Ethnic minorities Academically disadvantaged Disabilities Low socioeconomic status Probationary...


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Ethnic minoritiesAcademically disadvantagedDisabilitiesLow socioeconomic statusProbationary students

(Heisserer & Parette, 2002)

First-generation college students:

Felt less prepared for college

Worried more about financial aid

Feared failing in college more than did the students whose parents had at least a bachelor's degree

Reported knowing less about the social environment at the university than did the other students (York-Anderson & Bowman, 1991, found this as well)

Felt had to put more time into studying than other students

(Bui, 2002)

A literature review by Bulger and Watson suggests to broaden the definition of “at risk” students

“At risk,” not just race and classLimitations or obstacles to learning

The higher education literature’s definition:“…are poorly equipped to perform up to

academic standards.”

(Quinnan, 1997, 31)

Three Categories of Definition for the “At Risk” Students:Background characteristicsInternal characteristicsEnvironmental characteristics

Up and coming literature on lack of technology skills

Most often, students fall into several categories of the definition.

Academically underpreparedHave unrealistic goals based on desire for

instant gratificationChen and Kaufman (1997) identified six risk

factors: - low socio-economic status - from a single parent family - an older sibling dropped out of school - the students themselves changed schools two

or more times - had average grades of "C" or lower from

sixth to eighth grade - repeated a grade.

Research indicates identified “at risk” in high school continue to be “at risk” upon entry to post-secondary institutionsBy 10th grade students less likely to

aspire to attend collegeLess likely to be academically preparedLess likely to take entrance examsIf completed entrance exams, less likely

to apply to four-year colleges (Community Colleges)

Postsecondary at-risk students less likely to exhibit behaviors consistent with persistence.

Persistence indicators:Completion of “gatekeeping” or

remediation coursesSeeking assistance with college

application processesExhibiting a significant level of

involvement with their peers and parents

Parker (1999), Giles (1999), and Osborn (2001), Muse (2003) conducted a study of 1,028 students

Concluded technology issues contributed to the dropout of online students

Five factors related to student success: grade point average, study environment, age

group, last college course, and background preparation

Roueche and Roueche (1993) describe at-risk students not only academically underprepared for college, but also have weak self-concept

Disbelief in his or her ability may lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure

Seligman (1975) resulted in term “learned helplessness:”Extreme external locus of control and belief that

they have no influence over their own destiny, resulting in lack of confidence and diminished autonomy

Bowl (2001) cites the role of student services as an environmental factor. In a Perceptions of Student Services survey, students reported that they did not understand what advice and support was offered by advisors.

Report by the Learning Skills Council (2004) found adult learners identified impediments academic success:

High travel times and costs, limited course offerings, facilities accommodations, educational resources, and lack of community partners to support learning opportunities such as field placements and internships

Internal locus of control

Persistence of students

Social integration

Absence of positive social integration leads to negative outcomes including isolation and attrition.

Contact with significant person within an institution of higher education is a crucial factor in a student’s decision to remain in college (Chickering & Gamson, 1987; Glennen, Farren, & Vowell, 1996).

McKendree Academic Support Center

Individual tutoringStudy GroupsHelp with study strategiesAcademic counseling and supportCoordinate accommodations for students with

disabilities Academic support for athletes and all students

First-Generation Students ~Some of McKendree’s Finest~

Significant increase in first-generation students across the United States

Growing population at McKendree---higher increase here than national average

New program:First-Generation Student Success

Nationally, 30% of entering freshmen are first-generation.

Of the 30% (nationally), 89% will leave WITHOUT a degree within a 6 year period.

1st Gens are 4X more likely to fail or quit.

At McKendree, this number was 44% in 2009.

Overall retention percentage at McKendree has remained in the mid-high 70th percentile.

Beginning to track 1st Gens this year.

McKendree Stats

Non-first-generation students are used to having and using what they need to achieve. First-generation students often avoid asking for help because they think they don’t belong here (“imposter phenomenon”).

We must teach first-generation students to utilize resources.

McKendree students whose parents have not graduated from a four-year institution

Nearly half of your students (ask them on that first day of class)

Many of your colleagues (ask them too)

Usually self-motivated and overly self-sufficient

Often feel like “imposters” Do not understand the support systems in place at McKendree

Frequently work while attending school

Usually emotionally very close with family members

Often strong desire to make family proud

Some family members are very supportive

Sometimes family members may be non-supportive and even obstructive

May be traditional or non-traditional

Often do NOT understand the language of higher education (Dean’s List, Apply vs. Register, FAFSA)

Frequently do not know how to access money to finance education (“College is for rich people”)

Often are not academically prepared for college

Have no “Plan B” when car breaks down or daycare is closed

Open discussion about First-Generation; directly address the imposter phenomenon

Assertive Advising

Build a relationship by explicitly inviting students

Encourage involvement in McKendree community

Refer students to First-Generation Student Success office

Encourage group study, tutoring, office hour visits

Learn more:

Students who are frequently missing classStudents who are not engaged in classStudents who do not submit any work Students who are doing poorly and are not seeking

help and not accepting help that is offeredStudents who do not have supplies including books

for the classStudents who are not adjusting to college life and

the work that it takes to succeedStudents who do not understand their advising

session, web advisor or the entire process

If you are concerned, refer them early and often.Submit your rosters to the Office of Academic

Records promptly, and submit your mid-term grades on time.

You do not have to wait for the Records Office to notify me of problems that are reported with the roster or mid-term grades.

Be open and honest with the students about your concerns.

You are the first line of defense; make sure that you are communicating with the students as well.

Refer early and as often as necessary.You can refer any student to any one of us, and

we will get them the help that they need.If you are not for sure how to handle a

situation, you can come and talk to us, and we will help you.

Jennifer Miller – 6572 jrmiller@mckendree.eduClarissa Melvin – 6850 Lisa Brennan – 2150
