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EXCEL 2010



Copyright © 2014 M. Kalmanowitz

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Chapter 1

Excel Basics


Change active cell

Change between worksheets

View/hide different elements

on the screen



Enter labels

Make corrections


Clear/delete cell contents


Values & Numeric Labels

Fractions & Mixed numbers



Column width/Row height

Data alignment

Merge and center



Pick from List





Create series

Copy cells

Copy formatting


Align text left, center, right Home / Alignment

Align top, center, bottom Home / Alignment

Clear cell contents Home / Editing

Go to Home / Editing

Ctrl + G

Merge and center Home / Alignment

Spell check Review / Proofing

View/ hide screen elements View / Show

Exercise 1







EXCEL – is a spreadsheet program which

makes it easy to create, track and update all

sorts of information that fit into a table


Spreadsheet/worksheet – our

worksheet(paper) is set up as a table with

rows and columns. Each box is called a cell.

You enter data (words, values) into these

cells. And then Excel can perform calculations

with this data by you entering a formula (-

which tells Excel to do some type of

mathematical operation.)

Workbook – every excel file is called a

workbook. (Just like in Word, every file is

called a document.) By default, every

workbook contains 3 worksheets.

Templates – just like in word, there are also

templates in Excel. These are preformatted

workbooks – which means that they are semi-

completed, they will have some data,

formatting and formulas already in place in

the workbook. You can then use these

templates as a base for your own customized



Active cell: The cell that contains the cell pointer.

Cell: The intersection of a column and row on a

worksheet. Each box is a cell for data to be entered


Cell pointer: A dark outline around the active cell.

Cell reference/cell address: The location of the cell

on the worksheet identified by the column letter

and row number {i.e. B12}

Column heading: The letter for each column used to

identify the cell address.

Formula bar: The bar that provides information

about the active cell. As you enter information into

a cell it simultaneously appears in the formula bar.

Name box: The box that displays the cell reference

of the active cell.

Row heading: The number for each row used to

identify the cell address.

Sheet tabs: The tabs that tell us the name of the

worksheet and allows us to switch between

worksheets - on the bottom left of the window.

Workbook: A file created in Excel.

Worksheet: The sheets of paper in a workbook.

The work area for entering data; made up of

columns and rows.


1. List 5 ways to go to a specific cell.

Name box; mouse; arrow keys on keyboard; home, editing, find & Select, Go to; F5 2. Which ribbon do you use to hide/view the different window elements?



Exercise 1







There are a lot of elements of our window

that are the same as word: o File button, ribbon tabs, quick access

toolbar, title bar, status bar, view

buttons, zoom slider, vertical and

horizontal scroll bar.

There many new parts too.

Sheet tabs - (we spoke about our 3

worksheets) on the bottom of our worksheet

we have tabs: Sheet1, Sheet2, & Sheet3. These

are the sheet tabs that tell us the names of

each worksheet.

Cell – each box in this grid is called a cell. You

enter data into cells.

Active cell – the cell that contains the cell

pointer – which is a dark outline around a cell

(this indicates that this cell is active.) In order

to enter data or edit data in a cell – the cell

must be active.

Cell reference/cell address – the location of

the cell on the worksheet identified by the

column letter and row number ex: B2

Column heading/row heading – letter for each

column and number for each row used to

define a cell‟s address. There are 16,384

columns and 1,048,576 rows. What happens

when the letters a-z use up? Then you do aa,

ab, ac...ba, bb, bc...za, zb...zz, aaa, aab...

Name box – on top of the column headings

on the left, displays the cell reference of the

active cell. In addition to help you identify the

cell reference, Excel highlights its column

heading and row number.

Formula bar – next to the name box –

provides information about the active cell.

This is a very important element that we will

be referring to all the time. As you enter data

into a cell it simultaneously appears in the

formula bar.

Gridlines – the light grey lines that make up

our cells. They do not print.

When a cell is active, (there is a thick black

line around the cell), the cell reference/cell

address shows up in the name box and the

column and row headings are highlighted.

Changing the active cell – there are many

different ways…

o Use your mouse to click on another


o Use the keyboard arrow keys

o Use the name box – click in the name

box, type cell reference, press enter!

o Use Go To – home, editing, find and

select, type the cell reference, OK

o F5

o Ctrl + G

Scrolling does not change the

active cell!

