EVIDENCE BASED HEALTH CARE NEWSLETTER · evidence-based health care and to promote and provide...


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Newsletter of the International Society for Evidence-Based Health Care

Newsletter 22, Issue 1, 2016


The mission of the International Society for Evidence-Based Health Care is to develop and encourage research in

evidence-based health care and to promote and provide professional and public education in the field.


The society is inspired by a vision to be a world-wide platform for interaction and collaboration among practitioners,

teachers, researchers and the public to promote EBHC. The intent is to provide support to frontline clinicians making day-

to-day decisions, and to those who have to develop curricula and teach EBHC.

Key objectives of the Society

To develop and promote professional and public education regarding EBHC

To develop, promote, and coordinate international programs through national/international collaboration

To develop educational materials for facilitating workshops to promote EBHC

To assist with and encourage EBHC-related programs when requested by an individual national/regional


To advise and guide on fundraising skills in order that national foundations and societies are enabled to finance

a greater level and range of activities

To participate in, and promote programs for national, regional and international workshops regarding EBCP

To foster the development of an international communications system for individuals and organizations working

in EBHC-related areas

To improve the evidence systems within which health care workers practice.

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Office McMaster University, Canada





Editor’s choice …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Is 85% of health research really “wasted”? …………………………………………………………………………..

AGHAST! The Day the Trial Terminator Arrived ………………………………………………………………………

More Than Average Confusion About What Mean Means Mean …………………………………………………


What are the Effects of Teaching Evidence-Based Health Care (EBHC)? Overview of systematic reviews ...

What drove the Evidence Cart? Bringing the library to the bedside …………………………………………………


Does evidence-based practice improve patient outcomes? An analysis of a natural experiment in a Spanish

hospital ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Testing Treatments Interactive Resources ………………………………………………………………………………

Key concepts that people need to understand to assess claims about treatment effects ………………………


Evidence Live ……………………………..…………..……………………………………………………………….

Preventing Overdiagnosis Conference ………………………………………………………………………………

Cochrane Colloquium Seoul …………..………………………………………………………………………………

ISEHC Congress 2016 ….…………………………………………………………………………………………….

















Editor’s choice

So many conferences to go to, but one you

won't want to miss is the 2016 ISEHC

conference on Kish Island in December 7-9.

This resort island is part of Iran but no Visa is

necessary to visit, and it's a great venue for

networking and relaxation. The local organisers

are from the Centre for Evidence Based

Practice in Tabriz who are regional leaders in

teaching EBM. More details in our Events

section - and while your diaries are open you

might want to note the 2017 ISEHC conference

is a joint event with Cochrane, Campbell and

G.I.N. in Cape Town.

Have you been have ever been asked what the

evidence for evidence based practice is? This

common and tricky question has been

addressed in previous issues of the ISEHC

newsletter but page 12 summarises and

critiques an new study from San Sebastian in

Spain where are natural experiment showed

improvements in outcomes from a EBM

support unit compared to standard care.

Finally, we all struggle with the appropriate

curriculum for teaching evidence based

practice, and the ISEHC curriculum subgroup

is currently working on a Delphi survey refine

and extend the Sicily statement. Meanwhile

you might be interested in the set of Key

Concepts developed for teaching for the public

about critical evaluation of claims about the

effects of treatments. I think you’ll find these

concepts are familiar and relevant for teaching

healthcare professionals too.

Paul Glasziou

Twitter: @PaulGlasziou

Is 85% of health research really


Paul Glasziou, Iain Chalmers

First published in BMJ Blogs, January 2016

Our estimate that 85% of all health research is

being avoidably “wasted" [Chalmers &

Glasziou, 2009] commonly elicits disbelief. Our

own first reaction was similar: “that can’t be

right?” Not only did 85% sound too much, but

given that $200 billion per year is spent

globally on health and medical research, it

implied an annual waste of $170 billion. That

amount ranks somewhere between the GDPs

of Kuwait and Hungary. It seems a problem

worthy of serious analysis and attention. But

how can we estimate the waste?

Let’s break up the 85% figure by its

components. The easiest fraction to

understand is the fraction wasted by failure to

publish completed research. We know from

follow up of registered clinical trials that about

50% are never published in full, a figure which

varies little across countries, size of study,

funding source, or phase of trial [Ross, 2014].

