Evolution of Javascript


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8/8/2019 Evolution of Javascript

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Evolution of JavaScript

Sopera GmbH Sträßchensweg 10 Bonn, Work State 53113 T +49228182-19033 renat.zubairov@gmail.com

Renat Zubairov

8/8/2019 Evolution of Javascript

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/evolution-of-javascript 2/3


 As it is very well pointed by Douglas Crockford - JavaScript is “The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language”.

In my talk I would like to take a look on the evolution of the JavaScript from Web developer perspective, I would like to go

from the early days of diry hacks and Browser-incompatibilities, through AJAX age when the language becoming it’s

attractiveness to the modern state where it is used in browser, on mobiles and on the server-side.

In my talk I won’t go in to the linguistic deails but I would like to show how mature the JavaScript and it’s ecosystem right

now. I would like to talk about how modern Agile developmen practicies such as Unit testing, TDD and Continious

Integration are aplicable for JavaScript. I will show how good Object-Oriented Architecture and Design find their place in

modern JavaScript framework, how power and attractiveness of the language could make allot of difference when

comparing it with Java. I’m pretty sure it will be quite interesting to see how JavaScript and HTML ideas are adopted back to

Java, e.g. in Eclipse 4 project or GWT, and how Java and JavaScript are merged, and I will demonstrate a JavaScript

application servers such as node.js.

In the end of the talk I will take a short look into the future of JavaScript related with HTML5/CSS3, I will give a short

overview of the most promising technologies in this area, I will also talk about new Palm WebOS, Chrome OS as well as will

give a short demo of IPhone application written in JavaScript that behaves the same way as native ObjectiveC application.

 This is a draft for table of contents:

• Introduction

• “The World’s Most Misunderstood Programming Language”

• Dark age - Browser Model

• Breaking ouside of HTML

• AJAX  

• HTML-driven JavaScript

• Application-driven JavaScript

• Object-oriented JavaScript

• Development Tooling and Platforms

• JavaScript on Mobile Devices

Sopera GmbH Sträßchensweg 10 Bonn, Work State 53113 T +49228182-19033 renat.zubairov@gmail.com

8/8/2019 Evolution of Javascript

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/evolution-of-javascript 3/3

During my talk I will mention following frameworks/technologies:

• HTML-dvien JS frameworks - Prototype, JQuery, YUI 3.0

• Application JS frameworks - SproutCore, Cappuccino, YUI 2.0/3.0, Dojo, ExtJS

• HTML5-oriented JS frameworks - Raphael

• Mobile/Touch JS Frameworks - PhoneGap, JQTouch, Secha Touch, SproutCore Touch

• Server-side JS Frameworks - node.js, commons.js

What I will try to avoid talking about

• comparision of JavaScript frameworks (e.g. JQuery vs. Prototype vs. Dojo...)

• going into linguistic details (ECMAScript vs. JavaScript vs. JScript)

• browser compatibilities/incompatibilities, browser wars

• language flame wars: JavaScript vs. Java vs. Ruby....

Sopera GmbH Sträßchensweg 10 Bonn, Work State 53113 T +49228182-19033 renat.zubairov@gmail.com
