“Every deed performed, do it in My Name. Every person who passes near your pat, give them the...



 You will observe Haitians’ incredible stoicism and resoluteness. Realize that these are a resilient people full of smiles and faith. We need to keep this in mind as we work with the people.

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“Every deed performed, do it in My Name. Every person who passes near your pat, give them the sweetness of your smile. Give freely of the nectar

of your cup of happiness, of kindness, of Blissfulness. Give the warmth of your love. Extend your hand as I

extendMine to you.“

- Sathya Sai Baba

You will observe Haitians’ incredible stoicism and resoluteness. Realize that these are a resilient people full of smiles and faith. We need to keep this in mind as we work with the people.

• Religious/Spiritual affiliation: The official state religion is Catholicism (70% )

• Spiritual Beliefs: When working with them we need to appreciate and respect their spiritual beliefs that guide them and these may be different from allopathic medicine.

Grief and loss (may go through stages of denial, anger, sadness, acceptance)

Anxiety/worry/fears/nervousness Confusion Repetitive thoughts/memories Shock Irritability/Restlessness Concentration Issues

Emotional support is an important strategy and includes the following:

1. Establish Rapport. Talk to the afflicted. 2. Listen. If the person you interact with has something to say, take the time to listen.3. Empathize. Take the position of the other person and imagine yourself in their shoes. Show through your response (verbal and non-verbal) that you understand the person’s concerns and worries.

Introduce yourself if they do not know you. Ask the person what they would like to be

called. Initially, address the person as Mr. or Mrs. Do not shorten their name or use their first

name without their permission. Practice love in your thoughts and

behaviour towards the individual.

Practice the following active listening techniques:

Be mindful of body language and use open and welcoming gestures. Lean forward.

Maintain eye contact. Relax. Communicate Warmth/Sai Love. Pay attention while the person is speaking. Use a soft tone and verbal affirmations to let

the person know they are being heard. Smile. Allow the person you are talking with to dictate

the distance between you. Haitians say excuse me (eskize-m) when entering another person's space.

Create an atmosphere of serenity: Remain calm Have team prayer time: meditation,

chants, prayers, and/or songs Speak and work with love Be organized and efficient

Provide loving attention to the children: Arts and crafts Organized games/sports (soccer a.k.a.

futbol is very popular)

• Be a team player. Follow the guidelines set forth by the team and the team leader

• Be aware of your team members’ feelings• Take action if you feel you or a team

member needs help

• Take short breaks.• Talk with peers/Pair up with a buddy. • Exercise/stretch.• Drink Water.• Breathe deeply.• Focus on what you can control.• Keep in touch with family and friends from

home.• Look at a favorite token/photograph/book

that brings positive feelings and memories.

If you encounter someone who is having extreme reactions to the trauma, please refer them to a trained mental health provider. Although you may be tempted to help others out of genuine love for your fellow human beings, providing untrained support can sometimes actually hurt more than help.

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that some people get after seeing or living through a dangerous or terrifying event.

These are a few of the signs for children and adults that warrant further assessment from a trained mental health provider:Sleep problems, nightmaresExcessive worry and/or cries when you leave the roomProblems eatingSpeech difficultiesBeing unusually clingy with a parent or other adultProblems with attention and concentration Disruptive, disrespectful, or destructive behaviors

Pray, meditate, chant Gayatri and sing devotional songs

Obtain Red Cross Disaster Relief Training if possible

Learn from the experiences of other volunteers who have served there

Be grateful to God for giving us the opportunity to serve and be instruments of His love

Be grateful to the people of Haiti for welcoming us and sharing their love

Service to Man is Service to God
