Evening star. (Washington, D.C.). 1943-05-30 [p A-10]


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(Carlin of aljankn BEAVER. LILLIAN A. The family o

the late LILLIAN A. BEAVER wish to ex tend to their many friends deepest ap- preciation and gratefully acknowledging anc thanking them for their kind expression cf sympathy.


f)t the late GERTRUDE P. BRANCH wish to thank Rev. R. N. Williams. Rev. Ernest Green, the choir and their many friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym- pathy during their recent bereavement.

THE FAMILY. MULLEN. ELOISE. The family of the

late ELOISE MULLEN gratefully acknowl- edges the thoughtfulness and sympathy afforded them in their recent bereavement. (SIGNED) MRS. MARY WHATLEY.


Bealfrd ANDERSON, DORA. On Thursday. May

27. 1943. at Gallinger Hospital, DORA ANDERSON, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson, sr.. and sister of George Andersen, jr. Friends and relatives may call at the Norton funeral home. Ver- mont ave. and R st. n.w.

The funeral will be from the above fu- neral home on Monday. May 31. at 2 p.m.

ANDERSON. JOSHUA. Departed this life Wednesday. Mav 2fi. 1943. JOSHUA AN- DERSON. beloved husband of Anna J. An- derson. brother of Rev. Jesse Anderson and Rebecca Fruits. Body rests at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral home until 5 p.m. Saturday. Mav 29; then at his late resi- dence. 1207 R. I. ave. n.w.

Funeral services Sunday. May 30. at 1 :30 P.m at First Baptist Church, Ross- lyn. Va., Rev. J. D. Catlett, pastor

AYOUB. ABRAHAM. On Saturday. May 29. 1943. at Garfield Hospital. ABRAHAM AYOUB. brother of John and'Joseph Ayoub and Mrs. Joseph Hanna.

Funeral from T. F. Costello funeral home, 1722 North Capitol st., on Monday. May 31. at 2:30 pm. Services at St. George’s Syrian Church. 1009 tfth st. n.w.. at 3 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery.

BABSON. JOHN WALKER. On Satur- day, May 29. 1943. at Doctors Hospital. JOHN WALKER BABSON of Herndon. Va.. beloved husband of Elizabeth Halley Babson and father of Berwyn B. Babson. Isaoel B Henry and Buelah B. Mooreland.

Services at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Monday. May 31. at 2 pm. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 30

BELLOIS, I.EANNA. Departed this life f*n Friday. Mav 2*. 1943. LEANNA BEL- LOIS of :'fi4 Dixon court s w.. devoted wife of Mr. Bradley Bellois. mother of Charles Woodrow Bright, dm-ghter of John Harris, sister of Mrs Marie Randolph and John Harris, ir niece of Mr. Thomas Lewis. She leaves other relatives and many

friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhines Co. funeral home. 3rd and Eve sis. s w

where funeral services will be held on Tues- day. June 1. at 3 p.m Rev. Benjamin An- derson officiating. Interment Payne s Cem- etery. :]n

BRANDINE. RUTH E. On Saturday May -Mi. 1943. at her residence. West Beach Md.. RUTH E BRANDINE. the be- loved wile of Harry E. Brandine and mother of Vera Johnson

Services at the Chambers iuneral home. fS 17 11th st. s.e on Tuesday, June 1 at 1 pm Relatives and friends are invited. Interment Washington National Cemetery.


May •>. 1343. at her residence. 1»’>’28 Swann st. n.w.. RACHEL R BURROUGHS, wife of the late Lewis E Burroughs and mother of Mrs. Eliza Cornish. Mrs. Lillie Kenner. Mrs. Jennie Whiting and Ger- aldine. Hattie. Sadie. Fred and Henry Bur- roughs. Also surviving are a brother. Samuel Colbfrt: other relatives and many friends. After 4 p m. Sunday friends may

call at the McGuire funeral home. 18‘2l> Pth st. n.w.

Requiem mass will be ce'ebrated nn

Monday. Mav 31. at 3:3n a.m at Holy Ghost Catholic Church. Issue. Md. 30

BUTLER. CORRINE A. Entered into eternal rest or. Friday. May 1043. CORRINE A. BUTLER of *213 Eye st. sc.,

the lovinc daughter of Mrs. Mary E But- ler She also is survived by six sisters, two brothers, other relatives and many friends Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co funeral home. 3rd and Eye Ms. s.w. until Monday. May 31. at 4 p m :

then at her hue residence. Funeral Tuesday. June 1 at 0 a m from

S* Cyprian’s Catholic Church. 13th and C sts. s.e.. where mass will be said for the repose of her soul. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. °,n

CARTER. LOUISE. Departed this life on Thursday. May *27. 1043. at her resi- dence. 433 Cullinane ct s.w LOUISE CARTER, the devoted sister of Walter. Moses and Milton Carter; sister-in-law of Mrs. Beulah Carter Other relatives anu friends also mourn her departure

Remains resting at the John T Rhines «A* Co. funeral home. 3rd and Eye sts y w where funeral services will be held on Tuesday. June 1. at l p m Rev War- ren officiating. Interment Rosemont Cem- etery. 30

CAUFFMAN. LEWIS I Suddenly, on Thursday. May *21, 11*43. LEWIS L. CAUFFMAN. beloved husband of Louise M. Cauffman <nec Reed’ and father of Lewis. Adrian and Janies Allen Cauffman

Friends may call at his late residence. 504 B st. s.e. where services will be held on Monday. Mav 31. at 1*2:30 P m. Rela- tives and friends invited. Interment Ar- lington National Cemetery. 30

CAUFFMAN. LEWIS L.. of National Cap- ital Post. No 1 *21. V. F W. of U. S.. died May *27. 11*43. Funeral services to be Mon- day. May 31. at hi- late home. 504 B st. s.e, at L2:3.o pm Burial ar Ar-

I • linsrton National Cemetery at J :.".o p.m

THOMAS W. DIXON. Commander.

