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Business at Ewell Castle never gets off to a slow start after the Christmas and New Year break. There is nothing quite like mock and public examinations to focus the attention of all involved. For those Year 11 boys who completed their mock examinations I hope that the learning experience was beneficial. I know that their teachers will have taken the time to feedback constructive guidance as to how improvements can be made. It is essential that such instruction is taken to heart with a view to ensuring that all will be ‘in place’ for the summer.

Since we returned after the break business resumed at a ferocious pace. In the classroom there has been a race to complete courses and to begin preparation for the final run in to the public examinations which begin in May. Yet, alongside this, Arts Week reminded us of breadth in education. There were lots of opportunities to engage in various undertakings and it

was pleasing to witness so many boys involving themselves so energetically in these events.

To ensure that life-work balance remains strong, the extracurricular and co-curricular programmes are full and varied. Many educational trips have taken place (Languages, History and Economics) which were highly beneficial. Others are scheduled - the Classicists will visit Pompeii in Italy, while the footballers will entertain the Spanish (Tenerife). I have little doubt that they will all enjoy themselves every bit as much as the skiers did in February.

There have been a number of new appointments for this term. In the Modern Languages Department we welcome Miss Perrine Hernandez

and Mr David Sneesby; we are very fortunate to have the department staffed entirely by native speakers. In the Design & Technology department Mr Mike Newton takes on the role as technician.

It has been a busy term and the holiday period will allow time to re-charge the batteries. I look forward to welcoming you all back ready for a different collection of challenges which will constitute the summer term.

Mr M Holder-Williams

Photo by Jamie Brown


EWELL CASTLE SENIOR SCHOOLNewsletter 4 Spring Term 2013

1Achieving Each Child’s Potential

Arts Week was introduced as an annual fixture to ensure that all pupils gain a breadth of education beyond the ‘ABCs’ of classroom application. We endeavour to augment the arts curriculum with a dedicated week of extended arts workshops. It also offers us the opportunity to value the efforts of those that contribute to the artistic life of the school, be that through art, design, drama or music. The House Arts Quiz saw Castlemaine successfully retain their title with an impressive team performance.

Mr M Holder-Williams


Our music activities started with a fantastic lunchtime recital, arranged by the Captain of Music, Christian Allotey, and Vice-captain, Kieran Blyth. The Castle Hall was packed with boys bringing in their sandwiches and enjoying some of the wonderful performances given by pupils from all year groups.

The Upper School Recital House Competition was a hotly contested evening with some truly spectacular performances by boys from Years 10 to 13. Some standout performances were by Harry Burdett, Ashleigh Nip, Kieran Blyth, Richard Afful, Hugo Bromley and Alex Bygate. The school ensembles also showed off the result of their practice this term, with the Orchestra performing Appalachian Air and Forrest Gump (Feather Theme), Concert Band playing Star Wars and My Way and

Our annual competition to design a poster for Arts Week was as popular as ever. The overall winner was Leo Nam, and Raleigh won the House competition.

Year 7 Results Luke Hadley (1st), Luke Rae (2nd), Hansen Han (3rd), Jason Liu (4th), Timmy Khajenouri (5th), Eunseok Choi (6th)

Year 8 Results Leo Nam (1st), Matt Smith (2nd), Juhwi Kim (3rd), Chanhyuk Park (4th), Tahir Mukhtar-Hawes (5th), Patrick Bell (6th)

Year 9 Results Will Ellis (1st), Matt Robertson (2nd), Luke Steeper (3rd), Choong Seo (4th), Dan Pountney (5th),

Jinseok Choi (6th)

Mrs E Morton

the Guitar Ensemble performed The Passenger. The Ravens sang a beautiful rendition of April is in my mistress’s face and a special re-worded version of That Other Evaline, something that I shall never forget! The winners of the individual trophies were Y10 – Richard Afful, Y11- Kieran Blyth, Sixth Form – Hugo Bromley. The victorious House taking home the cup was Essex.

