Evanescence - · PDF fileprogram notes Evanescence deals with the fading away both musically...


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Evanescence for horn and digital media

James Paul Sain © 1997

program notes

Evanescence deals with the fading away both musically and metaphysically. Though all things fade away, some choose not to do so quietly. All sounds comefrom samples of virtuoso hornist, Paul Basler, to whom this work is dedicated.


James Paul Sain (b. 1959) is an Associate Professor at the University of Florida where he teaches electroacoustic and acoustic music composition, theory, andtechnology. He is the founder and director of the internationally acclaimed annual Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival. His compositional oeuvre spans all majoracoustic ensembles, instrumental and vocal soloists, and embraces electroacoustic music. His works have been featured at major national and internationalsocietal events. Residencies include those at the Swedish Royal Academy of Music, University of Oregon, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Universityof Lanús (Buenos Aires), Luther College, Mercer University, Folkwang-Hochschule Essen, Korean National University of Arts, Winthrop University, and EMS(Stockholm). Dr. Sain is currently SCI Executive Committee chair and a member of the American Composers Alliance. His music is available in print fromBrazinmusikanta and American Composers Editions and on CD on the Capstone and Electronic Music Foundation labels.

Most current and machine-readable forms of the above prose can be found at – http://jamespaulsain.com/ or via email – jsain@ufl.eduduration: 5'20"

&Horn in F


œ#fast, in any order


œ œ J—0:10

1/2 v. J—0:12


&Horn in F


œb ->F

expressive Ú72



œb - œ- jœb.œb 3

œb>œ œb œ-> œ. œ. œ. Wb



0:33 0:35

James Paul Sainfor horn and digital media

© 1997 All Rights Reserved

for Paul Basler


&Horn in F




.˙p P popen (rise just above the tape)? Œ .˙

p P p



n ƒ


æflt. ‰



œ œb œb3

œ œ œ‰ &

&Horn in F




fingered .˙ œœb^ 3

œ> œ œb œb1/2 v. œb ‰



fingered Jœbf

œ œ œ# œ# œ œ œ# œ# œ œ œ# œ# œ#F

œ œ# œn œ œn œ# œb œ œ3

œn œ œb3

œ œ œ#

Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain2

&Horn in F





œ# œ œ œ œ œ œb+ repeat

œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Óaggitated Ú 96



çœbvF œ> œ œb




œ œ œb œb œbœ


&Horn in F






œ œb 5:4

œb . œ. œb œ œb5:4

œ. œn . œn œ# œ3

œb œn œ3

œ# œ œ7:4

œ-> œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. ⋲6:4

œ. œ. œ. œ. œ->œ. ‰ .



œ> œ> œ> œ> æflt.



Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain 3

&Horn in F


wn P n

with reservation72Ú(rise just above tape)


Ó .WP f P

(start just below tape)

1:47 1:50



? ˙b

F˙b Ó .˙b


l.f. (sigh)



?Horn in F


œ#fast, in any order


œ œ# œ& ˙b

2:14 2:17


Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain4

&Horn in F




wÓ œb>

1/2 v.



œb - ‰ œb œb ⋲


œb œb œn. ⋲ œn(not tuplets)œ œ# œ œ

⋲ œ# œ œ œ œ œ5:4

œb> œ œ ⋲ œ>5:4

œ ⋲ œ> œ ⋲ œb> œb

œ> œb

&Horn in F





1/2 v. .˙n ‰ œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Œ œ>œb v

œ>œb v


œb v œ œb5:4

œ# œn œ œb œ6:4

œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œb

Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain 5

&Horn in F





Ó . ·'AH'


Œ .˙# .‚ .‚.œn .œb .·.˙ ‰


œ> œ> œ> Œ œ->œb ->


œ œb œb? &

&Horn in F





œ œ# œ œ œ œ# œ œ œ jœ ⋲ œ œ# œ ⋲ œ œ# œ œn ⋲ œ# œ œ# œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ J—1/2 v.


Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain6

&Horn in F





œb ˙ œn œ œ.œ-> jœb


œ> œ# œ œ-> œ. œ. œ. ⋲ œ œ œ œ œ œ-> œ. œ. œ. ‰



œ. œb . œ œb œ3

œb v œ œ3

œb vœ œb&

&Horn in F




œ œb œ œ# œ œ œ w w „ ŒÚ96




œ œ œ ⋲ œ> œ œ ‰ œ> œ œ> œ œ

Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain 7

&Horn in F



œ œ3

œv œ œb3

œb vœn œn


œb œ œ 3

œ œ œb œb> œb ^? Ó


œb .F

œb .œ.œ.& ‰ œb œb œ

œ Œ ‰



œn . œ. œ. œ. œ. ⋲ œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ.

&Horn in F



œ. œb . œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. Œ œ œ œb œ ˙nf


œn œ œ>fingered œb Œ



ƒœb -> œ->


Ïœbæ œb œ Ó

Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain8

&Horn in F





st. mute




dying away with a fightÚ60


FÓ .˙b Ó œ



œb v3

œ œb œv .F œb1/2 v. wn


&Horn in F




œbfingered œ œn

œb ⋲œn> œ œ

Ó Œ œ œ# œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ Ó . Œ


wn f n

st. mute

Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain 9

&Horn in F




fast, in any order

œ œn œb Jœ1/2 v. Œ Jœ> ∑





&Horn in F



W+P n

5:12 5:20

(hold to fade)

Evanescence, for horn and dgital media• Sain10

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando

Repeat notes in a random order as fast as possibleContinue until playing a half-valve glissando to the highest note possible

Performance Notes

Play indicated pitch stopped gradually adding flutter tongueThe gesture should start from silence

Fingered glissando

Long fall, as if a sigh

Diamond shape note head to be sung using the indicated vowel soundTo be sung simultaneously with the normal pitch

To be played with a decelerando to the mid point and then an accelerando