Etudes et Chantiers Corsica · “Etudes et chantiers Corsica" (ECC) is a non-profit...


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Etudes et Chantiers Corsica

FEBRUARY 16th, 2016


Who are we?

� General overview � General overview � European project experience� Our activities� Our values

General overview

� “Etudes et chantiers Corsica" (ECC) is a non-profit association

(law 1901) founded in 1995, and based in Corsica, Sorio.

�Its activities are dedicated to socio-professional inclusion through

economic activity

General overview

economic activity

� It operates in study, animation and implementation of workshops

and inclusion work camps related to :

- protection, development and management of natural areas

- restoration and enhancement of of cultural heritage

�Its projects are part of global projects for local development.

� Our team use the “learning by doing” organising camp based on sharing values, solidarity and respect of the others using an effective pedagogy - the active and concrete participation by everyone in transforming living spaces.

�Training, workshop, and workcamp participation in projects of territorial development represents :

General overview

territorial development represents :

• The opportunity to meet others

• A period of apprenticeship which makes one aware of his own potential, and where the enjoyment of a job well-done gives him confidence, the desire to indulge his curiosity and to acquire more knowledge.

• A living space and a new professional start where the work is useful to the country. This allows for communication with others and for the participation in one’s environment.

ECC operates in different themes:

- Promoting and developing voluntary activity of young adults;

- Reception and inclusion in the workplace;

General overview

- Reception and inclusion in the workplace;

- Social and professional support;

- Training of inclusion employees;

- Contribution to economic activity (Inclusion Enterprise) and to

territorial development.

European project experience

�ECC is member of the " l’Union Nationale études ET chantiers," which develops its work in a

local and international dimension, in partnership with 105 organizations in 62 countries and

participates in various European programs funded by the European Social Fund and other

programs as: Leonardo, Grundtvig, Youth in Action …

�ECC is leader of Erasmus + strategic partnership “Learning by doing pedagogy” that aims to

European project experience

�ECC is leader of Erasmus + strategic partnership “Learning by doing pedagogy” that aims to

promote work based on the concepts of "learning by doing" and project management

pedagogies as factors for active social inclusion, to discuss specific devices and targeted to

school dropout, to find out and promote good practices.

�ECC participate as partner in the project

- Grundtvig Learning partnerships : Women’s Wood Green Building

- YOUTH : European Market of Good Experiences Around Inclusion Companies

Our activities

1. Reception and sending of in international volunteer s in workcamps:- work camps for teenagers -16 to 17 years- work camps sites for adults - 18 years and over- work camps for family - work camps for elderlies

2. Reception and sending of young in European Voluntary Service and Civic Service

Our activities

Civic Service

3. Socio-professional inclusion through economic activity for youth and adults, men and women :

- Job integration workshop (ACI) in the territory of Nebbiu :

* protection of natural areas, *maintenance and development of banks of the Aliso river and its tributaries using animal traction.

* conservation and restoration of the built heritage and the *development and maintenance of natural areas.

4. Work camp, supports for social and professional inclusion allowing tocreate new activities, such as:- the creation of a Mediterranean resources and training center around the traditional dry-stone techniques (Sorio) - the creation of an Inclusion Company in the field of waste collection (Folelli)

5. Other projects concern:- the restoration of heritage buildings, dry stone constructions (walls and

Our activities

- the restoration of heritage buildings, dry stone constructions (walls andcalade* - rehabilitation of wash houses, fountains, chapels, ovens ...- tree management.

- A paved roadways constructed with dry laid stone on edge in a bed of sand, tightly together.

•the law against exclusion ;

•decrees and circulars that regulate IEA (Insertion through economic

Workshops and work camps inclusion led

by ECC for many years and the creation of

the I.E are in line with :

•decrees and circulars that regulate IEA (Insertion through economic

activity) ;

•the "Cors'Eco-Solidarity" (Corsica Region) plan framework;

•the support brought by the Departmental Plan of Inclusion set up by

the General Councils of Northern and Southern Corsica.

Our values

� Working with men and women gathered around a social utility project we aim to develop:

- a employer function aiming professional integration of persons in difficulty - a pedagogical approach based on concealing, knowledge, know-how, self-management skills - to give value to the employee's activity, both for itself and for its environment,- voluntary activity for young adults.

Our Values

- voluntary activity for young adults.

� Aware to promote equal opportunities, we aim to foster the inclusion of:- women in not traditionally female trades- disabled people, youth, elderlies, job seekers,…)

Thank you for your attention !