Early on the Friday morning the Castle took delivery of 15 orchestral harps. Year 7 spent the morning learning a little about where the harp came from and how it developed, but mostly having great fun learning how to play them. GCSE musicians and staff spent their lunchtime learning how to play various tunes and they all mastered a very confident rendition of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star by registration time!

Miss S Brack


Achieving Each Child’s Potential

Year 7 were really lucky in Arts Week to have sweet transfer printing workshops in their lessons and an all day mosaic workshop. The mosaic space invader workshop was inspired by the Urban street artist ‘Invader’. He makes space invaders from glass mosaic tiles and puts them up all around the world, creating maps for people to travel from one to another. They also had time to create some fantastic sculptures out of lego which was great fun. Year 8 had a similar workshop in their lessons using the paper tiles and space invader art work.

Year 9 created wire figures using only garden wire, tin foil and scissors. They looked at the artist Alberto Giacometti for inspiration and then created their own versions. The students in Year 10 created papers for a handmade sketchbook. These were then bound to be used for their next coursework project ‘Life’. Year 11 were given the opportunity to take part in printmaking workshops. It was fantastic to see such a diverse range of images being created.


GCSE Drama students attended a workshop to gain hands-on experience of stage lighting. It was led by a professional lighting designer who was short-listed for the Innovative Workshop of the Year Award. They were able to explore real flood lights, fresnels, profile spots, gobos and new LED lighting. They created fire and water effects and used flown scenery and “West End sets”. This was an immersive and inspiring workshop, introducing our students to a valuable area of technical theatre.

Mr L Bader-Clynes



Accomplished designer, Nik Lowson (http://www.designtuition.co.uk) ran a ‘Presentation and Rendering’ workshop with Y10 GCSE pupils. This was designed to build pupils’ confidence in sketching with pace, sketching in 3D and, more importantly, looked at the industry standard skill of rendering with Rendering Pens (ProMarkers or Marker Pens).

Mr S Getty


The ‘Artists of the Term’ competition was based on students’ sketchbooks. We looked closely at their presentation skills, completion of homework and class work, experimentation with media and all round enthusiasm.

Year 7 Louis Panayi Runner Up Toby Wright

Year 8 Will Harding Runners Up Leo Nam, Chanhyuk Park

Year 9 Matt Robertson Runners Up Josh Conyers, Daniel Straw

Year 10 Peter Ku, Runners Up Konrad Cheung, Will Dennis

Year 11 Luke Bowdery, Toby Harper Runner Up Christian Vander

Mrs E Morton


I was most impressed by the diversity of the choice of pieces and the audience was treated to a feast of the spoken word. The communication of the written word by effective speaking is of great importance in many situations. Several of the competitors had excellent expression and read in a lively manner, however, care needs to be taken not to read too quickly!

We were entertained by extracts ranging from “Billionaire Boy” and “The Hobbit” to “Dulce et Decorum Est” and “American Psycho”, but Paul Heffernan’s reading of “Brilliance of the Moon” and Simeon Carter’s interpretation of “Skarda” involved us immediately in the action through excellent vocal technique and communication. Well done to all the participants, and do continue to develop the joy of reading aloud!

Year 7 winner

Ollie Carter - Essex

Year 8 winner

Paul Heffernan - Castlemaine

Year 9 winner

Josh Miller - Essex

Overall Winner of Junior Budgell

Reading Cup: Paul Heffernan

Year 10 winner

Alex Coker - Castlemaine

Year 11 winner

Simeon Carter - Essex

Year 13 winner

Chris Redmayne - Essex

Overall Winner of Senior Budgell

Reading Cup: Simeon Carter

Mrs E Hannah


The Castle Society is a selected group of academic high achievers who are invited to participate in a programme of lectures from staff and outside speakers. This term’s topics spanned galaxies and generations, all designed to broaden thinking and raise debate.

