Evaluation 5


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How did you Attract/Address your audience?

Evaluation 5- Rhianna Griffin

Film links • Our film mirrors the film sinister in a lot of it’s aspects. For example the use of children as the

victims- our clown takes children in to the woods, part of the enigma is what he does with the children once he has them there. In sinister there appears to be a build up of little children recruited by the main protagonist (Mr Boogie) Furthermore we hoped to re create the tension built by use of music in sinister, we believed their use of sound to be very effective in creating the mood needed for the opening of a thriller.

• A great example from sinister is the unexpected cutting sounds of a lawn mower. A sense of unease is supposed to be created in a thriller- sinister very successfully carries this out therefore we aimed to mirror a lot of their techniques in our opening of a thriller.

• Comparatively Sinister uses intense violent scenes throughout which gives It the rating of a 15, in our thriller we aimed to create a rating of 12 therefore our thriller should have a different feel to sinister- less play on violence and more use of setting up enigmas and not showing too many violent happenings.

Genre conventions • When creating the film we had to remember to keep within the codes and

conventions of a thriller in order to class it as so. Although in a thriller it is possible to play about with stereotypes- give an atypical representation which could effectively convey fear and an even more uneasy tone as it goes against convention- the audience don’t expect it.

• However we decided to play out the stereotype of an innocent girl being the target, this is common in thrillers as a young girl has no means of protecting herself, she’s innocent and naïve to the dangers around her. Often you see in thrillers the child being converted in to something more terrifying after being captured, for example in the woman in black the children come back as almost zombie like creatures and threaten the main male character played by Daniel Radcliff by means of supernatural power.

• Similarly the final part of our opening you see the girl turning around with scary make up similar to the clowns. This is effective in terrifying the audience as young girls are presented as innocent- if they were to possess supernatural powers they would most likely go undetected by an every day person.

Attracting/Addressing our audience

• As the marketing of our film would play a major role in its ultimate success, with our substantial budget we could use a variety of means of advertisement, however from research we know the most successful means of marketing is through social networking. Especially as our target audience is that of the younger generation. Never young person now will have access to a social networking site- the most relevant now we believe to be twitter and instagram therefore we created two accounts under the name of our production company to promote our film online.

• We will continue to promote our social networking accounts through personal shout outs and follow backs to increase the backing ad recognition of our company. Also to build a relationship of our company with the potential audience of our thriller.