Evaluation question 7


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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the

progression from it to the full product?

The main thing I have learnt from doing the preliminary task is how to work the software Photoshop. Mainly to manipulate images to make them fit the house style of the page they are on. During the preliminary task my knowledge of changing images was how to roughly cut one out, move it and put a simple effect on it. Throughout the task and planning for my product the skills I learnt helped me cut out images more precisely to add a feeling of professionalism in comparison to my preliminary task. By gaining more understanding of image manipulation on Photoshop I have been able to brighten the image itself, increase the contrast and tint the images also allowing me to cover any faults with the pictures such as blemishes. By being able to cut out images properly I could also cover and stray pieces of hair or clothing that stuck out from the image, making it look smoother.The overall speed of my production has also increased allowing me to finish tasks quicker whether they’re simple or not, this also gave me time to look back and reflect on the work I had done and improve it which I found extremely helpful. This time was also useful as it gave me chance to ask my audience on their opinion on what needed changing, adding or taking away.The preliminary task as a mock up took no time or serious planning compared to the finished product, so as I progressed through the stages of my magazine I learnt how to organise my time better and used Blogger to show this. My blog shows that in 2012 I don’t blog as frequently as I should of, which is why towards the end of the year I found files in my documents that hadn’t been uploaded. I uploaded them and added labels to them so it’s clear when they’re from and where they should be.