Mr D’Souza delivered a lecture covering ‘The Significance of Star Wars’ demonstrating how groundbreaking the film was on so many levels, “Star Wars created a paradigm shift culturally, creatively and commercially. The plot taps into the universal storytelling themes of myths and legends and its resonance is still evident today in films such as Harry Potter, The Lion King and

Batman”. A lengthy discussion ensued, covering its very relevant moral themes such as integrity, diversity, friendship, and discipline.

During Arts Week Mr Paul Pickering was invited to Ewell Castle where he spoke knowledgeably about the use of ‘Light and Dark’ in art. A regular arts lecturer, Mr Pickering explained how Van Gogh used blue and yellow as shades of light and dark, how de la Tour used light as a symbol of calm, and demonstrated Turner’s skill with light in ‘The Fighting Temeraire’. There were lots of questions and constructive audience participation.

The final presentation of the term was given by Mr C Blencowe who chose a historical theme - ‘The Spanish Civil War’. It was informative and enthusiastically delivered. Mr Blencowe argued that, “In the 1930s it suited those combating Fascism to see it as a European wide homogenous phenomena. In practice, the causes of the Spanish Civil War and the nature of the warring sides were very much rooted in Spanish History and the specific problems in Spanish society. They had very little to do with superficially similar regimes in Italy or Germany.”

Mr M Holder-Williams


Achieving Each Child’s Potential


Every Friday afternoon the Sixth Form congregate for an eclectic mix of enriching activities. Miss Brack takes a course entitled “Survival at Uni” which involves basic cooking on a budget as well as useful tasks such as sewing on a button and ironing a shirt. Others are enhancing their study and time management skills with Mr D’Souza on a course entitled “Managing Your Workload”. Additionally the Lower Sixth have been introduced to the Extended Project Qualification that some may wish to pursue next year. At the end of Arts Week the Lower Sixth visited the National Gallery and the whole Sixth Form is visiting the Houses of Parliament for a tour of both the Houses of Lords and Commons.

We were fortunate to have Chris Grayling, our local MP and also the Secretary of State for Justice, come to school and give a fascinating insight into life as an MP and Cabinet Minister.

The majority of the afternoon was spent with him taking questions from the students. It was an illuminating and candid insight from someone at the centre of government.

The annual ‘Apprentice Task’ – an entrepreneurial challenge for the Sixth Form designed to introduce business and organisational skills - took place just before half term. The students were placed in teams with the aim of running a small business for a day in order to raise money for charity (Meningitis UK). The teams had to raise capital and then bid for a franchise to sell goods such as savoury snacks, chocolates or books, during breaktime. They also had to buy, at auction, a market stall location somewhere on the school site. With just four days allowed for advertising the final week was hectic and every ounce of Business Studies and Economics knowledge was used in order to maximise profits. We were pleased to welcome one of our parents, Mr Blyth, as part of our judging panel, together with Mrs Paton and Mrs Jordan. It is fair to say that they were mightily impressed with the quality of the planning, preparation and success of the teams, not to mention some excellent presentations. The final results were that the Savoury

Snacks team, led by Sam Cousins, won, and the Hot Dog team, led by Rayhaan Iqbal, came second. However, the real financial winners were Meningitis UK who are now over £420 better off.

Our debating team were narrowly beaten in the Rotary Youth Speaks, South East district semi-finals in February. Danny Archer is our main speaker and he enthralled the audience with his speech, the team is chaired by Hugo Bromley, who introduced the proceedings and controlled the audience superbly, however, Kavien Sribalakrishnan, who proposed the Vote of Thanks, deserves special mention. He won the prize for the best in his category, as he had also done in the semi-finals.

Mr S Bromley


The winter term has been a challenging but productive term for the Sixth Form thus far. The group are a joy to be around and the daily banter exchanged in the common room really livens up the atmosphere. The desire and enthusiasm of Sixth Formers to succeed academically, musically, artistically and in the sporting arena shows the belief students have individually and in each other and is evidence of their aspirations and dreams. Being in the Sixth Form is like no other experience out there; it can have its ups and downs and, at times, can even seem like home!