Changing between worksheets – click the tab

with worksheet name.

View/hide window elements – you can view

or hide different elements on your screen.

{view ribbon, show/hide group

Workbook views – you can also switch

between different views on other computers

Zoom – magnifies the cell

Exercise 2





Label – a label is a text entry in a cell (as

opposed to a value) if you enter an

alphabetical letter or a non-mathematical

symbol the contents of the cell will be

considered a label. Ex: Blue, Sally, Ohio,

Above average, Total etc.

As you type a label into a cell it appears in

both the cell and the formula bar.

Finalize an entry – after you type a label into

a cell, you must finalize your entry. How?

Any 1 of the following ways will work: press

Enter; press Tab; click the on the

on the formula bar; press any

arrow key.(this last option doesnt always

work, but will work the first time you are

typing in a cell, it will not work if you are in

the middle of editing the cell.


Default: The standard preprogrammed settings. Labels: A text entry in a cell.


1. What are different ways to finalize a cell entry?

Enter; Tab; Enter key on the formula bar; Click in a different cell; 2. How do you enable cell editing?

Double click in a cell; or click in the formula bar 3. How are labels, by default, aligned in a cell?

Left 4. What happens if a label is longer than the cell?

If the next cell to the right is empty the data will flow over it and the complete contents of

the cell will be visible, if the next cell already has data in it then the label will get cut off

where it reaches the end of the cell 5. What‟s the difference between deleting cell contents and canceling an entry?

Deleting – will erase the contents of the cell and the cell will remain empty; Canceling –

will erase the entry you are in middle of and it will revert back to the previous entry. 6. How do you insert a line break in a cell?

Alt+Enter 7. What are row labels and column labels?

Row labels are text in cells that label the information

for that row. All row labels together form a column.

Column labels are text in cells that label the

information for that column. All column labels

together form a row.


Column labels

Row labels


Chapter 1 Exercise 2

Excel 2010

Cancel an entry – you cancel an entry before

it is finalized. How: either by pressing the Esc

key (top left corner of keyboard,

or by clicking the on the

formula bar.

Delete / clear cell contents – to clear (delete)

the contents of the cell you make the cell

active and either press the Delete button on

the keyboard or you can go the home ribbon,

editing group, clear drop down arrow and

choose the right option (clear contents)

What is the difference between canceling an

entry and clearing cell contents? When you

cancel and entry the cell reverts back to what

it last contained. When you clear contents,

then all data is deleted and the cell is left

empty again.

Enable cell editing – there are 2 methods of

enabling cell editing. A) double click in the cell

you want to edit. Or B) with the cell active,

click in the formula bar and make your edits


A label that is longer than the width of your

cell will flow over the next column(s) and

show in them as long as the cells in the next

column are empty. If something is in the cell

next to it, the text will be cutoff. To edit such

a label you have to go into the original cell

where the label was typed. Here is when the

formula bar really comes in handy, before

double clicking to enable cell editing, check

the formula bar when the right cell is active

and make sure the text that you want to edit

is visible in the bar. If it not than your active

cell is incorrect.

By default labels always align left.

Line break – to insert a line break in a cell,

you press Alt+Enter together in the spot

where you want to start a new line... you

may have to adjust the width of the column

afterwards to make sure that it does not

divide your text into more lines than you


Row labels are text in cells that label the

information for that row. All row labels

together form a column.

Column labels are text in cells that label the

information for that column. All column labels

together form a row.

Column labels

Row labels

Exercise 3







Value – any number inserted into a cell is

called a value. Numbers, fractions and dates

are also considered values. Whether very

small (3) or very large (3,000,000,000,000)

they are all considered values and can all be

used in formulas (mathematical calculations).

You type them regularly into your cell

All values by default are always aligned right

in the cell.

Scientific notation – If the value is very high

and has many digits, (it is a very long number)

the computer will switch it to scientific

notation as in the following number 12,456,982,175 might display as

which means you move over

the decimal 10 (+10) places. The regular

number will show up in the formula bar.