JOHN W. GILL. Adjutant. 30

Cl \RK. WALKER. Departed this life f*n Friday. Mav 11*43. at Alexandria Hospital. \VALKER CLARK, beloved hus- band of Marv Clark, father of Johnny Clark, son of John Williams. He also ]<. survived bv one sister, Louise Simms; one brother. Buster Williams; uncle, aunt

other relatives ar.d many friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhines Co fu- neral home. *2*21 N. Patrick st., Alexan- dria. Va.

Notice of funeral la’er. 30

HATCHER. LAURA A. On Thursday Mav 2',. 1343 at her residence. 183* ♦Sth st n w LAURA A DATCHER de- voted mother of Pearl D Smallwood and thp la'e Mabel Bell and sistei ot Rachel F Newman and Ida Brice Many other relatives also -urvhe. Friends may call at her late residence after 1 L am. Tues- day June 1

Funeral Wednesday. June *2- at 1 p m

from the Frazier funeral home. '.*:» R I. ave. n w Rev. R. M Williams officiating, interment Lincoln Memoilal Cemetery. 1

FMER80N. MELVIN FRANK. On Sat lirdav. Mav -3* 134 3. at Hie home of his daughter Mrs. Alber M Reising. 305 Silver Spring ave Silver Spring. Md MELVIN FRANK EMERSON Mr. Emer- son rests at the Warner E Pumphrey funeral home. *431 Georgia ave. Silver Spring. Md until 5 pm Sunday. May 30.

Services and interment Waltham. Me.


lirdav, Mav 29. 1943 at Providence Hos- | pitaT SAMUEL MAURICE FILLIUS. be- ; loved husband of Lillian Adelaide Fillius and father of Maurice W. Fillius. j

Funeral from his late residence, 3090 I Nichols five. s e on Tuesday. June 1. at 2 >

p m Services at Esther Memorial Church 1 a* 2:30 pm. Relatives and friends in- vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 3i

GANT. ANNIE MARIO. On Friday. May 2s, 19E1. at her residence. G*21 s? Patterson si n e ANNIE MARIO GANT, daughter of the late Verter and Matilda Norwood, i wife of William Gant, mother of Ernest Norwood and Gladys Gant and sister of Katherine Baltimore Friends may crII a* the Mai van A- Schev funeral home N J. a\f and P st. n.w after 12 o'clock Sunday. May 30

Services at the above ehapel Tuesday. June 1 at .1 pm. Interment Woodlawn j Cemetery. |

gray. CATHERINE M. On Friday. May j *>£. 1943. ?• her m-tdencr. 1227 Maple) V’.ew pl se. CATHERINE M. GRAY be- loved wfe of the late George H Gray and mother oj Miss Mary Catherine Gray

Funeral from the above residence on

Mondav. May 31, a» >'30 am Requiem mass at St Teresas Church. 13th and V sis s.r., at 9 am Relatives and lriends invited Interment Mount Olivet Crm- eterv. Please omr flowers 30

HENSON. BLANCHE CORNELIA. De- parted this life on Thursday May 27. 1943. BLANCHE CORNELIA HENSON, de- voted daughter of the late Thomas and j Luvenia Henson: beloved sister of Mrs. Anna L Washington of Cleveland. Ohio | Eugene Henson of Warren. Ohio: Mrs. Mary Bundv of Washington- D. C.. and Walter I Henson. She also leaves four devoted nieces, a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may call at her late residence. 1240 Irving st. n w., alter 4 P.m. Satur- day. May 29.

Funeral services Sunday. Mav 30. at

1 15 p m., at the Metropolitan Wesley A M E Z. Church. D st. between '2nd and 3rd sts s.w.. Rev. D. C. Lynch officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Arrange- ments by W. Ernest Jarvis. 30

HENSON. BLANCHE. Officers and mem- bers of Miriam Chapter. No. •*. O. E S.. arc rraues^ed to attend the funeral of our worthy matron. Sister BLANCHE HENSON. Sunday. Mav 30. 1943. from Weslev A. M E. Z. Church, D st. between 2nd and 3rd sts s.w.. at 1 p.m. By order of the worthy matron, acting. SISTER MILDRED BUTLER. W. M Acting. BROTHER ANDERSON. W P. SISTER BLAUNCHE BURTON. Secretary.

HENSON. THOMAS E. Departed this life suddenly, Wednesday. May 20. 1943. THOMAS E HENSON, the son of Mrs. Burnell Henson He also is survived by a loving wife. Mrs. Geneva Henson, four sons. Thomas Edward, jr.. Melvin M Paul B. and Richard S Henson: three brothers and one sister and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Barnes & Matthews funeral home. 010 4th st. s.w., where funeral services will be held on Monday. May 31. at 1 p.m. Interment Rosemont Cemetery.

HOWELL. JOHN HARRY. On Friday. May 28. 1943. at his residence. 710 C st. ft.e.. JOHN HARRY HOWELL, beloved hus- band of Mamie C Howell.

Friends may call at the Lee funeral borne. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e where services will be held on Monday. May 31. at 2 P m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30


Perpetuate the memory of your loved ones with a monument. Rrautiful Granite

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LINCOLN MEMORIAL WORKS 1014 Ere St. N.W. at 11th A N. Y. At*.

