Eve Finds Earth



This is a book about how the robot, Eve, from the movie Walley finds Earth.

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Eve Finds Earth

By: Katie Joy Brown

Eve has been traveling the universe, looking for a planet called Earth. She has been searching for months now. She really didn’t want to stop and ask for directions, but she has de-cided that she is about to the end of her rope. She sees a robot in the distance and decided to stop and ask. “Have you seen a planet called Earth? Do you know which way it is?”

“I think its that way,” replied the other robot.

“Thanks,” said eve sarcasticly.

Eve continued to search for Earth or for someone who could help her.

Days passed as she continued her search.

Eve was beginning to grow weary. “Am I ever going to find earth,” Eve wondered.

She searched left.

She searched right.

She searched near and far.

Finally, she came across someone who might could help her.

Hello. Could you please help me?I am trying to find Earth. I have been lookingand looking, and have had no luck.

Ah gak ughu oug twak

“Excuse me?” Asked Eve.

“Ah gak ughu oug twak,” saig the alien again.

“I have absolutely no idea what you are saying,” says Eve.

“Nevermind. I will just find it myself,” said Eve.

Eve was beginnging to wonder is her search was in vain. Maybe she wasn’t meant to find Earth.

“I know it has to be aroundhere somewhere!”

“Oh!!” Exclaimed Eve. “There it is!”

Eve was relieved and happy. She finally found Earth.

