Every Drop Matters Regional Water Partnership Project Sustainable Water Management Conference 9...


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Every Drop MattersRegional Water Partnership Project

Sustainable Water Management Conference 9 September 2008

Bogachan BENLI, PhD.

• Recognizing the significant water-related challenges, both The Coca-Cola Company (TCCC) and UNDP mutually committed to identifying and supporting solutions, providing the basis for the development of this partnership project.


• 5 year partnership project

• Steering Committee from UNDP/TCCC

• Started in 2006, with pilot projects in Turkey, Croatia, Romania, Kazakhstan and six countries bordering the Black Sea

Main Objectives

• Provide Access to Water

• Facilitate the use of environmentally sound industrial technologies

• Promote responsible water resource management

Turkey Saray – Water Supply andUsage Improvement

Replacing aging asbest pipes with food grade ductile pipe, thereby saving significant amounts of water and eliminating contamination and health risks

Turkey Beypazarı – Roof Top Water Harvesting Project

Based on roof-top rainwater harvesting as major source of water for domestic uses

Croatia – Preservation of a major source of drinking water

Sustainable use of the river as a source of economic opportunity for the local population, through rural tourism

Kazakhstan – Rural Water Supply

Establishment of Water Network and Sanitation system

• Develop an integrated rural water management strategy

• Training of the local authorities for mobilization of EU funds

Romania – Water and Waste Management Strategies for Small Communities

Armenia - Adopt and Revive Aghstev river

• Stopping the waste water leakage in to the Aghstev river and decrease the level of pollution

• Improve the sanitary-hygienic condition

• Develop tourism activities on the river bank and create income generation opportunities

Black Sea Initiative

Raise awareness among people living around the Black Sea of the urgent need to preserve the sea, using advocacy campaigns and educational programs

International Black Sea Action DayDocumentary – BBC World