Mr D Archer



Most of our Upper Sixth students have made applications through UCAS for places at university, some are pursuing art courses that do not use the UCAS system, and the remainder are taking gap years. The majority have applied to Russell Group universities, to do strong courses, and all of our applicants have gained offers. Most students will make five applications in the hope of getting, say, three offers. At least, that is what happens in most schools. Here we seem to do rather better: to date we have received an average of over four offers per applicant and there are still some universities yet to respond.

On a bitterly cold March morning, the Year 10 History boys went on a field trip to the Imperial War Museum airfield at Duxford. After an informative lecture on the Cold War, we trekked through the snow to the American Air History hangar. The general consensus was that the most interesting plane was the SR71 Blackbird, fastest atmospheric plane ever flown. Many boys were also impressed by the sheer scale of the B52 bomber. We managed to squeeze in a

Both of our applicants for the Art Foundation course at the University of Creative Arts in Epsom have successfully gained places. This intensive one year Diploma in Art & Design is considered the ideal preparation for entry onto a degree course, and the admissions process requires substantial evidence of strong artwork.

It goes without saying that we wish them all the best of luck in their future studies. But for now we should congratulate them on having put together applications that have plainly impressed the admissions tutors and

quick look into the land warfare exhibit to see the T-34 and the Chieftain tanks on our way out. All in all an informative and enjoyable time was had by all.

Mr A Daroux

have persuaded them to make offers of places at some of the best seats of learning in the country.

The Lower Sixth have already started thinking of their futures. In addition to the conferences and conventions that we have organised for them, our students have been booking taster courses at London universities, weekend conferences over the Easter break and places on university open days in the summer. It truly is never too early to start considering what course and what university is right for you.

Mr S Bromley



Achieving Each Child’s Potential


The Year 10 German group was invited to take part in a cultural experience at the Goethe Institut’s beautiful venue in South Kensington. We watched a film screening of the newest fairy tale adaptation of “Dornröschen” (Sleeping Beauty) in German with English subtitles. This film is part of ARD’s latest production. ARD, also known as “Das Erste” is the world’s second largest public broadcaster, second only to the BBC. The film involved the adaptation of over twenty Grimm Brothers’ tales, shot at the original locations, and features many prominent German actors. This cultural experience was also meant to inspire our boys in preparing their entries for the German Olympiad competition, organised by the Oxford German Network from Oxford University. Winners of this national competition will be awarded

certificates and book prizes during a ceremony at the Bodleian Library in 2013.

In order to give our boys the best possible chance to succeed in their MFL GCSE examinations, Year 10 went on a series of trips to the GCSE Spanish, French and German Student Revision Conferences in London. These are specialist student conferences led by Senior Examiners and leading subject experts, intended to develop students’ language skills, give them practical examination tips, and to complement the topics which they have been studying in class.

We found the experience to be a rich, memorable and varied one. The live comedy sketches depicting pretend exam scenarios made this learning

experience that much more enjoyable! In fact, Ramish Aziz, was called on stage to be part of a French “Weakest Link” game. At the German conference Alec Dawson also had a chance to go on stage and represent the school, while Mrs Iksilara was invited to star in German in one of the comedy sketches.

Bien hecho! Bravo! Gut gemacht! Well done to all!

Mrs R Iksilara


The take up for the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award this year has been higher than ever. Nearly all of the boys in Year 10 have signed up for the challenge and are busy getting on with their sports’ skills and service units. Central to the award is the expedition section organised by the school. We organise a day walk so the boys can practice

map reading and walking in groups without the long distances and heavy packs required on the two overnight expeditions.

