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Examples of

Our Work

Apache Cordova

Apache Cordova is an open source project, part of

the Apache Software Foundation, that aims at letting

mobile developers build applications for all major

mobile platforms using HTML5 technologies. The

project was previously known as PhoneGap and is

already powering thousands of apps on iOS, Android,

Windows Phone and other supported platforms.


Pointer Events

Pointer events is a new standard developed by the W3C to define a unified device input model – pen, mouse and touch – across multiple browsers. Microsoft contributed the initial specification to W3C.

Pointer Events makes it easier to support a variety of browsers and devices by saving Web developers from writing unique code for each input type. The specification has earned positive feedback from the developer community -- many are already embracing it as a unified model for cross-browser multi-modal input, including jQuery and Dojo frameworks.

Adaptive streaming for broadband video

The DASH Industry forum aims to address the dramatic growth of broadband video by defining a universal delivery format that provides end users with the best possible video experience by dynamically adapting to changing network conditions.

dash.js is an initiative of the DASH Industry Forum to establish a production quality framework for building video and audio players that play back MPEG-DASH content using client-side JavaScript libraries leveraging the Media Source Extensions API set as defined by the W3C. The core objectives of this project are to build an open source JavaScript library which is both codec and browser agnostic.

Gaming and Graphics

Do you use C++ for gaming and graphics development, favoring its native access to hardware acceleration?

MS Open Tech has worked closely with various open source communities to contribute code to popular C++ frameworks optimizing them for Windows devices, including Cinder, Cocos2DX, Ogre3D, Box 2D, Bullet and OpenCV.

Windows Phone 8 dev guide for iOS/Android

If you are developing apps for iOS or Android and want to learn how to develop for Windows Phone 8, then you might want to take a look at the guides we are proposing here.

These guides introduce what you need to know to add Windows Phone development to your skill set, while leveraging what you have already learned while building apps for iOS and Android. We have tried to offer a comprehensive introduction (and deeper dive) to the concepts of Windows Phone development giving a perspective on the tools and processes adapted to your view of the world as an iOS or Android developer.

MongoLab – MongoDB on Windows Azure

MongoLab is a fully-managed cloud database service featuring highly-available MongoDB databases, automated backups, web-based tools, 24/7 monitoring, and expert support.

By hosting MongoDB on MongoLab’s Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) platform, developers and IT professionals are free to focus their attention on product development instead of operations.

Cloudant – CouchDB on Windows Azure Cloudant NoSQL Data Layer for Windows Azure

Develop Fast - GET, PUT, Index, and Query JSON objects via a RESTful API. Cloudant is schema-less, so you can develop new features without having to redesign your database or migrate data

Grow your database without worry - experts at Cloudant operate and scale it for you

Push your data to the edge - Cloudant distributes application data across the global network of Windows Azure data centers, or to your data center or individual mobile devices, for fast, non-stop access to data from anywhere

Build epic features - Built-in text search, data replication & synch, and MapReduce for advanced analytics, enable you to easily create an exceptional user experience for your customers

Windows devices apps using OSS

Windows has always been a great playground for developers and many open source technologies already support Windows devices. To further help developers have their code work seamlessly across platforms,

MS Open Tech is working closely with the open source communities to add to the list of frameworks and tools developers can use to build Windows Store and Windows Phone apps


Redis is a very popular open-source, networked, in-memory, key-value data store known for high performance, flexibility, a rich set of data structures, and a simple straightforward API. MS Open Tech has been working with the Redis community to build a production-ready Windows port of Redis, including 64-bit support, an installer for Windows Azure, NuGet support, and much more.

Hudson plugin for Windows Azure Storage Service

Hudson is a popular open source Continuous Integration tool, with numerous installations and extensions, as well as strong community commitment.

MS Open Tech has released an open source Hudson plugin for using Windows Azure Storage as a repository of build artifacts.

Apache ZooKeeper on Windows Azure

Apache ZooKeeper is a great tool to synchronize virtual machines and services on Windows Azure, as well as on-premise servers, and even other cloud providers. ZooKeeper maintains the state of systems in memory as well as storing status information in local log files for session and system persistence. This design keeps large numbers of processes on servers running as nodes in a cluster..