Fret Delivery in 500 Miles Wash! niton—Baltimore—Cleveland

Bratfa HOWELL, HARRY. The Fidelity Coun-

cil. No. 4. Daughters of America, will hold funeral services for their late brother HARRY HOWELL, at the Lee fluneral home, 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. Sunday night. May 30, 1943, at 8 p.m. All Daugh- ters of America are invited. By order of


JENKINS, LOUISE C. On Friday. May 28. 1943. at her residence. 1220 Neal st. n.e.. LOUISE C. JENKINS, beloved wife of John L. Jenkins and sister of Mrs. Car- mela Campagnoli. Mrs. Mary Pirione. Mrs. Bandina Carlino. Mrs. Marietta Leone and Salvatore Giangiulio.

Funeral from the above residence Mon- day. May 31, at 9:30 a m. High requiem mass at Holy Name Church at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. 30

JENKINS. MAYMIE L. On Wednesday, May 2H, 1943. at Freedmen's Hospital. MAYMIE LETITIA JENKINS, beloved daughter of the late George G. and Ella B. Jenkins. She leave* to mourn her pass- ing two devoted sisters, Mrs. Florine E. Johnson. Berryville. Va.. and Miss Julia J. Jenkins: two brothers. Joseph D. and George G. Jenkins: two nieces, eight nephews and other relatives. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Saturday. May 29. at her late residence. 1443 S st. n.w.

Funeral from the 19th Street Baptist Church Sunday. May 30. at 1 p m.. Rev. Walter H. Brooks officiating. Interment Monday. May 31. at Harmony Cemetery Allan <fc Morrow, director*, in charge. 30

KOGOK, SADIE. On Saturday. May 29. 1943, SADIE KOGOK, beloved mother of Henry G Pvt. John and Jack Kogok. Mrs. Amelia Steel and Mrs. Daisy Kidwell. Remains resting at Chambers funeral home. 517 llth st. s.e.

Notice of funeral later. JOHN S. Admiral George

Dewey Naval Camp. No. 7. United Spanish War Veterans, will assemble at H M. Padgett's funeral home. 131 llth st. s.e. on Sunday, May 30. 1943. at 7:45 p.m. to attend camp services.


LANGLEY, JOHN S. On Friday, May 28, I 1943. at his residence, loio C st. n.e.,

JOHN S. LANGLEY, the beloved husband of Annie M. Langley (nee Shepherd) and father of Viola E. Langley

Remains resting at H. M. Padgett’s fu- neral home. 131 llth st. s.e. where serv-

I ices will be held on Monday. May 31. at i 1 :30 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. : Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 30

LANSDALE. HOWARD STEVENSON. On ! Friday. May 28. 1943. at his residence. ! 11 <>3 Harrison st.. Chevy Chase. Md.. HOW- I ARD STEVENSON LANSDALE. beloved hus- j band of Emm? A Lansdale and father of ; Yvonne L.. Talbert. Harriett L. Felton of Buffalo. N. Y and Adelberr F Lansdale

Funeral from the W. W Deal funeral home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Monday.

I May 31, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends | invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 30

LEFTWICH. WILLIAM ROBERT. Oil ! Saturday. May 29. 1943. at 3:20 p.m. at

Mr Alto Hospital. WILLIAM R. LEFT- WICH. beloved husband of Mrs Ida V. Leftwich. devoted uncle of Mrs. Helen

j Green. He also leaves other relatives and triends. Remains resting at his lat« resi-

| dence. 1940 Capital ave. n e after 5 ! p.ni Tuesday. June 1

Funeral on Wednesday. June 2. at 1:30 p m. at the above residence, the Rev A. J.

j Carr officiating. Relatives and friends invited Interment Arlington National

| Cemetery. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis. 1

LE GEAR. NEWTON G. On Saturday May 29 1943, at his residence. 315 C st. s.e NEWTON G LE GEAR, beloved hus-

! band of Grace E Le Gear and father of i Mrs. Alta Garrison of Tullulah. La :

Russell Le Gear and Mrs. Laura Hum- phreys of Flushing. N. Y.

! Services at the Chambers funeral home. | 511 llth st s.e. on Tuesday June 1, at

2:30 pm Relatives and friends are jn- i vited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 31

LEMON. IDA BELL. On Saturday. May 20. 1.043. at the home of her sister. Mrs. Katherine E Woodson. 7 020 Georgia ave

! Silver Spring. Md IDA BELL LEMON. wife of ihr late Albert Lemon and mother

; of Mrs. Hazel Nevitt Mrs. Lemon rests ; at the Warner E Pumnhrey funeral home. ; *434 Georgia are. Silver Spring. Md.. ! where services will be held on Tuesday.

June 1 at I] am. Interment Rockville i Union Cemetery.

LITTER. HARRY .1. Suddenly, on Sat- i urday. May 20. 104 :. HARRY J I UC'TFR

of 5025 13th st. nw. husband of Mary A Lueier and son of Mrs. Alice L Lueier and brother of Mrs. Irredell Provst of Manassas. Ya. Remains resTins a' the S H Hines Co. funeral home. 2.001 14th st. n.w

Notice of funeral later.

MITCHELL. RALPH E On Friday May 2*. 1043. at his residence. 1337 4th st

; s.w RALPH F. MITCHELL, husband of Josephine R Mitchell and father of Ralph F ir.: Mary Louise and William Alvin

i Mitchell. ; Services at Chambers’ funeral home.

3*»72 M st n w Tuesday. June 1. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends invited In- terment Flint Hill Cemetery. Vienna. Va.


