EUROPEAN SETTLEMENT This is a picture of the Aboriginal flag This a picture of a Aboriginal...



Life before European Settlement cont’d. History was told through dances, stories, myths and legends. They spoke about the dreamtime which is the understanding of the world - of it’s creation and it’s great stories. The dreaming is about how the stars were formed and how the sun came to be. When the European's came they ruined the aboriginal’s life because they took over their land and said this is our land now. They treated them with no respect. European Settlement was a bad thing that happened. The aboriginals used tools and weapons to build their huts, to hunt for their food, to protect themselves and also for ceremonies. Tools were really important because without tools they couldn’t do anything. The tools were made of plant fibres, shells, wood and bones, the tools that they made were boomerangs, spears and knives and many other things.
