European Research Council The European Research Council Prof. Alain Peyraube European Research...


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European Research Council

The European Research Council

Prof. Alain Peyraube European Research Council

Scientific Council

ERC visit to Brazil11-18 May, 2010

European Research Council

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FP7 (EC)FP7 (EC)

7th Framework Programme (FP7) 50.52 Billion Euros, 4 Specific Programs

“Family” of FP7 Specific Programmes Co-operation 33 B Euros (8 priorities)

Ideas 7.5 B Euros = ERCIdeas 7.5 B Euros = ERC

People 5 B Euros (Marie Curie fellowships)

Capacities 4 B Euros (Infrastructures, etc.)

Ideas: complementary to other FP7 supportpolicy vs. science-driven, bottom-up vs. targeted research

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The AgencyThe Agency

Executes annual work programme

as established by the Scientific Council

Implements calls for proposalsand provides information and support to applicants

Organises peer review evaluation

Establishes and manages grant agreements

Administers financial aspectsand follow-up of grant agreements

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The Scientific CouncilThe Scientific CouncilMembers & RoleMembers & Role

22 most respected researchers reflecting the full scope of European research and scholarship

proposed by an independentidentification committee

appointed by the Commission(for 4 years, renewable once)

Role: Establishes overall scientific strategy

establishes annual work programmes (incl. calls for proposals, evaluation criteria); defines peer review methodology; ensures selection and accreditation of experts

Controls quality of operations and management Ensures communication with the scientific community

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Strategic AimsStrategic AimsOverviewOverview

• ERC : first pan-European funding agency for frontier research

• Funding directed to individual teams and projects selected solely on the criteria of excellence

• Operates according to the principles of scientific excellence, autonomy, efficiency and transparency Autonomous scientific governance Simple, user-friendly delivery

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ERC Grants: Open to individual teams anywhere in the world

• ERC is the only component of the FP7-family to widely open its programs and schemes to individual teams anywhere in the world,

• under only one condition, i.e. that funded projects will have to be located in EU or its associated countries

• Thus, PIs and team members can be of any nationality, working in almost any country

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Two types of Grants

• ERC Starting Grants, supporting excellent early stage independent investigators (2-9 years since completion of PhD) – 2007 and 2009

• ERC Advanced Grants, supporting investigators at all subsequent stages – 2008 and 2010

• Hosting institution Located in a EU Member State or Associated Country Intra-European grant portability allowed

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For operational reasons the ScC agreed on 3 main research domains:

─ Domain 1: Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Information and Communication, Engineering Sciences, Universe and Earth Sciences (PE)

─ Domain 2: Life Sciences (LS)

─ Domain 3: Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)

Pre-allocation of call budget for ERC Grants per domain currently as follows: 45% PE - 40% LS - 15% SH

Now : 39% PE – 34% LS – 14% SH + 13% Interdisc.

ERC Grant schemesERC Grant schemes Budget AllocationBudget Allocation

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Panels have one Panel Chair and 10-12 Panel Members, all selected by the Scientific Council members

20 Panels for the 1st Call : 8 PE, 7 LS, 5 SH

25 Panels now: 10 PE, 9 LS, 6 SH

Panel Chair oversees evaluation process for the proposals assigned to his/her Panel in collaboration with ERC staff

Panel Chair gives high level stamp of credibility and visibility to the whole evaluation process

ERC Grant schemesERC Grant schemes Panel StructurePanel Structure

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Panels composition

• Panel Members and Chairs Make decisions and document the decisions

• Panel chairs Ensure quality of the evaluation process Chair panel meetings (steps 1 & 2) Participate in panel chair meetings

• ERC Panel Teams (2 Scientific Officers) Ensure that rules are respected Ensure comparable process is followed in all panels Transition: composed of ERC staff and RTD


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Evaluation criteria

1. Principal Investigator

2. Research Project

3. Research Environment

Step 1 of evaluation criteria 1 and 2Step 2 of evaluation all criteria

Referees and panels evaluate and score criteria 1 and 2 numerically, which will result in the ranking of the proposals

Criteria 3 will be considered as "pass/fail" and commented upon but not scored

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• Exceptional

• For interdisciplinary proposals only

• PI can include 1 or more co-investigators (co-I)

• Co-I submitted to same resubmission rule as PI

• Higher budget (up to 3,5 M€)

• Scientific added value of including co-investigators to be assessed by panel

European Research Council

New Panel structure and descriptionPE (18 March 2008)