If you have a value in a cell, and the cell is not

wide enough… ############ will display in

the cell. If you rest your mouse over the cell

you will see the correct number there.

However, Excel cannot just show part of the

number like by a label, because part of a

number is a whole different number.ie:

4,567,901 is completely different than 4,567.

How do you fix it? In order to display the

number correctly you need to widen the

column. Simply you go to the column heading

the end of it and you click and drag to open it


What happens if you see ###### pound signs

in your cell? It means that the number is too

long to be displayed. Why by values is it

different than by labels? By labels if an entry

was too long it just flowed over the next cell.


Value: A number entry in a cell.

Numeric label: A number treated as a label with no

value significance and will not be used in a


Label prefix: An apostrophe {„} used to indicate

that a number is a label and not a value.


1. When would you make a number into a numeric label?

If it has no value significance. Ex: zip code, phone number, ss#(If you don’t want it getting

mixed into a formula) 2. How do you make a number into a numeric label?

Type a label prefix: ‘ and then the number. Ex:’08701 3. How do you enter a fraction into a cell? What about a mixed number?

Type a 0 then a space then the fraction. Ex: 0 1/2;

For a mixed number, type the whole number instead of the 0. Ex: 4 5/8 4. What are two examples of correct formats to use when entering dates?

d-mmm-yy. Ex: 4-nov-12; mm/dd/yy. Ex:11/04/12

5. What‟s the shortcut for today‟s date?

Ctrl+; (semicolon)



Chapter 1 Exercise 3

Excel 2010

That could technically work with values too.

However, what if the next cell was already

occupied? Then the computer cut off the

label... What would happen if the computer

did the same thing with a value? It would be

very confusing because we would never know

what the real number is when just looking at

the sheet and the numbers wouldn‟t make

sense. Ex: if my number is 135,790,246,888

and it wouldn‟t fit and it would get cut off

then the number might look like this 135,790.

There would be no way to see at a glance

Numeric label - What happens when you

have a number that does not have value

significance? (It is not worth anything.) It is

more like a code. For example, a zip code, or

a telephone number, a social security number

etc. Try typing a zip code that starts with a 0 -

ie: 08527. What happens? The computer

changes it to 8527. Why? Because 023 and 23

are both the same number in terms of values,

since a 0 before a number is worth nothing.

However, in a code or a zipcode, a 0 in the

beginning can be an integral part. So what is

the solution? When we have a number that

we want treated as a label we need to make it

into a numeric label. It will not have value

significance and cannot get messed up in a

formula. How? By first typing the label prefix

– which is an apostrophe [„]. Try it! Type

„08527. What happens? This time the zero

does not drop off. It is aligned left just like a

regular label. A small green triangle shows in

the top left corner. This is a non-printing

character and will not print. This is the symbol

that there is an error or a possible error in this

cell. Here the error is that the number is being

stored as text, which in our case is not an

error at all! Therefore, when clicking on the

you can just chose the option to ignore


Label prefix – „. When you type a number that

you want to be a numeric label, you first type

the „ (apostrophe) and then the number.

Dates – dates are values and can be used in

formulas. In order for an entry to be

considered a date, it must be inputted in a

matter / method that the computer recognizes

as a date. Here are a few formats that will

always work: mm/dd/yy = 04/09/11 or dd-

mmm yy = 9-Apr 2011 or mmmm d, yy =

March 4, 19.

How do you know if the computer actually

recognized it correctly as a date?

o A. If it shows the date in numbers in the

formula bar.

o B. If it aligns it right in the cell (as long as

the cell was not preformatted).

o C. If the number format

box says Date or

Custom (not General!).

o D. If Excel changes the

format. (this won‟t always happen)

Date formats – m is for month, d is for day, y

is for year.

o m=3 one digit month

o mm=03 two digit month

o mmm=mar 3 letter abbreviation of


o mmmm=march full name of month

spelled out correctly

o d=7 single digit day

o dd=07 double digit day

o y or yy=21 double digit year

o yyy or yyyy 4 digit year

Fractions – if you type a fraction the regular

way, the computer will recognize it as a date

(ie: 1/2=jan 2). This is no good because it will

not be able to be used in a function properly.

So how do you tell the computer that this is a

fraction and not a date?