If the results of research are never made

publicly accessible – to other researchers or to

end-users - then they cannot contribute to

knowledge. The time, effort, and funds involved

in planning and conducting further research

without access to this knowledge is


Publication is one necessary, but insufficient,

step in avoiding research waste. Published

reports of research must also be

sufficiently clear, complete, and accurate for



others to interpret, use, or replicate the

research correctly. But again, at least 50% of

published reports do not meet these

requirements [Glasziou, 2014]. Measured

endpoints are often not reported, methods and

analysis poorly explained, and interventions

insufficiently described for others –

researchers, health professionals and patients

- to use. All these problems are avoidable, and

hence represent a further “waste”.

Finally, new research studies should be

designed to take systematic account of lessons

and results from previous, related research, but

at least 50% are not. New studies are

frequently developed without a systematic

examination of previous research on the same

questions, and they often contain readily

avoidable design flaws [Yordanov, 2015]. And

even if well designed, the execution of the

research process may invalidate it, for

example, through poor implementation of

randomization or blinding procedures.

Given these essential elements – accessible

publication, complete reporting, good design –-

we can estimate the overall percent of waste.

Let us first consider what fraction of 100

research projects DO satisfy all these criteria?

Of 100 projects, 50 would be published. Of

these 50 published studies, 25 would be

sufficiently well reported to be usable and

replicable. And of those 25, about half (12.5)

would have no serious, avoidable design flaws.

Hence the percent of research that does NOT

satisfy these stages is the remainder, or 87.5

out of 100. In our 2009 paper, we rounded this

down to 85%*.

Although the data on which our estimates were

based came mainly from research on clinical

research, particularly controlled trials, the

problems appear to be at least as great in

preclinical research [Macleod. 2014].

Additionally, our 2009 estimate did not account

for waste in deciding what research to do and

inefficiencies in regulating and conducting

research. These were covered in the 2014

Lancet series on waste, but it is harder to

arrive at a justifiable estimate of their impact.

If research was a transport business, we would

be appalled by these data. Half the goods

carried would be badly designed, half lost in

shipping, and half of the remainder broken by

the time they arrived - a truly heart breaking

waste. The “good news” is that there is vast

potential gain from salvage operations! Either

rescuing sunken trials from the bottom of the

ocean, or repairing the damaged ones, might

retrieve up to 75% of the waste (we cannot

retrospectively fix poor design). These salvage

and repair operations may be the most cost-

effective way of improving the yield from

research: a few percent of the current budget

could be used to recover lost and poorly

reported research, as proposed by the AllTrials

campaign. However, we need to press on with

that salvage: data from studies are being lost

forever at a rate of perhaps 7% per year

[Vines, 2014]. We certainly should, and must,

attend to that – indeed it seems both an

economic and an ethical imperative – but we

also need to improve the processes and

incentive systems in research. This is the

motive that led to the launch of the REWARD

Alliance, which held its first conference in

Edinburgh in September 2015

(www.rewardalliance.net/). The Alliance is

currently working with funders, regulators,

publishers, organisations, and others to reduce

waste and add value.



*Footnote: If you are concerned about the

correlation between steps, first note that the

studies of reporting were of the published

studies only, so the dependence in those steps

is accounted for. We do assume independence

between avoidable design flaws and

publication, but the Ross study suggests the

correlation is only modest, so the rounding to

85% we still think gives a reasonable


Paul Glasziou & Iain Chalmers, January 2016


1. Chalmers I, Glasziou P. Avoidable waste in

the production and reporting of research

evidence. Lancet. 2009 Jul 4;374(9683):86-


2. Ross JS, Tse T, Zarin DA, Xu H, Zhou L,

Krumholz HM. Publication of NIH funded

trials registered in ClinicalTrials.gov: cross

sectional analysis. BMJ. 2012 Jan


3. Glasziou P, Altman DG, Bossuyt P, et al.

Reducing waste from incomplete or

unusable reports of biomedical research.

Lancet. 2014 Jan 18;383(9913):267-76.

4. Yordanov, et al Avoidable waste of

research related to inadequate methods in

clinical trials. BMJ 2015;350:h809


5. Macleod MR, Michie S, Roberts I, et al.

Biomedical research: increasing value,

reducing waste. Lancet. 2014 Jan


6. Vines TH, Albert AY, Andrew RL et al. The

availability of research data declines rapidly

with article age. Curr Biol. 2014 Jan



AGHAST! The Day the Trial

Terminator Arrived

Hilda Bastian

Clinical trials are complicated enough when

everything goes pretty much as expected. When it

doesn't, the dilemma of continuing or stopping can

be excruciatingly difficult. Some of the greatest

dramas in clinical research are going on behind

the scenes around this. Even who gets to call the

shot can be bitterly disputed.