MS Open Tech has been working to make sure ZoopKeeper runs reliably and performs well on Windows Azure as part of our overall plan to improve interoperability with open source DevOps tools..

Jenkins plugin for Windows Azure Blob service

Jenkins is an open source Continuous Integration tool, with many installations and extensions, as well as strong community commitment. MS Open Tech has released an open source Jenkins plugin for using Windows Azure’s Blob Storage service as a repository of build artifacts, to allow developers to leverage the Windows Azure.


The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created complementary working groups to bring inexpensive, real time video conferencing experiences to the most familiar and widespread application used to access the Internet: the web browser.

Microsoft is an active participant in these Working Groups and in support of its earlier proposal to the W3C WebRTC Working Group, MS Open Tech is publishing working prototype implementations of the CU-RTC-Web proposal on HTML5Labs to demonstrate real world interoperability scenarios including persistent connectivity and cross-platform mobile apps.

Reactive Extensions

MS Open Tech has open sourced Reactive Extensions (Rx), a cloud programming model that allows developers to use a common interface for writing event-based applications that interact with diverse data sources, like stock quotes, Tweets, computer events, and Web service requests. Rx is an important under-the-hood component of several high-availability multi-platform applications, including Netflix and GitHub.

Rx 2.1 is available now via the Rx CodePlex project and includes support for Windows Phone 8, various bug fixes and contributions from the community.


The next version of the network protocol used by the World Wide Web, HTTP/2.0 is being developed by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis (httpbis) working group of the IETF.

HTTP/2.0 is an important part of that progress, and we look forward to an HTTP/2.0 that meets the needs of the entire web, including browsers, apps, and mobile devices.

MS Open Tech works closely with Microsoft’s product groups to contribute to the HTTP/2.0 discussion with technical proposals backed up by prototypes on HTML5 Labs demonstrating feasibility and interoperability of these proposals.

W3C’s Web Platform Docs

W3C’s Web Platform Docs is a community site designed to be a comprehensive and authoritative resource for developers to help them build modern Web applications that will work across browsers and devices, and share their own expertise, which will further the goal of Web platform interoperability and same markup.

Adobe, Facebook, Google, HP, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nokia and Opera are among the stewards of the project.

jQuery support for Windows Store apps

The popular open source JavaScript Web framework jQuery is adding full support for Windows Store applications in the upcoming v2.0 release, thanks to recent contributions from appendTo with technical support from MS Open Tech.

The Windows Store presents great opportunity for for developers -- this is a great news for JavaScript developers who can now develop apps for Windows 8 using what they already know along with their existing JavaScript code, hopefully leading to a new wave of jQuery-based Windows Store applications.

Actor Fx

ActorFx provides an open source, non-prescriptive, language-independent model of dynamic distributed objects for building highly available data structures and other logical entities via a standardized framework and infrastructure.

ActorFx is based on the idea of the mathematical Actor Model for cloud data management. MS Open Tech has supported this work in many ways, including multiple releases available now at the CodePlex ActorFx project.

SQL Server Connector for Apache Hadoop

Hadoop is an open source framework from Apache that enables the processing of large datasets across multiple nodes.

The SQL Server-Hadoop Connector is a Sqoop-based connector that facilitates efficient data transfer between SQL Server 2008 R2 and Hadoop. Sqoop supports several databases including MySQL and HDFS. This connector is bidirectional and can import and export data.

Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java

The Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java is a free tool from MS Open Tech that provides templates and functionality to allow users to easily create, develop, test, and deploy Java-based Windows Azure applications using the Eclipse development environment.

The project’s source code is available under the Apache License 2.0

Cloudant Data Layer

The Cloudant Data Layer provides a CouchDB-compatible database service that can be used as a highly scalable data layer for your cloud service or application running on Windows Azure.

MS Open Tech has worked closely with the Cloudant team to make the Cloudant Data Layer available to Windows Azure developers.

Entity Framework, Web API, ASP.NET, MVC

MS Open Tech has open sourced the Entity Framework (EF), a database mapping tool useful for application development in the .NET Framework, as well as ASP.Net MVC, Web API and Web Pages with Razor application frameworks.

