Everyone is potentially a contact either now or in the future, so burn no bridges behind you. The...


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Everyone is potentially a contact either now or in the future, so burn no bridges behind you.

The job market is supply and demand. You're the product and there are tons of you. Adjust accordingly.

Pay attention to your job interviewer's body language so you can fine-tune your response as you go.

Interview preparation is key ~ write out

answers in advance ~ most don't and

you will stand out if you do!

To get ahead in the workplace, you

need to learn to become your own best


How to Sell Yourself When “No-one is Hiring”:Successful Interview Techniques

EDUC 434Contemporary Issues in Public Education

Monday, January 23

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• Develop an understanding of the interview process (before, during, and after)

• Explore how to become a better communicator in an interview

• Discover the importance of developing a higher level of self-awareness

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The Reality of the Teaching Climate

• By 2008, 45% of the current teaching force was eligible to retire

• Many regions are challenged to find qualified substitute teachers

• In 2000, research indicated shortages in science and French

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Finding a Teaching Position in Canada

Several useful search engines are available to teachers• The Education Canada Network:

– www.educationcanada.com

• Apply to Education: A recruitment database for teachers– https://www.applytoeducation.com/AttLogin.aspx

• Jobs in Education:– www.jobsineducation.com

• Canada Employment Agencies also offer assistance • Lists of School Boards can be obtained from provincial

authorities– www.cdnsba.org

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What Are YOU Doing to Find a Teaching Job?

• Where do you want to go? Where do you NOT want to go?– Make sure these are logical and reasonable

– Urban versus rural

– Geographies (close to “home”, away, or overseas)

• Who are you talking with?– Are you making an effort to network?

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Other Career Opportunities for Teachers

Many other careers allow teachers to use their teaching skills (Publishers, Management, Research Centres, Adult Education Programs, Community Action Programs etc.)

Think outside the box!

p. 374

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Purpose of the Interview

• Present your information in person and communicate that you meet the employer's needs.

• Give examples of times when you’ve effectively used your skills to meet other similar needs.

• Three basic questions that need to be answered:

Can you do the job? (skills and experience)

Will you do the job? (motivation)

Will you fit? (compatibility)

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Types of Interviews

Directed – Highly organized from start to finish. Often working from a checklist,

the recruiter may ask a series of prepared questions within a specific time period.

Unstructured – Open and relaxed feeling. Broad questions. The interviewer is

encouraging you to talk.

Stress– The unstructured form is often used in combination with the stress


– Designed to put you under stress so that your reactions are observed. Stress interviews may consist of pointed questions designed to cause you to have difficulty in responding.

– Remain calm and try to concisely but accurately, answer questions.

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Interview Basics- Before

• Research the school board and prepare questions

• Review your résumé and the job description

– Determine the requirements of the job and then plan how you can prove you meet those requirements by giving examples of your accomplishments

• Be prepared to offer a firm handshake

Dress: Appropriate– Wear no perfume/cologne– Not too short, too low, or too tight– Do not carry multiple bags– Pay attention to hygiene and grooming

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Preparing Yourself

Have answers to the following questions.• What are your major accomplishments (or proudest moments)? Why?• Your philosophy of education/life long learning/etc.• What 5 skills, abilities, or pieces of knowledge do you have that would

convince a school board to hire you?• Your unique qualities (background, community involvement, etc)• Why did you become a teacher?• What have you learned so far?• What are your short and long term career goals/objectives?• How do you envision your inclusive classroom?• Situational: Class management

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Preparing Yourself (continued)




= Higher Self-Awareness

= More Successful Interviews

Why? What? So What? Now What? How?

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Who’s at the table?

Interviewers may include: • The principal,

• superintendent,

• department chairperson, or a

• classroom teachers

(one or all individuals may be involved in the interview)

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Interview Basics: During

• Keep smiling

• Make eye contact

• Be honest

• Be positive

• Leave a positive impression with the interviewer

• Use a confident tone

• Ask for clarification on a poorly phrased question

• Stay away from answering with “negatives”

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Interview Basics: After

•Use the interview as a learning experience

•Take notes on what happened in the interview

•Do not forget to follow up

Questions to ask the interviewer:

Good questions relate to tasks, priorities, development, employee education, department, and growth opportunities.

– What makes your school board or school an interesting place to work?

– What adjectives would you use to describe your working environment?

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Types of Questions

• Unexpected• Situational• Behavioral• Technical • Illegal

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Unexpected Questions

How many gas stations are there in Canada?

If you were able to take 3 famous people to lunch, who would they be and why?

If you could be any vegetable, what would you be? Why?

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Situational Questions

…If a student was “acting-up” in class and “picking fights” with other students…

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Behavioral Questions

Tell me about a situation (personal, academic, or professional) in which you were responsible for planning and organizing an event.

– Hints: How did you get the assignment? How did you approach the task? How did you keep track of things? What tools did you use (to do list, organizer etc) to help you? What was the first thing you did? What steps were followed? How did you feel when the event took place?

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Telling your story using the STAR Method

S: tell employer about the situation

T: what were you trying to achieve

A: what did you do to achieve the result

R: what were the results





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Answering Questions

• Have inventory of important points

• Consider each question an opportunity to provide information

• Do not assume anything

• Pause before you answer and ask for clarification

• Never answer with just “yes” or “no”

• Do not be afraid to “blow your own horn”

• Be positive

• Can also use your career portfolio to demonstrate your skills, abilities, and background

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Interview Pitfalls

• Answers that are too brief• Answers that are not expanded upon• Answers that are not related back to the field of teaching• Answers that only focus in on one area in your life

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Success is Your Communication Skills

Verbal Ability

• Greeting

• Ability to relate your skills and experience to this job

• Quality of your answers• Verbal ability /

Grammar – use of slang• Ability to elaborate• Closure


• Enthusiasm

• Arrival time

• Handshake

• Eye Contact

• Being seated

• Posture

• A smile goes a long way

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Illegal Questions

• Marital/ Family Status (except denominational boards)

• Age

• Race/Creed/Ethnicity (self-identification is permitted)

• Nationality

• Race

How to answer: Try to answer with a ‘non answer’.

For instance, answer with:– “Why do you ask that question.” – “How does that relate to the job?”Say, “I don’t think that is relevant to the job”.

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Appropriate and Inappropriate Questions

Appropriate Inappropriate

National or

ethnic originAre you legally entitled to work in Canada?

Where were you born?

Marital status

As travel is part of the requirements of our position, would you foresee any problems with meeting this obligation?

What does you spouse do for a living? Is there travel involved? Who takes care of the children when you are away?

DisabilitiesDo you have any conditions that could affect your ability to do the job?

Do you use drugs or alcohol?

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Methods of Evaluation

Written Segments• i.e. write a paragraph in French• Provide an outline of a lesson to teach …

Portfolios/ work samples• Contain samples of work

Tests on Technical or other skills• Use tests as tools to assist them in hiring the best

people possible technically, intellectually, emotionally, ethically and physically.

• Answer technical questions, prioritize tasks, personality tests, aptitude tests.

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A successful interview consists of:• Knowing yourself (high level of self-awareness)• Knowing the school/school board• Practice answering questions• Following-up

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Putting It All Together




Self-AwarenessSuccessful Interview