• PE1 Mathematical foundations: all areas of mathematics, pure and applied, plus mathematical foundations of computer science, mathematical physics and statistics

• PE2 Fundamental constituents of matter: particle, nuclear, plasma, atomic, molecular, gas, and optical physics

• PE3 Condensed matter physics: structure, electronic properties, fluids, nanosciences

• PE4 Physical and analytical chemical sciences: analytical chemistry, chemical theory, physical chemistry/chemical physics

• PE5 Materials and synthesis: materials synthesis, structure-properties relations, functional and advanced materials, molecular architecture, organic chemistry

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New Panel structure and descriptionPE (18 March 2008) - 2

• PE6 Computer science and informatics: informatics and information systems, computer science, scientific computing, intelligent systems

• PE7 Systems and communication engineering: electronic, communication, optical and systems engineering

• PE8 Products and processes engineering: product design, process design and control, construction methods, civil engineering, energy systems, material engineering

• PE9 Universe sciences: astro-physics/chemistry/biology; solar system; stellar, galactic and extragalactic astronomy, planetary systems, cosmology, space science, instrumentation

• PE10 Earth system science: physical geography, geology, geophysics, meteorology, oceanography, climatology, ecology, global environmental change, biogeochemical cycles, natural resources management │ 14

European Research Council

New Panel structure and descriptionLS (18 March 2008)

• LS1 Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry: molecular biology, biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology, biochemistry of signal transduction

• LS2 Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology: genetics, population genetics, molecular genetics, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, computational biology, biostatistics, biological modelling and simulation, systems biology, genetic epidemiology

• LS3 Cellular and Developmental Biology: cell biology, cell physiology, signal transduction, organogenesis, evolution and development, developmental genetics, pattern formation in plants and animals

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European Research Council

New Panel structure and descriptionLS (18 March 2008) - 2

• LS4 Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology: organ physiology, pathophysiology, endocrinology, metabolism, ageing, regeneration, tumorigenesis, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome

• LS5 Neurosciences and neural disorders: neurobiology, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuropharmacology, neuroimaging, systems neuroscience, neurological disorders, psychiatry

• LS6 Immunity and infection: immunobiology, aetiology of immune disorders, microbiology, virology, parasitology, global and other infectious diseases, population dynamics of infectious diseases, veterinary medicine

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European Research Council

New Panel structure and descriptionLS (18 March 2008) - 3

• LS7 Diagnostic tools, therapies and public health: aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of disease, public health, epidemiology, pharmacology, clinical medicine, regenerative medicine, medical ethics

• LS8 Evolutionary, population and environmental biology: evolution, ecology, animal behaviour, population biology, biodiversity, biogeography, marine biology, ecotoxicology, prokaryotic biology

• LS9 Applied life sciences and biotechnology: agricultural, animal, fishery, forestry and food sciences; biotechnology, chemical biology, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, industrial biosciences; environmental biotechnology and remediation

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New Panel structure and descriptionSH(18 March 2008)

• SH1 Individuals, institutions and markets: economics, finance and management

• SH2 Institutions, values and beliefs and behaviour: sociology, social anthropology, political science, law, communication, social studies of science and technology

• SH3 Environment and society: environmental studies, demography, social geography, urban and regional studies

• SH4 The Human Mind and its complexity: cognition, psychology, linguistics, philosophy and education

• SH5 Cultures and cultural production: literature, visual and performing arts, music, cultural and comparative studies

• SH6 The study of the human past: archaeology, history and memory

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of budget


Life Sciences 3,396 37,0 40

Physical Sciences & Engineering 4,408 48,1 45

Social Sciences & Humanities 1,363 14,9 15

Total 9,167

ERC-2007-StGERC-2007-StG 1 1Submission (stage 1): Massive response!Submission (stage 1): Massive response!

*Indicative budget established by ScC (Work programme 2007)

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Country of host institutionCountry of host institutionfor the 9000 proposalsfor the 9000 proposals

Number of proposals by domain and country of host institution (head quarters)














34 countries

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of budget


Life Sciences 108 36 40

Physical Sciences & Engineering 137 45 45

Social Sciences & Humanities 58 18 15

Total 303

ERC-2007-StG 1ERC-2007-StG 1 Granted projectsGranted projects

*Indicative budget (Scientific Council, ERC work programme 2007)

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Distribution of the 303 granted

• 303 proposals granted (3.30%): 137 PE (45%), 108 LS (36%), 58 SH (18%)