MongoDB Installer for Windows Azure

The MongoDB Installer for Windows Azure is a command-line tool (Windows PowerShell script) that automates the provisioning and deployment of MongoDB replica sets on Windows Azure virtual machines. It allows users to build a high-availability web application or service that can scale quickly in response to fluctuating demand, and to do complex queries against schema-free collections of rich objects.

The installer was developed through the ongoing collaboration between MS Open Tech and 10gen.

Android SDK - Windows Azure Mobile Services

MS Open Tech developed the open sourced Android SDK that lets you connect your favorite Android phone or tablet (Android 2.2+) to a cloud backend and deliver push notifications via Google Cloud Messaging.

It also allows you to authenticate your users via their Google, Facebook, Twitter, or Microsoft credentials.

Linux VM support on Windows Azure

Creating a virtual machine that is running the Linux operating system is now easy when using the image gallery in the Windows Azure Management Portal.

With no prior experience with Windows Azure, users on Linux, Mac, and Windows can create a virtual machine running the Linux operating system in the cloud.

PHP dev support on Windows Azure

PHP, an open source programming language for web applications, is supported by Windows Azure. The Windows Azure SDK for PHP includes components that allow developers to build, deploy, and manage PHP applications for Windows Azure.

MS Open Tech worked closely with the PHP community on the design and development of early versions of the PHP SDK.

Windows Phone Dev Guide for Mac

Interested in developing apps for Windows Phone 8, but you are developing on a Mac?

No problem...check out this guide we created to help you learn how to develop for Windows Phone on your Mac.

Windows Phone 8 framework support

The Windows Phone team and MS Open Tech engaged early in the process with open source communities to enable Windows Phone 8 in popular open source and cross platform frameworks such as PhoneGap (aka Apache Cordova) jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, SQLite and SharpDX.

MS Open Tech and the Windows Phone team provided technical support and information, gave early access to the tools and MS Open Tech contributed code to the Cocos 2D and Ogre3D projects.

Symfony and Doctrine on Windows Azure

Symfony, the open source web application framework for PHP developers, and the Doctrine Project, a set of open-source libraries that help ease database development and persistence logic for PHP developers, are now both available on Windows Azure due to collaboration between MS Open Tech and members of the Symfony/Doctrine community.

Node.js on Windows Azure & Windows

Node.js is a server-side programming language for writing highly scalable Internet applications. Microsoft joined Joyent and Ryan Dahl in their effort to make Windows a supported platform for Node.JS.

Our combined efforts resulted in Node.js running on Windows Azure, Windows 2008 R2, Windows 2008 and Windows 2003.

Sublime Text, Vi, Emacs: TypeScript enabled!

TypeScript is an open and interoperable language for application scale JavaScript development created by Microsoft and released as open source on CodePlex.

MS Open Tech contributed sample Syntax files for Sublime text, Vi and Emacs that add syntax highlighting to Typescript files, to make it possible for developers to use their favorite editor to write TypeScript code.

VM Depot

VM Depot is a community-driven catalog of open source Linux virtual machine images for Windows Azure, developed by MS Open Tech.

On VM Depot, the community can build, deploy and share their favorite Linux configurations and other freely downloadable images, create custom open source stacks, and work with others to build new architectures for the cloud that leverage the openness and flexibility of the Windows Azure platform.

Windows Azure web sites gallery

Drupal, WordPress and others

The Windows Azure websites gallery makes available a wide range of popular web applications developed by Microsoft, third party companies, and open source software initiatives. Web applications created from the gallery do not require installation of any software other than the browser used to connect to the Windows Azure Management Portal.

MS Open Tech has helped make many open source options available through the Windows Azure websites gallery.

Windows Azure SDK for PHP

The Windows Azure SDK for PHP enables PHP developers to take advantage of the Microsoft Cloud Services Platform -Windows Azure.

This includes support for Manageability instrumentation, logging, PHP classes for Azure Blobs, tables and queries, as well as helper classes for HTTP transport, AuhN/AuthZ, REST, and error management.

Bing Maps Module for Drupal

The Bing Maps Module for Drupal provides for easy & flexible embedding of Bing Map in Drupal content types, such as a technical article or story.