NELSON. HENRY A. Suddenly, on Sar- urday. Mav 20 101.;, at his residence. 4f>31 Brandywine *t. n.w. HENRY A NFLSON. beloved husband ol Ethel D

; Nelson and brother of Anna M Williams Funeral from the W W. Deal funeral

j home. 4*12 Georgia ave. n.w on Monday, j Mav 31. at li);.,,,(i a m Relatives and j friends invited Interment Arlington Na- | tional Cemetery. 30

NT!.SON. HENRY A. Lafayette Lodae No JO. F. A A M will hold a special communication Monday. May 1. 1043. a' 0:45 a m at, the Masonic Temple, for the purpose of attending the Ma- sonic burial service for our late brother and past master. HENRY


NICHOLS. MARY K. Passed awav at Freedmen's Hospital on Saturday. Mav 20. 104;’ at 11:15 am.. MARY K NICHOLS of 1735 New Jersey ave n.w. wife of the Rev J. R Nichols, beloved sister of Mrs. Maggie Christian. Loah. the Rev. August is and Samuel Lewis She also leaves a granddaughter. Doris Coles: several nieces and nephews and a hos» of o?her relatives and friends Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis funeral home. 1432 You st. n.w after 10 am Monday. May 3],

Funeral on Tuesday. June 1. at l pm the Vermont Ave BaDtis’ Church, the

; Rev. c T Murray officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln

I Memorial Cemetery. 31

Nl'TT. F1EI.DEN. Entered in-to eternal rest on Wednesday. May 2b. 1043. at his residence. 17 1.’ 1 Dh st. nw. Apt. 4 FIFT DL*N NUTT, tho devoted husband rf Delsia Chew Nutt. sot. of the late Lewis and .Julia, Nutt and hrother rf Mrs Arnita Carroll. Mrs Minnie Wiggins, Clinaus and Clarence Nutt. He also is

! survived bv one unGe. Frank Nutt: one I sister-in-law. Rosa V Nutt: three nieces. : four nephews and other relatives and many

friends. 1 Remains resting at the John T. Rhinos ; & Co. funera1 home. 3rd and Eve sts s w until Monday. Mav 31. at 2 p m then

j at the residence of his brother. 2*12 Ga. ! ave n w where funeral services will be : held on Tuesday. June 1 at J 30 pm.

Rev James Marshall officiating. Inter- 1 ment Harmony Cemetery. 31

PAGE. JAMES D. On Wednesday. Mav •>!. 1043. at Freedmen's Hospital. JAMES D. PAGE, beloved husband of Ella H. Page, the son of Frank and Ellen Page; father of Sarah V Ward. James W. and Charles A. Pace: brother of Lula B Davis Also surviving are two grandchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains mav be viewed after 13 noon Sunday. Mav 3n. at Frazier's funeral home. 3HO R 1 ave n w

Funeral Monday. May 31. at 1 pm. from Vermont Avenue Baptist Church. Rev C T Murrav officiating. Interment T in- coln Memorial Cemetery. 30

RICHMOND. DUNCAN IFF. On Fridav May 1043. at his residence. S41 4th ave Brooklyn, N Y DUNCAN LEE RICH- MOND. beloved husband of Marv Mac- mcbol Richmond and father of Elizabeth R Mnore and Charles m Richmond Fam- ily staying at Api. 105. 000 N Wavne st Ar1 veton. Va.

Funeral from Gawler v 1:50 prnna. avr n w. on Tuesday. June 1. at 3 p m. Inter- ment Glen wood Ceme'prv. 3n

RICHMOND. DUNCAN. Lafavettr Lodge No lf». F A. A M will hold a special communication Tues- day. June I. 1043. at 1:15 p m. at the Masonic Temple, for the purpose of a* tending the Ma- sonic burial service of our late brother. DUNCAN RICHMOND


May 35. 1043. at New York. Col. WILLIAM F. REPP

Funeral services at Arlington Cemetery Chapel Tuesday. June 1. at 1 p m 31*

SELDOM, JOSEPH. On Thursday. May 2<L 1043, at Freedmen's Hospital. JOSEPH SELDOM of 1430 Alabama ave. s e.. be- loved husband of Mary J. Seldom father of Mrs. Ethel S. Williams. He also is sur- vived by a brother. Charles Seldom, son- in-law. McRae Williams, and other rela- tives. Friends may call at his late resi- dence after 4 p m. Saturday. Mav 30.

Funeral services Sunday. Mav 30. at 1 :30 P.m.. at. Allen A. M. E. Church. 35th st. and Ala. ave. s.e.. Rev. E. R. Purnell officiating. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. Arrangements by Robert G. Mason. 30



MODERATE PRICES PHONE VA 0108 Cor. 14th & Eye GUDE BROS. CO. Floral Pieces

1812 F St. N.W.National 4878

CEMETERY LOTS. CEMETERY LOTS CD. WELL LOCATED, in Congressional Cemetery. Cheap; to close estate PAUL B CROMELIN. at- torney. National Press Bldg.


4-GRAVE LOT. NATIONAL MEMORIAL Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. Excellent location. $250 cash. Emergency. GE. 07811. CHOICE LOT. CONSISTING OF 4 graves, located in beautiful Cedar Hill Cemetery. Very reasonable. Locust‘177.


FRANK GEIER’S SONS CO. 1113 7th St. N.W. NA 2473 3605 14th St. N.W. HO. 2326

Our Charges Are Reasonable.

V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Spear* establishment.

1009 h st. n.w. m J. William Lee’s Sons Co.

(th And Mas*. At*. N.E. IX 53M FUNERAL DIRECTORS


£batf)S SIMMS, PERCY H. On Wednesday,

May 2d, 1943. at Mount Alto Hospital, PERCY H. SIMMS, son of the late John T. and Louie Simms, nephew of Mrs. Jen- nie Smith of New York City and cousin of Richard Smoot. Carrie Bell and Marion Haynes of New York City. After 5 p.m. Saturday. May 29. friends may call at the McGuire funeral home. 1820 9th st. n.w.