A trial starts with a plan for how many people

have to be recruited to get an answer to the study's

questions. This is calculated based on what's

known about the chances of benefits and harms,

and how to measure them.

Continue reading here http://statistically-




More Than Average Confusion About

What Mean Means Mean

Hilda Bastian

She's right: on average, when people talk about

"average" for a number, they mean the mean.

The mean is the number we're talking about when

we "even out" a bunch of numbers into a single

number: 2 + 3 + 4 equals 9. Divide that total by 3 -

the number of numbers in that set - and you get

the mean: 3.

But then you hear people make that joke about

"almost half the people being below average" - and

that's not the mean any more. That's a different

average. It's the median - the number in the

middle. It comes from the Latin word for "in the

middle", just like the word medium. That's why we

call the line that runs down the middle of a road

the median strip, too.

Continue reading here: http://statistically-



Teaching & Practice Tips

What are the Effects of Teaching

Evidence-Based Health Care (EBHC)?

Overview of systematic reviews.

Young T, Rohwer A, Volmink J, Clarke M

PLoS One, 9(1):e86706

Journal Club Summary by Loai Albarqouni,

PhD candidate, Centre for Research in

Evidence-Based Practice

1. Background

An evidence-based approach to health care is

recognized internationally as a key

competency for healthcare practitioners.

Various systematic reviews assessing different

teaching approaches, and including different

target populations, have examined the effects

of teaching EBHC. This paper is of a particular

interest to those who are engaged in practicing

and/or teaching EBHC.

2. Paper presented

What are the Effects of Teaching Evidence-

Based Health Care (EBHC)? Overview of

systematic reviews. By Young T, Rohwer

A, Volmink J, and Clarke M1.

Design: Overview of systematic reviews

Eligibility Criteria (PICO)

P: Undergraduate and postgraduate health

professionals (including doctors, dentists,

nurses, occupational therapists,

physiotherapists, dieticians, audiologists,

mental health professionals, psychologists,

counsellors, and social workers).



I: any single or multiple educational

interventions (defined as a coordinated

educational activity, of any medium, duration or

format) to teach any component of EBHC.

C: No intervention or different strategies.

O: short-term (Knowledge and skills), medium-

term (attitude and behaviour) or long-term

(practice and health outcomes).

Study designs: Systematic reviews which

included RCT, CT, CBA, BA. Systematic

reviews should have predetermined objectives,

eligibility criteria, searched at least two data

sources (one electronic) and performed data

extraction and risk of bias assessment.

Study critical appraisal

This article was appraised using the FAITH


Find: the authors conducted a comprehensive

search (without language restriction) in various

databases (7 databases covering medical,

health-related and educational databases) and

searched for ongoing and unpublished review,

reference lists of included studies and

contacted expert in the field. It might be better

to use MeSH terms and consider searching

relevant conferences abstracts as well. The

overview eligibility criteria were clear and well


Appraise: Two authors independently

extracted the data using a predefined and

piloted data extraction sheet. The authors used

the AMSTAR (A MeaSurment Tool to Assess

Reviews) instrument. The overall quality of

included systematic reviews was poor (only 4

assessed high quality).

Include: the authors gave a clear rationale for

excluding studies which was not dependent on

their quality. Sufficient information about each

included review was provided in the

supplementary materials.


The presented article is an interesting well

conducted article of high quality. The authors

could not pool the effects of teaching EBHC as

the included reviews were poorly reported.


The authors found considerable variations in

the tools used to assess the outcomes both

within and between systematic reviews. The

authors planned to pool the effect of teaching

EBHC but the findings were poorly reported in

most of the included reviews (no effect sizes or

significance tests).

3. Summary of results

Sixteen systematic reviews (15 published + 1

unpublished) + 2 ongoing and 2 awaiting

assessment systematic reviews met inclusion

criteria. These included 81 deduplicated

separate studies (Figure 3).

- Multifaceted, clinically integrated

interventions, with assessment, led to

improvements in knowledge, skills and


- Considering single interventions, EBHC

knowledge and attitude were similar for

lecture-based versus online teaching.