Windows Azure Tools for Eclipse

The Windows Azure Tools for Eclipse plug-in offers PHP developers a series of wizards and utilities allowing to write, debug, configure, and deploy PHP applications to Windows Azure.

The plug-in bundles the existing Windows Azure SDK for PHP into the Eclipse PHP project. It also includes a Window Azure storage explorer that allows developers to browse data contained into the Windows Azure tables, blobs, or queues.

Windows Azure Storage for WordPress

The Windows Azure Storage plugin for WordPress allows developers running their own instance of WordPress to take advantage of the Windows Azure Storage services, including the Content Delivery Network (CDN) feature. I

t provides a consistent storage mechanism for WordPress Media in a scale-out architecture where the individual web servers don't share a disk.

This scenario could also be very compelling any other web application where there's a need to load balance across a number of web servers without shared disk.

Windows Azure SDK for Node.js

Node.js developers can now use Windows Azure to take advantage of Azure services and features. The SDK includes the Node runtime, IISNode, NPM for Windows, Azure emulators, authoring components, and Powershell cmdlets to configure and deploy Node.js applications on Azure.

Windows Azure command line tools for PHP

The Windows Azure Command-line Tools for PHP enable developers to easily package and deploy PHP applications to Windows Azure using a simple command-line tool.

The tools allow creating new applications or converting existing PHP applications to Windows Azure and by creating the deployment package (.cspkg) and Configuration file (.cscfg).

Solr/Lucene in Windows Azure

Tools and configuration guidelines are now available for hosting Solr/Lucene in Windows Azure, including a sample of multi-instance replication for index serving and single-instance index generation with a persistent index mounted in Azure storage.

Windows Azure command line tool for Mac+Linux

The Windows Azure command line tool for Mac and Linux, developed by MS Open Tech, allows non-Windows desktops to manage Windows Azure virtual machines running the Windows Server operating system as well as Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, CentOS, and OpenSUSE.

Users can now run existing Linux payloads on Windows Azure virtual machines, and they can deploy and manage those payloads from Mac, Linux, or Windows desktops.

jQuery mobile theme for Windows Phone

The jQuery Mobile theme enables applications developed with HTML5 and PhoneGap to adapt to the Windows Phone experience and look and feel.

This development was sponsored MS Open Tech working closely with Sergei Grebnov, an Apache Cordova committer and jQuery Mobile developer.

Samples for PHP with Webslices & Accelerators

This project showcases how PHP applications can take advantage of the web slices and accelerators introduced with Internet Explorer 8. Web slices are portions of a web page to which a user can subscribe.

The tutorial provides instructions and demonstrations for creating and enabling Internet Explorer 8 web slices on pages within a PHP site. It also provides two accelerators: one that can be used to blog content with WordPress and one that quickly sends an email via your Facebook inbox.

All code can be downloaded as a solution package that contains sample HTML markup and PHP scripts to create web slices. There are also sample accelerators for the WordPress, Wikimedia, and Facebook platforms.

OData SDK for PHP

The ODtata SDK for PHP (formerly called Toolkit for PHP with ADO.NET/WCF Data Services) makes it easier for PHP developers to take advantage of the Open Data (OData) protocol, initially developed by Microsoft with WCF Data Services, a set of features that are part of the .NET Framework.

WCF Data Services offer a simple way to expose any sort of data in a RESTful way and is also available with Window Azure and many other technologies (see www.odata.org for a full list).

OData Module for Drupal

The OData Module for Drupal allows developers to include data sources based on OData in Drupal content types. The generic module includes a basic OData query builder and renders data in a simple HTML Table.

The package includes a sample module base on an Open Government Data Initiative (OGDI) OData source, which shows how to build advanced rendering, in this case, with Bing Maps.

OData Client for Objective C (iPhone-Mac)

The OData Client for Ojective C includes a library that facilitates the development of applications for iOS (iPhone/iPad_ and MacOS connecting with data services using the OData protocol.

MongoDB on Windows Azure

This project is a collaboration between Microsoft and 10gen to provide developers with technical guidance and code samples for deploying MongoDB on Windows Azure.