Funeral from St. Luke's P. E. Church, 15th and Church sts. n Sunday. May 30, at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 3d

STANDBACK. JAKE. Suddenly, on Sat- urday. May 22. 1943. JAKE STANDBACK of 354 McLean ave s.w.. beloved brother of Cora Standback of Hamlet. N. C. Re- mains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. funeral home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.

Funeral Wednesday. June 2. at 1 p.m from the above funeral home. Interment Rosemont Cemetery. 31

STEPHEN. JAMES A. On Friday, May 28. 1943. at his home, Germantown. Md.. JAMES A. STEPHEN, beloved husband of Mary Ford Stephen. ..Funeral services at his late residence on Monday. May 31. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Monocacy Cemetery. Beallsville, Md. 30

TESTER, MAUD ELOZORA. Sunddenly, on Saturday. May 29. 1943, MAUD ELO- ZORA TESTER, at Leland Memorial Hos- pital, beloved wife of Floyd W. Tester. Remains resting at Chambers' Riverdale funeral home.

Notice of funeral later. THOMAS, ALEXANDER G. A special

communication of Social Lodge. No. 1, F. A. A. M.. is called for Tuesday. June 1. at 11 a m. at the Temple. 1H33 11th st. n.w to attend the funeral of Brother ALEXANDER G. THOMAS. Re- mains resting at Malvan Sc

Schey s funeral home. Funeral on Tues- day- iun<> *■ at I pm. at Zion Baptist Church, 337 F st. s.w.



o at 1(1 a m at her residence. 1918

,rd Arlington. Va., AMANDA THOMAS, beloved wife of the late William H. Thomas and devoted mother of William IT. Joseph Eugene and George Louis Ihomas and Mrs. Beatrice Thomas Jeffer- son. She also is survived by a grand- daughter. three great-granchildren and other relatives and friends. Remains rest- ine at Allen & Morrow funeral home, UvNi V st. n.w.

Notice of funeral later. THOMPSON, CHARLES WILLIAM. On

Saturday. May 29. 1943. at Leland Me- J™nal Hospital. CHARLES WILLIAM THOMPSON of 4812 48th ave. Edmonston, Md.. beloved husband of Belle Thompson. Remains resting at Chambers’ Riverdale iuneral home

Notice of funeral later. TIMBERS, WILLIAM. Departed this life

on Friday. May 28. at his residence 29 E st. s.w., WILLIAM TIMERS, beloved hus- band of the late Jennie Timbers: devoted father of Mrs. Mildred Payne. Mrs. Betty Young, Rose. Mary. Minnie and Jessie Tim- bers. He also is survived by thirteen grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren, other relatives and friends. Remains rest- ing at the John T. Rhiens & Co. funeral home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w,. until Sunday. May 30, at l p.m ; then at his above resi- dence.

I Funeral Monday, May 31, at 9 a m., ( from St Vincent de Paul's Church. S • Capitol and M sts. Interment Mount Oli- | vet Cemetery. jjy

WALKER. CHARLES KNAP. On Fndav, May 28. 1943. CHARLES KNAP WALKER of 13 <9 Sheridan st. n.w.. beloved husband of Laura H. Walker and father of Thelma Cummings. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w. w

Services at the above funeral home on Monday. Mav 31. at 10 a m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. ;jo

W ALKER. CHARLES K. A special com- munication of Hiram Lodge. No.

F. A A. M is called for Monaay. May 31. 1943. at 9 a m at the Masonic Temple, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother, CHARLES K WALKER THEO. J. TAGGART. Master.

WHARTON. ROGER DANIEL. On Sat- urday. May ‘2'J. 1943, at his home. Center- vihr Va ROGER DANIEL WHARTON,

j brother of Mrs. William Harrison Lamb Services Monday. May ;n. at Trinity Episcopal Church Manassas. Va at 3

P m. Interment Fairfax Cemetery. Fair- fax. Va. Services by Baker & Sons Manassas. Va.

"'Hip. VIRGINIA. Departed this life i ?_n .Friday. May *2s. 194.',. at Georgetown

University Hospital. VIRGINIA WHITE of I 1919 H st n.e beloved mother of Mrs i Sarah Smith. Mrs. Mary Marshall. Mrs

Minnie Hill. Mrs Virginia Lamb Mrs Mister Murray McDaniel and Chester Wnite. Site also is survived by two sis- ters. othei relatives and friends Re- mains resting at the John T Rhines Ac Co funeral home. 3rd and Eve sts. s w

Notice of funeral later. :tn

1 MADELINE. Departed this lif? Wednesday. May '2d. im.i ar Blue Plains. D C .MADELINE WILLIAMS, daugh- ter of the late Pompey Williams, mother of

; Zachariah and Elder Hezekiah Williams and sister of Rev. George. Emanuel and Benja-

_ min William.'. Remains may be seen after

1 1 *2 noon Sunday. May 30. at the Eugene : Ford funeral home, L’.no South Capitol st j Funeral Monday. May .",1. l pm. ! from Mount Moriah Baptist Church. .Ird | &Us. s.v Rev J. H Randolph offi- ciating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery

0; .:2f».;in WLADOVSKY. SAMUEL. On Saturday.

Ma.v "2 Si. 194:;. SAMUEL WLADOVSKY. | beloved husband of Minnie Wladovsky and

devoted father of Mrs Oscar Levy Mrs 1 David Newman and Mr. Louis Wlanovskv j funeral services from Bernard Dan-

zanskv A; Son- funeral home. 35tU 14th • st. n.w on Sunday. May ;{u. at ] :;o p rr

Interment District of Columbia Hebrew ! Cemetery.