- Journal clubs appeared to increase clinical

epidemiology and biostatistics knowledge

and reading behaviour, but not appraisal


- EBHC courses improved appraisal skills and

knowledge where short workshops using

problem-based approaches increased

knowledge but not appraisal skills.

4. Discussion/Journal Club commentary

The presented article is an interesting example

of high quality well-conducted overview of



systematic reviews. The authors concluded

that EBHC teaching strategies should focus on

implementing multifaceted, clinically integrated

approaches with assessment.

Our journal club discussed the minimum

components for EBHC intervention that could

be equally effective, and the equivalence

between lecture-based and online EBHC

training which resonate the findings of a recent

RCT of blended learning vs. didactic learning

approaches for teaching EBHC2,3.

We have also discussed the inconsistencies in

describing the content of EBHC educational

interventions in the included separate studies

which impede the replication and

implementation of their findings. We referred to

the currently developing reporting guideline for

educational intervention for EBP4.

Our Journal club have also discussed the

heterogeneity of outcome measures both

between and within included systematic

reviews which prevent the authors from

providing a pooled effect estimate of the effect

of teaching EBHC5. It is worthwhile to have

acceptable standardised outcome measures to

assess the effect of teaching EBHC.

5. Reference(s)

1. Young T, Rohwer A, Volmink J, and

Clarke M. What are the Effects of

Teaching Evidence-Based Health Care

(EBHC)? Overview of systematic

reviews. PLoS ONE 2014, 9(1):e86706.

2. Ilic D, Nordin R, Glasziou P, Tilson J,

Villanueva E. A randomised controlled

trial of a blended learning education

intervention for teaching evidence-

based medicine. BMC Medical

Education 2015;15:39.

3. Ilic D, Maloney S. Methods of teaching

medical trainees Evidence Based

Medicine: A systematic review. Med

Educ. 2014;48:124–35.

4. Phillips AC, Lewis LK, McEvoy MP,

Galipeau J, Glasziou P, Hammick M,

Moher D, Tilson JK, Williams MT: A

systematic review of how studies

describe educational interventions for

evidence-based practice: stage 1 of

the development of a reporting

guideline. BMC Med

Educ 2014,14(1):152.

5. Shaneyfelt T, Baum KD, Bell D, Feldstein

D, Houston TK, Kaatz S, Whelan C and

Green M. Instruments for evaluating

education in evidence-based practice:

a systematic review. JAMA. 2006; 296:



What drove the Evidence Cart?

Bringing the library to the bedside

Straus S, Eisinga A, Sackett D† (2015)

JLL Bulletin: Commentaries on the history of

treatment evaluation



The challenge

We saw an 87 year old woman (Mrs. T) who

had been transferred from a long-term care

facility with delirium and a pelvic fracture

resulting from a fall. She had a past medical

history suggestive of moderate Alzheimer’s

dementia, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes.

She was taking calcium, vitamin D, and

metformin. On admission, we found that she



had a urinary tract infection, which we felt was

contributing to her delirium. When we reviewed

her situation with our clinical team, a few

questions were raised about her management

plan including:

1. In patients like Mrs. T with a urinary tract

infection, what is the effectiveness and

safety of a three-day course of

antibiotics compared with a seven-day


2. In patients like Mrs. T with dementia and

osteoporosis, what is the effect of

treatment with a bisphosphonate

compared with calcium/Vitamin D to

prevent fracture and avoid harms?

To answer these questions outside opening

hours at our hospital library in 1996 we needed

to walk to our office (10 minutes or 3 floors

away) and access the CDs for Best Evidence

or the Cochrane Library that we had

purchased. This wasn’t a practical solution

during busy ‘clinical rounds’ – meetings of the

medical team to review and discuss patients

admitted to our service. Our clinical team was

on call (or on take) every fourth day, requiring

the team to assess patients seen in the

Accident and Emergency department for

possible admission to the medicine inpatient

service. We met during the evening of the on-

call period to review and discuss any patients

who had been assessed by that time. These

are called on-call or on-take rounds. Our

medical team also met on the morning after the

on-call period to see and discuss all patients

who had been admitted. These are called post-

call or post-take rounds.