• Distribution of the 303 by host institution: 19% UK, 13% FR, 11% DE, 8.5% NL, 8.2% IT, 8% SP, 8% IL

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ERC Advanced Grant 1 - 2008ERC Advanced Grant 1 - 2008(ERC Advanced Investigator Researcher Grant)(ERC Advanced Investigator Researcher Grant)

Targeting researchers who have already established their independence as team leaders and are exceptional leaders in terms of significance of their research achievements (in the last 10 years)

up to 5 years, up to € 3,5 million per


~2000 Starting Grants over 7 years of FP7


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ERC Advanced Grant 1ERC Advanced Grant 1Evaluation Criteria: Excellence is the sole award criterionEvaluation Criteria: Excellence is the sole award criterion

1. Principal Investigator- Quality of research output/track-record ( 10-year track-record)- Intellectual capacity and creativity ( CV + leadership profile)

2. Research Project- Ground-breaking nature of the research- Potential impact- Methodology

3. Research Environment (assessed in Step 2 only)

- Contribution of the research environment to the project- Contribution of the project to research environment- Participation of other legal entities (if clear/ substantial added value)

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of budget


Life Sciences 766 35 34

Physical Sciences & Engineering 997 46 39

Social Sciences & Humanities 404 18 14

Total 2167

Distribution / Domain - ApplicationsDistribution / Domain - Applications

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of budget


Life Sciences 84 33.6 34

Physical Sciences & Engineering 117 46.8 39

Social Sciences & Humanities 49 19.6 14

Total 250

Distribution / Domain - GrantedDistribution / Domain - Granted

+ 29 INTERDISC. (11 PE, 11 LS, 7 SH) = 13% of the budget = 279 (12.9%)

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Advanced Grant 1 - 2008Distribution / Host Institution of the granted projects

• 63 UK, 37 FR, 28 CH, 28 DE, 20 IT, 1 NL, 15 IL, 13 SE, 13 ES, …

• PE Domain, out of the 117: 20 UK, 15 FR, 12 CH, 12 IT, 11 DE, 10 NL, 9 IL, 9 SE …

• LS Domain, out of the 84: 18 UK, 11 DE, 11 FR, 9 CH, 5 ES, 5 NL, 4 IT, 4 IL …

• SH Domain, out of the 49: 12 UK, 9 FR, 5 DE, 5 NL, 5 ES, 4 IT, 3 CH …

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ERC Starting Grant 2 - 2009ERC Starting Grant 2 - 2009Submitted and mainlist proposals by domain

Life Sciences

Physical Sciences & Engineering

Social Sciences & Humanities

927 (37%)

1112 (44.4%)

464 (18.6%)

69 (31.5%)

93 (42.5%)

41 (18.7%)

Submitted proposals Mainlist

∑ = 2503 ∑ = 219

16 (7.3%)Interdisciplinary Domain

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ERC Starting Grant 2009ERC Starting Grant 2009 The 238 granted proposals (9.50%)

• Reserve List : 19 proposals (9 PE, 5 LS, 5 SH) all granted 238 proposals granted : 107 PE, 81 LS, 51 SH

• Distribution by host institution:43 UK, 31 FR, 28 DE, 18 ES, 17 CH, 17 NL, 15 BE, 15 IT, 15 NL, 14 BE, 14 IL, …

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Advanced Grant 2 - 2009Advanced Grant 2 - 2009Number of submitted and short-listed proposals

Life Sciences

Social Sciences & Humanities







Submitted proposals Short List


Physical Sciences & Engineering

∑ = 1583 ∑ = 554

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Main Lists : 236 (14.9%)

• PE : 99 proposals• SH : 42 proposals • LS : 81 proposals• ID : 14 proposals (6 PE, 8 LS, 0 SH)• Host Institution : 58 UK, 34 FR, 31 DE, 29 CH, 16

NL, 15 IT, 15 NL, 12 SE, 11 IL, 10 ES

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Distribution by domain

• The 105 PE : 23 UK, 15 CH, 15 DE, 14 FR, 8 SE, 6 IL, 6 IT, 5 ES, 4 NL, …

• The 89 LS : 21 UK, 15 FR, 13 CH, 12 DE, 6 NL, 5 IT, 4 ES, 3 IL, 3 SE, …

• The 42 SH : 14 UK, 5 FR, 5 NL, 4 DE, 4 IT, 2 IL, 2 NO, 1 AT, 1 CH, 1 ES, 1 IE, 1 HU, 1 SE

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Thank you