The boys assembled on the North Downs ridge just north of Reigate and we walked to Walton on the Hill and had lunch by the ponds. We then

walked back - a distance of about seven miles practising compass work, map reading and general navigation skills. Despite the fact that it was very cold, it all went well and they thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Mr J C W Blencowe



Our beginners progressed at a phenomenal rate, making their way off the nursery slopes to the mountain top on only their second day on the slopes; our advanced skiers too impressed their instructors and terrified their teachers as they hurtled around the mountain with style and professionalism. As ever our ski trip was about much more than simply skiing for five hours every day, as Ewell Castle boys both excelled and embarrassed themselves regularly both on and off the slopes! In addition to skiing, we swam, bowled, ice-skated,

quizzed and this year five brave souls experienced the L2 waterslide, which features a trapdoor start, sending those daring to use it down 14 metres before catapulting them up into two looping slides at speeds up to 65 kilometres per hour!

Six days of skiing truly brought out the best in Ewell Castle’s boys. By the end of the week, each ski group competed for bronze, silver and gold medals in a hotly contested slalom race.

Our winners were:

Gold Cameron Bell Ben McManus Patrick Bell Daniel Elcox

Silver Nick Radley Hamish John Alex Webb Dawood Bush

Bronze Sam Conibear Matt Mealin-Howlett Aidan Gardner Joshua Rose

Nick Carthew was awarded our skier of the week award for his positive contribution to this and many other ski trips.

Miss K Wallace


Achieving Each Child’s Potential


UNDER 12 FOOTBALLThe U12 team has had a successful season thus far, with some fantastic performances against tough opposition. Our opening game was against Wilson’s, which we won 5-1, with some fantastic goal keeping from Eunseok Choi, fierce defending from Christian Ologun and Ed Cribb alongside, clever attacking play from Taylor McLellan, Cameron Mason-Apps and Guy West which put us in pole position. A wonderful set piece free kick taken by Tom Gill sealed Wilson’s fate.

Our next game was against King’s Wimbledon, which unfortunately we lost 2-1 against a very strong King’s side with the match played on a bitterly cold day. The boys’ attitude was superb and although we were trailing for most of the game, there were some good attacking opportunities which put King’s under pressure. Captain Taylor McLellan, coupled with Eoin Nestor, Lucas Coker and Guy West are certainly worth a mention as their ‘never back down’ attitude continued to spur the team on into the very last second. We were unfortunate not to come away with at least a draw.

The next game against Claremont proved a difficult one, unfortunately we lost 4-2 in a game we should have won, the fact that we had some prior matches cancelled due to frozen pitches and bad weather certainly did not help.

We next travelled to Kingston Grammar School. Here we played sublime football from start to finish, winning 6-1. I had the opportunity on this occasion to bring and play a larger squad, with the introduction of Mithiran Elangco, Josh Pasley, Toby Conyers, and Oli Carter, who all played their part to secure the convincing victory. Goals from Guy West, Taylor McLellan, Tom Gill and Christian Ologun set the pace of the game, giving us a comfortable lead and

allowing us to really start playing our own quality brand of football. Adam Thornton, Lucas Coker and Tom Gill shone throughout; there were also some fantastic defensive challenges from Eoin Nestor and Sam Saunders, who incidentally was the man of the match.

We have shown a vast amount of improvement and our commitment to training and learning has been second to none. Well done on all your hard work gentlemen.

Mr S Casey

UNDER 13 FOOTBALLWith a season marred by bad weather, the squad has only played three games, all of which have been losses at the hands of strong opposition. Our opening game was at home against Wilson’s who play football all year round. Despite this being the first football game of the season for Ewell Castle U13 they still battled hard and came in at half time 2-1 down thanks to a well taken Trocon Barchue goal. The second half showed that the U13 team was extremely capable in attack but this left the defence exposed and Wilson’s scored two goals in quick succession. The game ended 4-2 with a late goal from man of the match, Matt Smith.

