Every Child Matters Health



University Group Presentation for Policy, Practice and New Education Practitioners Module, 2009.

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Every Child MattersEvery Child Matters


Presented by: Jayne, Rebecca, Kirsten and Liz

Victoria Climbié

Born 1992 - Died 2000

Aged 8 yrs

Every Child MattersChange for Children. Nov 2004Aims and Outcomes:

• Be healthy• Stay safe• Enjoy and achieve• Make a positive contribution• Achieve economic well-being

Every Child Matters

• A shared national programme of change• Working towards better outcomes• Integrated services for local change• Support for local change

Be HealthyBe Healthy

• Physically healthy• Mentally and emotionally healthy• Sexually healthy• Healthy lifestyles• Choose not to take illegal drugs• Parents, carers and families promote healthy


Every Child Matters: Change for children (DCSF, 2004)

Every Child Matters Outcomes Framework, the children’s plan 2020. (DCSF,


Facts and Figures

• From 1995 to 2004 obesity in children increased from 14% to 24% for boys and from 15% to 26% for girls

• Between 1991 and 2001, the number of new episodes of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) doubled from 669,291 to 1,332,910.

• In 2000, the conception rate among females under 20 years was 63 per 1,000 females aged 15 to 19 years. Over half (54 per cent) of all conceptions among under 16-year-olds resulted in a termination.

• In 2000 suicide rates increased steeply to eight per 100,000 males and three per

100,000 females.

National Statistics, March 2009


• Obesity defined

• Statistics

• Long-term health problems associated with obesity

• Impact on emergency services

• Risk factors for childhood obesity

Tackling Obesity

• Weighing and measuring

• Keeping active

• Healthy eating


• New strategy:

Eat Well,

Move More,

Live Longer.

• Extended schools

(DOH, 2008)

Physically Healthy• Active Mark 2007 - 2 hours high quality PE and school sport. Hold a

sports day. Involved in sports leadership and volunteering or participating in sports clubs.

• Sportsmark 2007 - 2 hours high quality PE and school sport. Hold a sports day. Taking part in competitive sports. Range of sports offered.

• Sports Partnership Mark 2007 - Percent of pupils across the partnership doing atleast 2 hours high quality PE and school sport per week.

Departments for Culture, Media & Sport and Children, School & Families

SEALTheme No. Title Focus on

1 New beginnings Developing Knowledge, understanding and skills relating to empathy, self awareness, social skills and motivation

2 Getting on and falling out Developing knowledge, understanding and skills relating to empathy, managing feelings (focus on anger), and social skills

3 Saying no to bullying What bullying is, how it feels, why people bully, how to prevent and respond to it and how to use social emotional and behavioural skills

4 Going for goals Motivation and self awareness. Opportunity for abilities, qualities and strengths to be valued. Reflect on self and their strengths as learners and how to learn most effectively

5 Good to be me Understanding feelings and considering strengths and weaknesses

6 Relationships Feelings in relationships, self awareness, managing feelings and empathy

7 Changes Issues in change and common feelings associated with change

Sexually Healthy“an adolescent boy or girl to abstain from sex is ineffective and assuming that every parent will talk

to his or her child about sex is unrealistic” (Eske, 2003)

26 Feb 2009, Dawn Primarolo and Beverley Hughes announced an extra £20.5 million to help young

people get better access to contraception and raise awareness of the risks of unprotected sex

Teenage Pregnancy Strategy

• Halve under 18 conception rate by 2010 and downward trend in under 16.

• Increase proportion of teenage parents in education, training or employment by 60% by 2010

Controversial new plans

TV adverts to advertise abortion clinics and condoms….

What’s your views???

Jamie’s Manifesto

• Cooking and life skills classes for ALL kids. Kids need to understand food, cook and shop on a budget and learn essential life skills

• Recruit and train new cookery teachers

• Empower heads to make every school a junk free zone

• Educate parents on the basics of family cooking and nutrition

• Invest in dinner ladies - proper training and pay

• Commit to a 10 year plan to fund long-term public campaign

Jamie’s ministry of food - Rotherham

• Achieved funding of £280 million

• Standards for school food announced by 2006

• Regulations for school meals come in to force

• Nutrient based standards for primary schools introduced 2008 and set to be introduced in 2009 in to secondary schools

Choose not to take drugs

Blue print

• 23 schools in Cheshire, Derby City, Derbyshire, Lancashire

• 6 control schools• 2 yr curriculum• 15 lessons• Interactive enjoyable lessons to build knowledge

skills and attitudes


Positive results• Food• Exercise• Reduction in child poverty• Result better academic performance/results

Ongoing• Reducing childhood obesity• Improving emotional health and wellbeing• Sexual health• Drug reduction


ReferencesBBC (2009) Fire crews moving obese patients. [WWW] Available from: http://newsvote.bbc.co.uk/mpapps/pagetools/print/news.bbc.co.uk/1/ [Accessed 20/03/09].

BBC News. (2009) Suicidal childrens calls triple. [WWW]. Available from: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7957992.stm[Accessed 20/03/09]

BLOOM, A. (2009) Government adviser: Reception is too late to get stuck in on obesity. The Times Educational Supplement, 20th Feb., p.8.

CROGHAN, E. (2007) Lifestyle. IN: DeBELL, D, ed. Public Health Practice & the School-Age Population. London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd, p.241-258.

DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES (2003). Every child matters: change for children. The Victoria Climbé inquiry. Lord Laming. [WWW]. Available from: http://www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/_files/6728E64BAB0ED84EABA7B374C36758DA.pdf [Accessed 19/03/09].

DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES (2004). Every child matters: change for children. [WWW]. Available from: http://www.everychildmatters.gov.uk/_files/F9E3F941DC8D4580539EE4C743E9371D.pdf [Accessed 20/03/09].

DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, SCHOOLS AND FAMILIES (2008). Every child matters outcomes framework. [WWW]. Available from: http://publications.everychildmatters.gov.uk/default.aspx?PageFunction=productdetails&PageMode=publications&ProductId=DCSF-00331-2008 [Accessed 20/03/09].

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (2008). Change4Life. [WWW]. Available from: http://www.dh.gov.uk/publications [Accessed 20/03/09].

DeBELL, D., BUTTIGIEG, M., SHERWIN, S., & LOWE, K. (2007). The school as a location for health promotion. IN: DeBELL, D, ed. Public Health Practice & the School-Age Population. London: Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd, p. 93-130.

DIRECT GOV. (2009). National statistics. [WWW]. Available from: http://www.statistics.gov.uk [Accessed 22/03/07].

NATIONAL OBESITY OBSERVATORY (2007-2008). About Obesity. [WWW]. Available from: http://www.noo.org.uk/NOO_about_obesity [Accessed 20/03/09].

Relationships to Improve Education. (2005) The R Time Approach [WWW]. Available from: http://www.rtime.info/approach.htm [Accessed 20/03/09].

SHEIL, V. (2009) Green gauge: Healthy Eating. The Times Educational Supplement Magazine, 13th Mar., p. 19.

Teachernet (2007) Activemark, Sportsmark and Sports Partnership Mark 2007 [WWW]. Available from: http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/teachingandlearning/subjects/pe/ActivemarkSportsmark/ [accessed 18/03/09].   