In all of these circumstances we needed

information! When we were the team

responsible for admissions to the general

internal medicine inpatient units, we admitted

20 to 30 patients like Mrs. T during each on-

call period. Each day, our clinical team

provided care for 40 patients on average. As

clinicians providing care for patients with

complex healthcare needs like Mrs. T, we were

challenged by the need to find and apply

evidence in our decision making. “…”

Educational prescriptions and a clinical


Our first attempt to meet this challenge was on

the clinical teaching unit at the John Radcliffe

(JR) Hospital in Oxford. The discussion about

the assessment and management of patients

typically led to clinical questions posed by the

medical team. If the answer to a clinical

question was not known by team members, it

was identified as a learning opportunity and a

team member was given a paper with the

question to be answered. This paper was

called an ‘educational prescription’.

Even when libraries were in the same building,

it took time to go from the medical ward to the

library to complete the search, and the libraries

were not open then for six am post-call rounds.

To help the team answer these questions, the

clinician members of the team invited a clinical

librarian to join the team. “…”

Despite a highly-motivated team championing

evidence-based practice, some of the clinical

questions raised were left unanswered,

particularly if the evidence sought was not

retrieved from the easily assimilated secondary

literature sources (usually Critically Appraised

Topics (CATs), summary data, or Best

Evidence). Also, even if the librarian had at all

times been able to understand the clinical



issues raised in the questions generated

(which was not always the case), and had

conducted comprehensive searches of the

primary literature on behalf of the team, the

team often had little time to appraise the

validity and applicability of the articles selected.

Service demands on clinical teams allowed for

little reading time to assimilate information for

clinical problem-solving. This finding suggested

the need for a further extension of the clinical

librarian’s role to include critical appraisal of

the primary literature and presentation of the

evidence in an accessible summary. “…”

Bringing the library to the bedside

The results of this experience led us to

brainstorm about how we could bring evidence

to the point of clinical decision making more

efficiently. Our approach was also stimulated

from comments by Richard Smith, then editor

of the BMJ (Smith 1996), who pointed out that

‘although most of the questions go

unanswered, most of [them] can be answered,

usually from electronic sources, but it is time-

consuming to do so’. He concluded that the

‘ideal information source will be directly

relevant, contain valid information, and be

accessed with a minimum amount of work’

(Smith 1996). “…”

In 1996, we felt the long-term solution to our

challenge was handheld computers ‘radio-

linked’ to the evidence; but this technology was

in its infancy. As a result, we wanted to see if

an ‘Evidence Cart’ might provide a short-term

solution (Sackett and Straus 1998). In

particular, we were interested in assessing

whether it was feasible to find and apply

evidence using an Evidence Cart during clinical

rounds. Based on our clinical experience and

previous literature, we felt it was important to


1. A laptop computer with projector and pop-

out screen to share the results of the

search with the team and potentially the

patients and caregivers

2. Compact disks of Best

Evidence (containing the cumulated

contents of ACP Journal

Club and Evidence-based Medicine, both

journals of secondary publication);

the Cochrane Library (Haynes et al.,

1990),Scientific American

Medicine (1997), Radiological

Anatomy (1995) and MEDLINE (five-year

clinical subset).

3. A physical examination textbook

(Scientific American1997) and reprints

from the JAMA series on the Rational

Clinical Examination (Sackett and Rennie

1992). “…”

Ninety-eight searches were conducted during

the one month period of the Cart’s use. We

found that a mean of 3.1 evidence resources

were used by the team during each round.

81% of searches were for evidence that could

affect diagnostic and or treatment decisions,

and 90% of the searches for these were

successful in finding useful evidence, as

judged by the most junior member of the team

posing the question. Of the successful

searches, 48% led either to a new decision

(23%) or to a change (25%) to an existing

decision. After removing the Cart, we

completed a survey to see how many

questions arose over a two-day period and

whether answers to these questions were

identified. The perceived need for evidence



rose sharply, but a search for it was carried out

for only 12% of the questions raised (five

searches performed out of the 41 times

evidence was needed). Ninety-two per cent of

the respondents said the best thing about the

Cart was the immediate access to relevant, up-

to-date evidence, with instant print-outs. Eighty

per cent of the respondents agreed that its

worst feature was its bulk. The team suggested

that the whole Cart could be brought to team

rounds and student teaching rounds, but that

the print-out version of the Redbook and

Critically Appraised Topics (CATS) be used on

post-take rounds. “…”

Unfinished business

Reflecting on this work from the late 1990s,

huge strides have been made in providing high

quality evidence resources at the point of

decision making. For example, the efforts of

leaders such as Brian Haynes and his

colleagues at McMaster University have hugely

impacted the way clinicians can seek and use

evidence in practice. And, smartphones are

now routinely used at the bedside by clinical

teams wishing to access relevant evidence and

data from electronic health records. However,

we are continuing to struggle with the

challenge of integrating relevant evidence with

clinical data in the electronic health record in a

way that promotes optimal patient care. To

meet this challenge, we will need to continue to

look to the needs of our patients and their

caregivers and find feasible and cost-effective

ways to promote evidence-based shared

decision making across the care continuum.