Our second match saw the U13s suffer a heavy defeat at the hands of KCS Wimbledon. I was pleased to see the boys continue to battle and not give up despite the score line. This attitude was most evident in the defenders who struggled at the hands of a Fulham academy player for most of the game; man of the match Terry Larkin was charged with man marking him and, with the help of Josh Rose in goal, kept him as subdued as possible.

The final match we have played was away at Kingston Grammar School. The game began and Ewell Castle looked

the better team and the most likely to score, with a big crowd supporting the U13 team Trocon Barchue (man of the match) opened scoring to make it 1-0 then again to make it 2-1 with a half time score of 2-2. Sadly, KGS scored an early goal in the second half and took control of the game with a final score of 5-2.

Some disappointing final scores against very strong opposition, but the team have demonstrated a great attitude to the game and battled hard.

Mr S Manley

U14 FOOTBALLOur first fixture away to Wilson’s was a sign of how the season would pan out. Despite having the lion’s share of possession we were unable to create enough good chances in front of goal and succumbed to counter-attack goals to lose 3-1. The next match at home against Claremont again saw us dominate and after allowing our guests to come back into the game, we eventually cemented our dominance with a 5-2 victory. We next were invited to play two teams in a 5-a-side tournament at Chessington College and, after initial trepidation and familiarisation with the rules, we played splendidly to finish 2nd and 4th. After some fixtures were cancelled due to the weather, we resumed against Kingston Grammar and although we allowed our hosts to take a 3-2 lead, we raised our game sufficiently to run out 7-3 winners. Further cancellations meant that we were also unable to train and this was reflected in our next fixture at KCS, where on a very cold, windy and snowy afternoon our A and B teams went down 7-1 and 8-1 respectively. However, the following Thursday we hosted a big and strong Chessington side and despite conceding some unfortunate goals we played again with our early season style losing 3-1.

Mr C Fitzgibbon


I took a group of five students to the SATRO Mathematics Challenge at Surrey University. We competed against thirty-five other schools. The students knew that it was going to be an uphill

struggle, but were looking forward to tackling new types of questions not normally set in class. They came out surprised at what they could do. In fact they did well enough to come twenty-

fifth in the competition. Well done to Robin Bolt, Ollie Higgs, Seok Hong, Shokrukh Inamov and Hoon Lee.

Mr D Vijapura

Our team of Year 9 and Year 8 students were invited to the annual Surrey Team Mathematics Challenge. They took part in four activities, competing

against the top schools in Surrey. The students: Kichol Choi, Adam Gostelow, Leo Nam and Alex Rose all enjoyed the

day and were also very pleased with their thirteenth position out of thirty-six teams.

Mr D Vijapura




UNDER 15 FOOTBALLThis has been a short season with a number of games being lost to waterlogged and frozen pitches. However, when we have played the quality of the football has been good. A structured passing game has been instilled in the team and the composure on the ball has been a real feature in our play.

The first game of the season was a convincing win against Wilson’s School and our other victory was a fine away win at local rivals Kingston Grammar School. Unfortunately we were beaten in a close game by Claremont at home and then in a mixed under fifteen and sixteen game away at a very strong KCS Wimbledon. A win in our last match of an interrupted season against Richard Challoner is a must as four wins and a loss would be reflective of the team’s robust performance this year.

Mr N Turk

2ND XI FOOTBALLFollowing victory against Sutton Grammar School, fortunes were reversed against Kingston Grammar School 2nd XI . Adam Venables was outstanding in defence whilst Dan Crego-Bustelo made several important

saves to restrict the final score. Esher College proved too strong and were winning comfortably at half time despite the heroics of Dan Crego-Bustelo in goal who made a series of excellent saves throughout the match. A change of formation (and team numbers) saw Ewell win the second half by a 1-0 margin, the goal being scored by Jordan Angel.

Mr K Peto

1ST XI FOOTBALLWe started with a tough match against Glyn, that saw Glyn take a 2-0 lead with lapses in concentration at the back enabling their attack to capitalise. Ewell forward Ben Ramphul pulled a goal back to allow for a tense finish to the match, but the team could not find that elusive second goal.