N. R. In sacred memory of niv beloved -on. L: HERBERT R BRODERICK. U S N R wno was suddenly stricken while on riutv and died at Jacksonville (Fla.) Naval Hos- pital on January tin. 194 3 BY HIS FATHER J HERBERT BRO-


dear mother ELLA H BAILEY, who de- parted this life May *2:*- 1933


! dear husband. .JOSEPH COLEMAN who passed away one year ago. May :J9. 1942.

Your cheery ways, vour <miline face, I Are a pleasure to recall.

You had a loving word for each And are beloved bv all


niy beloved mother. EDITH ; CHAPMAN of Ivy City. D. C who left me I setfen years ago today. May 30. 1936.

Another year has ended. Another sun has set:

And still I think of you todav. Oh. how could I forget?


DORR. ETHEL C. In sad but loving SA22.rv our dcar daughter. ETHEL 1JOKR. who passed away thirteen years ago today. May .‘to. 19;J0.

Your face is ever before us. Your voice we rannof forget; Your smile will lineer forever. In memory we see you yet.


nr BOIS. MARGARET ELIZABETH In ‘Ovmg remembrance of our dear sister MARGARET ELIZABETH DU BOIS who departed this life. Mav .to. l999 MR5 MAE A. BELL. HARRY AND RALPH


FERGUSON. MARY L. A tribute of love i memory of our dear mother. Mrs. MARY L. FERGUSON, who entered rest eternal May ;{(*. 1942. ! When one I loved was called away. God ook her home, it was His will, but in my j heart she liveth stii!

I miss her Whpn I needed a friend, in ner I could always depend How can I nelp but feel so sad. THE FAMILY. *

EFFIE H. FRYE. In loving remembrance l .mother and daughter. EFFTE H. FRYE, who departed this life one vear I aeo. May :jo. 194*:.

We watched her suffer dav by dav, It caused us bitter grief To see her slowly Djne

And could not give relief. Her wearv hours and da.vs of pain.

Her troubled nights are oast. And in our achins hearts we know

She has found sweet rest at last


—HIRST. A token of devotion V .U,he «2!£E°ry of mv beloved ones. ROBERT I. KING, who departed a SJVwz-Janxlr,3ry 18- mother. KATE wttttVS’ TNo^er A*;1- ,88;J: brother. WILLIAM I. KING. May 21. 1940. and aurt. LUCY A. HURST. March 9. 1915.

My loved ones live and always will. Their presence hovers ’round me still. L seems to me they come to share Each Joy or sorrow' that I bear And whether it be weal or woe. I walk with those I used to know

I And I can tell them of my crief And from their presence find rplief in sacred memories here below

™y !°ved of lon* ago. AND NIECE, MAMIE KING PAiON •

y?E'K<'iAR5,E BELI" In loving memory of. TV beloved mother. CARRIE BELL LEE. May

t^115 °ne year aeo today.

Your love was always a guiding star. A staff to lean upon. A path that leads where all is bright, A cheering thought each dawn. The home where joy forever dwells.

Where loved ones but await For us to share their happiness

Ir_„ Beyond the heavenly gate. HBRLOVINODAUGHTER. HELEN JACK-

John T. Rhines & Co.

901 3rd St. S.W. MEt. 4220


Funeral* to Fit th* Smallest Ineume



A SALUTE TO FREEDOM S FOUNDER— * * * gQ that “freedom * * * shall not perish from the earth’’ * * * A fighting coast guardsman who gave his right arm in battle, pays his Memorial Day tribute at the Lincoln Memorial, He is Thomas Sartino of Chicago, who participated in the North African invasion. —u. g. Coast Guard Photo.

Memorial Day services honoring the Nation's war dead will be opened officially today with the placing of the President's wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Lt. Gen. Brelion B. Somervell, commanding general of the Army Services of Supply, will speak at 11:30 a.m. at Arlington National Cemetery at ceremonies sponsored by the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Day Corp.

Virtually all commemoration will take place today rather than tomor- row. at Arlington, the Water Gate. Washington Monument. Brightwood. Bladensburg. Md., and Arlington, Va., Courthouse.

Holiday to Be a Quiet One. In contrast to last year's Memo-

rial Day celebration, which was fea- tured by a gigantic military parade, the holiday will be observed quietly Banks, department stores, specialty shops, chain grocery stores and fuel and coal merchants will close their establishments. Most of the Dis- trict government employes will en-

joy the holiday, but Federal em-

ployes are to work as usual. The fact that Memorial Day falls

on Monday sent housewives hurry- ing to grocery and meat stores yes- terday to stock up.

A check of transportation agencies indicated heavy holiday traffic, with trains and buses crowded to capacity. Officials at Union Station said res- ervations indicated apparently an

equal division between outgoing and incoming traffic. "Every week end

Arlington Service Will Open Observance of Memorial Day

President's Wreath Will Be Placed On Tomb of Unknown Soldier

lit iltmortam MANNING, ELIZABETH. A token of love

end remembrance to our sister and aunt. ELIZABETH MANNING, who passed to the great beyond three years ago today, May :to, 1040. Peacefully sleepins. resting at last. The world's weary troubles and trials are

Past: In silence you suffered, with patience you

bore Till God called you home to suffer no more.


OWENS. WILLIAM. Sacred to the mem- ory of our dear son. WILLIAM OWENS- who entered into eternal rest lo years ago today. May 30. 1033.


