Everything you must knoThe Pendle witches lived in the early 1600s at a time of religious...


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Everything you must know

about « The Pendle Witches’

Story »

By Alice DUBOIS, Rémi ROLOT & Lisa MAYET 1/10

Where is Pendle located ?




Pendle hill

Doc 1 : The Pendle Witches’ Story (Text and image)

Description :

This document talks about The Pendle Witches. There is a black and white picture with the Pendle hill, a tree skeleton and a crow flying through the fog : these elements create a gloomy atmosphere. The document also urges us to believe that reality is stranger than fiction...

The Pendle witches lived in

the early 1600s at a time of

religious persecution and superstition. Moreover, this document tells the story of a pedlar (= colporteur) who was cast a spell (= jeter un sort) by Alison Device.


The two people who were accused of witchcraft (Alison’s grand-mother and her local rival) were questioned and they were committed (= engagé) for a trial (= un procès) about witchcraft (=sorcellerie) in Lancaster Castle.

Later, they were accused of having plotted (= comploter) to free the imprisoned women and blow up (= faire sauter) the castle.

On august 17th, 1612 the trial began. After three days, the trial was closed and all the witches were hung.


How does the leaflet convince people to do the Pendle walk ?

o First, they put an image which shows the hill of Pendle at

night. We may wonder why the hill it is worth seeing that the reason why you want to read the text for more information.

o Second, the text talks about the story but mystery and suspense remain. It also tells the story of the Lancaster Castle where the story took place. People are likely to visit the castle after having done the walk.


Doc 2 : Walking with Witches : analysis (Text, images and maps)

Description :

1) We can see a tree skeleton with tortuous branches like claw-like fingers of witches. We can notice the moon looks like a crystal ball in the hands of a witch and to finish it is worth noticing that the image is dark and that it shows a foggy place. It’s creepy !

2) The maps situate where Pendle is.

3) There are 5 pictures

which are linked with the text. We have facts about witches. Indeed, witches comes from the Anglo-Saxon “Wicca” or “Wise one”. So, it means witches were supposed to be wise. 6/10

3 2 1

This document talks about witches in general and gives the

etymology of « witches ». It doesn’t give the prejudices we

have about witches but the real story.

The text focuses on witches in the past at the time of

James I. At that time, people thought that the sound of

church bells could bring down flying witches for example.


What are the devices used to drive people to do the witches walk?

Some strange elements arouse our curiosity (= éveillent la curiosité). Indeed they have put some elements which refer to witchcraft such as the crow, the black cat, the full moon, the eye and a skull. It gives us goose flesh (= avoir la chair de poule).

We can also notice some lexical fields associated to witchcraft : religion, mystery, death.


Doc 3 : the Lancashire witches (Text, images)

Description :

The page is about the places

to visit during the walk. There are

10 spots worth seeing.

Visiting these places teaches you more about witches.

The funny caricature of the witch might urge both children and adults to join the walk.


The beauty of the landscapes will make tourists visit Pendle and its area.