In a hard contest against Esher College, we kept the score to 0-0 with some resolute defending and fine goalkeeping by Lewis Bensley. With an hour played, Esher College finally managed the break through after some tricky wing play and a strike in at the far post. From there, Esher College took the game by the scruff of the neck and managed to add four more goals ending the game 5-0.

The team has been led well by captain Danny Archer who as a Year 12 has been asked to perform a role usually fulfilled by a Year 13, an acknowledgement of Danny’s progress on the pitch in the past twelve months. Shamin Patel has also marshalled the troops well in defence and his positioning and ability to read attacks have been vital this season. Lewis Bensley in goal has had some great performances and has made some important saves at vital moments during matches. Luke Sharma, Rory Williams and Harry Burdett have played their part as have all the squad’s midfielders. Ben Ramphul and Danny Archer have been the team’s leading scorers with three goals each.

The boys have worked hard for one another on the pitch and there are some positive signs looking ahead to next year. Many of the squad will be joining the younger boys on the end of season tour to Tenerife, hoping for better weather and some good performances there!

Mr J Grindrod

Achieving Each Child’s Potential

Nathaniel Richards-Martin has been selected for the Surrey U15s rugby squad as prop forward.

Henry Bloodworth has been selected as a member of the Royal Yachting Association Junior squad. His selection for this squad recognises his potential to progress within the British Sailing Team.

Tayler Woodcraft has been selected for the ISFA U14 team. Only 24 boys have been selected from the original 160 who attended regional trials.

Head of Art, Mrs Morton, is also a practising artist and will be exhibiting her work with Surrey Artists Open Studios, 8th – 23rd June. This summer event is about visiting studios, meeting artists and seeing them at work.



Daniel Wellsted is now ranked 6th in the South East U18 Boys Foil.

Jon Bell won the Kick Boxing British Open Championship in Birmingham in December.

Christian Vander who represented Epsom Scouts Rifle Squad at the National Scout Rifle Championships, coming fourth out of 200 in his class. Based on this performance he has been selected for the Scout

Association National Squad, many of whom go on to represent Great Britain.

Mr M Holder-Williams



Quiz night in February was a great success with over 100 people competing for the illustrious title of 2013 PSFA Quiz Champions. Once again, our professional quizmasters did us proud and the freshly cooked fish and chip supper made for a welcome break from the quick-fire questions!

Next our minds turn to the Circus event, scheduled for Sunday 5 May, in the Castle grounds. With professional circus acts in a big-top setting, local stallholders and food and drink, it should be a fabulous way to spend a family bank holiday and not wholly reliant on the weather being kind. Tickets are priced at £8 per person, if received before the end of term, or £10 per person after the Easter break. Under 3s are free but please indicate total numbers on your form. So far, we have sold close to 100 tickets, we do need to sell 350 to cover costs, so please promote this event amongst your friends and family.

All of the events raise extra funds for the School, our aim this year is to contribute towards new outdoor equipment. We have also just delivered 525 Easter Eggs to the School, as a small gift for each pupil for Easter.

More information and contact details for the PSFA can be found on the School website, we are always looking for volunteers to either join the Committee or help at the events. Please contact us, if you can spare some time, we will be very glad for any assistance!


Achieving Each Child’s Potential

Jeremy Barton (2006) comes back to Ewell Castle for work experience…

After graduating in 2012 after studying Design for Industry and going on to do freelance design work for Wilkinson, I wanted to gain experience of teaching design. At Ewell Castle I have helped students from all age groups in the design process and in the workshop; taking on new challenges as I see the variety of ideas the pupils have and helping them to make those ideas a reality. Being here has helped me brush up on my own workshop skills too! Mr Thompson, Mr Getty and Mr Newton have all been extremely helpful in giving me an insight into teaching; the time they commit and the passion they have for every pupil’s project is inspiring.

Mr J Barton