Sir Muir Gray recruited DLS to Oxford,

facilitating the creation of the Oxford Centre for

Evidence-Based Medicine; and, the members

of the ‘original A-team’: David Laloo, Alain

Townsend, Eric Valezquez, Clair Thomas,

Chris Turner, George Ioannou, James Bursell,

Hsien Chew, Margaret Findley, Andreas Fox,

Sarah Green, Hari Jayaram, Steven Kane-

Toddhall, Clair Lloyd, and Ash Cloke.


Gordon Guyatt inducted into the Canadian

Medical Hall of Fame

In April Gordon Guyatt – the current ISEHC

President - was 1 of 6 new inductees into the

Canadian Medical Hall of Fame:

http://cdnmedhall.org/ To quote from the entry:

“One of the great innovations in general

medical practice over the last several decades

has been the wide acceptance and application

of methodologies collectively known as

Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM). McMaster

University Distinguished Professor of Clinical

Epidemiology and Biostatistics Gordon Guyatt

is among the earliest and most effective

champions of this transformative advance in

health care. Concerned with the intersection

between the individual clinician and the

expanding universe of medical knowledge,

EBM has sought to integrate the complex

structures of medical science and technology

with the acquired experience of practicing

clinicians to best serve the needs, desires and

values of patients.”



Research & Reviews

Does evidence-based practice

improve patient outcomes?

An analysis of a natural experiment

in a Spanish hospital

Emparanza JI, Cabello JB, Burls AJ

J Eval Clin Pract doi: 10.1111/jep.12460



Evidence-based practice (EBP) is widely

promoted, but does EBP produce

better patient outcomes? We report

a natural experiment when part of the internal

medicine service in a hospital was

reorganized in 2003 to form an EBP unit, the

rest of the service remaining unchanged. The

units attended similar patients until 2012

permitting comparisons of outcomes and



We used routinely collected statistics (2004-11)

to compare the two different methods

of practice and test whether patients being

seen by the EBP unit differed from

standard practice (SP) patients. Data were

available by doctor and year. To check for

differences between the EBP and SP doctors

prior to reorganization, we used statistics from

2000 to 2003. We looked for changes

in patient outcomes or activity following

reorganization and whether the EBP unit was

achieving significantly different results from SP.

Data across the periods were combined and

tested using Mann-Whitney test.


No statistically significant differences

in outcomes were detected between the EBP

and the SP doctors prior to reorganization.

Following the unit's establishment, the mortality

of patients being treated by EBP doctors

compared with their previous performance

dropped from 7.4% to 6.3% (P < 0.02) and

length of stay from 9.15 to 6.01 days

(P = 0.002). No statistically significant

improvements were seen in SP physicians'

performance. No differences in the proportion

of patients admitted or their complexity

between the services were detected. Despite

this, EBP patients had a clinically significantly

lower risk of death 6.27% versus 7.75%

(P < 0.001) and a shorter length of stay 6.01

versus 8.46 days (P < 0.001) than SP patients.

Readmission rates were similar: 14.4% (EBP);

14.5% (SP). EBP doctors attended twice as

many patients/doctor as SP doctors.


The EBP unit was associated with

better patient outcomes and more efficient

performance than achieved by the same

physicians previously or by SP concurrently.

© 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Article review by Rae Thomas

Thanks to José Emparanza and his colleagues

we now have an answer to the question “What

is the evidence for evidence-based practice?”

and it’s a pretty good one. As José argues, we

already have good evidence that providing

evidence-based treatments are beneficial to

patients, but we did not know how that

translated into large hospital settings. In an

observational study of organisational change,

José and colleagues reported overall

decreases in patient mortality and reductions in

length of hospital stay in patients cared for by



EBP clinicians compared with those cared for

in standard practice.