How? – you first type a 0 (zero) and then a

space and then the fraction. How do you

know that the computer now recognizes it as

a fraction? Look at the formula bar and you

will see a decimal amount that equals the

amount of the fraction (ie:1/2=.5)

Mixed number – when you need to type a

mixed number you type the whole number

first (instead of the zero) then a space and

then the fraction.





Column width

When you type a label into a cell and the

label is too long to fit into the cell, the label

will flow over the next cell as long as the next

cell is empty. [see illustration; cell B2]. If there

is data in the next cell then the rest of the

entry will be hidden. [see illustration; cells B4,

B5, & B6].

How do you know if there is more to your

cell than you see? Make your cell active and

check your formula bar! Your formula bar will

always be the most accurate way to see all the

contents of your cell. [see illustration cell B5

and check the formula bar]

If you have a value in a cell, and the cell is not

wide enough… ############ will display in

the cell. Excel cannot just show part of the

number like by a label, because part of a

number is a whole different number.ie:

4,567,901 is completely different than 4,567.

How do you fix it? In order to display the

number correctly you need to widen the


Changing column width – you can change the

width of your column A: manually; B: to a

specific width; C: to fit the longest entry in

that column; or D: to fit the contents of a

specific cell. You can set the width of just one

column at a time or you can set the width of

multiple columns at once. If you would like to


Cell Orientation: The slant of text in a cell.


1. Why do ####### display in a cell?

If there is a value in the cell that is wider than the cell 2. How do you fix this error?

Widen the column

3. How do you adjust column width to fit longest entry?

Double click on the right border of the column heading

4. What‟s the difference between adjusting the column width to fit longest entry versus as much as necessary?

When fitting to the longest entry it might make the width overly big Ex: if there is a title in

that column…;

As much as necessary: will readjust to only what is necessary, if there is a long entry that has

empty cells next to it, there is no need to widen all the way…

5. How do you set the slant of the text in the cell?




Chapter 1 Exercise 4

Excel 2010

change the width of more than one column at

a time, select all the columns by clicking on

the column headings and then continue with

the instructions below.

o To change the width manually: you go to

the column heading of the column you

wish to adjust. You go to the right border

of the column heading your mouse will

change to look like this - then you will

click and drag to the width that you like.

You drag the column by the right border

to make the column wider or more


o To set the width to a specific size: the size

of the width of your column is measured

in characters. The default width is 8.43

characters. There are 2 methods to change


A: right click on the column

heading, select column width, then

type the width measured in


B: Or select column(s) by clicking

on the column headings, then go to

the home ribbon, cells group,

format button, column width, then

type the width measured in


o Changing the width to fit the longest

entry – go to the column heading and rest

your mouse on the right border of the

column heading. Your mouse will change

to look like this: double click on the

right border of the column heading of the

column you want to adjust, and it will

automatically adjust to fit the longest

entry in that column. You can also do this

to multiple columns at a time. First you

select all the columns by clicking and

dragging across the column headings of all

the columns that you want adjusted. Then

you go to the right hand border of the

last column selected and double click

there. This will automatically adjust all the

columns selected to fit their longest entry.

o Changing the width as much as necessary

– sometimes when you double click to fit

the longest entry, your column will be

widened way more than necessary. How

is this possible? If you have a title in your

column that is very long and there is no

data in the cells next to it. You are

perfectly ok with the title flowing over

the empty cells. There is no need to make

that column extra wide because your info

within the table doesn‟t need such a wide

column. [see illustration column B].

Many times, making one column so wide

can throw your whole table off… in such

a situation adjusting your column to fit

the longest entry is completely

UNNECESSARY! So how do you adjust a

column width only as much as necessary?

A. you can do it manually by

widening the column and making

sure all data is visible.

B. you look for the longest entry

that is necessary for it to be

adjusted by. (either because there

currently is data in the cell next to

it, or because there soon will be

data filled in to the cell next to it

and then it‟ll be cutoff). You make

that cell active, then you go to the

home ribbon, cells group, format

button, choose autofit column



Chapter 1 Exercise 4

Excel 2010

SEE ILLUSTRATION: if you widen

the columns to fit longest entry,

column B will be widened

tremendously to fit the contents of

cell B2. That would be

UNNECESSARY! So, either you can

manually widen column B until all

data is visible. Or you can click on

the cell with the longest entry that

has data in the cell next to it, and

autofit the column width to that. In

this illustration you would actually

make cell B7 active and autofit

column width to that. Because,

even though there is no data in cell

C7, the price will be filled in shortly

and then the contents of B7 will be


Row height can be adjusted too. Row height

is measured in points. 72 pts equal 1 inch.