POSEY. BERNARD F. In loving memory of m.v dear brother. BERNARD F. POSEY j who departed this life two years ago. May 30. 1041.

Another year has ended. Another sun has set

And still I think of you todav Oh how could I forget


TIERNEY. AGNES. In memory of our \ dear mother. AGNES TIERNEY. who passed a wav six months ago today. Dec. 30. 104:. A mother who gave us the best of her life. Who cherished our secrets, our sorrows

and strife. Who tauRhf us to love, who taught us

to pray, Our mother in heaven, God bless you today HER DEVOTED SON AND DAUGHTERS. *

TIERNEY. THOMAS. In memory of our dear father. THOMAS TIERNEY, who passed away three years ago today, May 30. 1040. Faithful and honest in all his ways. Devoted and true to the end of his days. Loving and gentle, patient and kind. What a beautiful memory he left behind HIS DEVOTED SON AND DAUGHTERS. *

TOLLIVER, SYLVESTER T. A tribute of love and devotion to the sacred memory of m.v beloved father. SYLVESTER T. TOL- LIVER. who departed this life six years ago today. May 30. 1937.

Days of sadness still come o'er me, Hidden tears so often flow.

Memory keens you always near me. Although you left six years ago.


I COMPLETE i ( FUNERALS j ft Frazier's Funeral J

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I: Thomas Frazier *1 i Company 2 L 389 R. I. Ave. N.W. j life;.; Mich. 779S-7796 pgi

is another Christmas rush season to us, and Memorial Day should prove no exception,” an official ex- plained.

From many pulpits pastors pre- pared to preach Memorial Day ser- mons linking the heroism of the Na- tion's dead in other wars to the i sacrifices being made by Americans j in world-wide battle zones.

Quezon Issues Statement. As the Nation's Capital prepared

to render homage to the memory of Us fighting men. President Maneul L. Quezon of the Philippines issued a statement in which he said "we know our honored dead will not rest in peace until we have driven out the despoiler of our freedom— until we have avenged the cause for which they gladly gave their lives we, the living, cannot rest nor spare any sacrifice until our country is free again.

"With our heroic dead in our thoughts, we humbly bow before Goa and pray for the continued strength of our people and our allies to bring about the long-de- iayed victory over the forces of evil, so that once more we can go back to the task of building our country.”

The presence of hundreds of thou- sands of American servicemen in \ foreign lands gives to Memorial Day 1

an added significance as the home i front pays its annual tribute, ob- servers agreed. Gratitude to the heroism of the dead is linked with a petition for the safe return of the country's youth from fighting zones.

War Manpower Commission Chairman McNutt will preside at the Federal employes memorial service at 4 p.m. today in the Sylvan Theater near the Washington Mon- ument. Tribute will be paid to more than 180 Federal employes who are dead and missing in action in the present war. The memorial prayer will be offered by the Rev. Frederick Brown Harris, Chaplain of the Sen- ate. Singing will be by the De- partment of Agriculture Chorus. At 3.30 p.m. the United States Navy- Band will give a concert.

In case of unfavorable weather, this ceremony will be held in the Departmental Auditorium, on Con- stitution avenue between Twelfth and Fourteenth streets N.W. »One of the principal cancellations

of Maryland services, due to the gas shortage, was the annual service in the National Cemetery on Antietam Battlefield near Sharpsburg. Another called off was the Junior Order of American Mechanics observance at Denton Cemetery. In many com- munities parades were either ruled out altogether or limited to march- ers. Gov. O'Conor was scheduled to speak at the Baltimore American Legion and Auxiliary service this afternoon at the new National Cemetery on Frederick Road.

Tomorrow night at the Hagerstown City park, the Fairchild Employes Recreation Association will sponsor a mass prayer meetnig for men in the armed services. The event will


be broadcast over the Mutual net- work.

At exercises this afternoon in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Frederick, a fea- ture will be the annual replacing by the American Legion of the flag over the grave of Francis Scott Key. The short time reouired for lowering the flag and raising a new one is the only period during the year when the Star and Stripes is not flying over the author of the National Anthem.

Woodwards' Oil Fortune Left to Grandson, 15 By the Associated Press.

HOUSTON. Tex., May 29.—Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Woodward, injured fatally in an automobile-train col- lision a week ago. left their vast oil fortune to an only grandson. 15- year-old Robert Woodward of Hous- ton, under terms of their wills filed for probate today.

The grandchild, son of Mrs. Grace Woodward. will become independent executor of both estates on attain- ing the age of 30. Meanwhile, the estates are to be held in trust and administered solely for his benefit by three trustees. His father, Har- ley E. Woodward, only child of the Woodw'ards. was killed in an air- plane crash several years ago.

E. F. Woodward made a fortune of several million dollars in the oil business and in recent years was a well-know-n race-horse breeder.

Deaths Reported Margaret. Crilly. 83. 1433 Juniper st Barnett L. Sillerman. (jo. mot) K st ne Katie R Clements. 78. 3418 loth st. n.e! Margaret E Jarboe. 7 0. 370 H st n e Ellen Y. McCarten. 74. 3034 Lincoln rd n e Kathleen C. Berry, 71. 3011 ] 3th st. n.w Kenneth A. O'Connor. 04. 736 3°nd st n w Florence A. McCray. 63. 133 13th st s. e Lena D. Maganno. 63. 705!) Blair rd Mary E. D Andelet. 5!). 3346 Pa ave s e Sidney Archer 58. 3314 Mt. Pleasant st

n.w. Ralph F. Mitchell. 43. 1337 4th st. sw Nancy A. Real. 11. 2453 39th pi n w Peggy A. Batts, infant. 1432 Harvard st

n.w. James Heglar. infant. 227 17th st. ne Infant Thomson. Kensington. Md Infant Matteson. 3911 9th st n.e. John Frye. 72. 340 K st. s.w. Madiline Williams 68. Home for Aged. Joseph Seldon. 68. 1420 Ala. ave. s.e. Laura A. Datcher. 65. 1838 6th st n.w. Joshua Anderson. 60. 1207 R. I. ave. n.w James D. Page. 46. 905 Euclid st. n.w. Louise Carter. 43. 499 Cullinane ct. s.w. William A. Johnson 37. 1342 4th st. n.w. Albertina G. Rice. 36. 1736 Willard st. n.w. Thelma Green. 35. 5013 Just st. n.e. Charles E. Alexander. 4 months. 223 G st.

