M12 1412 33IS 00


5 45G 42

7 00!7 237 108 459 080 W


Lv Walhalla.Seneca.Anderson ....


Ar Williamstoo.Ar Brilon.Lv Jtelton.

Ar Abbeville.Lv Hodge?.

Greenwood.,Lv Ninety-Six...


Ar Newborry....Lv Profpcrily...


P M2 1.12 371s 02!3 no]¦t oo|¦1 in4 2C4 32.1 4S5 304 11)fl 307 no

10 41)No?55_A M8 258 5110 039 15.J10 1210 IS10 3010 50P M10 5011 6512 241 20

Ar Columbia...Augusta....

Ar Charleston.

2 443 023 22A M4 40!> 000 *)j


A M0 4510 2510 40

i'i'0211 OS11 2512 05

8 530 149 3S

10 3010 45


P »1

2 102 533 103 173 40

A »I8 509 30

11 10

No.50P M

34 05

4 £85 205 43



P M2 401 50

Nos.5, 0, 50,5l,5i;, 57,58 and 59 daily exceptSunday. Maiu Line Trains 54 and 55 daily be¬tween Columbia and Alston. Daily except Sun¬day between Alston and Greenville.

Jas. L. Taylob Gen'l Easa. Agent.D. Cabdtosll, Div. Pass. Agt., Columbia, 8. Gf3oi,. H a a;), Traffic Manager.