Fortuitously for patients, the strategic plan for

the hospital was to include a Clinical

Epidemiology EBP Unit which then trained

interested clinicians in EBP skills. A proposal

was later put forward to change the

organisational structure of an Internal Medicine

department to create a separate Internal

Medicine EBP Unit and a naturalistic pre- post

study of doctor and patient outcomes in this

new ward was conducted. Routine data for

mortality and length of hospital stay, were

retrospectively collected before the

organisational change (between 2000 and

2003; Time 1) and again post change (between

2004 and 2011; Time 2). Re-admission rates

and some process measures were also


All staff working in the EBP Internal Medicine

Unit were trained in EBP skills and the Internal

Medicine EBP Unit worked closely with the

hospital Clinical Epidemiology EBP Unit.

Importantly all Internal Medicine EBP Unit staff

sought and registered knowledge gaps they

encountered in clinician-patient interactions

and shared these with other staff. In addition,

the Internal Medicine EBP Unit also conducted

weekly meetings to discuss knowledge gaps

and structure these as PICO questions, weekly

meetings with primary care teams,

multidisciplinary meetings to problem solve

challenges (e.g., waiting time, transport etc),

and weekly journal clubs to resolve PICO



Both within and between group analyses were

conducted for mortality rate and length of

hospital stay. Between Time 1 and Time 2,

patients of EBP clinicians had significant

reductions in both mortality rates (7.41% and

6.27%) and length of hospital stays (9.15 days

and 6.01 days). In contrast, during the same

time periods patients in standard care did not

experience statistically significant reductions in

either variable. When comparing EBP and

standard care, there were no significant

differences between the two groups prior to

organisational change (Time 1), however,

when the two groups were compared after the

organisational change (Time 2), EBP patients

had significantly reduced mortality rates and

length of hospital stays. The article also reports

yearly between group differences during 2004

and 2011.




Resources & Reviews

Testing Treatments Interactive


The Testing Treatments website is undergoing

a major restructure, with the new organisation

being built around “Key Concepts” (see next

article) in the evaluation of treatments. The

launch is scheduled for June 20th. Learning

materials, such as videos, texts, cartoons, etc

will be grouped and accessible around these

(see screenshot below).

You can find out details on the webpage:



As an example, the bottom left hand corner

shows a video on 95% confidence intervals

from a good series from Dartmouth – the 3rd

one is “More on Interpreting 95% Confidence





which includes great visual explanations and

some short quizzes in a 9 minute video.

The Key Concepts are from an article last year:

Key concepts that people need to

understand to assess claims about

treatment effects

Austvoll-Dahlgren A, Oxman AD,

Chalmers I, Nsangi A, Glenton C, Lewin S,

Morelli A, Rosenbaum S, Semakula D,

Sewankambo N.

J Evid Based Med. 2015 Aug;8(3):112-25.

The article provides details of how these were

arrived at, and details them, but in brief they


1. Recognising the need for fair

comparisons of treatments

1.1 Treatments may be harmful

1.2 Personal experiences or anecdotes

(stories) are an unreliable basis for assessing

the effects of most treatments

1.3 An ‘outcome’ may be associated with a

treatment, but not caused by the treatment

1.4 Widely used treatments or treatments that

have been used for a long time are not

necessarily beneficial or safe

1.5 New, brand-named, or more expensive

treatments may not be better than available


1.6 Opinions of experts or authorities do not

alone provide a reliable basis for deciding on

the benefits and harms of treatments

1.7 Conflicting interests may result in

misleading claims about the effects of


1.8 Increasing the amount of a treatment does

not necessarily increase the benefits of a

treatment and may cause harm

1.9 Earlier detection of disease is not

necessarily better



1.10 Hope or fear can lead to unrealistic

expectations about the effects of treatments

1.11 Beliefs about how treatments work are not

reliable predictors of the actual effects of


1.12 Large, dramatic effects of treatments are


2. Judging whether a comparison of

treatments is a fair comparison

2.1 Evaluating the effects of treatments

requires appropriate comparisons

2.2 Apart from the treatments being compared,

the comparison groups need to be similar (i.e.