Infant McManns. Pll Columbia rd. n.w.

Births Reported Frank and Kathryn Atkins, boy Frederick and Marion Chesley. boy. Jacques and Adele Dransick. girl. Donald and Mary Hastie. boy Clarence and Avis Kelley, boy. James and Geneva Poague. girl Walter and Josephine Schrath. boy. Raymond and Alice Sherman, boy. Simon and Miriam Wolfman. boy. Simon and Celi8 Burnstein. girl. Charles, jr.. and Cordelia Condrav. boy. Jack and Adelaide Friedlander. girl. James a,nd Dorothy Johnson, girl. Donald and Marian Leyden, boy Nathanile and Mary Prade. boy Charles and Mildred Sherban. girl Thomas and Frances Whitely, girl.

Select Your Funeral Director Wisely

The Sacred Trust of roar lored ones Disced In oar esro Is oar First Thought.

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AMBULANCE SERVICE fComplete price range for every need) j 301 East Capitol St. Lincoln 0372

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anca to which you ora entitled.

James T. Ryan 317 Pa. Ave. S.E. A Tlantie 1700-1701

Memorial Rites Times, Places Listed For Services

Memorial Day exercises today are to be held at the following times and places: 9 a.m.—United Spanish War Veter- I

ans at the National Cemetery, United States Soldiers Home. Frederick N. Davis, Department Of Commerce, speaker.

9:30 a.m.—The Forty and Eight So- ciety will hold ceremonies at the District World War Memorial in Potomac Park.

10 a.m.—Vincent B. Costello Post No. 15, American Legion, at the grave of the soldier for whom their post was named, in Arling- ton.

11 a.m.—Fleet Reserve Association, Branch No. 4. at the Water Gate, Arlington Memorial Bridge. Shipmate P. G. Cronan, past national president and president of Branch No. 4, will speak.

11:30 a.m.—Grand Army of the Re- public Memorial Day Corp. at Arlington National Cemetery. Lt. Gen. Brehon B. Somervell, commanding general of the Army Services of Supply, speaks.

1 p.m.—National Pilgrimage Com- mittee of the American Legion, Arlington Cemetery.

2 p.m.—Arlington Post No. 139, and the Gen. Billy Mitchell Post and the John Lyon Post, American Legion at the Courthouse Square in Arlington. Harry B. Fleharty, Assistant Attorney General, will speak.

3 pjn.—Citizens of Brightwood and the G. A. R. at the Battleground Cemetery. Senator Wiley. Re- publican, of Wisconsin, will de- liver the address.

4 p.m.—Federal Employes Memorial Service in Sylvan Theater, near the Washington Monument. War Manpower Commissioner McNutt will speak.

40,000 Books Borrowed From Anacostia Library

Nearly 40.000 books have been borrowed from the Anacostia branch of the District Public Library in the six months it has been open it was announced yesterday by Miss Clara W. Herbert, chief librarian.

The branch was opened in No- vember under the direction of Miss Prances L. Alexander. Its list of borrowers now includes 3,000 names and the number is mounting all the time.

Anacostia is the 13 th branch opened by the public library since the Central Library was dedicated in 1903.

William Koenig, Film Firm Executive, Dies By the Associated Press.

BEVERLY HILLS. Calif.. May 29. —William Koenig. 58, general pro- duction manager of Twentieth Cen- turv-Fox film studios, died of a heart ailment today.

Born in Milwaukee, he had been associated with theaters and the movies since he was 16. serving as treasurer and manager of play- houses in Minneapolis and St. Paul before coming to Hollywood in 1921. He had been an executive of several major studios before joining Twen- tieth Century-Fox in 1938.

His widow survives.

Sleeper's Billfold Stolen DANVILLE. 111. UP).—Jesse Adams

was tired when he hit the hay at night. Tire next morning he in- formed police a burglar entered his home through an unlocked door and removed a billfold containing $365 in currency from beneath the pillow on which he slept.

S. Q. Cannon, Mormon Church Official, Dies By the Associated Press.


Sylvester Q. Cannon, 77, member of the Latter-Dav Saints Church Council of Twelve Apostles and president of the Deseret News Pub- lishing Co., died today.

A native of Salt Lake City, he was prominent in Utah business, ;ngineering and Mormon Church circles for many years. He had directed the wpenditure of the church builaing fund during his 13 years as presiding bishop. He was president of the Radio Service Corp. of America, operator of station KSL in Salt Lake City.

Survivors include his widow, winnifred Saville Cannon, whom he married in 1904, and seven children.

for information that is honest Reference that is real—

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Cemetery Memorial Day Sunday, May 30

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After 3 p.m.—FR. 3300

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Willson K. Huntemann Anna C. Huntemann

1 on An ImritrfJ to attend


in the

SJittl? (Clutrrli at iflart ffiinrnln

Bladensburg Rd. at the District Line

Services will be conducted by Dr. Girard Lenski

It is permissible to attend these services in your automobile.