The methods are the same as by column

width just done by the row headings.

o Manually: drag the bottom border of the

row heading down.

o Specific height: there are 2 methods:

A: right click on the row heading,

select Row height, then type the

height measured in points.

B: Or select row(s) by clicking on

the row headings, then go to the

home ribbon, cells group, format

button, Row height, then type the

height measured in points.

o Fit the tallest entry – go to the row

heading and rest your mouse on the

bottom border of the row heading. Your

mouse will change to look like this:

double click on the bottom border of the

row heading of the row you want to

adjust, and it will automatically adjust to

fit the tallest entry in that row. You can

also do this to multiple rows at a time.

See above by adjusting column widths…

o Changing the height as much as

necessary - You look for the tallest

entry that is necessary for it to be

adjusted by. You make that cell

active, then you go to the home

ribbon, cells group, format button,

choose autofit row height.

Data alignment – you can change how your

data aligns in your cell. You can change the

horizontal alignment (left, right, or center)

and the vertical alignment (top, bottom, or

middle) of your data in a cell.

{home ribbon, alignment group, these buttons

will control the vertical


these buttons will control the

horizontal alignment

Orientation – you can control the slant of the


{home ribbon, alignment group, orientation

button. by choosing Format cell

alignment on the bottom of

the list, you can open the dialog box and get

more options… OR

home ribbon, alignment group, dialog box

launcher. Merge and center – this feature allows you to

merge a few cells together and then center

your label in this new larger cell. Many times

when you have a title, you want it centered

on your worksheet; therefore you will use this


{select all the cells that you want combined,

go to home ribbon, alignment

group, merge and center}


Chapter 1 Exercise 4

Excel 2010

If you are not told which cells to select to

merge together, which ones should you

choose when you are trying to merge and

center a title? You should select all the cells

from the columns with existing text! [ see

illustration – cookie sales was initially in cell

A2, you would like to merge and center it, so

you will center it over the existing columns by

selecting cells A2:E2 see second illustration]

Exercise 5






Autocorrect – autocorrect is a feature that will

automatically fix common typographical

errors. In order for autocorrect to work you

must press the space bar after you finish

typing the word. This means that if you type a

word with a common mistake Excel will not

fix it until you press the space bar. By pressing

the space bar, This signals to Excel that you

are finished typing the word and therefore if

there is a mistake it now needs to be


Besides for typos, Autocorrect will also

replace certain combinations of characters

with a symbol Ex: :)

You can add your own common mistakes and

corrections to the autocorrect list by going to

file, options, proofing, autocorrect options

etc. just like you learnt in Word.

Autocomplete – autocomplete is a great

feature which allows you to insert repeated

information much more quickly. When you

are typing repetitive labels in a column, you

start typing the label in a new cell to activate

autocomplete. (usually the first 1-3 letters are

enough.) When Excel determines only one

possible choice, it will automatically finish it

off for you by inserting the rest of the label in

a selected state. [see illustration] If this is the

correct entry for the cell, all you have to do is

press Enter, or Tab (or any other way you

finalize and entry) and Excel will finalize the

entry keeping the selected part. If this is not

the correct entry, you can continue typing as

regular, ignoring Excel‟s input and eventually

it will disappear!

Autocomplete only works for repetitive

information being inserted in the same


Autocomplete only kicks in when there is only

one matching choice in that column. So, if

you are typing a list which includes different

items that start with “b” it will not

autocomplete it for you until you type

enough that only one choice matches. [see

illustration: when the b,a,g, were typed

nothing showed up because Excel was unsure

if you were typing bagel etc or baguette.

Once the “u” was

typed the only thing

it matches to is

“baguette” so


Autocomplete: A feature used to complete an

entry based on previous entries made in the

column containing the active cell.

