Evolution & Impact of Technology


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A Journey towards pinnacle…..

Is there any limit.....??

Or sky is the limit….

Evolution and Impact of Technology

Technology has come a long way in it's day. Once thought that the world would need only a hand full of computers has turned out to each family having a hand full of computers. From computers filling up a large sized room to computers that fit in the palm of your hand. Technology has become faster, smaller and ever more affordable through time. The introduction of the microprocessor had greatly contributed to the development of computers and technologies. As technology has developed throughout the years, it has greatly affected our society.

The role and impact of

Technology over the


A Brief Summary of the Evolution of the Internet



Memex Conceived






A Mathematical

Theory of Communication


First Vast ComputerNetwork






and Goes



Age ofeCommerce


Copyright 2002, William F. Slater, III, Chicago, IL, USA

Internet Boom & Bust2001


Web 2.02003 –2007

Packet Switching Invented


Internet Growth Trends1977: 111 hosts on Internet1981: 213 hosts1983: 562 hosts1984: 1,000 hosts1986: 5,000 hosts1987: 10,000 hosts1989: 100,000 hosts1992: 1,000,000 hosts2001: 150 – 175 million hosts2002: over 200 million hostsBy 2010, about 80% of the planet was on

the Internet

Grow, growing, grooooooowing….

Users in more than 200 countries around the world are now connected to the Internet.

The spell the man fell under was the lust for light bulbs and phones. While now in our day we yearn for

special ringtonesBack then and now, we are worth as much as we own.

New Technology has changed Libraries once and for Always.....

All these technological developments

prove how much amazing and

creative a human mind is!!!!

As it is rightly said by the famous English poetP.B. Shelley…..

“We look before and after,

And pine for what is not:

Our sincerest laughter

With some pain is fraught;

Our sweetest songs are those

that tell of saddest thought.”

(Man is never satisfied with his achievements. Instead, he desires and mourns for the things which are not present.

Even our true happiness and laughter are destined to result in something undesirable.)

….the journey never ends….

Man, being a social animal, has unsaid responsibilities and duties. Also, being unsatisfied is a human nature. They always want something

new or something more. Curiosity is another human characteristic which leads to unending

yearn for perfection and hence, to technological developments.

Moreover, complacency leads to stagnation; stagnation to entropy and entropy to death.

Change is the sign of life for a human being!!!

The 21st century has been termed the

“information age”. People have access to more information and technology than ever

before in the history of mankind. This is of

course a boon to society; but the cost of it all is

quickly becoming apparent.

There are two sides to every coin.Technology makes our life easier too. But it

may also gives rise to some unfavorable conditions.

The machines used for

production consume a lot of energy. And so, we need more fuel, and it will then leave a lot

of waste and pollution to our environment.

As robotics and artificial intelligence develop further, many skilled jobs may be threatened. Technologies

such as machine learning may ultimately allow computers to do many knowledge-based jobs that require significant education. This may result in

substantial unemployment at all skill levels, stagnant or falling wages for most workers, and increased

concentration of income and wealth as the owners of capital capture an ever larger fraction of the economy.

This in turn could lead to depressed consumer spending and economic growth as the bulk of the population lacks sufficient discretionary income to

purchase the products and services produced by the economy.

The Nuclear Energy which can light thousands of villages by generating

electricity, can also ruin millions of lives through Nuclear Explosions!!!!

Potentially devastating nuclear weapons become

more powerful and proliferation is made evermore easy with communication and

transportation advancements. This leads to socially stressful

military concepts like mutually assured destruction.

It make part of people over concentrate on computering, then lost of friendly and face

to face communication chance. Bad for eye watching

if over look for long time.

We can now see a bigger and brighter aspect of our future.

Just imagine what more improvements we can make after some years onwards. Our

society has already been provided the perfect equipments and methods for us to

do more in the future.That is how amazing and intelligent a

human mind is.Still, technology will not work and improve

without us. We are the ones that give life to it and control it. There are lots of

improvements we can still do, but it needs to be given serious and careful thinking. We

should be the one controlling our modern technology instead of it controlling us.



Technology’s story goes on and onBut I’m afraid that this is the end of this songIt has to end somewhere, it’s already too long.

Thank You