Evaluation of college magazine


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I think I successfully applied the conventions of a college magazine to my own, as I made sure to use an image of an actual student at the college in order for the target audience to see that they could relate to the magazine and that it would be aiming for people of their age and therefore with similar interests. For the same reason, I made sure the articles featured on the cover were the kind that would appeal to college students and their interests inside and outside of college. I also kept a relatively neutral colour scheme in order to appeal to both males and females, as well as appear professional yet still colourful and interesting for the student audience. I made sure the price of the magazine was not too expensive in order to suit students’ budgets.

Throughout this task I learnt the process of researching into a specific genre of magazines and then applying the conventions to my own magazine of the same genre. I learnt how to gather data from a questionnaire that would be relevant to the production of my college magazine, in order to find out what the target audience would want from it and then how to apply that. I also learnt how to use the Adobe In Design programme to create mock ups, and then the final versions of, a front cover and contents page of a magazine.

If I were to do it again, I would probably use less font styles on the cover as there are quite a few different ones used and this can be distracting for the reader. I would also try to make sure the quality of the photos, especially the ones on the contents page, was better by using a more professional camera to take them.