Autocorrect: A feature that corrects many common

typographical errors.

Pick from list: A shortcut used to insert repeated

labels in a single column.


1. Which feature automatically corrects common typographical errors?

autocorrect 2. Which feature allows you to quickly finish entering a label that had already been typed in that same column?

autocomplete 3. What should you do when Spell check flags a proper noun?

Ignore / add to dictionary



Chapter 1 Exercise 5

Excel 2010

Autocomplete filled it in.]

Pick from drop down list – another useful

feature for inserting repetitive information is

the Pick from list feature. When creating

repetitive entries in a single column, you right

click on the next cell where you want to insert

an entry that was already used in that column.

After you right click, you choose the option of

Pick From Drop-down List. Then you choose

the entry you want.


Exercise 6 AUTOFILL




Copying information – you can type a

number (or actually any entry) in your cell

and then copy it to the rest of your column

(or row). This is done by dragging your fill


Fill handle - The bottom right hand corner of

every cell is a black box –

this is your fill handle.

Normally when you rest

your mouse on your cell, it looks like a wide,

white plus sign. When you rest your

mouse on the fill handle it will look

like a skinnier black plus sign.

When you drag your fill handle - it can do 1

of three things: A: copy information (from the

original cell into the other cells); B: fill a

series; or C: copy formatting only.

Autofill options – how do you tell the

computer which option you want? By clicking

on the autofill options button that always

shows up after you drag the fill handle and

choosing the option you want... see button

circled in the illustration below.

Series – any sequence of numbers, dates,

times, words. Ex: 5, 6, 7…; 1/2/23, 1/3/23,

1/4/23…; 4:45, 5:45, 6:45…; Sunday,

Monday, Tuesday…; April, May, June…

Create a series - When you

want to create a series, there is

no reason to type it out, instead

you will use your fill handle.

You type the first entry and

then you use the fill handle to

fill in the rest. See illustration:

you only type Monday and

then drag the fill handle and the rest of the

series shows up.


Autofill: The feature used to fill a range of cells with

the same or consecutive data.

Fill handle: A small square in the lower right hand

corner of the active cell.

Series: A sequence of numbers, dates, times or text.


1. Where is the fill handle? What does the mouse pointer look like when resting on the fill handle?

The bottom right hand corner of the cell. Mouse: 2. What are the 3 uses of the autofill feature?

Copy cells; Fill a series; Copy formatting

3. How do you create an incremental series?

Put the data into the first 2 cells (or more), then select both together

and drag the fill handle. 4. If dates are not filling correctly as a series – what might be the problem?

The computer is not recognizing the values as dates. They were put in originally incorrectly. 5. What happens when you fill a time?

It fills an hour later



Chapter 1 Exercise 6

Excel 2010

You can create all different types of series.

You can type a number and fill the next many

numbers. You can type a day of the week,

and fill the rest. You can type a month and fill

more months… A series doesn‟t have to start

from the beginning ex: Sunday, or January…

you can start from any day of the week or

any month of the year and the computer will

just continue from there.

You can fill in any direction. You always drag

from the fill handle on the bottom right and

then drag in any direction.

Incremental series – you type in the first 2

entries. Then you select them both and then

drag the fill handle (always the bottom right

hand corner of selection). Ex: type 5, next cell

type 10, then select both and drag the fill

handle, you will get 15, 20, 25….

You can create a series with dates. After you

type the first date it will fill the next date. Ex:

11/28/21, 11/29/21, 11/30/21, 12/01/21 etc… If

it doesn‟t work it means the computer doesn‟t

recognize your entry as a date. Sep 5 2020,

Sep 5 2021, Sep 5 2022… it thinks there is

some kind of code first (Sep 5) and then the

final number it creates a series with… this is

obviously incorrect and you must go back and

retype your date in a matter that is recognized

so that your series works…

You can create a series for time. It will fill by

the hour: Ex: 4:25, 5:25, 6:25 etc.

The fill handle can also be used to copy

information. If the computer fills instead of

copying or copies instead of filling this can be

controlled by the autofill options button.

It can also be used to just copy formatting.

Once again, you can tell the computer what

to do after you drag the fill handle by using

your autofill options button – fill formatting