'like needs to be compared with like')

2.3 People’s experiences should be counted in

the group to which they were allocated

2.4 People in the groups being compared need

to be cared for similarly (apart from the

treatments being compared)

2.5 If possible, people should not know which

of the treatments being compared they are


2.6 Outcomes should be measured in the

same way (fairly) in the treatment groups being


2.7 It is important to measure outcomes in

everyone who was included in the treatment

comparison groups

3. Understanding the role of chance

3.1 Small studies in which few outcome events

occur are usually not informative and the

results may be misleading

3.2 The use of p-values to indicate the

probability of something having occurred by

chance may be misleading; confidence

intervals are more informative

3.3 Saying that a difference is statistically

significant or that it is not statistically significant

can be misleading

4. Considering all of the relevant fair


4.1 The results of single comparisons of

treatments can be misleading

4.2 Reviews of treatment comparisons that do

not use systematic methods can be misleading

4.3 Well done systematic reviews often reveal

a lack of relevant evidence, but they provide

the best basis for making judgements about

the certainty of the evidence

5. Understanding the results of fair

comparisons of treatments

5.1 Treatments usually have beneficial and

harmful effects

5.2 Relative effects of treatments alone can be


5.3 Average differences between treatments

can be misleading

6. Judging whether fair comparisons of

treatments are relevant

6.1 Fair comparisons of treatments should

measure outcomes that are important

6.2 A systematic review of fair comparisons of

treatments in animals or highly selected groups

of people may not be relevant

6.3 The treatments evaluated in fair

comparisons may not be relevant or applicable

6.4 Results for a selected group of people

within a systematic review of fair comparisons

of treatments can be misleading



Workshops & Conferences ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Improving the Quality of Research Evidence

Disentangling the Problems of Too Much and Too Little Medicine

Transforming the Communication of Evidence for Better Health

Training the Next Generation of Leaders in Applied Evidence

Translating Evidence into Better-Quality Health Services

Registration is now open. For more information, please go to http://evidencelive.org/



Following successful conferences in Dartmouth in 2013, the University of Oxford in 2014 and the NIH in 2015, we are pleased to announce the dates for the 2016 international Preventing Overdiagnosis conference, to be held in Barcelona. Registration and Call for Abstracts are closed. Sign up to the mailing list and receive notifications or visit their website for more information. http://www.preventingoverdiagnosis.net/




After nearly 25 years, the Cochrane Colloquium comes to East Asia for the first time. We are delighted to host this year’s Colloquium in Seoul and extend a very warm welcome to all who share Cochrane’s vision of a world in which health decision-making is informed by high quality, timely research evidence.

Online registration will open on 1 April

Please read these guidelines carefully and check the visa information page before registering.

Information about fees can be found on the registration fees page. Registration dates

o 10 August: early registration closes

o 10 October regular regisration closes;

o 11 October: late and on-site registration Website: https://colloquium.cochrane.org/




SAVE THE DATE! December 7-9th 2016






Jason Busse Assistant Professor, Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics

McMaster University, Faculty of Health Sciences Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics 1280 Main Street West, HSC-2C12

Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1 bussejw@mcmaster.ca

Paul Glasziou

Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine Director of the Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice

Bond University Qld, Australia 4229


Gordon Guyatt Professor, Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics McMaster University, Faculty of Health Sciences

Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics 1280 Main Street West, HSC-2C12

Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1 guyatt@mcmaster.ca



Hilda Bastian – hilda.bastian@nih.gov Paul Glasziou – pglaszio@bond.edu.au

Teaching Tips: Paul Glasziou – pglaszio@bond.edu.au

Research & Reviews: Rae Thomas – rthomas@bond.edu.au

Loai Albarquoni - loai.albarqouni@student.bond.edu.au

Resources & Reviews: Paul Glasziou – pglaszio@bond.edu.au


Melanie Vermeulen

Research Administration Officer Centre for Research in Evidence-Based Practice, Bond University

Qld, Australia 4229 mvermeul@bond.edu.au




We would like to keep our mailing list as up to date as possible. If you are planning to move, have moved, or know someone who once received the newsletter who has moved, please e-mail maddock@mcmaster.ca or write your new address here and send to Deborah Maddock, CE&B, HSC 2C12, McMaster University Health Sciences Centre, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada. Thank you! NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PROVINCE OR STATE: POSTAL CODE: COUNTRY: TELEPHONE: FAX: E-MAIL:


If you would like to encourage a colleague to attend the workshop next year, please e-mail maddock@mcmaster.ca or write the address here and send to Deborah Maddock, CE&B, HSC 2C12, McMaster University Health Sciences Centre, 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada. Thank you! NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: PROVINCE OR STATE: POSTAL CODE: COUNTRY: TELEPHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: RECOMMENDED BY:
