Europe’s featherweight democracies History 104 / April 3, 2013


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Europe’s featherweight democraciesHistory 104 / April 3, 2013

Wilson’s 14 Points(Jan. 8, 1918)

New states in Europe, 1918-19

Lenin and Trotsky consult with members of the Comintern,


Leaders of the“Soviet Republic”

in Munich,spring 1919

The Freikorps(voluntary militias)

crush left-wing uprisings in Munich

and Berlin

The Cenotaph in London,built 1919-1920:

“The Glorious Dead”

Tombs of theUnknown Soldier:

Britain & USA

The Anglo-French memorial at Thiepval, the Somme

Dock strikers in Britain, 1926

The ossuary at Verdun, France

Below this structure: the unidentified remains of

ca. 130,000French and German soldiers

The Nuremberg “Hall of Honor” (dedicated 1930)

Look familiar?

Scenes of labor turmoil:

strike-breakers, soup kitchen

The “Big Four” at Versailles

- Wilson- Lloyd George- Clemenceau

- Orlando

Territory lost by Germany, 1919

The League of Nations opens, Nov. 5, 1920

(Geneva, Switzerland)

Hyperinflation in Germany

Munich, November 1923

- a radical young nationalist leads the “Beer Hall putsch”
